Trick to get Infant Male or Female

19:49 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Scientifically, the determination of the sex of the baby is influenced by the type of chromosome that successfully reach the egg.

When the X chromosome which an egg cell, it will be born baby girl. Conversely, if the Y chromosomes which fertilize, it will be born baby boy.

The nature of the X chromosome different from chromosome Y. Chromosome X, although a longer lifetime, have the ability to "swim" is slower than the Y chromosome While the Y chromosome that agile swimmers although their lifetime is shorter.

Understand tips that follow the ancient mythology, which was also attended by dr. Jules Black from Australia, it said its success was 85%. To increase the likelihood of getting a baby boy, it is recommended that copulations performed just as his wife is in a period of ovulation.

To find the time, you can buy simple equipment (kits) are available at pharmacies. The position advocated copulation, wife backs her husband's chest.

This position is he better ensure "saving" in addition to adjacent semen once with the wife's cervix. Thus, the ability of the Y chromosome swimming faster, more practical will sooner reach the egg. The more often the way this is done, the more likely to get a baby boy.

If we want a baby girl, copulations performed until the boundary of two or three days before ovulation. Thus only the X chromosome are more likely to survive longer while waiting for the egg regardless of the ovary.

Before the relationship is, it is recommended to consume acidic fluids. Here, also recommended for male penetration is not too deep, so expect the X chromosome sperm cells have a chance to stay alive and keep swimming toward the egg.

It is suggested that classical intimate position (opposite). Avoiding orgasm (for the wife) is more advisable to create the environment in the vagina more alkaline (base), a favorite neighborhood for chromosome X.

A study in France suggest, if want a baby boy, it is advisable to consume more salty foods, meats, and foods that contain lots of potassium such as bananas, apricots, and celery. If you want girls, a lot of eating foods high in iron and calcium.

Of course this is more appropriate option is for couples who do not have a problem with their reproductive system. (Dr. Audrey Luize)


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10 Tactics Sweet Child Overcome picky eater

20:48 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
You do not easily upset or hurt, when facing toddler picky eater. Fatigue you already made food, but then did not eat. Ideally, this would make you up the challenge to be creative and varied menu of different ways of eating. Here are 10 tricks you can try telling that practice:

* Tray of different colors. Serve small pieces of different kinds of fruit, snack foods, cakes, etc. on a tray that interesting.
* Dipped. This is one way to eat your favorite child-ana. For example, a biscuit dipped in milk first before entering the mouth.
* Dabbed. Apply it first thing in the top surface of the food. For example, ajaridia butter, jam, fruit jam kacangatau on a piece of bread, biscuits or krekers.

* Straws. Encourage children to make different smoothies, fruit juice mixed with milk or cream wheep, and serve with a straw. Beep sruput suction caused a sensation that makes children enthusiastic.
* Mini is more. Cut a variety of foods in a variety of interesting shapes and sized mini. For example, a mini sandwich with triangles and rectangles, then given a toothpick ornaments
* Decorated. Every toddler, who at least hooked makanpun, would be tempted to taste when I saw the decorated food interesting.
* Dining together. Invite your friends Your Toddler, or nephew (what else is hooked to eat) to accompany children to eat. Usually, this will change the attitude of children who love food picky.
* Provide in small portions, because the stomach is small.
* Involve the cook (start of the process of shopping, preparation, to presentation). He will be more appetizing taste his own.
* Change menu. For example, the original fried rice for breakfast, exchanged for the dinner menu. Then, pizza for breakfast, and puddings and fruit juices for lunch. Importantly, the calorie needs are met.

Picky eater tips facing child
* Make sure children meikmati balanced nutrition with meals containing protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
* Vary the foods so that children do not get bored and get to know new foods.
* Make a habit of eating together for the child eat a good example moved from parents.

source: website Ayahbunda
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