WHO warns swine flu 'unstoppable'

23:49 Posted In , , , Edit This
WHO calls for vigilance over swine flu

The UN's top health official has opened a forum in Mexico on combating swine flu by saying that the spread of the virus worldwide is now unstoppable.

World Health Organization head Margaret Chan added that the holding of the meeting in Cancun showed confidence in Mexico, which has been hard hit.

The WHO says most H1N1 cases are mild, with many people recovering unaided.

As the summit opened, the UK alone was projecting more than 100,000 new cases of H1N1 a day by the end of the summer.

While Mexico in the northern hemisphere has seen swine flu cases decreased, the peak of the flu season is approaching in South America and some areas have declared a public health emergency.

Paraguay has reported its first fatality, while in Central America El Salvador has also recorded its first swine flu death.

'Mild symptoms'

"As we see today, with well over 100 countries reporting cases, once a fully fit pandemic virus emerges, its further international spread is unstoppable," Dr Chan said in her opening remarks.

A masked guard at a swine flu-quarantined hospital in Athens, Greece, stops a car, 2 July
A hospital in Athens, Greece, has been quarantined for swine flu

She stressed that the overwhelming majority of patients experienced mild symptoms and made a full recovery within a week, often in the absence of any form of medical treatment.

The exceptions, she said, were pregnant women and people with underlying health problems, who were at higher risk from complications from the virus and should be monitored if they fell ill.

"For a pandemic of moderate severity, this is one of our greatest challenges: helping people to understand when they do not need to worry, and when they do need to seek urgent care," Dr Chan said.

Turning to the summit venue, the WHO chief added: "Mexico is a safe, as well as a beautiful and warmly gracious, place to visit."

Leaders and experts from 50 countries are in Cancun for the two-day meeting to discuss strategies for combating the virus.

It has been more than two months since the initial alert over swine flu.

Since then, the H1N1 virus has entered more than 100 countries, infected more than 70,000 people and killed more than 300 worldwide.

Authorities across South America are becoming increasingly concerned as the peak flu season approaches.

Schools across Argentina have sent students home and pregnant women have been told they can take two weeks off work to avoid contracting the virus.

It is hoped the Cancun meeting will address many of the issues that might help slow the spread of swine flu but, our correspondent adds, many people are concerned that an effective vaccine has still not been developed.

reference web news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8130196.stm


23:31 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
FW: : Flu Babi H1N1 - WHO sudah nyatakan "Unstoppable" - apa yang bi
* Saking cepatnya menyebar, pada tanggal 6 Juli 2009, WHO akhirnya
menghentikan monitoring jumlah orang yang terjangkit Flu Bab
<http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/uk_news/ 8083179.stm> i. Angka terakhir (19 Juli 2009), menyebutkan bahwa Flu Babi sudah menyebar di 160 negara
<http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/americas/ 8167961.stm> , menjangkiti 137.215
orang dan mengakibatkan 800 orang meninggal. Walaupun persentase
kematiannya relatif kecil, tetapi yang mengkhawatirkan adalah
kematian-kematian tersebut terjadi di negara-negara maju yang mempunyai
sistem perawatan kesehatan yang relatif baik.
* WHO sudah menyatakan bahwa Swine flu "Unstoppable"
<http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/americas/ 8130196.stm> dan memasuki tahap 6
yaitu "Widespread Human Infection".
* Sebagai contoh N egara Inggris sudah kewalahan untuk menanganipenyebaran Flu Babi. Semua penderita diwajibkan untuk tinggal di rumah saja, tidak dianjurkan ke Rumah Sakit dan masuk ke website penanganan pandemi Flu babi
<http://www.direct. gov.uk/en/ groups/dg_ digitalassets/ @dg/@en/document s/d
igitalasset/ dg_178842. htm> . Dalam 1 (satu) jam, website dikunjungi 9
juta orang. Website tersebut membantu ana lisa apakah seseorang
menderita Flu Babi atau penyakit yang mirip lainnya seperti Meningitis.
Lalu bila sudah bisa dikonfirmasi mengalami indikasi terjangkiti
penyakit Flu Babi, pada bagian akhir website tersebut akan memberikan nomer untuk pengambilan obat Flu babi. Saksikan videonya.
<http://www.msnbc. msn.com/id/ 21134540/ vp/32108410# 32108410>
* SITUASI DI INDONESIA Menurut WHO pada tanggal 23 Juli ada 322
kasus <http://www.searo. who.int/EN/ Section10/ Section2562. htm> di
Indonesia. Di Asia tenggara, Indonesia ranking kedua setelah Thailand.
* Departemen Kesehatan RI menyediakan khusus website untuk
penanggulangan Flu Babi. Berikut websitenya
<http://www.depkes. go.id/index. php?option= news&task= viewarticle& sid=3461
* Cara mencegah penularan Flu Babi dilakukan melalui
langkah-langkah "kebersihan diri" (Personal Hygiene) dan meningkatkan
ketahanan tubuh (makan makanan bernutrisi, minum banyak air dan cukup
istirahat). Lihat poster dikiri dari WHO.
* Salah satu pencegahan yang paling efektif adalah dengan mencuci
tangan. Sampai-sampai WHO mengajarkan secara rinci metoda mencuci tangan
yang terbaik. Lihat poster dikanan dari WHO juga
* Beberapa negara sudah mulai menyuntikan vaksin
<http://www.independ ent.co.uk/ life-style/ health-and- families/ health-news
/swine-flu-q- amp-a-is- tamiflu-ndash- or-a-vaccine- ndash-the- answer-167639
5.html> . Tulisan tentang ini pernah saya tulis setahun yang lalu
<http://www.triharyo .com/index. php?pilih= news&aksi= lihat&id= 92> . Tapi
saat ini nampaknya Indonesia sudah terlambat bila mau menyiapkan vaksin,
karena semua negara-negara di dunia sudah berebut..
Berikut ciri-ciri bila seseorang terserang Flu Babi:
* Panas badan melebihi 38 C
* Terasa lelah (Lethargy)
* Tidak ada nafsu makan
* Hidung mengalir
* Merasa sakit tenggorokan bila menelan
* Batuk
* Otot-otot sakit
* Sambungan tulang nyeri
* Mual-mual dan ingin muntah
* Diare
Bila mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut diatas, silahkan menghubungi 100 rumah sakit di Indonesia yang mampu untuk merawat penderita Flu Babi.Berikut daftar 100 rumah sakit resmi dari Depkes
<http://www.depkes. go.id/downloads/ flu_H1N1/ kepmenkes414- menkes-sk- IV-20
07.pdf> yang mampu untuk menangani Pandemi Flu Burung (kemudian Flu
Babi). Namun di Jakarta hanya ada 3 (tiga) Rumah Sakit yaitu:
1. RSPI Dr Sulianti Saroso - Jl Baru Sunter Permai Raya
Jakarta - 021-6506559
2. RSU Persahabatan - Jl Persahabatan Raya No.1 -
021-4891708, 4891745, 4751741
3. RSPAD Gatot Subroto - Jl Dr A Rachman Saleh No 24,
Jakarta Pusat - 021-3441008, 3840702
Demikian beberapa informasi dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Saya secara
pribadi sekarang menerapkan pola cuci tangan yang disiplin dan langsung
istirahat bila sedikit saja terindikasi flu,"PRITA CYNTHIA ROESLI"


WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com






23:47 Posted In , , Edit This

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Measuring body weight on a scale

Dieting is the practice of ingesting food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. In most cases the goal is weight loss in those who are overweight or obese, but some athletes aspire to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle) and diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight.

Diets to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie.[1] A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat), with a 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies.[1] At two years all diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized.[2]



[edit] Types of dieting

There are several kinds of diets:

  • Weight-loss diets restrict the intake of specific foods, or food in general, to reduce body weight. What works to reduce body weight for one person will not necessarily work for another, due to metabolic differences and lifestyle factors. Also, for a variety of reasons, most people find it difficult to maintain significant weight loss over time. Among individuals that have lost 10% or more of body weight, only 20% are able to maintain that weight loss for a full year.[3]
  • Athletes participating in professional sports may sometimes undertake weight-gain or weight-loss diets to increase or decrease their body mass to gain advantage in their field.
  • Individuals who are underweight, such as those recovering from anorexia nervosa or starvation, may adopt weight-gain diets which, unlike those of athletes, have the goal of restoring normal levels of body fat, muscle, and stores of essential nutrients.
  • Actors, and people participating in similar activities, may pursue weight loss or gain in order to better portray a particular role.

Makanan pengecil perut

23:08 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Liputan6.com, Toronto: Merasa tidak percaya diri dengan bentuk perut Anda yang membuncit? Jangan khawatir. Anda tidak perlu bersusah payah melakukan diet. Kenapa? Karena berdasarkan sejumlah penelitian, penyebab buncitnya perut adalah karena lambannya proses pencernaan, bukan karena lemak.Anda bisa mengalahkan ketakutan Anda dengan hanya menerapkan sejumlah menu sederhana dan sedikit merubah gaya hidup. Ingat baik-baik daftar makanan versi MSNBC di bawah ini yang akan membuat Anda lebih percaya diri. Bukan tidak mungkin, perut Anda akan menjadi lebih rata, lebih seksi, dan lebih indah dalam waktu cepat.
Yang Boleh Dimakan
1. Makanan Berserat
Mengapa harus Anda makan? Sebab, konstipasi dapat membuat bengkak perut Anda. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasinya adalah dengan memakan sereal setiap pagi. Berdasarkan penelitian Universitas Toronto, Amerika Serikat, mengkonsumsi dua jenis serat sekaligus adalah cara paling efektif. Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa serat yang tidak dapat larut (dari kulit padi) dan serat yang dapat larut (dari psyllium) dalam sereal dapat menarik air menuju usus dan mempercepat proses pencernaan. Hasilnya? Anda terlihat lebih langsing dan merasa lebih ringan.
Anjuran Menu: 1/3 mangkuk sereal kaya serat

2. Makanan Kaya Potassium
Makanan kaya potassium seperti pisang dan kentang dapat menyingkirkan massa air berlebih dalam tubuh. Kelebihan air biasanya disebabkan kandungan dua mineral utama pengontrol air dalam tubuh, potassium dan sodium tidak seimbang. Ketika tingkat sodium kelewat batas, jaringan tubuh akan menahan air keluar menuju pencernaan. Untuk memperbaikinya, Anda minimal harus menkonsumsi 4.700 miligram asupan potassium tiap hari.
Hati-hati! Makanan adalah sumber potassium yang aman, namun tidak begitu dengan suplemen potassium. Berdasarkan ahli nutrisi asal University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Leslie Bonci, suplemen tersebut akan menimbun potassium dalam tubuh dan berpotensi mengarah pada kelainan ritme jantung atau bahkan serangan jantung.
Anjuran Menu: Satu porsi medium kentang panggang dengan kulitnya, satu buah pisang ukuran sedang, satu buah pepaya ukuran sedang, satu porsi sedang olahan kedelai, 1/2 mangkuk saus tomat, 1/2 mangkuk sayur bayam, dan satu buah jeruk ukuran sedang.
3. Yogurt Mengandung Probiotik
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, jumlah bakteri yang tidak seimbang dalam tubuh dapat memperlambat proses pencernaan dan membengkakkan perut anda. Namun, bakteri hidup dalam yogurt yang disebut probiotik dapat membantu. Walaupun para ilmuwan tidak begitu mengerti mekanismenya, probiotik dapat mempercepat pergerakan makanan dalam usus.
Anjuran Menu: empat ons yogurt rendah atau bebas lemak yang mengandung probiotik.

4. Lebih Banyak Konsumsi Air
Meminum cukup air dapat membantu usaha mengecilkan perut anda. Apabila terdapat cukup cairan dalam tubuh, sereal dengan dua jenis serat yang pagi tadi anda makan akan lebih mudah menarik air menuju usus bagian bawah dan mengatasi konstipasi.

Berapa banyak cairan yang anda butuhkan? Mengatasi kebuncitan berarti Anda harus cukup mengalami hidrasi. Oleh karena itu, minumlah delapan gelas tiap hari ditambah sejumlah makanan yang mengandung air seperti sayur dan buah. Selain itu, anda dapat memenuhi kuota per hari dengan susu, jus, kopi, dan teh. Jangan minum minuman beralkohol, karena akan menyebabkan sistem tubuh mengalami dehidrasi.
Anjuran Menu: Meminum banyak air adalah ide yang brilian. Mengapa? Karena air tidak mengandung kalori, garam, gula, atau zat adiktif. Lagipula itu gratis!

Yang Harus Dihindari
1. Sodium
Sodium dapat menahan air dan menyebabkan perut anda buncit. Kebanyakan dari kita mengkonsumsi sodium dua kali lebih tinggi dari yang seharusnya, yaitu 3400 miligram dari anjuran 1500 miligram per hari.
Strategi Terbaik: Hentikan memberi garam pada makanan Anda, dan periksa berapa kadar sodium dalam makanan kemasan.

2. Permen, Soda, dan Permen Karet
Anda pernah merasa kembung? Perut anda kian membesar padahal anda merasa tidak begitu banyak mengkonsumsi lemak? Yang ada dalam perut Anda bukanlah lemak melainkan udara. Ya, mungkin Anda tidak menyadari tapi ketika Anda makan atau minum terlalu cepat, mengisap minuman melalui sedotan, mengemut permen, dan mengunyah permen karet, Anda sedang "memakan" udara ke dalam tubuh.
Strategi Terbaik: Kunyahlah makanan perlahan-lahan sambil menutup mulut. Ganti minuman berkarbonasi seperti soda dengan yang lebih aman, seperti jus atau air putih. Kurangilah permen karet dan teman-temannya.

3. Pemanis Buatan
Tubuh kita tidak dapat mencerna dengan sempurna pemanis rendah kalori. Pemanis buatan banyak ditemukan dalam minuman kemasan berbagai rasa dan makanan bebas gula. Bakteri dalam usus besar akan menfermentasi zat ini sehingga menimbulkan gas atau bahkan diare.
Strategi Terbaik: Periksa beberapa label makanan berikut dan hindarilah: sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, dan lacitol.

4. Makanan Mentah
Buah-buahan segar dan sayuran itu sehat, namun tetap adalah makanan bervolume tinggi yang memenuhi isi perut Anda.
Strategi Terbaik: Atur dan sebar konsumsi produk segar Anda tiap hari. Jangan terlalu banyak memakannya karena merasa itu sehat. Makananlah secara seimbang. Anda dapat pula mengecilkan volume buah dan sayur dengan cara memasaknya. (AND)


WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com





E-mail spam

22:38 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

E-mail spam, also known as junk e-mail, is a subset of spam that involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE). Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that email is unsolicited and sent in bulk.[1][2][3][4][5] "UCE" refers specifically to unsolicited commercial e-mail.

E-mail spam has steadily, even exponentially grown since the early 1990s to several billion messages a day. Spam has frustrated, confused, and annoyed e-mail users. Laws against spam have been sporadically implemented, with some being opt-out and others requiring opt in e-mail. The total volume of spam (over 100 billion emails per day as of April 2008) has leveled off slightly in recent years, and is no longer growing exponentially. The amount received by most e-mail users has decreased, mostly because of better filtering. About 80% of all spam is sent by fewer than 200 spammers. Botnets, networks of virus-infected computers, are used to send about 80% of spam. Since the cost of the spam is borne mostly by the recipient,[6] it is effectively postage due advertising.

E-mail addresses are collected from chatrooms, websites, newsgroups, and viruses which harvest users' address books, and are sold to other spammers. Much of spam is sent to invalid e-mail addresses. ISPs have attempted to recover the cost of spam through lawsuits against spammers, although they have been mostly unsuccessful in collecting damages despite winning in court.[7][8] Spam averages 94% of all e-mail sent.[9]


From the beginning of the Internet (the ARPANET), sending of junk e-mail has been prohibited,[10] enforced by the Terms of Service/Acceptable Use Policy (ToS/AUP) of internet service providers (ISPs) and peer pressure. Even with a thousand users junk e-mail for advertising is not tenable, and with a million users it is not only impractical,[11] but also expensive.[12] It is estimated that spam cost businesses on the order of $100 billion in 2007.[13] As the scale of the spam problem has grown, ISPs and the public have turned to government for relief from spam, which has failed to materialize.[14]

[edit] Types

Spam has several definitions, varying by the source.

  • Unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE)—unsolicited e-mail, sent in large quantities.
  • Unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE)—this more restrictive definition is used by regulators whose mandate is to regulate commerce, such as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

[edit] Spamvertised sites

Many spam e-mails contain URLs to a website or websites. According to a Commtouch report in June 2004, "only five countries are hosting 99.68% of the global spammer websites", of which the foremost is China, hosting 73.58% of all web sites referred to within spam.[15]

[edit] Most common products advertised

According to information compiled by Spam-Filter-Review.com, E-mail spam for 2006 can be broken down as follows.[16]

E-Mail Spam by Category
Products 25%
Financial 20%
Adult 19%
Scams 9%
Health 7%
Internet 7%
Leisure 6%
Spiritual 4%
Other 3%

Rolex watches and Viagra-type drugs are two common products advertised in spam e-mail.[17][18]

[edit] 419 scams

Advance fee fraud spam such as the Nigerian "419" scam may be sent by a single individual from a cyber cafe in a developing country. Organized "spam gangs" operating from Russia or eastern Europe share many features in common with other forms of organized crime, including turf battles and revenge killings.[19]

[edit] Phishing

Spam is also a medium for fraudsters to scam users to enter personal information on fake Web sites using e-mail forged to look like it is from a bank or other organization such as PayPal. This is known as phishing. Spear-phishing is targeted phishing, using known information about the recipient, such as making it look like it comes from their employer.[20]

[edit] Appending

If a marketer has one database containing names, addresses, and telephone numbers of prospective customers, they can pay to have their database matched against an external database containing email addresses. The company then has the means to send email to persons who have not requested email, which may include persons who have deliberately withheld their email address. [21]

[edit] Image spam

Image spam is an obfuscating method in which the text of the message is stored as a GIF or JPEG image and displayed in the email. This prevents text based spam filters from detecting and blocking spam messages. Image spam is currently used largely to advertise "pump and dump" stocks.[22]

Tips mengatasi spam email

22:19 Posted In , , , Edit This
*Bagaimana para spamer mendapatkan email anda,*
> tak lupa dari bantuan search engine semacam yahoo atau google.
> Hanya dengan simple script dengan memparsing hasil pencarian dengan keyword
> @domain.[com|co.id|]
> misal keywordnya @gmail.com query stringnya sbb:
> http://www.google.co.id/search?q=%40gmail.com
> hasil pencariannya diparsing menggunakan php, asp, perl atau bahasa
> pemogramannya dengan mengambail pattern/pola @gmail.com maka akan didapat
> list email(bisa saja termasuk email anda).
> *Bagaimana mengatasinya?*
> ketika mengetik email di body email bisa di ganti menjadi
> emailanda[at]gmail[dot]com
> *Apakah cara tersebut ampuh?*
> iya, tapi hanya sementara. Karena para spamer tinggal merubah patternnya
> *Apakah ada cara lain jika cara pertama tidak ampuh lagi?*Ada, tuliskan
> email anda dalam format image/gambar
> *
> Apakah cara kedua tersebut ampuh?*
> iya, tapi hanya sementara. Karena para spamer masih bisa membaca email anda
> walau dalam formatnya
> tetapi perlu usaha keras untuk codingnya
> *Lah..., terus sulusinya bagaimana?*
> yang pasti anda tidak bisa lepas dari para spamer, karena itu sudah menjadi
> pekerjaan mereka,
> mereka dapat duit dari usaha mereka bahkan tool untuk dapat email diperjual
> belikan.
> Dari pada anda sibuk ngurus spamer mending biarkan aja, jika ada email yang
> masuk sbg kategori
> spam tinggal laporin aja ama penyedia email, kalo di google tinggal report
> spam. report spam yang anda
> lakukan bisa bermanfaat bagi orang lain(yang belum kena spam), karena
> penyedia email akan ngeblack list email mereka.
> So..., enjoy aja dengan para spamer, tidak selama email spam tidak
> bermanfaat("Rakhmad Maulidi")
tambahan lagi dari Indah Fashion jadi ajang promosi balik aja, jadi kapok yang spam


WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com





Prepare Kids For Abduction Dangers

22:14 Posted In , , , , Edit This

Safety Tips: Parents Should Prepare Kids For Abduction Dangers

Not a week goes by without a report of a child abduction, molestation, or a loved one who has turned up missing. An adult's worst nightmare can be minimized through proper safety tip education with a youngster about "stranger danger" and what to do to keep a loved one out of harm's way.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers the following safety tips for parents to discuss with their youngsters:
  • Travel with a friend, or better yet, a group of friends when riding your bike or walking to or from school or other destinations.

  • If a stranger offers you a ride somewhere, say no, and run away. Adults should define "stranger" and give safety tip examples to help youth, especially young ones, know what you mean.

  • If someone follows you on foot, get away as quickly as you can. Go to someone's house you know, or run to other people, or just run away.

  • If someone is following you in a car, turn around and go in the opposite direction or take a path where a car would not go.

  • Never leave school or any other extracurricular activity or event with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Moms or dads should tell their youngster that it is okay in these circumstances to not ride home, but that also means adults should have an established communications method along with these safety tip guidelines so that the kid does not end up stranded or alone.

  • If a stranger tells you that there is an emergency or that a family member is hurt or that a pet has been in an accident, always check with your mom or dad or other trusted adults. This is a common trick used by many molesters or kidnappers.

  • For more information about safety tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, call 800/843-5678.

Other general safety tips include:
  • Grown-ups should establish "safe houses" where kids feel comfortable in knocking on their door at any time a situation warrants it. Be sure to get approval from the neighbors/homeowners first before designating a home as a "safe house." If possible, have a neighborhood safety tip meeting and have residents agree to watch after one another.

  • Parents should not become lax about kids going to a friend's home in a neighborhood--even if it is only a few doors away. Snatchings can happen in an instant; even under a parent's watchful eye. The key is to keep an eye on a youngster when out front. Older youth should be instructed to call when they arrive at a friend's home for peace of mind and as a good safety tip practice.

  • Never let kids play out in the front yard alone without direct supervision by an adult. There are too many opportunities for endangerment or other types of accidents. A back yard is a much safer, and more private, option.

  • If at all possible, an adult should greet youngsters as they get off a school bus, and not have them walk home alone.

  • Parents should be cautious about blatant use of a child's name on a back pack or jacket. Kids sometimes believe that a person can't be a stranger if they know them by name, when the reality is that their name was easily readable on their attire or the individual heard a youngster's name mentioned.

  • Adults should understand that boys are at just as greatest of risk as girls. It is a common safety tip misconception that child molesters or perpetrators are typically men and seek only girls. Molesters come in all ages and both genders, and their victims can be of either sex.

  • Parents should begin reinforcing these safety tips as soon as a kid is old enough to understand, and above all, ensure that their child feels comfortable enough in discussing these issues, their concerns or fears, or any potentially inappropriate events that have possibly transpired. Awareness of these safety tips can help kids be less susceptible to any stranger dangers.
reference : web childcare.about.com

Hindari penculikan anak

21:47 Posted In , , Edit This
4 Langkah Hindari Penculikan Anak

Pasti Bunda pernah mendengar beberapa kasus penculikan yang terjadi di tanah air. Penculikan umumnya dilakukan untuk menarik perhatian melalui pesan dengan kompensasi sejumlah uang. Modus penculikan bervariasi, bisa karena balas dendam, persaingan bisnis, sakit hati, atau karena kelainan seksual pelakunya (phaedophilia).

Penculikan bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, dari keluarga berada atau pun tidak. Irma Gustiana A,M.Psi dari Lembaga Psikologi Terapan Universitas Indonesia yang juga menjadi Psikolog di Sekolah Dasar Ade Irma Suryani, Tebet ini memberikan kiatnya supaya hal mengerikan ini tidak terjadi pada buah hati Bunda.

* Menjalin Kedekatan
Kedekatan pada buah hati bisa timbul dari adanya komunikasi yang dilakukan secara rutin. Bila si kecil merasa dekat dengan orangtuanya hal sekecil apa pun akan dibagi pada Bunda, sehingga jika ia menemukan hal-hal aneh ia akan bercerita dengan sendirinya.

* Pupuk Kemandiriannya
Dengan mengajarkannya mandiri si kecil terbiasa untuk mengambil tindakan secara cepat. Hal ini penting supaya ia mampu melakukan pertahanan untuk dirinya. Misalnya ia akan mengatakan “Saya tidak mau ikut.” dengan suara keras untuk memancing perhatian orang-orang sekitar.

* Pastikan Orang yang menjemputnya
Tekankan padanya untuk tidak ikut pada orang lain selain Bunda, Ayah atau keluarga yang biasa menjemputnya di sekolah, sekali pun dia mantan pengasuhnya. Hal ini untuk menghindari motif sakit hati yang mungkin terjadi pada si pengasuh sebelumnya.

* Perkenalkan Orang Baru
Jangan lupa untuk mengenalkan orang-orang baru yang belum pernah ditemuinya. Dengan begitu dia bisa membedakan ini teman Bunda atau orang asing yang pantas dia waspadai.

Tips :

* Jangan memakaikan anak perhiasan pada saat ia sekolah. Perhiasan bisa menarik orang untuk berperilaku buruk padanya.
* Ingatkan selalu untuk menolak jika diiming-imingi sesuatu
* Ajarkan supaya ia mengenal identitasnya ; namanya, alamat, nomor telepon sehingga ia tahu siapa yang harus dihubungi pada saat darurat.


WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com





Prenuptial agreement2

20:47 Posted In , , , , Edit This

Prenuptial agreements in all U.S. states are not allowed to regulate issues relating to the children of the marriage, in particular, custody and access issues.[citation needed] The reason behind this is that matters involving children must be decided in the children's best interests.[citation needed][3] However, this is controversial: some people believe that as custody battles are the worst part of a divorce, couples should be able to settle this in advance.

With respect to financial issues ancillary to divorce, prenuptial agreements are routinely upheld and enforced by courts in virtually all states. There are circumstances in which courts have refused to enforce certain portions/provisions of such agreements. For example, in an April, 2007 decision by the Appellate Division in New Jersey, the court refused to enforce a provision of a prenuptial agreement relating to the wife's waiver of her interest in the husband's savings plan. The New Jersey court held that when the parties executed their prenuptial agreement, it was not foreseeable that the husband would later increase his contributions toward the savings plan.

In California, there is one case that recognized an oral, executed prenup (Hall v. Hall) in the probate of an estate. Parties can waive disclosure beyond that which is provided, and there is no requirement of notarization, but it is good practice. There are special requirements if parties sign the agreement without attorney, and the parties must have independent counsel if they limit spousal support (also known as alimony or spousal maintenance in other states). Parties must wait seven days after the premarital agreement is first presented for review before they sign it, but there is no requirement that this be done a certain number of days prior to the marriage. Prenups often take months to negotiate so they should not be left until the last minute (as people often do). If the prenup calls for the payment of a lump sum at the time of divorce, it may be deemed to promote divorce. This concept has come under attack recently and a lawyer should be consulted to make sure the prenup does not violate this provision.

In California, an agreement is very powerful. A couple can waive their rights to share property (community property). It can limit spousal support (although a court at the divorce can set this aside if it deems that the limitation is unconscionable). The agreement can act as a contract to make a will requiring one spouse to provide for the other at death. It can also limit probate rights at death, such as the right to a probate allowance, a probate allowance, the right to act an executor, the right to take as a predetermined heir, and so forth.[citation needed]. In California, Registered Domestic Partners may also enter into a prenup. Prenups for Domestic Partners can have added complexities because the Domestic Partner does not have the benefit of federal tax law that favors married couples.In California, courts have not allowed penalties in prenups that sanction people for infidelity or using recreational drugs. Court will not enforce requirements that one person will do the dishes or that the children will be raised in a certain religion.

Postmarital agreements are treated very differently in California law. Spouses have a fiduciary duty to one another so premarital agreements come under a special category of agreements. There is a presumption that the postmarital agreement was obtained by undue influence if one party gains an advantage. Disclosure cannot be waived in the context of a postmarital agreement.Of note, unlike all other contract law, consideration is not required, although a minority of courts point to the marriage itself as the consideration. Through a prenup, a spouse can completely waive rights to property, alimony or inheritance as well as the elective share and get nothing in return.

A sunset provision may be inserted into a prenuptial agreement, specifying that after a certain amount of time, the agreement will expire. In a few states, such as Maine, the agreement will automatically lapse after the birth of a child, unless the parties renew the agreement. In other states, a certain number of years of marriage will cause a prenuptial agreement to lapse. In states that have adopted the UPAA (Uniform Premarital Agreement Act), no sunset provision is provided by statute, but one could be privately contracted for. Note that states have different versions of the UPAA.

Choice of law provisions are critical in prenups. Parties to the agreement can elect to have the law of the state they are married in govern both the interpretation of the agreement and how property is divided at the time of divorce. In the absence of a choice of law clause it is the law of the place the parties divorce, not the law of the state they were married that decides property and support issues.

In drafting an agreement, it is important to recognize that there are two types of state laws that govern divorce – equitable distribution, of which there are 41 states and 9 states that are some variation of community property. An agreement written in a community property state may not be designed to govern what occurs in an equitable distribution state and vice versa. It may be necessary to retain attorneys in both states to cover the possible eventuality that the parties may live in a state other than the state they were married. Often people have more than one home in different states or they move a lot because of their work so it is important to take that into account in the drafting process.There are several ways that a prenuptial agreement can be attacked in court. These include lack of voluntariness, unconscionably, and a failure to disclose assets

Prenuptial agreement

22:25 Posted In , , , , Edit This

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A prenuptial agreement, antenuptial agreement, or premarital agreement, commonly abbreviated to prenup or prenupt, is a contract entered into prior to marriage or civil union by the people intending to marry. The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage.,

In some countries, including the Netherlands, the prenuptial agreement not only provides for the event of a divorce, but also to protect some property during the marriage, for instance in case of a bankruptcy.Many countries, including Canada, France, Italy, and Germany, have matrimonial regimes, in addition to, or some cases, in lieu of prenuptial agreements.As of 2007, England and Wales do not enforce prenuptial agreements, but agreements may be upheld at the judge's discretion. These countries also do not have a provision for marital regimes.

There are two types of prenuptial agreements: marriage contract for people who are married or about to be married, and cohabitation agreement for unmarried couples. A variation for people who are already married is a postnuptial agreement, also called a postmarital agreement.

Postnuptial agreements are similar to prenuptial agreements, except that they are entered into after a couple is married.[1][2]

Legal recognition

Laws vary between both states and countries in both how to draft them and in whether they will enforce such agreements.Historically, judges in the United States frowned upon prenuptial agreements as corrupting what marriage was supposed to stand for, and often they would not recognize them. Nowadays they are recognized, although they may not always be enforced. Both parties should have lawyers represent them to ensure that the agreement is enforceable. In some cases, the parties retain a private judge to be present during the signing, to be sure that neither party has been coerced into the agreement. Some attorneys recommend videotaping the signing, although this is exceptional. Some states such as California require that the parties be represented by counsel if spousal support (alimony) is limited.

Prenuptial agreements are, at best, a partial solution to obviating some of the risks of marital property disputes in times of divorce. They protect minimal assets and are not the final word. Nevertheless, they can be very powerful and limit parties' property rights and alimony. It may be impossible to set aside a properly drafted and executed pre-nup. A pre-nup can dictate not only what happens if the parties divorce, but when they die. They can act as a contract to make a will and/or eliminate all your rights to property, probate homestead, probate allowance, right to take as a predetermined heir, and the right to act as an executor and administrator of your spouse's estate.Under the Statute of Frauds, a prenuptial agreement is only valid if it is completed prior to marriage. After a couple is married, they may draw up a post-nuptial agreement.

In the United States, prenuptial agreements are recognized in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Likewise, in most jurisdictions, five elements are required for a valid prenuptial agreement:

  1. agreement must be in writing (oral prenups are always prohibited);
  2. must be executed voluntarily;
  3. full and/or fair disclosure at the time of execution;
  4. the agreement cannot be unconscionable;
  5. it must be executed by both parties (not their attorneys) "in the manner required for a deed to be recorded", known as an acknowledgment, before a notary public.

Mengenai Perjanjian Pra Nikah

22:10 Posted In , , Edit This
Rabu, 1 April 2009 | 13:24 WIB

Jika Anda sering mendengarkan berita gosip, sering terdengar suatu tren di kalangan selebritis Hollywood tentang dilakukannya perjanjian pra nikah, atau disebut juga pre nuptial agreement. Hal ini dibuat untuk melindungi harta milik masing-masing mempelai. Perlukah perjanjian ini dibuat? Bukankah ini justru menodai kepercayaan dalam pernikahan? Berikut adalah penjabaran dari T. Estu Indrajaya (Estu & Company, Advocates & Solicitors, Patent & Trademark Attorneys) mengenai perjanjian pra nikah.

Perjanjian pra nikah adalah perjanjian antara kedua belah pihak yang akan melangsungkan pernikahan di hadapan notaris. Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan mengatur mengenai perjanjian pra nikah. Pasal 29 menyebutkan:
1. Pada waktu atau sebelum perkawinan dilangsungkan, kedua pihak atas persetujuan bersama dapat mengadakan perjanjian tertulis yang disahkan oleh Pegawai pencatat perkawinan, setelah mana isinya berlaku juga terhadap pihak ketiga sepanjang pihak ketiga tersangkut.
2. Perjanjian tersebut tidak dapat disahkan bilamana melanggar batas-batas hukum, agama, dan kesusilaan.
3. Perjanjian tersebut mulai berlaku sejak perkawinan dilangsungkan.
4. Selama perkawinan berlangsung perjanjian tersebut tidak dapat dirubah, kecuali bila dari kedua belah pihak ada persetujuan untuk merubah dan perubahan tidak merugikan pihak ketiga.

Di Undang-Undang Perkawinan, disebutkan bahwa dalam perjanjian pra nikah dalam pasal ini tak termasuk taklik-talak. Secara awam dan garis besar, perjanjian pra nikah dapat digolongkan menjadi 2 macam, yakni Perjanjian Pemisahan Harta Murni dan Perjanjian Harta Bawaan.

Untuk Perjanjian Harta Murni, dalam artian benar-benar memisahkan seluruh jenis harta kedua belah pihak selama perkawinan berlangsung, termasuk penghasilan yang didapat, utang dan segala macam harta, baik yang didapat sebelum pernikahan maupun yang didapat setelah pernikahan. Kemudian mengenai pengeluaran-pengeluaran rutin keluarga (uang belanja keluarga, pendidikan anak, asuransi, dan lain-lain) selama dalam tali pernikahan biasanya ditanggung secara keseluruhan oleh suami. Namun tidak mutlak, tergantung kesepakatan kedua pihak.

Kemudian, Perjanjian Harta Bawaan dalam perjanjian ini yang menjadi objek perjanjian hanyalah harta benda bawaan milik para pihak sebelum terikat tali perkawinan. Sedangkan harta yang nantinya didapat setelah terjadinya pernikahan menjadi harga bersama (harta gono-gini) dan pengeluaran rutin keluarga dibicarakan bersama.

Namun, seiring berkembangnya zaman dan emansipasi kaum wanita dewasa ini, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan perjanjian pra nikah tersebut tidak memuat mengenai harta benda, melainkan mengenai hal-hal lain yang dirasa lebih perlu contohnya proteksi diri oleh pihak istri terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga.

Perjanjian pra nikah memang masih belum ’populer’ di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, malah dianggap tabu dan negatif. Karena hal ini masih dianggap ’pamali’ karena memikirkan perceraian terlebih dulu sebelum menikah.

Namun demikian, perjanjian pra nikah mempunyai cukup manfaat, antara lain:
1. Dapat menimbulkan sikap saling terbuka antar pasangan dalam hal keuangan. Masing-masing pihak dapat mengekspresikan kemauannya dalam perjanjian ini.

2. Menghindari sifat boros salah satu pasangan. Dalam hal salah satu pasangan mempunyai indikasi boros, maka dengan adanya perjanjian ini dapat menyelamatkan rumah tangga perkawinan mereka nantinya. Dengan adanya perjanjian ini, maka pihak yang boros harus menaati semua aturan-aturan yang sudah disepakati dalam perjanjian pra-nikah.

3. Menghindari dari maksud buruk salah satu pasangan. Seringkali pernikahan menjadi suatu sarana untuk memperoleh keuntungan atau kekayaan dari pihak lain. Menikah kemudian mengajukan gugatan cerai untuk mendapatkan harta gono gini. Dengan adanya perjanjian pra nikah ini maka akan melindungi harta benda dari rebutan pihak lain.

4. Melindungi salah satu pihak dari tindakan hukum. Apabila salah satu pihak mengajukan kredit (misalnya kredit rumah) biasanya akan dilakukan penandatanganan perjanjian kredit oleh suami-istri sehingga utang kredit tersebut ditanggung bersama. Namun, dengan adanya perjanjian ini, maka yang mengajukan kredit bertanggung jawab atas dirinya sendiri dan bukan menjadi utang bersama.

5. Bagi perempuan WNI yang menikah dengan lelaki WNA, sebaiknya mereka memiliki perjanjian pra nikah, untuk memproteksi diri mereka sendiri, karena kalau tidak, maka perempuan WNI tersebut tidak akan bisa membeli tanah dan rumah atas namanya sendiri. Selain dari pada itu, perjanjian ini dapat pula memuat mengenai kewarganegaraan anak yang nantinya dilahirkan dari perkawinan campuran, bahwa anak yang nantinya dilahirkan akan mengikuti kewarganegaraan ibu dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu, misalnya pekerjaan ibu yang berlokasi di Indonesia.

Perjanjian semacam ini terbuat untuk melindungi pihak-pihak tertentu dari adanya kemungkinan-kemungkinan buruk dan dibuat setelah banyaknya kejadian-kejadian. Nah, setelah penjabaran dari Estu Indrajaya tersebut, tergantung dari Anda kembali bagaimana menyikapi perjanjian pra nikah ini.


WEB , http://indahfashion.blogspot.com

Also visit, http://indahlifestyle-healthy.blogspot.com





Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy

07:56 Posted In , , , , Edit This
What is toxoplasmosis?
Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can threaten the health of an unborn child. It is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite multiplies in the intestine of cats and is shed in cat feces, mainly into litter boxes and garden soil. You can get the parasite by handling cat litter or soil where there is cat feces. You can also get the parasite from eating undercooked meat (such as rare beef) from animals infected with the parasite.

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What happens if I have it?

Healthy adults usually do not suffer ill effects from toxoplasmosis and many times do not have enough symptoms to suggest infection. Symptoms are rare, but can resemble the flu. However, if you become infected while pregnant, your unborn child may also become infected. Infected babies may not develop any disease, or they may become very ill, with serious damage to the brain and eyes.

If you have been infected previously (at least 6 to 9 months before your pregnancy) with toxoplasma, you will develop immunity to it. The infection will not be active when you become pregnant, and so there is rarely a risk to your baby.

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How do I know if I have it?

Blood testing for detecting past or recent exposure to this parasite is available, but is not routinely done. If you are not tested and you don't know if you're immune or not, or if testing does not show immunity from previous infection, you can still take steps to protect yourself and your unborn child.

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How can I avoid toxoplasma during pregnancy?

Here are some tips to help you avoid exposure to toxoplasma during your pregnancy:

  • Do not allow your cat to go outside your home where it may come into contact with toxoplasma. If possible, have someone else take care of your cat while you are pregnant.
  • Have another family member change the cat litter box and then disinfect it with boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • If you must handle the chore of changing the litter box, wear rubber gloves to avoid contact with the litter and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  • Use work gloves when gardening and wash your hands afterwards. Cover children's sandboxes when not in use (cats like to use them as litter boxes).
  • Control flies and cockroaches as much as possible. They can spread contaminated soil or cat feces onto food.
  • Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat (or poultry) and unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before you eat and after handling raw meat, soil, sand or cats.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes or face when preparing food, and wipe the counter clean afterwards.
  • Avoid eating raw eggs and drinking unpasteurized milk.
Reference :http://familydoctor.org


07:40 Posted In Edit This

Dengan pengobatan antibiotik, infeksi tokso bisa diatasi.

"Duh, gawat! Gimana dong? Aku positif tokso, padahal usia kandunganku sudah jalan tiga bulan!" sambat Wita panik sepulang dari konsultasi ke dokter kandungan. Yang dia cemaskan apalagi kalau bukan janin yang dikandungnya bakal lahir cacat. Tokso merupakan salah satu penyakit yang sangat ditakuti ibu hamil. Parasit toksoplasma yang berkembang biak dalam tubuh ibu dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan janin dan menimbulkan cacat bawaan.


Lalu apa yang harus dilakukan bila ibu hamil positif tokso? Tak ada kata lain kecuali menjalani pengobatan secara tepat. Dokter akan memberikan antibiotik yang tepat, cocok bagi ibu dan aman bagi kehamilan, seperti sulfadiazine dan pyrimethamine. Jika tidak cocok, sulfadiazine dapat menimbulkan reaksi alergi. Bila demikian, dokter akan menggantinya dengan pemberian clindamycin. Pada beberapa orang, clindamycin dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pencernaan. Sementara, pyrimethamine dapat mengakibatkan kurang darah sehingga untuk mengantisipasinya ibu dianjurkan mengonsumsi leucovorin atau folinic acid. Umumnya, pengobatan dilakukan selama 10 hari dengan dosis minum antibiotik 3x sehari, meski kadang butuh waktu lebih lama.

Karena termasuk jenis parasit, toksoplasma tidak bisa dimusnahkan seluruhnya dari dalam tubuh. Itulah mengapa, kendati sudah diobati bisa saja tokso akan muncul dan muncul lagi. Yang perlu dilakukan adalah mengontrol parasit dengan pengobatan antibiotik yang tepat. Juga menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh yang bisa dilakukan dengan minum obat-obatan atau mengonsumsi makanan bergizi, berolahraga, dan istirahat yang cukup. Pengobatan yang tidak tepat sangat mungkin membuat parasit kembali muncul, terlebih bila kondisi tubuh diabaikan.

Guna memantau pertum-buhan janin, ibu hamil yang positif toksoplasma harus mampu bekerja sama lebih intensif dengan dokter kandungan dan kebidanan yang menanganinya. Pemantauan janin bisa dilakukan dengan USG atau pemeriksaan plasenta dan sumsum tulang belakang. Dari hasil pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan tadi akan terlihat apakah janin tumbuh normal atau mengalami kecacatan. Bila terjadi kecacatan, ibu akan diberi pilihan apakah akan meneruskan kehamilannya atau tidak. Tentu saja sebelum sampai pada keputusan ini harus ada observasi mendalam oleh tim ahli mengenai kondisi si janin.

Selain mematuhi aturan minum obat, ibu juga harus menghindari konsumsi makanan yang berisiko menyebarkan parasit toksoplasma, seperti lalapan mentah dan sate atau steik setengah matang. Bibit penyakit yang awalnya ditemukan pada hewan pengerat ini tidak mati bila daging binatang yang ditumpanginya hanya dimasak setengah matang. Toksoplasma kemungkinan juga hidup pada tanaman yang menggunakan pupuk kandang. Bila makanan yang ditempeli spora tokso ini masuk ke dalam tubuh kemudian pecah di dalam darah ibu, maka kemungkinan ia akan terjangkit. Meski jarang terjadi, penularan juga bisa terjadi lewat transfusi darah dan transplantasi organ tubuh.


Ibu hamil yang positif terinfeksi tokso dianjurkan untuk tidak kelewat panik. Kendati para dokter kebidanan dan kandungan sampai saat ini belum bisa memastikan seberapa besar persentasenya, kemungkinan gangguan terhadap janin tidak terlalu besar. Dengan kata lain, masih terbuka kemungkinan besar bagi ibu positif tokso untuk melahirkan bayi yang sehat tanpa gangguan berarti.

Kendati demikian, kehati-hatian tetap perlu diprioritaskan. Agar kehamilan terbebas dari infeksi toksoplasma sebaiknya ibu melakukan antisipasi jauh-jauh hari sejak merencanakan kehamilan. Salah satunya dengan menjalani pemeriksaan TORCH di laboratorium. Bila benar positif terinfeksi tokso, ibu sebaiknya menunda kehamilan sampai infeksi toksonya dinyatakan negatif.

Selain itu, hindari konsumsi yang memungkinkan terjadinya infeksi toksoplasma. Di antara nya, masakan daging setengah matang atau sayuran mentah. Mengapa begitu? Karena ibu yang tadinya dinyatakan negatif tokso, tidak mustahil di bulan-bulan berikutnya menjadi positif tokso bila tetap mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung parasit tokso. Kalaupun ingin mengonsumsi daging dan lalap, pastikan bahan-bahannya betul-betul matang karena dengan pemanasan yang cukup, parasit tokso akan mati.


Infeksi tokso pada manusia baru ditemukan tahun 1923 di wilayah yang dahulu merupakan negara Cekoslovakia. Infeksi ini ternyata bisa menyerang siapa saja, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, termasuk ibu yang sedang hamil ataupun tidak. Data statistik menunjukkan, hampir 1/3 penduduk dunia terinfeksi toksoplasma.

Saat dalam kondisi normal dan sehat, keberadaan toksoplasma tidak menimbulkan gangguan berarti. Barulah jika kondisi tubuh lemah bisa saja infeksi tokso menjadi berbahaya. Di dalam tubuh perempuan, parasit ini akan merusak sel-sel berinti, termasuk sel telur. Jika yang diserang adalah sel telur yang sudah matang dan siap dibuahi, sel tersebut akan rusak sehingga kehamilan sulit terjadi.

Yang paling dikhawatirkan memang infeksi tokso yang menyerang ibu hamil. Risikonya, keguguran dan cacat pada janin, seperti hidrosefalus ataupun mikrosefalus. Semakin dini toksoplasma menyerang, umumnya akan semakin besar dampak gangguan terhadap janin. Kalau ibu hamil terinfeksi di trimester pertama, peluang janin akan terinfeksi mencapai 17%. Sekitar 60% janin yang terinfeksi ini kemungkinan mengalami toksoplasmosis berat dan sisanya sebesar 40% mengalami toksoplasmosis ringan.

Jika menyerang di trimester II, ada peningkatan peluang terkena infeksi menjadi 24%. Sekitar 30% di antaranya akan mengalami toksoplasmosis berat. Selanjutnya, bila parasit tokso menyerang di trimester III, kemungkinan janin terinfeksi menjadi 62%. Namun dari jumlah tersebut tidak ada satu pun yang menderita toksoplasmosis berat.

Untuk mengatasi dampak toksoplasma setelah bayi lahir biasanya dilakukan beberapa teknik pengobatan. Di antaranya pemberian obat oral kepada bayi dan pengeluaran cairan dari otak/kepala dengan menggunakan slang khusus bila cairan menumpuk di dalam otak. Bisa saja saat dilahirkan bayi tampak sehat, tapi dalam perkembangan selanjutnya muncul gejala kelainan mata seperti korioretinis (gangguan penglihatan) dan strabismus (juling), serta kejang tanpa demam. Pengobatannya tentu saja harus disesuaikan dengan gangguan yang ada.


Ada seorang ibu yang dinyatakan positif terinfeksi tokso dan tidak diperbolehkan hamil oleh dokter kebidanan dan kandungannya sebelum toksoplasma itu negatif. Namun, hingga berbulan-bulan bahkan bertahun-tahun infeksi toksonya tak kunjung sembuh meski ia rutin menjalani pengobatan dan menghindari makananan pemicu infeksi. Menurut Ovi, seharusnya dengan pengobatan intensif dan sesuai aturan, infeksi tokso menjadi negatif. Bila memang tetap positif harus dievaluasi apakah ibu tidak disiplin menjalani pengobatan, daya tahan tubuhnya melemah, mengonsumsi makanan yang dipantang, pernah menerima transfusi darah atau melakukan transplantasi organ tubuh.

Nah, untuk memahami ini setidaknya kita perlu tahu fungsi IgM (Immunoglobulin M) dan IgG (Immunoglobulin G) yang diperiksa melalui tes laboratorium. IgM terbentuk pada saat pertama kali terinfeksi (infeksi primer) sebagai reaksi terhadap masuknya benda asing ke dalam tubuh (antigen). IgM ini secara perlahan-lahan akan menghilang dalam waktu 1-24 bulan kemudian. Tapi bisa timbul lagi bila yang bersangkutan terinfeksi kembali.

Selanjutnya, setelah infeksi pertama terbentuklah IgG yaitu zat penangkis atau kekebalan tubuh. Ini merupakan protein dengan berat molekul besar yang menunjukkan bahwa dalam tubuh kita telah terbentuk kekebalan. IgG akan menetap di dalam tubuh. Hanya saja kadar IgG ini dapat naik-turun sesuai kondisi kesehatan.

Untuk mencapai fase aman, IgG boleh positif atau negatif sedangkan IgM harus negatif. Ini bisa diupayakan dengan pengobatan tepat dibarengi dengan menghindari hal-hal yang menjadi pemicu/penyebab toksoplasma. Bila IgM kembali positif, berarti sedang terjadi infeksi toksoplasma.

Irfan Hasuki. Ilustrator: Pugoeh

Konsultan ahi:

dr. Dwiyana Ocviyanti, Sp.OG.,

dari RS Jakarta Medical Centre, Jakarta Selatan

Reference : tabloid nakita

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