Monday 24 November 2008

I live with a very active child

I live with a very active child and although I hate to use this word -- he's hyperactive.

* Some parents describe their children as "intense, demanding or difficult. This can be stressful for both the parent and the child.
* Sometimes it is hard for parents to remember that no child wants to be "bad."
* Very active children often have difficulty controlling their behavior. They need extra help and consideration from their parents.
* Providing structure and helping children control their own behavior, especially when the children are very active, can be very tiring. Parents need support and help from other family members and friends.
* Provide situations where your child can be successful and feel good about what they can do.
* It is helpful for parents and adults to:
o Recognize Typical Behaviors.
Knowing what most children do at what ages will assure most parents that their young children are "normal." For example, pre-schoolers typically want other children's toys and resist sharing. They normally are very active and have a short attention span.
o Establish Routines and Structure the Environment.
Very active children often have a hard time establishing patterns on their own. Advance preparation helps them function better. For example, remind them before it is time to start or stop an activity, or tell them what kind of behavior is expected from them. Better yet, ask them if they can tell you. Keep the same routines as much as possible.
o Give Limited Responsibility.
our child's behavior is more manageable when he/she is given limited choices that allow her to exercise a degree of self-control. Don't expect more than what your child is able to do developmentally.
o Decide Which Experiences Matter.
Don't overwhelm children with a lot of new things at once. Carefully select the most important new experience and help your child enjoy it along with old, familiar activities that he/she has mastered, before adding others.
o Responding to a Crisis.
Sometimes it simply is not possible to forewarn a child or plan in advance. When this happens, help your child cope with a new situation by supporting your child as best as you can. Explain what is going on and what is expected. If necessary find a place where it is acceptable for your active child to run around and blow off steam. Try to avoid situations that you know will be too difficult for your active child to cope with because you do not want to set your child up to fail.
o Investigate Possible Reasons for Very Active Behavior.
Some children may have a physical reason for being very active. It might be something as simple as a food allergy or something more serious. Talk with your child's doctor and early care and education teacher. If you feel you need more help you may want to call Child Find.