When Baby Breech
22:43 Posted In BABY BLUES , Breech , tips to use gravity to increase the baby's position , When Edit ThisThe position of each baby in the womb may not be the same. Indeed in general, the position of the baby in the womb is the position of lying face down denag back on the front or Occipito Left Anterior (LOA). In addition to these positions, usually also the case when the baby was lying with his back to the left side. Then, what if the baby is breech?
According to Richard Fischer, MD, from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Section of Maternal-Fetal Meidicine, Cooper Hospital / University Medical Center, there are some breech position. The position is ass presentation. This means that, on examination of the palpable only just baby's bottom. The position is because the fetus straightening (extension) both knee joints, so that both feet pointing upward and the ends are parallel to the shoulder or head. The next position is breech presentation palpable buttocks with one leg in his side, while the other leg in the air. The next position is breech presentation leg. When the checks were first palpable one or both legs, because your feet are at the lowest.
For Breech
You could say where the fetus depends on the adaptation process in the womb. No need to rush to worry when breech position occurs under 32 weeks of gestation. Because, at this gestational age, the amount of amniotic fluid relatively more, so that the fetus was still able to move freely. Means of a breech position can be a transverse spin and spin again, so that the position of the head at the bottom of the uterus. Do not be surprised if the pregnancy was not enough months, the frequency of breech position becomes higher.
Now, when entering the 37th week of gestation up, breech position was difficult to change because the fetus has the lowest entry into the door of the pelvis. But it should in the third trimester, the fetal buttocks with legs folded a size larger than the head will occupy a larger space at the top of the uterus. While the head is in a smaller room, in the lower uterine segment. But the problem arises why kok breech position, is still able to gestational age is the moon?
According to Fischer, there are some sebb, namely the twin pregnancy. That is, there is more than one fetus in the womb leads to seizure of the place. Each fetus trying to find somewhere more comfortable, so there is the possibility of a larger body (ie, fetal buttock) are at the bottom of the uterus. Another cause is multiparitas, the mother has given birth to many children, so her uterus is very elastic and make a big opportunity for the fetus rotates up to week 37 and so on.
The cause can also be due to breech hidramnion, it loh amount of amniotic fluid that exceeds the normal. The situation is causing the fetus to move even more freely and have entered the third trimester. In addition, because the disorder can also cause hydrocephalus, breech babies. Hydrocephalus is due to the large size of the head of the excess fluid that makes the fetus seeking a broader, namely at the top of the uterus. Because placenta previa can cause breech baby. Placenta previa is a placenta that covers the birth canal, so as to reduce the large room in the womb. Then narrow pelvis, the pelvis pushing the fetus into a breech position change. Congenital abnormalities can also lead to a breech baby. If the bottom of the uterus is larger than the top, then the fetus tends to be menngubah breech position.
Overcoming Breech Babies
If your baby is in breech position, your doctor may be willing to memturanya. This is known as the External cephalic Version (ECV), by placing his hand on the mother's abdomen and slowly tried to turn the fetus until the head-down, all done with ultrasound assisted. In this way effective in approximately 70% of cases, and to avoid Caesarean operations are unnecessary. After the baby's position is known with certainty, doctors will attempt to improve the location of the baby through your abdomen. This takes about half an hour and may feel less comfortable, though not ill.
ECV is dependent with expertise treating doctor. In improving this position, the baby's head can be felt and your uterus in a relaxed state (before you may get the drug first stretch). If you fail to improve for the first time, your doctor will probably try again in a few days. Or recommend born with reltif operations safer.
Here are some tips to use gravity to increase the baby's position to the anterior position, which is the best position for birth. If your baby has the best position, it will retain the position of the fetus. These tips point is to ask you to rest the hip when standing, sitting with knees wide and lower pelvis dad, and lying to the position facing to the left.
* When you sit down, sit on a cushion and leaning on the table pelvis.
* Often standing in front of the cabinet or wall, and lean the front of your chest in the cabinet or wall.
* Sit facing the back of the sofa or kneel on the floor.
* Put a pillow behind you and lean on it.
* When sleeping or lying on the bed or sofa, try the left side.
Source: Tabloid Ibu Anak,
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