Halal certification is important and should be!2

22:59 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Without supervision, the label "kosher" will further develop their producers comply taste. Whereas the provisions of halal-haram is crucial issue for consumers.

That's the most important homework is done by LP garus POM-MUI, including thinking about the possibility of making their own testing laboratory - which so far still Nebeng at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Not only that, there are other chores for LPPOM. From a survey conducted at the institution Jabotabek area and other major cities in Java, found no fewer than 69 products that state that is not permitted on the recommendation of both MOH and the MUI. Most of these products are candy products that use gelatin. It could be other products as well as ... ...

On the other hand, there are also new companies get halal certification for some types of direct products claiming all halal products. There is also the first products certified halal MUI (the validity period for two years) but after not been extended again. While halal certification was never revoked again. If the production system used was the same, maybe not a problem. but if you then change the system, either in part or in whole kehalaln affecting the products, then consumers are harmed. This information is to be bridged by LPPOM MUI in order to reach consumers through their site-www.halal MUI.com, or sites that are official working with them, for example web.halalguide.info, and other media.

Finally, if you are a manufacturer of food products / beverages are keen to see the market will, immediately take care of your products kosher certified. Muslim consumers are guaranteed a principled way on the family account will be your loyal customers. And their number in Indonesia is about 160 million loh!

source: infohalal.wordpress.com

Halal certification is important and should be!

22:53 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Consumers today increasingly critical. They are not just demanding hygienic products and guaranteed nutritious, but for the Muslim, one who so they are also concerned kehalalannya. And, the label had become a key halal in deciding to buy or not a product.

"Bi ... kok ga ada label cake halalnya?" Said one little girl who is still sitting in class V SD cake while watching packaged rolls from Malaysia which is still widely circulated here. Account as his father, who came all the way from Jakarta with a snack, not too surprised. Because he had understood correctly, Jamilah his little girl would not eat it immediately, though nge-fans kind of heavy with fruit snacks brought hand was. He had thought his son who was known about the critical questions the halal label Kehalalan brought snacks.
"Jamilah can not eat it because the packaging is not no label halalnya," said Jamilah later. But he eventually ate the cake straight away which was good, after account showed a small kosher label version of JAKIM (Malaysia him LPPOM MUI) at the back of the package. Jamilah smile and even expand "Delicious, bi ..." he said. Account retorted "God willing and halal."

According to Jamilah, kosher label him a necessity. Any interesting food, if the packaging does not list label halal, then it is better for him to forget it. Jamilah statement this young diaminkan also by his brother Abdul Karim was puberty, miraculously they both enforce the 'law' that when choosing a place to eat. Hence, even though people say Japan X Restaurant food taste delicious (they both take the name of a famous restaurant-red), Jamilah and Abdul Karim was not interested in trying kehalalannya not guaranteed.

The same is done also by the account, their father was a former manager of an Islamic magazine. According to him, the first thing done when shopping for food products will be given to family-is the label. From the label, which was first seen Kehalalan food security. And this principle is transmitted to their children so that they are critical as Jamilah and Abdul Karim.

Just label halal (read: official halal label LP-POM MUI) is not enough. According to the account, which is also important is the registration number of the Ministry of Health or BPOM. "City or BPOM MOH is also an important requirement in addition to label halal (official-ed)," he said. Also according to account, many producers who put the writing on the packaging, kosher, even though the product is not guaranteed kehalalannya. Because the label is not accompanied by halalnya halal certificate number issued by the LP-POM MUI .. "Also if no registration number or from BPOM MOH, it means the product sold is not necessarily the product thoyyib and safe to consume," he added.

Consumers will demand halal products is growing recently. Recognized or not, Muslim consumers are more critical now. They are not just demanding hygienic products and guaranteed nutritious, but also kehalalannya. Cases that had spread like Ajinomoto seasoning so much interesting public reaction is one example.

On the other hand, interest-mensertifikat producers for their products halalkan also higher. LP POM MUI officials in one of his site states there is almost no time without the test for researchers in LPPOM MUI. Moreover, since the Directorate of Drug and Food (now POM) Kehalalan leave this matter entirely to LPPOM MUI.

Previously, there were two models are certified kosher, the MUI and the Directorate of POM. However, recently, has been fully devolved BPOM kosher certification is the MUI Fatwa Commission. Based on this MUI, BPOM will give approval for the inclusion of the halal label certified halal, or refusal to provide a halal certificate is not pocketed. Cooperation is clearly Kehalalan guarantee for Muslim consumers in using the product consumed.

Cooperation Department of Health and LPPOM MUI has reached the level of guarantee of a halal products and Thoyib. Thus religion in terms of safety and health terms too. For consumers and producers, one door halal certification is indeed beneficial. At least not many tables to go, so save money that would ordinarily be charged to the consumer.

Feel there's very 'spirit' will demand kosher certification in the midst of consumers, mainly Moslems. But so far, there has been no certain figures to measure the level of consumer awareness of the Muslims is halal products. Because there is still no official agency conducting a survey about it.

In fact, the interest in halal certification is not only consumers but also producers. For the people of Indonesia are increasing the level of intellect and more critical, halal products becomes imperative. Halal certification would not want to be one prerequisite to winning the market competition.

It's just that it should be noted, because the ordinary people see only the label Kehalalan course, then there must be institutions that guarantee that the product is certified kosher really always kosher. This means that there is a mechanism should be very strict oversight to monitor post-certification.

source: infohalal.wordpress.com
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