Securing Child From Accidents at Home

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However, sometimes this is impossible because of the narrowness of the house. In addition, your baby may also be tired of just being in the room, especially every day. As a result, he still wanted to get out of arealnya it, and all over the house had been explored. Plus the higher interest and great curiosity, so relentless she tried a new experience; up and down stairs, open the closed doors including cabinet doors, rooms, and also refrigerators, as well as touching this and that.

This led to other consequences, namely the need to safeguard children from several accidents that may occur. Therefore, you are encouraged to provide safety devices required (household safety). What security can you plug in the house?

1. Security bracket table (soft corner Protectors). This tool is made of plastic and dull that it will not hurt if the child hit. Or, you can also replace all the table with a round tip and not sharp.
2. Closing the plug. Young children may put her fingertips to each hole in the wall, including the plug in which is contained electricity. Plug the special lid so that your child does not merambahnya as toys.
3. Guardrail. This tool is needed, especially for those who have storey house because it can prevent your baby up and down stairs without being noticed. In addition, if the kitchen and dining room with a door you did not, this fence can be installed to prevent it in the kitchen.
4. Security drawer. Often times opening and closing drawers makes little fingers stuck, but its contents were spilled and broken. Install safety drawer to prevent that happening.
5. Security dispensers. Hot water faucet can make a baby fingers blistered and wounded. Put a special faucet that has a small knob.
6. Bolt refrigerator. Refrigerator, especially large so that the baby can enter into it very dangerous for toddlers. Attach a special bolt so he could not open it without adult help.
7. Cupboard cover bolt. This tool serves as a lock for the door handle so that toddlers can not play the cabinet lid. Put in the closet, bookcase, or cabinet DVD.
8. Anti-slip mats. Install anti-slip mats made of rubber and not slippery to prevent your baby falling when you bathe in the bathroom. You can put it on the area where he used to bathe, be it on the floor of the bathtub or on the bathroom floor.
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Prepare Kids For Abduction Dangers

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Safety Tips: Parents Should Prepare Kids For Abduction Dangers

Not a week goes by without a report of a child abduction, molestation, or a loved one who has turned up missing. An adult's worst nightmare can be minimized through proper safety tip education with a youngster about "stranger danger" and what to do to keep a loved one out of harm's way.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers the following safety tips for parents to discuss with their youngsters:
  • Travel with a friend, or better yet, a group of friends when riding your bike or walking to or from school or other destinations.

  • If a stranger offers you a ride somewhere, say no, and run away. Adults should define "stranger" and give safety tip examples to help youth, especially young ones, know what you mean.

  • If someone follows you on foot, get away as quickly as you can. Go to someone's house you know, or run to other people, or just run away.

  • If someone is following you in a car, turn around and go in the opposite direction or take a path where a car would not go.

  • Never leave school or any other extracurricular activity or event with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Moms or dads should tell their youngster that it is okay in these circumstances to not ride home, but that also means adults should have an established communications method along with these safety tip guidelines so that the kid does not end up stranded or alone.

  • If a stranger tells you that there is an emergency or that a family member is hurt or that a pet has been in an accident, always check with your mom or dad or other trusted adults. This is a common trick used by many molesters or kidnappers.

  • For more information about safety tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, call 800/843-5678.

Other general safety tips include:
  • Grown-ups should establish "safe houses" where kids feel comfortable in knocking on their door at any time a situation warrants it. Be sure to get approval from the neighbors/homeowners first before designating a home as a "safe house." If possible, have a neighborhood safety tip meeting and have residents agree to watch after one another.

  • Parents should not become lax about kids going to a friend's home in a neighborhood--even if it is only a few doors away. Snatchings can happen in an instant; even under a parent's watchful eye. The key is to keep an eye on a youngster when out front. Older youth should be instructed to call when they arrive at a friend's home for peace of mind and as a good safety tip practice.

  • Never let kids play out in the front yard alone without direct supervision by an adult. There are too many opportunities for endangerment or other types of accidents. A back yard is a much safer, and more private, option.

  • If at all possible, an adult should greet youngsters as they get off a school bus, and not have them walk home alone.

  • Parents should be cautious about blatant use of a child's name on a back pack or jacket. Kids sometimes believe that a person can't be a stranger if they know them by name, when the reality is that their name was easily readable on their attire or the individual heard a youngster's name mentioned.

  • Adults should understand that boys are at just as greatest of risk as girls. It is a common safety tip misconception that child molesters or perpetrators are typically men and seek only girls. Molesters come in all ages and both genders, and their victims can be of either sex.

  • Parents should begin reinforcing these safety tips as soon as a kid is old enough to understand, and above all, ensure that their child feels comfortable enough in discussing these issues, their concerns or fears, or any potentially inappropriate events that have possibly transpired. Awareness of these safety tips can help kids be less susceptible to any stranger dangers.
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