03:28 Posted In , , , , Edit This

What are these worms that come into my digestive system?
There are many worms that live as parasites within the human intestines. Some worms may be as long as a meter such as tapeworm or as small as in millimeters such as pinworms The commonest worms that could be found in the human intestine are the roundworm and hookworm. There are also other kinds of worms that can be in the human intestine but are quite rare.

How do I get these worms?
These worms are swallowed as eggs or as larvae in the food or water that we have. Sometimes these eggs are present in the soil in the sandboxes and playgrounds and playing would spread these eggs from the soil onto all hands where they could remain under our fingernails. Putting our fingers into the mouth may cause the eggs to pass into our system. These eggs and larvae then hatch in the intestine and reside as adult worms over there. They then lay thousands of eggs that pass in our stools and spread to other people thus continuing the cycle of infection.

What do these worms do in our body?
These worms are parasites i.e. they live off other organisms. These worms take nourishment from the food that we eat. Hookworm may also suck blood from our body. Sometimes these worms may block the intestine and not allow the stool to pass. Pinworms may also cause itching around the anal region.

How do I get rid of the worms?
Generally worms are very common in children. Your doctor may give you medicine if he suspects that you may be having worms in the intestine. This medicine will remove the worms from the intestine and you will be able to see them in your stools next day. The medicine may have to be repeated after 3 months to ensure that no eggs remain in the intestine. Your doctor may ask for a stool examination and even may do a test by placing a small piece of tape on your anus. This tape will be seen under the microscope to see if there are any eggs. Your doctor may also give the anti-worm medicine to all the people in the house.

How do I prevent myself from getting worms?
The best way to prevent would be towash your hands with soap and water before eating food, after using the toilet and after playing outside. Also keep your fingers short and clean and then worms can remain on an outside scene".

"Play I used to in the mud everyday
Never on soap, my hands I lay
Passed I did a huge worm in stools today
Now I wash & scrub my hands after I play".

Reference :web pediatriconcall.com


03:19 Posted In , , , Edit This
Bisa memengaruhi kecerdasan anak lo!

Anak-anak termasuk rentan cacingan. Biasanya anak yang cacingan identik dengan badan kurus, perut buncit, wajah pucat dan sebagainya. Apa pun tanda-tandanya, yang jelas cacingan bisa memengaruhi kondisi gizi si anak. Kenapa? Karena zat-zat gizi "dimakan" cacing yang terus berkembang biak. Makin banyak cacing, makin banyak pula zat gizi yang diambil sehingga si kecil mengalami kondisi kurang gizi.

Penyakit cacingan juga berdampak buruk terhadap tingkat kecerdasan, serta perkembangan mental. Terutama jika terjadi pada saat anak dalam masa pertumbuhan. Bisa juga terjadi radang paru, gangguan hati, bahkan penyumbatan usus karena cacing melubangi usus. Cacingan pun bisa menghambat tumbuh-kembang anak, kecacatan, bahkan kebutaan. Jadi, kita tak bisa anggap enteng cacingan.


Pada gejala ringan, obat cacing khusus anak bisa diberikan. Obat ini bisa diberikan pada anak usia 1 tahun ke atas. Obat ini bisa dibeli bebas di apotek alias tanpa resep dokter. Jangka waktu pemberian obat yaitu 6 bulan sekali. Tujuannya untuk memotong siklus kehidupan cacing tersebut saat ia mulai tumbuh dewasa. Meski begitu, sebenarnya pemberian obat cacing tidak harus selalu yaitu 6 bulan sekali. Bila ada indikasi, misalnya 3 bulan setelah minum obat masih ditemukan cacing pada feses, obat bisa diberikan lagi.

Nah, pada kasus cacingan yang berat, dokter perlu turun tangan karena gejala yang berat akan berakibat fatal. Di antaranya, jika si anak sudah lesu berlebihan, tidak ada nafsu makan, muntah, dan sebagainya, tentu akan mengakibatkan daya tahan tubuhnya semakin menurun.


Bagaimana cara agar anak terhindar dari penyakit cacingan?

* Biasakan untuk selalu hidup bersih, seperti cuci tangan sebelum makan dan sesudah buang air besar dengan sabun. Kemudian potonglah kuku secara berkala agar tetap pendek dan bersih.

* Biasakan anak untuk selalu menggunakan sandal atau sepatu bila keluar rumah, terutama bila berjalan di tanah. Tanah, terutama yang lembap, merupakan tempat favorit cacing untuk berkembang biak.

* Jangan lupa memilih dan mengolah makanan dengan bersih. Misalnya, mencuci sayuran dengan air yang mengalir. Kemudian tidak membiarkan makanan dihinggapi lalat karena biasanya lalat mampu membawa telur-telur cacing.

* Bila ingin makan sayuran mentah (lalapan) atau buah-buahan, cucilah dengan air bersih yang mengalir.

* Biasakan anak untuk tidak jajan jenis makanan dan di tempat sembarangan.


Ada beberapa jenis cacing yang perlu diketahui:

* Cacing Gelang

Cacing jenis ini banyak ditemukan di daerah tropis dengan kelembapan tinggi, termasuk Indonesia. Jika sudah dewasa panjangnya bisa mencapai 10-30 cm. Cacing ini hidup hanya dalam tubuh manusia. Penularannya diawali dari feses penderita cacingan. Di tanah dia akan tumbuh dan berkembang selama 3 minggu untuk menjadi larva yang infektif. Larva ini dapat terbawa oleh lalat atau melekat di tangan sehabis memegang tanah. Kemudian melekat di makanan yang dikonsumsi si kecil. Selanjutnya, larva ini berdiam di usus. Lalu "menerobos" masuk ke pembuluh darah balik (vena) menuju jantung, berlanjut ke paru-paru. Dari paru-paru larva menuju tenggorokan, lalu ke lambung, berakhir di usus halus tempat di mana mayoritas makanan diserap. Di usus halus ini, larva akan berganti kulit, kemudian menjadi dewasa. Setelah 2 bulan menginfeksi, cacing betina akan bertelur sekitar 20.000 butir per hari. Jumlah yang sangat luar biasa!

Cacing berwarna kuning kecokelatan dan bergaris-garis halus ini dapat mengakibatkan mual, muntah dan diare. Anak pun mengalami penurunan nafsu makan. Bahkan cacing gelang yang sudah dewasa akan langsung mengambil makanan yang masuk hingga akhirnya si kecil mengalami kurang gizi. Cacing-cacing gelang yang makin banyak akan menggumpal membentuk seperti bola. Dampaknya, saluran pencernaan anak jadi tersumbat.

* Cacing Cambuk

Cacing ini juga banyak ditemukan di daerah tropis. Dia hidup di usus besar dan terkadang di usus buntu sehingga dapat menimbulkan peradangan. Di usia 1 bulan, cacing betina akan bertelur 3.000-10.000 butir per hari. Telur-telur ini tidak selamanya berkembang biak dalam usus karena kemungkinan terbawa keluar bersama feses. Setelah 3-4 minggu berada di tanah, dia akan menjadi larva. Jika termakan, larva ini akan pecah di usus halus dan keluar menuju usus besar sampai menjadi dewasa. Untuk mencari makanan, cacing dewasa membenamkan kepalanya di dinding usus besar.

Akibat terinfeksi penyakit ini anak akan mengalami nyeri perut, kembung, mual, dan muntah. Bila infeksi yang terjadi tergolong ringan, gejala yang muncul tak terlalu tampak. Akan tetapi bila kondisi infeksinya berat, cacing ini dapat menyebabkan diare dengan mukus (lendir kental dan licin), terjadi penonjolan di daerah anus (prolaps rektum) dan penurunan berat badan. Selanjutnya, bila hal ini tak ditangani, bisa terjadi perdarahan usus dan anemia.

* Cacing Tambang

Berkembang biak di seluruh dunia. Meski ukurannya hanya sekitar 1 cm, tapi dia bisa menghabiskan 0,03 cc darah per hari. Cacing ini menetas di luar tubuh manusia. Larva cacing ini masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui kulit, seperti di sela jari kaki. Biasanya terjadi saat anak bermain di tanah tanpa alas kaki atau melalui tangan ketika dia memegang benda-benda yang mengandung larva.

Dari pori-pori, larva cacing ini masuk ke aliran darah, lalu ke jantung, paru-paru, dilanjutkan melalui tenggorokan sampai ke usus. Umumnya cacing ini akan tinggal di usus halus dan menjadi dewasa. Cacing betina akan bertelur dan telurnya akan keluar lagi bersama tinja. Di tanah, telur akan menetas dalam 2 hari. Kemudian dalam 3-5 hari menjadi larva yang bersifat infektif.

Lantaran mengisap darah, gejala yang timbul adalah anemia dan kekurangan zat besi. Namun gejala ini muncul bila sudah terjadi infeksi berat dan berlangsung cukup lama

* Cacing Kremi

Istilah awamnya kremian. Bentuknya kecil dan berwarna putih seperti kelapa parut. Jangan heran kalau ada mitos bahwa kremian disebabkan mengonsumsi kelapa parut. Padahal, sebenarnya tidak demikian. Telur cacing kremi masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui mulut karena makanan atau debu yang mengandung larva. Selanjutnya bersarang di usus besar. Ketika cacing ini beranjak dewasa, tempat hidupnya berpindah ke anus. Dalam jumlah banyak, cacing kremi mengakibatkan gatal-gatal di sekitar anus. Gatal-gatal timbul karena saat itu cacing kremi betina yang sudah dewasa bermigrasi ke daerah sekitar anus untuk bertelur. Telur-telur inilah yang menimbulkan rasa gatal. Bila digaruk, telur akan pecah dan larva masuk ke anus. Bila setelah menggaruk kemudian anak memasukkan tangannya ke mulut, maka telur yang ada di kuku akan ikut tertelan. Meski tidak terlalu berbahaya dibandingkan cacing jenis lain, kremian sering membuat anak rewel, sukar tidur, malas makan, dan akhirnya kurus.

* Cacing Pita

Biasanya hidup di tubuh sapi atau babi. Orang yang sering mengonsumsi daging sapi atau babi yang masih mentah atau dimasak kurang matang berisiko terinfeksi cacing pita. Jika penderita buang air besar dan kotorannya yang mengandung telur cacing pita termakan oleh sapi atau babi, maka telur itu akan tumbuh menjadi kista pada otot/daging hewan tersebut. Jika dagingnya dimakan anak tanpa dimasak hingga matang, maka di dalam usus halusnya akan menetas larva yang kemudian menjadi cacing dewasa.

Bila terinfeksi cacing ini, umumnya gejala yang terlihat ringan saja, bahkan tanpa gejala. Biasanya berupa gangguan pencernaan, namun bisa juga terjadi gejala agak berat, seperti ayan/epilepsi atau munculnya benjolan kecil sebesar kacang hijau yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu di kulit.

Hilman Hilmansyah. Ilustrator Pugoeh

Konsultan ahli:

dr. Attila Dewanti, Sp.A.,

dari RSB Asih, Jakarta

Reference web tabloid nakita




WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com





02:55 Posted In , , , , Edit This


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hair is a protein filament that grows through the epidermis from follicles deep within the dermis. The fine, soft hair found on many nonhuman mammals is typically called fur; wool is the characteristically curly hair found on sheep and goats. Found exclusively in mammals, hair is one of the defining characteristics of the mammalian class.[1] Although other non-mammals, especially insects, show filamentous outgrowths, these are not considered "hair" in the scientific sense. So-called "hairs" (trichomes) are also found on plants. The projections on arthropods such as insects and spiders are actually insect bristles, composed of a polysaccharide called chitin. There are varieties of cats, dogs, and mice bred to have little or no visible fur. In some species, hair is absent at certain stages of life. The main component of hair fiber is keratin.

Cross section of hair follicle

The hair can be divided into three parts length-wise, (1) the bulb, a swelling at the base which originates from the dermis, (2) the root, which is the hair lying beneath the skin surface, and (3) the shaft, which is the hair above the skin surface. In cross-section, there are also three parts, (1) the medulla, an area in the core which contains loose cells and airspaces (2) the cortex, which contains densely packed keratin and (3) the cuticle, which is a single layer of cells arranged like roof shingles.

[edit] Social role of hair

Hair has great social significance for human beings. It can grow on most areas of the human body, except on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet (among other areas), but hair is most noticeable in most people in a small number of areas, which are also the ones that are most commonly trimmed, plucked, or shaved. These include the face, nose, ears, head, eyebrows, eyelashes, legs and armpits, as well as the pubic region. The highly visible differences between male and female body and facial hair are a notable secondary sex characteristic.

[edit] Hair as indicator

Healthy hair indicates health and youth (important in evolutionary biology). Hair colour and texture can be a sign of ethnic ancestry. Facial hair is a sign of puberty in men. White hair is a sign of age, which can be concealed with hair dye. A well known old wives' tale often told to children claims that eating a large portion of bread crusts can make hair curly.[citation needed] Male pattern baldness is a sign of age, which can be concealed with a toupee, hats or religious/cultural adornments. In modern times, it can be reversed in some men with minoxidil (marketed as Rogaine or Regaine) or finasteride (marketed as Propecia); see Baldness treatments. Rather than these options, many men simply shave their heads for a clean look. Males in some religious groups, for example Sikhs and Orthodox Jews, may follow certain rules regarding hair as part of their faith, e.g. never cut their hair, or shave some or all of it. Some groups, such as women in the Muslim and orthodox Jewish communities, cover their hair as part of religious observance. Hair whorls have been discovered to be associated with brain development.

Hairstyle can be an indicator of group membership:. Metalheads can often feature long hair for headbanging, although long hair is commonplace for many men and women outside of heavy metal (ex: Indian sadhus, the hippie subculture, etc). Beatle "mop-top" haircuts. Mohawk haircuts, often associated with punk rock and the punk subculture. Skinhead haircuts, where the head is often shaved completely bald, or "buzzed". Mullet hairstyles, which have stereotypically been portrayed as pertaining to rednecks. Deathhawk A larger, fuller, back combed version of a mohawk - popular in the gothic sub-culture, and heavily featured in deathrock and gothic rock bands in the 1980s. Undercut where the sides and back of the head are shaved short or bald, and the top hair is allowed to grow long. Common among so-called "cybergoths" and followers of Industrial and heavy electronic music scenes. This is especially true of women in these subcultures, although the undercut is accepted as a unisex hair style. Fascinator (hair style) where the hair is short at the back and long at the front and the front forms itself into a point. It is similar to a mullet in reverse (also known as a frullet) or a devil lock. Hair that is usually short with a long side fringe [American: bangs] is a cut often associated with emo music and its fan basis. It is often dyed black or vibrant and contrasting colours such as pink or blue. It is considered a unisex haircut and often appears similar to the mop-top.

[edit] Growing and removing

In Western society, men's hair is generally kept short. This is due in part to the English Civil War. The followers of Oliver Cromwell decided to crop their hair close to their head, as an act of defiance to the curls and ringlets of the king's men. The Cromwell followers won.[14] The Cavaliers and Roundheads are another example of politically-motivated hairstyles. Long hair on men had a resurgence in the 1960s. Some notable hairstyles include skinheads and mullets. Members of the Sikh religion don't cut their hair. Having bobbed hair was popular among the flappers in the 1920s as a sign of rebellion against traditional roles for women. Female art students known as the "cropheads" also adopted the style, notably at the Slade School in London, England. Regional variations in hirsutism cause practices regarding hair on the arms and legs to differ.

[edit] Hair, power, punishment, and status

Samson and Delilah. Shaved heads in concentration camps. Head-shaving as punishment - especially for women with long hair. Military haircuts, monastic tonsures. Kovstro and his Seven Hounds. Extremely long hair of some Indian holy men. Regular hairdressing as sign of wealth. The dreadlocks of the Rastafari were despised early in the movement's history. Having one's own hair cut in order to liberate oneself from their past, usually after a trying time in one's life. Having hair cut as a sign of mourning, which was practiced in a number of cultures. Yoko Ono famously cut her very long hair after the assassination of her husband John Lennon, saying, "John loved my long hair, so I gave it to him.". Tightly coiled hair in its natural state can be worn in an Afro. This hairstyle was once worn among African Americans as a symbol of racial pride. Given that the coiled texture is the natural state of most African Americans' hair, this simple style is now often seen as a sign of self-acceptance and an affirmation that the beauty norms of dominant (northern/European) culture are not absolute. Flappers of the 1920s cut their traditional long hair into short bob cuts to show their independence and sexual freedom. Hippies of the 1960s grew their hair long in order to illustrate their distance from mainstream society. The film Easy Rider (1969) includes the description of one Hippie forcibly having his head shaved with a rusty razor to indicate the intolerance of some conservative groups towards the Hippie movement. At the conclusion of the Oz obscenity trials in the UK, the defendants had their heads shaved by the police, causing an outcry. During the appeal trial, they appeared in the dock wearing wigs.

[edit] Religious practices

Women's hair may be hidden using headscarves, a common part of the hijab in Islam and a symbol of modesty required for religious rituals in Orthodox Christianity. Orthodox Judaism endorses the use of wigs for women for modesty reasons as in Islam. Hassidic Judaism, on the other hand, discourages the trimming of head hair, and practitioners typically wear their hair in ringlets. Sikhs generally keep their hair uncut and tied in a bun on the head, which is then covered appropriately using a turban.

Kok, Rambut si Kecil Tipis?

02:28 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This

Kok, Rambut si Kecil Tipis? (1)

Foto: Dok. NOVA

Tak perlu khawatir jika rambut anak tipis. Selama ia sehat, tak ada masalah. Apalagi pada bayi, yang tumbuh adalah rambut sementara, bukan rambut permanen.

Banyak mitos yang masih dipercaya tentang perawatan rambut bayi dan anak. Misalnya, rambut digunduli agar nantinya tumbuh lebat. "Hal itu tidak benar. Memang, sehabis dicukur, rambut yang tumbuh akan terlihat tebal," ujar dr. Titi Lestari Sugito, Sp.KK dari Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin FKUI-RSCM.
Menggunduli rambut bayi, kata Titi, sebetulnya hanya tradisi. Dari segi medis, tidak ada hubungannya mencukur rambut dengan rambut tebal. Rambut bayi sangat tergantung faktor genetik. "Kalau memang dari sononya jenis rambutnya tipis, mau dicukur berapa kali pun, keluarnya akan tetap tipis juga," kata Titi. Selain tebal-tipis rambut, warna rambut pun sudah ditentukan secara genetik.

Folikel (selubung akar rambut) terbentuk sejak anak berada dalam kandungan dan terus berkembang hingga lahir. Rambut bayi baru lahir adalah rambut sementara atau velus. "Rambut velus biasanya sangat halus dan lebih tipis dari rambut tetap," terang Titi. Rambut sementara ini akan rontok dengan sendirinya sebelum anak berusia setahun, kemudian berganti dengan rambut tetap (permanen).

Pada minggu pertama kelahiran, kadang bayi mengalami kebotakan. "Enggak apa-apa. Ini biasa terjadi di daerah yang biasa tertekan. Misalnya, karena terlalu lama tidur telentang atau karena gesekan dengan bantal." Tekanan dan gesekan akan memudahkan velus rontok, sehingga timbul kebotakan. Setelah setahun, velus biasanya rontok seluruhnya dan berganti rambut permanen.

Jadi, rambut pada bayi dan anak adalah akumulasi dari faktor genetik ditambah faktor-faktor luar yang mempengaruhi. Faktor genetik tak sebatas ayah-ibu tapi juga bisa dari kakek-nenek.

Selain faktor genetik, faktor gizi juga berperan. Anak kurang gizi, misalnya, tekstur rambutnya pasti akan terpengaruh. "Warna rambut jadi merah, lebih kering, lebih mudah patah, tipis, mudah rontok," jelas Titi.

Selain itu, dipengaruhi pula oleh hormon. Salah satunya hormon androgen. "Sering ada bayi yang rambutnya sangat lebat saat lahir. Bisa saja itu karena pengaruh hormon androgen ibunya. Soalnya, dia belum bisa memproduksi hormon androgen." Setelah lahir, lanjut Titi, lama-lama efek androgen yang terbawa dari ibunya hilang. "Rambut si kecil pun rontok, berganti dengan rambut aslinya yang mungkin lebih tipis."

Faktor lingkungan juga sangat berperan. Banyak kena sinar matahari atau polusi, juga akan mempengaruhi tekstur rambut. Begitu pula penyakit, semisal seboroik (ketombe), yang sering terjadi pada bayi atau anak. "Ini juga ikut mempengaruhi."

Setelah fase rambut tetap, faktor-faktor tadi bisa mempengaruhi tekstur rambut anak. "Pada rambut, sifat aslinya ditentukan oleh gen, tetapi dipengaruhi faktor luar pula." Jangan lupa, perawatan juga ikut mempengaruhi tekstur rambut.

Meski rambut anak sudah permanen, menurut Titi, orangtua tak usah bingung bila menjumpai rambut rontok. "Itu lumrah. Siklus kehidupan rambut memang begitu," ujarnya. Kerontokan masih dianggap normal asalkan tak lebih dari 100 helai per harinya, sementara kecepatan tumbuh rambut sekitar 0,3 mm per hari.

Yang jelas, selama anak sehat, pertumbuhan rambut akan sesuai dengan faktor genetik. "Cuma, faktor-faktor lain di luar faktor genetik juga bisa mempengaruhi tekstur rambut."

Meski sebagian besar mitos tentang rambut tak bisa dijelaskan secara medis, ada beberapa di antaranya yang masuk di akal. Misalnya, agar rambut tebal, harus diolesi minyak kemiri. Ada juga yang menyarankan pemakaian seledri atau air kelapa muda.

Menurut dr. Titi Lestari Sugito, Sp.KK dari Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin FKUI-RSCM., secara empiris atau berdasar pengalaman, mungkin mitos tadi ada benarnya. "Kemiri, kan, mengandung minyak. Nah, minyak bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi rambut yang kering atau kurang subur. Tapi dari segi farmakologis belum pernah diteliti, apa isi, kandungan, dan dampak kemiri."

Yang jelas, lanjutnya, selama tidak menimbulkan efek samping, mencoba cara-cara tadi tentu boleh-boleh saja. "Cuma terkadang bahan alami seperti itu mengandung zat yang tak kita ketahui yang bisa mengiritasi kulit kepala bayi. Padahal, kulit bayi lebih rentan dan mudah teriritasi oleh bahan-bahan dari luar. Ini yang harus hati-hati."

Berikut sejumlah gangguan pada rambut anak.
1. Gangguan akibat infeksi.
Misalnya infeksi jamur. Ini yang paling sering pada bayi dan anak, karena di kulit kepala banyak kelenjar lemak yang disukai jamur. Pengobatannya bisa dengan obat antijamur.

2. Kerak kepala atau seboroik.
Sering menyerang bayi, diduga akibat pengaruh hormon androgen dari ibunya, sehingga kelenjar lemak aktif. Kelenjar lemak kulit (sebum) keluar dari tempat yang sama dengan keluarnya rambut. Jika kelenjar lemak sangat aktif, akan mengeluarkan lemak lebih banyak. Nah, lemak inilah yang akan menimbulkan lapisan yang menumbuhkan kerak.

Kerak kepala bersifat sementara. "Bila hormon androgen habis, kerak akan hilang dengan sendirinya." Namun, karena seringkali kerak kepala disertai rasa gatal, tentu tak perlu menunggu sampai hormon habis. "Meski tidak membahayakan, kerak ini mengganggu kenyamanan dan dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan rambut secara sehat."

Orang tua bisa menghilangkannya dengan semacam minyak dan bahan-bahan antiseboroik yang membantu mempercepat pengelupasan. Biarkan semalaman agar kerak menjadi lunak. Esok harinya, cuci rambut dengan air hangat hingga bersih.

3. Infeksi bakteri.
Misalnya terjadi bisul-bisul di kepala. Untuk mengatasinya, bisa diberi antibiotik. Kalau hanya di kulit, memang tidak membahayakan. Dengan menjaga kebersihan, akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Kecuali jika imunitas dan gizi sang bayi buruk, infeksi bisa meluas. Tapi ini jarang terjadi.

4. Penyakit genetik.
Beberapa penyakit genetik akan membuat rambut tidak bisa tumbuh lagi. Tapi hal ini biasanya disertai kelainan pada kelenjar keringat, sehingga anak tidak bisa mengeluarkan keringat. Bisa juga penyakit genetik akibat faktor autoimun. "Badannya menghasilkan antibodi terhadap akar rambut, sehingga rambut jadi rusak. Akibatnya, rambut tak bisa tumbuh. Penyakit genetik ini bisa membuat rambut rontok di seluruh kepala bahkan ada yang sampai alis dan bulu mata.

Jika ini yang terjadi, segera bawa ke dokter.

Hasto Prianggoro

Reference : web tabloid Nova




WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com




About Stomachaches and Abdominal Pain

02:07 Posted In Edit This

Stomachache or abdominal pain is a common problem for children. It is often caused by harmless conditions such as overeating or not eating enough food, having intestinal gas or a mild viral infection. Children may also experience abdominal pain if they have another illness such as an ear, throat or lung infection. However, there are some serious conditions that may require surgery.

Children who have recurring stomachaches should always be examined by a doctor. Repeated stomachaches may be due to illnesses such as constipation or urinary tract infection . If there are additional symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and/or blood in the child's stools, the child may have a chronic intestinal disease like Crohn's disease , ulcerative colitis , or celiac disease

Most cases of recurring stomachaches, especially in school-aged children, are related to psychological stress or anxiety. Children who are unable to verbalize their feelings of discomfort or stress often will express their discomfort by having stomachaches, or headaches.

As a parent, you can help your child by recording information about his stomachaches. This information will help you understand why your child has recurring stomach pain and will also help your child's doctor to make the right diagnosis.

Try to chart the following information:
When did the pain start?Did it come on suddenly or gradually?
Where is it located?
Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?
Is it in the same each time or does the pain's location change?
Is there anything that seems to trigger the pain?
How long does the pain last?
Is there anything that makes the pain better or worse (such as food, hunger, or body position)?
Are there other symptoms, such as fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, presen
Overall, how is your child's condition? Is she less active than usual?
Has your child lost any weight?

Common causes of abdominal pain

Some of the most common causes of abdominal pain in children are colic , constipation , gastroenteritis and urinary tract infection , as well as illnesses that need surgery to correct like appendicitis and intussusception .

For more information about these surgical conditions, watch these videos:

Home treatment

In this section, we will focus how you can treat general abdominal pain at home, and then we will look at the treatment for two most common causes of stomach pain: colic and constipation.

General Abdominal Pain
  1. Let your child lie down and rest until he feels better.
  1. If your child feels nauseous or is vomiting, give him small sips of clear fluid and avoid solid foods.
  1. If your child is having a stomachache because of constipation, encourage him to go to the toilet. This will often ease the pain. Natural laxatives such as prune juice and fruits (pears, apricots and peaches)may help to relieve the constipation. A warm bath can also help your child relax so that he can use the toilet

  1. Do not give your child pain relief medicines or laxatives if you don't know what the cause of the stomachache is. Some medicines such as ibuprofen can cause stomach pain

  1. Children with recurring abdominal pain may be troubled psychologically. If you suspect that this is the case with your child, take him to the doctor for a thorough exam

  1. If a recurring stomachache is due to psychological troubles, talk to your child about what may be bothering him.

Infants with colic can present a major challenge to parents, but you can take comfort knowing that colic generally improves over time. Do not be afraid to ask for help and support from family and friends.

There is no one single colic treatment that works for all babies, but there are several general things you can try:
  1. Make sure that your baby is getting enough to eat. Hungry babies cry! If necessary, weigh your baby periodically to make sure that he is eating enough to gain weight. Also, babies often want to suck even when they are NOT hungry, so a pacifier may help in these cases.
  1. Burp your baby frequently, because swollowed air can make colic worse. To prevent your baby from swollowing air, make sure that he is in the correct position for breast feeding. You can try different positions as well to see which one works best for your child. For babies that are bottle-fed, try different types of bottles to see which ones can minimize swallowed air.
  1. You can give your baby a massage. However do not overstimulate your child because this may make him even more unsettled. Also try carrying and rocking your baby. If that doesn't help, you can try swaddling your baby with a blanket and let him lie quietly in the dark.
  1. Give your baby a hot bath or try giving him a pacifier. Some babies sleep better after a hot bath. Some babies are calmer after they have had a pacifier.
  1. Avoid smoking. Nursing mothers who smoke increase the risk of having a colicky baby.
  1. Some infants may have a sensitivity to dairy proteins. So if you are nursing, avoid eating any dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter for a week. For formula-fed babies, trying giving your child a soy-based formula. If your baby's condition improves, you can reintroduce diary products after 14 days and observe whether the colic returns. After a while, your baby should be able to tolerate the dairy products that you eat. Mothers who are not drinking milk, you should take calcium supplements. Also avoid caffeine found in coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate.
  1. Some colicky infants will respond to singing, music or monotonous sounds (like the sounds of a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner). Other infants may calm down from repetitive movements like those from a car ride or on a swing.
  1. No medicine has been shown to improve colic.
  1. There is NO magic cure for colic! However, research has clearly shown that babies who have colic do outgrow it and grow up to be normal, healthy children.

  1. Give your child plenty of fluids (like water or juices) to drink. This should help ease her constipation

  1. Avoid overfeeding your child on milk or other dairy products because they can cause constipation. Children over 12 months old should not drink more than 16-24 ounces of milk in 24 hours. Also, some children may have a sensitivity to milk, so their condition should improve after taking milk completely out of their diet. However, in this case, give your child calcium-fortified soy milk to make sure that she gets enough calcium in her diet.

  1. Babies on formula may become constipated. Try adding 2-3 teaspoonfuls of prune juice or corn syrup for each 4 oz of formula

  1. A healthy diet is the key to preventing constipation. Have your child eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in order to get enough fiber. Also have her drink plenty of water and other fluids, especially in warm weather. Also, eating too much meat and sugar can cause constipation

  1. Teach your child good toilet habits. Start toilet training as soon as your child shows the motivation for this. Use the time after meals for a trip to the toilet. Set up an area in the bathroom just for your child so that she will be happy sitting on the toilet. Use rewards like stickers as an incentive for the child, even if it is just for sitting on the toilet.
Reference :web.parenting.com

Sakit Perut? Jangan Anggap Enteng!

01:58 Posted In , , , , Edit This
Sakit Perut? Jangan Anggap Enteng!

Anda tentu akan panik bila melihat Si Kecil tiba-tiba menangis menahan sakit sambil memegangi perutnya. Belum lagi, bila ia juga tak mau makan bahkan muntah-muntah.

Ya, sakit perut memang penyakit umum dan bisa diderita siapa saja. Biasanya, sakit perut juga memiliki penyebab tidak fatal. Masuk angin, salah makan, intoleransi susu, atau terlambat makan merupakan penyebab umum sakit perut yang kerap terjadi.

Namun, sakit perut juga bisa menjadi pertanda sakit serius, lho! Seperti usus buntu, kolik, atau infeksi saluran kemih. Jadi, penting bagi para orangtua agar lebih peka mengenali gejala sakit perut, sehingga bisa tepat menanganinya sebelum menjadi hal yang fatal!

Akan tetapi, memberikan pertolongan pertama pada kasus sakit perut anak juga tak bisa sembarangan. Tetap dibutuhkan observasi dan petunjuk dari gejala lain yang menyertainya.

Spesialis anak dari Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Hermina Jatinegara, Jakarta, dr. Nia Niasari, Sp.A menerangkan, sakit perut bisa dikenali dari gejala penyerta, usia anak, sampai gejala sakit perutnya itu sendiri.

Sakit perut, papar Nia, berdasarkan penyebabnya dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga golongan, yaitu organik, disfungsional, dan psikogenik. Masing-masing klasifikasi ini memiliki ciri sakit perut yang berbeda.


Sakit perut organik adalah nyeri yang diakibatkan gangguan organ, baik di luar maupun di dalam organ pen­cernaan. Gangguan ini bisa berupa ulkus atau luka pada organ se­perti lambung, usus kecil, usus besar, gangguan di hati, ginjal, kandung kemih, atau pankreas.

Pada beberapa kasus, sakit perut organik disertai demam tinggi dan hilang nafsu makan. Misalnya, infeksi pada usus halus lalu menyebar ke selaput usus, hingga mengenai selaput yang menempel di dinding perut. Pada area ini terdapat banyak syaraf, sehingga timbul nyeri.

Nyeri yang diakibatkan gangguan organik bersifat terlokalisasi. Biasanya, anak yang lebih besar bisa menunjukkan di mana letak sakitnya. Pada anak yang lebih kecil sakit perut organik terkadang menyebabkan ia terbangun tiba-tiba di malam hari.

Kebanyakan sakit perut organik menimbulkan sakit teramat sangat, sehingga anak akan menangis dan rewel. Sakit perut tipe organik umumnya timbul secara tiba-tiba, dapat disertai muntah, diare, konstipasi, perdarahan dari pencernaan, berkemih tak lancar, atau terasa nyeri, air kencing keruh, volume kencing berkurang, dan lainnya.

Bisa juga disebabkan luka atau ulkus di lambung, terjadi infeksi bakteri, virus (rotavirus), atau parasit di usus kecil maupun usus besar. Kasus sakit perut organik juga bisa dipicu radang pada pankreas. Meski jarang terjadi, sakit perut akibat radang pankreas tetap bisa dikenali.

Umumnya nyeri dirasakan amat sangat dan berulang cukup sering. Namun, pemberian obat untuk meredakan sakit perut akibat infeksi pankreas terkadang tak menunjukkan perkembangan, tapi memerlukan perawatan di rumah sakit. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan darah, baru bisa diketahui.

Waspada Usus Buntu!

Infeksi hati juga bisa menyebabkan sakit perut. Tapi, rasa sakitnya dirasakan di perut bagian atas dan disertai mual. Juga disertai gejala lain, misalnya mengalami sakit kuning (kadar bilirubin darah meningkat). Bila dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut, akan teraba adanya pembekakan hati.

Sakit perut organik juga bisa disebabkan infeksi saluran kemih. Rasa sakitnya terasa di sekitar pinggang kanan atau kiri, dapat juga di perut kanan bawah seperti usus buntu. Ini dikarenakan posisi saluran kandung kemih berdekatan dengan usus buntu.

Khusus sakit perut akibat usus buntu, tidak tipikal terasa di perut kanan bawah, seperti seharusnya.Terkadang sakit perut dirasakan di area pusar atau tengah perut disertai demam berhari-hari.

Jika peradangan masih di dalam usus buntu, nyerinya tak akan terlokalisasi. Biasanya hanya menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan di tengah perut. Sedangkan bila peradangan sudah ke luar dinding organ usus buntu (mencapai selaput peritoneum parietal), baru akan menyebabkan sakit di perut kanan bawah.

Inilah mengapa usus buntu terkadang dianggap sakit perut biasa, karena sebab yang lain. Untuk kasus usus buntu, Nia mengingatkan, agar para orangtua tak terlambat mengenali gejalanya. Jika terlambat, usus buntu bisa pecah dan menyebarkan infeksi ke organ pencernaan lain, hingga bisa menyebabkan kematian.

Untuk menegakkan diagnosa perlu dilakukan USG (ultrasonografi), rontgen foto abdomen, dan tes laboratorium dengan sampel urin. Sakit perut organik pada kasus tertentu juga bisa disebabkan penyakit lain, seperti pneumonia (radang paru). Menurut Nia, ini karena saluran nafas dan organ di perut tersambung pada syaraf yang sama, sehingga bisa menyebabkan sakit perut.

Sakit perut disfungsional bisa disebabkan berbagai variasi fisiolog (kinerja organ pencernaan) yang normal. Misalnya, intoleransi laktosa dan konstipasi (sembelit). Pada kasus intoleransi laktosa, organ tak bisa mencerna karbohidrat susu (laktosa) sehingga terjadi diare.

Sedangkan pada konstipasi, usus besar yang dipenuhi kotoran, teregang hingga menstimulasi syaraf di sekelilingnya. Ini menyebabkan syaraf mengirim sinyal dan menyebabkan sakit perut.

Pada kasus lain seperti kolik bisa disebabkan usus halus atau usus besar terpelintir. Biasanya didahului gangguan pencernaan lain, seperti konstipasi. Atau disebabkan sumbatan, misalnya pada saluran ginjal ke kandung kemih.

Sakit perut tipe disfungsi biasanya berlangsung kurang dari satu jam. Rasa sakitnya hilang timbul dan tak disertai gejala lain seperti demam atau muntah.

Sakit perut bisa timbul mendadak, misalnya di area perut atau perut bawah. Namun, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium justru akan didapatkan hasil yang normal.

Sakit perut juga bisa disebabkan kondisi psikis yang tertekan. Misalnya, pada anak tipe yang mudah stres atau cemas atau anak yang selalu ingin tampil sempurna. “Sakit perut psikogenik ini bukan merupakan kasus klinis, tapi lebih ke psikologis,” ujar Nia.

Sakit perut psikogenik bisa timbul berulang di saat tertentu ketika anak akan beraktivitas. Tanpa disertai gejala lain seperti diare, konstipasi, mual, muntah, atau hilang nafsu makan. Juga tak diakibatkan konsumsi makanan tertentu.

Hanya, gejalanya berulang pada situasi psikis anak sedang terganggu, misalnya saat akan berangkat sekolah atau akan menghadapi ujian. Sakit perutnya berulang, tapi jika penyebabnya sudah bisa dilewati atau relatif tenang, akan hilang sendiri.

Beda Usia, Beda Dugaan
Membedakan sakit perut juga bisa dilakukan berdasarkan usia, sesuai hasil riset medis yang melihat pola sakit perut kebanyakan orang. Pada anak usia di bawah 4 tahun atau di atas 15 tahun, sakit perut sebagian besar disebabkan faktor organik. Waspadai macam-macam infeksi maupun riwayat ulkus (luka lambung) pada keluarga. Ingat, yang paling penting waspadai gejala usus buntu!

Pada anak usia di atas 5 tahun hingga 14 tahun, sakit perut biasa disebabkan faktor disfungsional. Waspadai pola makan anak atau konsumsi susunya. Bila ditengarai ada riwayat alergi dalam keluarga atau frekuensi buang air besar berkurang, segera konsultasikan ke dokter anak.

Sulit Identifikasi
Sayangnya, pada anak balita terkadang sulit menunjukkan letak pasti asal sakit perut. Nia menegaskan, pada dasarnya dokter punya metode untuk mengetahui penyebab sakit perut pada anak balita.

Tak sekadar lewat pemeriksaan fisik, tapi juga lewat wawancara mendalam kepada orang terdekat sang bayi, seperti ibu atau pengasuhnya, seputar sakit perutnya hingga pola makannya.

Apakah sakit perutnya berulang? Apakah sakit perutnya terjadi seusai mengonsumsi sesuatu? Bagaimana buang air besar anak akhir-akhir ini? Apakah ada demam? Selanjutnya, baru dilakukan pemeriksaan pada perut.

Bila anak belum bisa bicara, dokter akan melihat tanda-tanda di raut wajahnya saat pemeriksaan. Ketika dirasakan nyeri, tentu akan timbul reaksi. Misalnya, saat diraba di area tubuh tertentu, mimik wajah anak akan meringis, menangis, atau tegang menahan sakit.

Jika sakit perut disertai demam, artinya tubuh anak bereaksi terhadap kuman yang masuk ke dalam tubuh. Kemungkinan sudah ada proses inflamasi akibat infeksi kuman. Bila sakit perut dirasakan seusai anak makan pedas atau asam, kemungkinan sakit perut disebabkan asam lambung meningkat.

Bila sakit perut setiap kali seusai mengonsumsi susu, bisa jadi ini disebabkan intoleransi laktosa, sehingga susunya perlu diganti yang bebas laktosa. Bila anak sudah lama tak buang air besar, dokter akan memberi obat pencahar. Semua pengobatan terhadap sakit perut memang amat spesifik, sesuai kasus dan gejala yang menyertainya.

Laili Damayanti

Reference : web tabloid nova


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Fever What to Do When Your Kid Has a Temp

01:54 Posted In , Edit This
Her pajamas are rumpled, her face flushed and the tendrils of hair on her forehead are damp from sweat.

When your child seems feverish, your first instinct is probably to try to cool her off. But a warm child may not necessarily be running a temperature, and even if she is, lowering the fever isn't always the best solution, says A. Gayden Robert, M.D., a pediatrician and head of general pediatrics at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans.

Any concerned parent will call the doctor as soon as fever starts to escalate--and with good reason. It's important to find out what's causing the fever. But that doesn't mean you have to bring the fever down right away.

''The fever is a symptom, not an illness,'' says Dr. Robert, noting that fever is often caused by a viral or bacterial infection, such as the measles or flu. ''It's a defense mechanism that helps a child fight the infection.''

Most doctors agree, however, that you may need to treat a fever so your child can rest more easily. If your child is crying or irritable from the fever, you'll definitely want to lower it enough to make him more comfortable, says Carol Kilmon, Ph.D., R.N., a certified pediatric nurse practitioner and assistant professor at the School of Nursing at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

So here's how to deal with high temperature to bring your child back to the comfort zone.

Taking the Temperature

Time your reading. The body's temperature fluctuates throughout the day, points out Sanford Kimmel, M.D., pediatrician and associate professor of clinical family medicine at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo. It's generally highest in the late afternoon or early evening, and lowest in the morning. It can also be affected by exercise or hot foods. To get the most accurate reading, you should take your child's temperature 30 minutes after he has quieted down or 30 minutes after he's had a hot meal or drink, advises Dr. Kimmel.

When to See the Doctor

Fever doesn't usually require medical care, but there are certain red flags that indicate the need to consult with a doctor, according to A. Gayden Robert, M.D., a pediatrician and head of general pediatrics at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans.

If you have any concerns about your child's fever, check with the doctor, of course, but always call if your feverish child:

* Is crying inconsolably.

* Remains irritable even after the fever drops. (If you're giving acetaminophen--Children's Tylenol--to make the fever drop, allow 30 to 45 minutes for the medication to take effect.)

* Is difficult to awaken.

* Is confused or delirious.

* Has just had a seizure or has had them in the past.

* Has a stiff neck.

* Is having difficulty breathing even though the nose is clear.

* Has persistent vomiting or has diarrhea.

* Has had the fever more than 72 hours.

A Different Kind of Fever

Your child's fever has stayed high for three days now, but your pediatrician has told you not to worry. Suddenly on the fourth day, the fever drops and a rash appears on her trunk, neck, face, arms and legs.

Do give your doctor a call--but don't panic. This isn't the onset of a new disease. It's a sign that what caused your child's fever was a harmless disease called roseola, says Daniel Bronfin, M.D., a staff pediatrician at the Ochsner Clinic and assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans.

''You can't always diagnose it before the rash appears, but when we see a playful child one or two days into a fever in the 103° to 104° range without symptoms, we suspect roseola,'' he says. Roseola is caused by a virus and occurs most often in infants between the age of six months and two years. There's no medication required, and you should only try to bring down your child's temperature if he's uncomfortable, says Dr. Bronfin. Realize that you'll only be able to bring it down a few degrees, however.

Although it seems to make your child irritable, the rash isn't itchy or uncomfortable and doesn't require treatment. It will disappear in a few hours to a few days. When the rash appears, the child is no longer contagious.

Take the right approach. A baby's temperature is most accurately measured with a rectal thermometer, which is shorter and has a thicker bulb than an oral thermometer, says Dr. Kimmel. Grease it with petroleum jelly, then insert the thermometer slowly no farther than 1½ inches, and hold it gently in place for at least three minutes. To do this you can put the baby on the dressing table or in your lap in the diaper-changing position, and lift the baby's legs for easy access. Or you may prefer to lay the child stomach down across the lap, spread the buttocks and then insert the thermometer.

Switch to oral. When a child is four or five, he'll usually be able to cooperate in holding an oral thermometer under his tongue for at least four minutes, says Dr. Kimmel. Digital thermometers are fast, accurate and a little safer than traditional glass mercury thermometers, but they are also more expensive. Regardless of the type of thermometer used, make sure your child sits quietly, since any activity will raise the temperature.

Assess the readout. Although 98.6° has long been considered the classic ''normal'' oral temperature, some people routinely have a higher temperature--so your child could have a slightly higher reading and still be perfectly normal. Your child has a fever if his temperature is more than 100.4° measured rectally, 99° under the arm or 100° measured orally, says Dr. Robert.

Lowering the Fever

Give acetaminophen. Pediatric acetaminophen (Children's Tylenol ) will help bring the fever down, says Beth W. Hapke, M.D., a pediatrician in private practice in Fairfield, Connecticut. These products come in liquid form for infants and toddlers and chewable tablets for older children. Check the package directions for the correct dosage for your child's age and weight. If your child is under age two, consult a physician.

Doctors caution that you should never give your feverish child aspirin, however, as it has been linked to a serious brain and liver ailment called Reye's syndrome.

Try a sponge bath. Give your child a lukewarm sponge bath for 15 to 20 minutes, says Lynn Sugarman, M.D., a pediatrician with Tenafly Pediatrics in Tenafly, New Jersey, and an associate in clinical pediatrics at Babies Hospital, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City.

Put your child into a tub with tepid water, and sponge the water over her arms, legs and body. ''As the water evaporates, it cools the body, which helps bring down the fever,'' Dr. Sugarman explains. Don't use water so cold that the child shivers. Shivering will actually raise the body temperature, defeating the whole purpose of the sponge bath.

If you don't want to take your child out of bed to bathe her, you can just loosen her clothing and sponge her from a basin.

Leave the alcohol on the shelf. Parents once rubbed down feverish children with rubbing alcohol, but doctors today discourage this practice. ''Besides causing shivering, alcohol can be absorbed through the skin and cause a toxic reaction in your child,'' says Dr. Robert. And breathing the fumes can irritate your child as well.

Febrile Seizure: A Scary Experience

If your child has ever had a febrile seizure, you won't soon forget it. It's triggered by a rapid rise in temperature--often from an infectious illness such as tonsillitis--which apparently causes a change in the brain's electrical patterns.

Febrile seizures occur in about 1 child in 25, and in some cases, the feverish child lapses into unconsciousness. Other seizures can mimic an epileptic seizure with arms and legs twitching and jerking uncontrollably. You should alert your doctor of every febrile seizure.

When the seizure begins, follow these guidelines, advises John Freeman, M.D., a pediatric neurologist and professor of pediatrics and neurology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

* Turn your child on his side and make sure he can breathe

freely; This way saliva or vomit won't block the windpipe

* Move harmful objects out of the way

* Don't try to wedge your child's mouth open; he will not swallow his tongue

* If the seizure lasts only five to ten minutes, call your doctor as soon as it ends

* If the seizure lasts more than ten minutes or your child has trouble breathing, get him to a hospital where he can receive anti-seizure medication

Supply lots of fluids. A child with a fever breathes faster than usual, which makes him lose extra fluid. If he has diarrhea, even more fluid is lost. ''So make sure your child sips some liquid--whatever his stomach will tolerate,'' advises Dr. Kilmon. ''Make the drink cool, not hot, and give frequent, small amounts rather than trying to get lots down at once.''

Any beverage kids will drink is fine, as long as you steer clear of colas, tea or coffee (these are diuretics that encourage fluid loss). And you can add some variation by supplying soup, a Popsicle or gelatin.

For nursing infants, regular feedings will provide enough liquid. If your infant has had diarrhea more than 24 hours, ask your doctor about giving him Pedialyte,an oral electrolyte solution available at drugstores,suggests Dr. Kimmel.

Keep clothing light. A child in flannel PJs or bundled in a quilt will overheat quickly, making the fever worse. ''Keep your child lightly dressed, and have her sleep under a thin blanket or sheet,'' advises Dr. Sugarman.

Make meals optional. If your feverish child doesn't want to eat, don't urge her, says Dr. Kimmel. On the other hand, if she asks for pizza, that's okay, too. ''If your child is in the mood to eat a certain food, it's probably okay to give it to her,'' he says.

A child who has had a stomach virus or upset stomach, however, will likely prefer something simple such as toast or crackers with some jelly. Other ''comfort foods'' such as oatmeal and mashed potatoes as well as bananas and pudding are also good choices, says Dr. Kimmel. Avoid fruit juices, however, as these can contribute to diarrhea.

Don't expect normal. Neither acetaminophen nor sponge baths will bring your feverish child's temperature down to normal, says Daniel Bronfin, M.D., a staff pediatrician at the Ochsner Clinic and assistant clinical professor in pediatrics at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans. ''If the fever was 104°,'' he says, ''you may be able to get it down to 101°.''

Keep your child home. As long as your child has a fever, it's best to keep him home. ''The rule of thumb here is that a child can return to school after his temperature has been normal for 24 hours,'' says Dr. Robert. ''Although we don't know for sure, we believe if the fever is gone, then the infectious risk is, too.''

Reference : web .mothernature.com

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