Thursday, 11 October 2012

Milk teeth

By: Drg. Martha Mozartha

Parents are often confused, when in fact the first child's milk teeth started to grow. Most people think that newborn babies have no teeth. Whereas at birth, milk tooth crown numbering 20 is almost complete form, and hidden behind the baby's gums and bone.

Baby teeth do not grow at once but gradually through the gums during the first 2 ½ years since the birth. Usually the first time is the fourth growing front teeth two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. Most children have a complete all his teeth at the age of 3 years.

Baby teeth are smaller than permanent teeth in adults. So that permanent teeth can fit occupy space vacated milk teeth have been dated, jaws continue to experience growth. Milk teeth starting at the age of 6-7 years, and the process continues until the age of 12 years. The date of first teeth are incisors (front) up and down, to be replaced by permanent incisors.

Baby teeth are guidance or guidelines for the growth of permanent teeth. So despite its "temporary" and will be replaced by permanent teeth, but must be kept and maintained health. Milk teeth too early date would affect the permanent dentition. Gigi is already before the time and date of the permanent tooth bud is not ready to grow, so that the permanent loss of your teeth. That is one reason there are some people whose teeth crowded, overlapping, or out of the arch.

A child needs a strong and healthy teeth, where the teeth are not only important to chew food but also for the pronunciation of words. Milk teeth were damaged by caries exact cause difficulty chewing a little kid, or even lazy to eat so that ultimately will affect nutritional status. Parents really need to be aware of this because most parents think that if there is caries in primary teeth do not need to be patched because daughters will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth. Whereas infection of the milk teeth can damage the permanent tooth caries growing beneath the roots of milk teeth.
Caries that occurs in most children's milk teeth caused by the use of a bottle containing milk or sugary drinks given to bedtime. When people sleep, saliva production decreases while saliva has many functions one of which is flushing leftover food and take it to the throat to be swallowed. Therefore, the stagnant water on the surface of the milk teeth still attached when the child was asleep and becomes food for bacteria in the mouth, so there was caries.

Parents play an important role in helping to reduce the risk of caries in primary teeth. Do not get used to the baby or toddler asleep while drinking from a bottle containing milk, fruit juice or other sugary drinks. Also, avoid the habit of dipping pacifiers in sweet drinks or honey before being given to the child, but rather provide a clean pacifier.

When children ask for a bottle of milk before bed, persuade and make it a habit to drink water after she drinks milk. Or if the child is difficult to be persuaded, was his mother who had to clean the teeth and gums with a clean cloth or gauze soaked as he slept after drinking milk bottle. Start the habit of brushing your child's teeth with water as soon as possible once the teeth begin to appear through the gums. If the child has not been able to spit, just use water alone and do not need to use toothpaste. The continued development of science and technology, toothpaste is safe for children when there are fewer parts are ingested, but the kids still have to be taught to spit and rinse to remove excess toothpaste. Of course it takes foresight in choosing a toothpaste mother of children.

Make a habit of brushing their teeth together with the child, to give an example and role model. This method is usually more effective in getting children to brush their teeth, rather than the mother or father just gave orders only. Accompany and supervise children while brushing your teeth, and avoid the habit of children eating snacks or eat sticky foods between meals. []

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