Bathroom Together as Sex Education

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CHAPTER sexual problems in children is not easy. However, sex education taught to children should be given to children not one step in his life.

According to Dra Clara Istiwidarum Kriswanto, MA, CPBC, psychologists from Jagadnita Consulting, sex of the child's parents must be given as early as possible.

"Sex education must be given to the child's parents as early as possible. Precisely begins at zero years old. But the main requirement is the children feelcomfortable as they are not necessarily friends sex lessons from her parents," explained coach talk show "A Session with Coach Clara "when found in Citywalk Sudirman Legal, Friday (11/4/2008).

According to him, sex education is defined as education about the anatomy of body organs can continue to sexual reproduction. By teaching children sex education can prevent children from negative risk sexual behavior. Because, naturally he will know the ins and outs of sexuality and its consequences if the rules do not comply with the law, religion and customs. Including the mental and material readiness of a person.

"The benefits of sex education to children is to know the sex organs of men and women. In this way, the child will have a positive image of the concept that feels valued, loved and grace. And naturally he will be able to fortify themselves from the negative things, "he said.

Introduction to child sex can be started from the introduction of the anatomy of the body. Then increase the education about how to multiply the living creatures to humans and animals. Well, one of how to deliver sex education to the children can begin to take them bathing together.

"A bath together with the children is how to teach natural sexuality education. Through these activities, children will feel loved with a hug, a touch of loving. However, a bath together can only be done until the toddler age because at this age child can understand about organ their bodies, "explained the mother of four children who always look this beautiful.

Added to Clara, I submit that any sexual education should not be too vulgar, because it will negatively affect the child. When will teach sex education, see the intended target. Because, when children are taught about sex, he would critically and want to know about everything.

"The main requirements for teaching children sex education is to be honest and open in accordance with capacity. Therefore, parents need not know everything. If a child asks about sex, but parents do not know the answer then just answer honestly. Or it could be asked to the expert," advises UI almamater to continue his S2 program at Goldsmiths College University of London, United Kingdom it.

Not only that, continued Clara, in the expression of sex education should also be honest. "In this sex education should avoid the use of fictitious names of the vital tools of male and female. And the pass was not to be teased. Therefore, to personal things in a private environment will make your child know that it does become a part of life, "he added.

Once children learn sex education, the child will also know how to maintain health. Naturally, he would know that there are body parts that should not be vulgar.

"In part of sex education, we can teach children to dress in the bathroom or in her bedroom. So, should not run while naked and indulgence in the body," he concluded. (nsa)
Chaerunnisa - Okezone, Photo: Corbis

11 Basic Rules Raising Children By Nanny Stella

03:39 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This - loyal audience the show Nanny 911 will familiar with the name of Nanny Stella. This event has a lot of spectators because of the nanny who was involved to help the family achieve cooperation and turn chaos into calm in just 7 days.
Some time ago, Nanny Stella visited Jakarta to share the basic rule 11 (11 Commandments) in raising children. These rules he had made with one friend, Nanny Deb, who also participated in the event. Experiences for approximately 15 years of parenting, plus education for 2 years at the National Nursery Education Board made him the confidence to publish these 11 basic rules. According to him, this basic rule cross age, cross country, not situational, not emotional, absolute, and is made to avoid bad actions that could have happened in the future.
Here are the 11 rules, which delivered Nanny Stella in his seminar on JITEC, Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta, Saturday (7/12/09) ago.
Be consistent
No means no. Yes, it means yes. If you want to impose "timeout" to your child, do it. Do not stop or cancel it just because there are distractions.
Every action has consequences
Good behavior rewarded. Bad behavior punished. Give an explanation if there is a reward for something good that he did, or punishment if he made a mistake. For example, you and your family going on vacation to a nice vacation spot if the child can reach great numbers in the report. Or, if you are lazy to learn, he will live classroom.
Say what you want
Think before you speak, or feel the consequences. If the child has violated your command, then the punishment must also be clear, and you have to do the punishment. If you violate your own reward system, then the child will get used to ignore the punishment that you set for other things. Get ready, because this would lead to dissent.
Parents work together as a team
If you and your partner do not mutually agree on one thing, your child will not know whom to listen. The result, he would not listen to anybody. This not only applies to you and your partner, but also for all those who are in places you raise the child. Whether it's nanny, mother-father, grandparents, uncles, aunts, all those involved with the child. Do not let anyone have the words opposite to each other, because the child can result in confusion and even worse for him.
Do not promise if it can not be observed
If you promise something to the child, make sure the promise is fulfilled. If you could not give promise to the children, better not say. Because of broken promises can be a very painful thing for the child.
Listen to your kids
Acknowledge their feelings. Say, "I understand", but said earnestly, then take the time to really listen to you. Because they need someone who can and want to listen to their complaints. If they lean to the wrong person, the result could be no right thing for him. Try to be their friend and listen to what they feel. Feel the pleasure of the people who understand their closest.
Set routines
Routine makes your child feel secure and give structure to the time that they have. But not necessarily have to follow the schedule in accordance hours. "Routines are important, so that the children learned what they would do next. No need on an hourly, based routines can. In this way they learn order. For example, after playing in the afternoon, they bathe, eat dinner, brush your teeth , wash your feet, and sleep, "said Nanny Stella.
The respect goes both ways
If you do not respect your kids, they will not respect you. The statute "treat others as you want to be treated". Honor them by providing what they are entitled to without delay, as well as listen to what they want to say.
Positive reinforcement is better than negative reinforcement
Flattery, praise, and pride far more useful than being bitchy, negative, and ignored. It's better to say positive reinforcement to communicate your intentions, rather than pointing to a label adjectives. For example, "I'm glad to see the efforts you improve your math score" better than, "You're smart. Value of Mathematics you've got 1 point in the report card". When you label a point, he will stop there and not trying to develop.
Behavior are universal
Good behavior accepted by anyone. Model him to say "thank you, please, or excuse" to those that intersect. Wherever, polite always necessary. Teach good manners to him through your actions. Children like a blank tape to record whatever they see of the people, or what he witnessed. So, give him the best examples.
Define your role as a parent
It's not your job to make kids stick to you. Your task is to prepare children to face the outside world, and let her be herself. Do not always stick and help her with everything. Occasionally he had to learn to deal with the pain, sense of failure, also can not think. This is important so that he could find a way to overcome the limitations
source: web

When Your child Won't Stop Breast-Feeding

00:43 Posted In , , Edit This

Kate, the mother of a 7-year-old, 5-year-old and 20-month-old is still breast-feeding ALL of her children. She tells Dr. Phil that she just can't say no when the kids ask to nurse. What advice does Dr. Phil have? Read on.

First, it's important to know that breast-feeding can be a very positive part of motherhood. This has been medically proven through studies:

  • Two decades of research have established that breast milk is perfectly suited to nourish infants while protecting them from disease. Breast-fed babies have a lower rate of illness than bottle-fed babies.

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics says that breast-feeding for the first 6 months after birth supports optimal growth and development and recommends that children be breast-fed for at least 12 months. Thereafter, breast-feeding can continue for as long as mutually desired. Experts agree that the only acceptable alternative to breast milk is infant formula.

  • Solid foods can be introduced into a child's diet between 4 to 6 months of age — but the baby should continue to drink breast milk or formula (not cow's milk) for a full year.

    There aren't any rules about when to stop breast-feeding, but a baby should ideally have breast milk for the first year of its life. Dr. Phil has this advice for Kate, who breast-feeds her 5-and 7-year-olds:

  • By giving in and allowing a child to nurse after being weaned, you are teaching the child that he/she can get what he/she wants when he/she wants it.

  • Don't feel guilty for saying no. Children need to learn that they can't get everything they want. Establish boundaries and keep them.

  • Find other ways to show your child affection and give them comfort when they want to be breast-fed. You can hug them and hold them instead. Remind your child that he/she is a big boy/girl now and doesn't need to breast-feed anymore.

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