WHO warns swine flu 'unstoppable'

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WHO calls for vigilance over swine flu

The UN's top health official has opened a forum in Mexico on combating swine flu by saying that the spread of the virus worldwide is now unstoppable.

World Health Organization head Margaret Chan added that the holding of the meeting in Cancun showed confidence in Mexico, which has been hard hit.

The WHO says most H1N1 cases are mild, with many people recovering unaided.

As the summit opened, the UK alone was projecting more than 100,000 new cases of H1N1 a day by the end of the summer.

While Mexico in the northern hemisphere has seen swine flu cases decreased, the peak of the flu season is approaching in South America and some areas have declared a public health emergency.

Paraguay has reported its first fatality, while in Central America El Salvador has also recorded its first swine flu death.

'Mild symptoms'

"As we see today, with well over 100 countries reporting cases, once a fully fit pandemic virus emerges, its further international spread is unstoppable," Dr Chan said in her opening remarks.

A masked guard at a swine flu-quarantined hospital in Athens, Greece, stops a car, 2 July
A hospital in Athens, Greece, has been quarantined for swine flu

She stressed that the overwhelming majority of patients experienced mild symptoms and made a full recovery within a week, often in the absence of any form of medical treatment.

The exceptions, she said, were pregnant women and people with underlying health problems, who were at higher risk from complications from the virus and should be monitored if they fell ill.

"For a pandemic of moderate severity, this is one of our greatest challenges: helping people to understand when they do not need to worry, and when they do need to seek urgent care," Dr Chan said.

Turning to the summit venue, the WHO chief added: "Mexico is a safe, as well as a beautiful and warmly gracious, place to visit."

Leaders and experts from 50 countries are in Cancun for the two-day meeting to discuss strategies for combating the virus.

It has been more than two months since the initial alert over swine flu.

Since then, the H1N1 virus has entered more than 100 countries, infected more than 70,000 people and killed more than 300 worldwide.

Authorities across South America are becoming increasingly concerned as the peak flu season approaches.

Schools across Argentina have sent students home and pregnant women have been told they can take two weeks off work to avoid contracting the virus.

It is hoped the Cancun meeting will address many of the issues that might help slow the spread of swine flu but, our correspondent adds, many people are concerned that an effective vaccine has still not been developed.

reference web news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8130196.stm


23:31 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
FW: : Flu Babi H1N1 - WHO sudah nyatakan "Unstoppable" - apa yang bi
* Saking cepatnya menyebar, pada tanggal 6 Juli 2009, WHO akhirnya
menghentikan monitoring jumlah orang yang terjangkit Flu Bab
<http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/uk_news/ 8083179.stm> i. Angka terakhir (19 Juli 2009), menyebutkan bahwa Flu Babi sudah menyebar di 160 negara
<http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/americas/ 8167961.stm> , menjangkiti 137.215
orang dan mengakibatkan 800 orang meninggal. Walaupun persentase
kematiannya relatif kecil, tetapi yang mengkhawatirkan adalah
kematian-kematian tersebut terjadi di negara-negara maju yang mempunyai
sistem perawatan kesehatan yang relatif baik.
* WHO sudah menyatakan bahwa Swine flu "Unstoppable"
<http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/americas/ 8130196.stm> dan memasuki tahap 6
yaitu "Widespread Human Infection".
* Sebagai contoh N egara Inggris sudah kewalahan untuk menanganipenyebaran Flu Babi. Semua penderita diwajibkan untuk tinggal di rumah saja, tidak dianjurkan ke Rumah Sakit dan masuk ke website penanganan pandemi Flu babi
<http://www.direct. gov.uk/en/ groups/dg_ digitalassets/ @dg/@en/document s/d
igitalasset/ dg_178842. htm> . Dalam 1 (satu) jam, website dikunjungi 9
juta orang. Website tersebut membantu ana lisa apakah seseorang
menderita Flu Babi atau penyakit yang mirip lainnya seperti Meningitis.
Lalu bila sudah bisa dikonfirmasi mengalami indikasi terjangkiti
penyakit Flu Babi, pada bagian akhir website tersebut akan memberikan nomer untuk pengambilan obat Flu babi. Saksikan videonya.
<http://www.msnbc. msn.com/id/ 21134540/ vp/32108410# 32108410>
* SITUASI DI INDONESIA Menurut WHO pada tanggal 23 Juli ada 322
kasus <http://www.searo. who.int/EN/ Section10/ Section2562. htm> di
Indonesia. Di Asia tenggara, Indonesia ranking kedua setelah Thailand.
* Departemen Kesehatan RI menyediakan khusus website untuk
penanggulangan Flu Babi. Berikut websitenya
<http://www.depkes. go.id/index. php?option= news&task= viewarticle& sid=3461
* Cara mencegah penularan Flu Babi dilakukan melalui
langkah-langkah "kebersihan diri" (Personal Hygiene) dan meningkatkan
ketahanan tubuh (makan makanan bernutrisi, minum banyak air dan cukup
istirahat). Lihat poster dikiri dari WHO.
* Salah satu pencegahan yang paling efektif adalah dengan mencuci
tangan. Sampai-sampai WHO mengajarkan secara rinci metoda mencuci tangan
yang terbaik. Lihat poster dikanan dari WHO juga
* Beberapa negara sudah mulai menyuntikan vaksin
<http://www.independ ent.co.uk/ life-style/ health-and- families/ health-news
/swine-flu-q- amp-a-is- tamiflu-ndash- or-a-vaccine- ndash-the- answer-167639
5.html> . Tulisan tentang ini pernah saya tulis setahun yang lalu
<http://www.triharyo .com/index. php?pilih= news&aksi= lihat&id= 92> . Tapi
saat ini nampaknya Indonesia sudah terlambat bila mau menyiapkan vaksin,
karena semua negara-negara di dunia sudah berebut..
Berikut ciri-ciri bila seseorang terserang Flu Babi:
* Panas badan melebihi 38 C
* Terasa lelah (Lethargy)
* Tidak ada nafsu makan
* Hidung mengalir
* Merasa sakit tenggorokan bila menelan
* Batuk
* Otot-otot sakit
* Sambungan tulang nyeri
* Mual-mual dan ingin muntah
* Diare
Bila mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut diatas, silahkan menghubungi 100 rumah sakit di Indonesia yang mampu untuk merawat penderita Flu Babi.Berikut daftar 100 rumah sakit resmi dari Depkes
<http://www.depkes. go.id/downloads/ flu_H1N1/ kepmenkes414- menkes-sk- IV-20
07.pdf> yang mampu untuk menangani Pandemi Flu Burung (kemudian Flu
Babi). Namun di Jakarta hanya ada 3 (tiga) Rumah Sakit yaitu:
1. RSPI Dr Sulianti Saroso - Jl Baru Sunter Permai Raya
Jakarta - 021-6506559
2. RSU Persahabatan - Jl Persahabatan Raya No.1 -
021-4891708, 4891745, 4751741
3. RSPAD Gatot Subroto - Jl Dr A Rachman Saleh No 24,
Jakarta Pusat - 021-3441008, 3840702
Demikian beberapa informasi dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Saya secara
pribadi sekarang menerapkan pola cuci tangan yang disiplin dan langsung
istirahat bila sedikit saja terindikasi flu,"PRITA CYNTHIA ROESLI"


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