Tips to face an active toddler and Want Not Silent

23:28 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
According to Drs. Marilyn Heins, MD, pediatrician and author of "Parent Tips" from the United States, the active behavior of children 2-3 years who did not want this quiet, normal. Age child's attention span is short. But when he became too active, it could be because of excessive parenting parents to give attention and stimulation.

On the other hand, mom and dad rarely let a toddler do something and solve problems on their own. According to Heins, the parent of this type include tipeoverparenting. What should parents do?

1. Perform activities that are fun every day with him and think of creative activity. Lest toddlers not rest because he was bored with the activity that's it. Invite a child running in the yard, dancing, following the Tiger leader behavior on television are happy jumping around.

2. Allow toddlers to help with household work. It's okay if he won the broom Ma'am, was busy sweeping the floor or wiping the table could calm him down.

3. Consider a toy that can make the child sit quietly and focus. Was he happy to dress dolls, doll hair comb and so on.

4. See seemed very active toddler, you could say, "Honey ..., try to pause my boy."

5. If the child does not want to shut up, leave it alone. The important thing is watching him not to touch the dangerous goods, such as glassware, light switches, and others.

6. Play Time, Rest Time. Recommend toddler activities to channel the energy and time to rest. Saturated playing in the house, doing outdoor activities: cycling, playing swing, sliding and football. When playing still pay attention to safety rules.

7. Find activities that children like and can make them tired.
* Toddlers love to climb a chair, let him go up and down the chair with your supervision and make sure the child seat to ride strong.
* Encourage children to swim, to the playground or playing football once a week.
* Provides outdoor play facilities such as a plastic swimming pool, sand box, toys that can be stacked like blocks balls and so on.
* If the child like a puppy, give him an energetic dog like a Golden

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Tips Hadapi Balita Aktif dan Tak Mau Diam

23:11 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Menurut Dr. Marilyn Heins, MD, dokter anak dan penulis buku “Parent Tips” dari Amerika Serikat, perilaku aktif anak-anak 2-3 tahun yang tak mau diam ini, normal. Rentang perhatian anak usia ini pendek. Namun bila ia menjadi terlalu aktif, bisa jadi karena pola asuh orangtua yang berlebihan memberikan perhatian dan stimulasi.

Di lain pihak, ibu dan ayah jarang membiarkan balita mengerjakan sesuatu dan memecahkan masalah sendiri. Menurut Heins, orangtua jenis ini termasuk tipeoverparenting. Apa yang perlu orangtua lakukan?

1. Lakukan kegiatan yang seru setiap hari bersamanya dan pikirkan kegiatan kreatif. Jangan-jangan balita tidak mau diam karena ia bosan dengan kegiatan yang itu-itu saja. Ajak anak berlari di halaman, menari, mengikuti tingkah tokoh Tiger di televisi yang senang melompat-lompat.

2. Izinkan balita membantu pekerjaan rumah tangga. Tidak apa-apa bila ia merebut sapu si Mbak, menyapu lantai atau sibuk mengelap meja bisa membuatnya tenang.

3. Perhatikan mainan yang dapat membuat anak duduk tenang dan fokus. Apakah ia senang memakaikan baju boneka, menyisir rambut boneka dan sebagainya.

4. Melihat balita tampak sangat aktif, Anda bisa mengatakan, “Sayang..., coba diam sebentar Nak.”

5. Jika anak memang tak mau diam, biarkan saja. Yang penting awasi dia agar tidak menyentuh barang-barang berbahaya, misal barang pecah belah, stop kontak dan lain lain.

6. Waktu Main, Waktu Istirahat. Kenalkan balita kegiatan menyalurkan energi dan waktu untuk beristirahat. Jenuh bermain di dalam rumah, lakukan kegiatan outdoor: bersepeda, main ayunan, perosotan dan sepak bola. Saat bermain tetap memperhatikan aturan keamanan.

7. Temukan kegiatan yang anak sukai dan bisa membuatnya lelah.
* Balita suka memanjat kursi, biarkan ia naik-turun kursi dengan pengawasan Anda dan pastikan kursinya kuat dinaiki anak.
* Ajak anak berenang, ke playground atau main bola sekali seminggu.
* Menyediakan sarana bermain outdoor seperti kolam renang plastik, kotak berisi pasir, mainan yang bisa ditumpuk seperti balok-balok bola dan sebagainya.
* Jika anak suka anak anjing, beri dia anjing yang energik seperti Golden

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Learning styles in children2

02:45 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
2. Auditory (learn by listening)
Glances to the left / right horizontal when talking, talking mediocre. Students who rely on the success of the auditory type of learning through the ears (hearing instrument). For that student teachers should have to pay attention to the hearing instrument. Children who have auditory learning styles can learn more quickly by using verbal discussion and listen to what the teacher says. Auditory child can digest the meaning conveyed mejalui voice tone, pitch (high-low), speed of speech and other auditory things. Written information sometimes has little meaning for children auditory listening. Children are like this usually can memorize more quickly by reading the text aloud and listening to tapes. The characteristics of auditory learning style:
a. When working like bicaa to yourself
b. Neat appearance
c. Easily distracted by noise
d. Learning by listening and remembering what was discussed rather than being viewed
e. Enjoy reading aloud and listening
f. Move their lips and say the writing on the book when reading
g. Usually he is a fluent speaker
h. Better at spelling out loud rather than writing
i. Prefer oral rather than read a comic joke
j. Having problems with tasks involving visual
k. Speaking in a patterned rhythm
I. Can repeat and imitate the tone, rhythm and timbre
Strategies to facilitate children's learning process auditory:
m. Encourage the child to participate in discussions either in class or in the family.
n. Encourage children to read aloud the subject matter.
0. Use music to teach children.
p. Discuss ideas with the child verbally.
q. Let the children recording their learning materials into kasetdan encourage him to listen to before bed.

3. Kinesthetic (learning how to move, work and touching)
Glance down when talking, speak more slowly. Children who have a kinesthetic learning styles learn through moving, touching and doing. Such a child is difficult to sit still for hours because their desire for activity and exploration is very strong. Students who learn this style of learning through movement and touch. The characteristics of kinesthetic learning styles:
a. Speaking slowly
b. Neat appearance
c. Not too easily distracted by noise situation
d. Learning through practice of manipulating and
e. Memorizing by walking and seeing
f. Using a finger as a guide when reading
g. Found it difficult to write but great for storytelling
h. Love the books and they reflect the action with body movement while reading
i. Liking the game a busy
j. Unable to remember the geography, unless they had been in place
k. Touching people to get their attention Using words that contain the action

Strategies to facilitate the learning process anak'kinestetik:
a. Do not force children to study for hours.
b. Encourage the child to learn while exploring their environment (for example: invite him to read while
cycling, use real objects to learn new concepts).
c. Allow children to chew gum at the time of learning.
d. Use bright colors to high high to the important things in the passage.
e. Allow children to learn while listening to music.
Learning styles can determine the learning achievement of children. If given the strategy that suits their learning style, children can develop better. Automatic learning styles depending on the learners. There are several learning styles that ordinary people do, among others:
1. Learning with Words
This style can we start by asking a friend who likes to play with language, such as telling stories and reading and writing. This learning style is fun because it can help us to remember names, places, dates, and other things by listening and then mention it.
2. Learning to Question
For some people, learning more effective and useful if it diiakukan way to play with any questions. For example, we are fishing ke'inginan knowledge with various questions. Each time the answer came, chased with questions, to obtain the final results or conclusions.
3. Learning with Pictures
There are some people who prefer to learn by creating images, design, view pictures, slides, video or film. People who have this passion usually have a certain sensitivity in capturing an image or color, to be sensitive in making the changes, compose and read the cards.
4. Learning with Music
Beat rhythms, songs, and maybe play one musical instrument, or always listening to music. There are many people who like to remember a variety of information in a way given the musical notation or melody. This is referred to as the rhythm of life. They tried to get the latest information about the various things by remembering the music or the notes which could then make searching for information related to it. For example ^ egarkan to jazz, ialu tergeliik how the song was made, who made, where, and at what kind of song that appears. Information that accompanies the song, could not merely a story about music, but also human, technological, political and social situation at a certain time.
5. Learning by Moving
Human motion, touching, talking and using body untnk express ideas is one way of learning fun. They are usually easy to understand or absorb the information in this way is among the dancers, sportsmen. So if you include an active group, no one trying to learn while doing various fun activities such as dancing or exercising.
6. Learning to Socialize
Join and mingle with others is the best way of getting information and learn quickly. By association, we can absorb new information quickly and easily understand it. And usually, the information obtained in this way, will take longer recorded in the memory.
7. Learning with Loneliness
There are some people who likes to do everything, including learning to be alone. For those who like it, usually prefer quiet and space tempatyang maintained her privacy. If you include anything like this, then have a private room can be very useful to study independently.

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Learning styles in children

02:30 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Learning in Formal does not always fun. Especially if you have to learn to be forced. For example, you have to learn, because that's the only way to pass, get a job or even a promotion. Another example of compulsion is if you enjoy learning in class while you're forced to study at the Open University (UT) which has a learning system jarakjauh.

Facing the necessity to learn is definitely not a fun thing. It will not be easy for someone to learn to concentrate if he feels forced. Therefore, you need to find a way how to learn to be fun, or .... although it had to, but can be more easily and effectively.
Experts in the field of education seeks to develop a theory of learning styles as a way to find a way so that learning becomes easy and enjoyable. As we know, learning requires concentration. Circumstances to concentrate very much related to your learning style. If you recognize the learning style, then you can manage on what conditions, where, when, and how you can maximize your learning. What style of learning?

How to choose a person who tends to receive information from the environment and process that information.
How to choose a person who tends to receive information from the environment and process that information.

Learning styles of each person affected by natural factors (disposition) and environmental factors. So there are certain things that can not be changed in a person even with the exercise though. But there are also things that can be trained and adapted to an environment that sometimes it can not be changed.
Recognize own learning style. not necessarily make you smarter. But by recognizing the learning styles, you will dapatmenentukan belajaryang more effective way. You know how to use the ability to learn secaramaksimal, sehinggahasilbelajarmu be optimal.
In the book Quantum Learning presented three learning modalities someone that is "the modalities of visual, auditory or kinesthetic (VAK). Although each of us learn by using all three of these modalities at a certain stage, most people are more likely in one of three ".

1. Visual (learning by seeing)
Glances upward when speaking; spoke quickly. For students who study visual style, which plays an important role are the eyes / vision (visual). In mi hai teachers use teaching methods that should be more / emphasis on demonstration / media, invite them to the objects associated with these lessons, or by showing peraganya tools directly on the students or draw on the board. Children with visual learning styles rnempunyai should see the body language and facial expressions to understand the subject matter teacher. They tend to sit in front so you can see clearly they think using pictures in their brains and learn more quickly by using visual displays, such as diagrams, illustrated textbooks. and video in the classroom, children prefer visual record until the details to obtain information,

The characteristics of the visual learning style:
a. Talk a little faster
b. Concerned with the appearance of dress / presentation
c. Not easily distracted by noise
d. Mengingatyang seen, than heard
e. Prefer to read from the read
f. The reader quickly and diligently
g. Often knowing what to say, but not good at choosing words
h Prefer meiakukan demonstration rather than speech
i. More like music than art
j. Having trouble remembering verbal instructions unless they are written, and often enlist the help of someone to repeat it.

Strategies to facilitate the learning process of visual children:
k. Use visual material, such as pictures, diagrams and maps
I. Use color to menghilite important things.
m. Encourage children to read books illustrated
n. Use of multimedia (contohnya'komputer and video)
o. Encourage the child to try to illustrate his ideas into the picture


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Gaya belajar pada anak

02:03 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Belajar di bidang formal tidak selalu menyenangkan. Apalagi jika kamu harus belajar dengan terpaksa. Misalnya, kamu harus belajar, karena itulah satu-satunya cara untuk lulus, mendapat pekerjaan atau bahkan kenaikan pangkat. Contoh lain dari keterpaksaan adalah jika kamu menyukai belajar di kelas sedangkan kamu terpaksa kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (UT) yang mempunyai sistem belajar jarakjauh.

Menghadapi keterpaksaan untuk belajar jelas bukan hal yang menyenangkan. Tidak akan mudah bagi seseorang untuk berkonsentrasi belajar jika ia merasa terpaksa. Oleh karena itu, kamu perlu mencari jalan bagaimana agar belajar menjadi hal yang menyenangkan, atau …. walaupun tetap terpaksa, tapi dapat menjadi lebih mudah dan efektif.
Para ahli di bidang pendidikan mencoba mengembangkan teori mengenai gaya belajar sebagai cara untuk mencari jalan agar belajar menjadi hal yang mudah dan menyenangkan. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, belajar membutuhkan konsentrasi. Situasi dan kondisi untuk berkonsentrasi sangat berhubungan dengan gaya belajarmu. Jika kamu mengenali gaya belajar, maka kamu dapat mengelola pada kondisi apa, dimana, kapan, dan bagaimana kamu dapat memaksimalkan belajarmu. Apa gaya belajar itu?

Cara yang cenderung dipilih seseorang untuk menerima informasi dari lingkungan dan memproses informasi tersebut.
Cara yang cenderung dipilih seseorang untuk menerima informasi dari lingkungan dan memproses informasi tersebut.

Gaya belajar setiap orang dipengaruhi oleh faktor alamiah (pembawaan) dan faktor lingkungan . Jadi ada hal-hal tertentu yang tidak dapat diubah dalam diri seseorang bahkan dengan latihan sekalipun. Tetapi ada juga hal-hal yang dapat dilatihkan dan disesuaikan dengan lingkungan yang terkadang justru tidak dapat diubah.
Mengenali gaya belajar sendiri. belum tentu membuat kamu menjadi lebih pandai. Tapi dengan mengenali gaya belajar, kamu akan dapatmenentukan cara belajaryang lebih efektif. Kamu tahu bagaimana memanfaatkan kemampuan belajar secaramaksimal, sehinggahasilbelajarmu dapat optimal.
Dalam buku Quantum Learning dipaparkan 3 modalitas belajar seseorang yaitu “modalitas visual, auditori atau kinestetik (V-A-K). Walaupun masing-masing dari kita belajar dengan menggunakan ketiga modalitas ini pada tahapan tertentu, kebanyakan orang lebih cenderung pada salah satu di antara ketiganya”.

1. Visual (belajar dengan cara melihat)
Lirikan ke atas bila berbicara; berbicara dengan cepat. Bagi siswa yang bergaya belajar visual, yang memegang peranan penting adalah mata/ penglihatan (visual). Dalam hai mi metode pengajaran yang digunakan guru sebaiknya lebih banyak / dititikberatkan pada peragaan / media, ajak mereka ke objek-objek yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran tersebut, atau dengan cara menunjukkan alat peraganya langsung pada siswa atau menggambarkannya di papan tulis. Anak yang rnempunyai gaya belajar visual harus melihat bahasa tubuh dan ekspresi muka gurunya untuk mengerti materi pelajaran. Mereka cenderung untuk duduk di depan agar dapat melihat dengan jelas Mereka berpikir menggunakan gambar-gambar di otak mereka dan belajar lebih cepat dengan menggunakan tampilan-tampilan visual, seperti diagram, buku pelajaran bergambar. dan video Di dalam kelas, anak visual lebih suka mencatat sampai detil-detilnya untuk mendapatkan informasi,

Ciri-ciri gaya belajar visual:
a. Bicara agak cepat
b. Mementingkan penampilan dalam berpakaian/presentasi
c. Tidak mudah terganggu oleh keributan
d. Mengingatyang dilihat, dari pada yang didengar
e. Lebih suka membaca dari pada dibacakan
f. Pembaca cepat dan tekun
g. Seringkali mengetahui apa yang harus dikatakan, tapi tidak pandai memilih kata-kata
h Lebih suka meiakukan demonstrasi daripada pidato
i. Lebih suka musik daripada seni
j. Mempunyai masalah untuk mengingat instruksi verbal kecuali jika ditulis, dan sering kali minta bantuan orang untuk mengulanginya.

Strategi untuk mempermudah proses belajar anak visual:
k. Gunakan materi visual, seperti gambar-gambar, diagram dan peta
I. Gunakan warna untuk menghilite hal-hal penting.
m. Ajak anak untuk membaca buku-buku berilustrasi
n. Gunakan multimedia (contohnya’komputer dan video)
o. Ajak anak untuk mencoba mengilustrasikan ide-idenya ke dalam gambar

2. Auditori (belajar dengan cara mendengar)
Lirikan ke kiri/ke kanan mendatar bila berbicara, berbicara sedang-sedang saja. Siswa yang bertipe auditori mengandalkan kesuksesan belajarnya melalui telinga (alat pendengarannya). Untuk itu guru sebaiknya harus memerhatikan siswanya hingga ke alat pendengarannya. Anak yang mempunyai gaya belajar auditori dapat belajar lebih cepat dengan menggunakan diskusi verbal dan mendengarkan apa yang guru katakan. Anak auditori dapat mencerna makna yang disampaikan mejalui tone suara, pitch (tinggi rendahnya), kecepatan berbicara dan hal-hal auditori lainnya. Informasi tertulis terkadang mempunyai makna yang minim bagi anak auditori mendengarkannya. Anak-anak seperi ini biasanya dapat menghafal lebih cepat dengan membaca teks dengan keras dan mendengarkan kaset. Ciri-ciri gaya belajar auditori:
a. Saat bekerja suka bicaa kepada diri sendiri
b. Penampilan rapi
c. Mudah terganggu oleh keributan
d. Belajar dengan mendengarkan dan mengingat apa yang didiskusikan daripada yang dilihat
e. Senang membaca dengan keras dan mendengarkan
f. Menggerakkan bibir mereka dan mengucapkan tulisan di buku ketika membaca
g. Biasanya ia pembicara yang fasih
h. Lebih pandai mengeja dengan keras daripada menuliskannya
i. Lebih suka gurauan lisan daripada membaca komik
j. Mempunyai masalah dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang melibatkan Visual
k. Berbicara dalam irama yang terpola
I. Dapat mengulangi kembali dan menirukan nada, berirama dan warna suara
Strategi untuk mempermudah proses belajar anak auditori:
m. Ajak anak untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam diskusi baik di dalam kelas maupun di dalam keluarga.
n. Dorong anak untuk membaca materi pelajaran dengan keras.
0. Gunakan musik untuk mengajarkan anak.
p. Diskusikan ide dengan anak secara verbal.
q. Biarkan anak merekam materi pelajarannya ke dalam kasetdan dorong dia untuk mendengarkannya sebelum tidur.

3. Kinestetik (belajar dengan cara bergerak, bekerja dan menyentuh)
Lirikan ke bawah jika berbicara, berbicara lebih lambat. Anak yang mempunyai gaya belajar kinestetik belajar melalui bergerak, menyentuh, dan melakukan. Anak seperti ini sulit untuk duduk diam berjam-jam karena keinginan mereka untuk beraktivitas dan eksplorasi sangatlah kuat. Siswa yang bergaya belajar ini belajarnya melalui gerak dan sentuhan. Ciri-ciri gaya belajar kinestetik :
a. Berbicara perlahan
b. Penampilan rapi
c. Tidak terlalu mudah terganggu dengan situasi keributan
d. Belajar melalui memanipulasi dan praktek
e. Menghafal dengan cara berjalan dan melihat
f. Menggunakan jari sebagai petunjuk ketika membaca
g. Merasa kesulitan untuk menulis tetapi hebat dalam bercerita
h. Menyukai buku-buku dan mereka mencerminkan aksi dengan gerakan tubuh saat membaca
i. Menyukai permainan yang menyibukkan
j. Tidak dapat mengingat geografi, kecuali jika mereka memang pernah berada di tempat itu
k. Menyentuh orang untuk mendapatkan perhatian mereka Menggunakan kata-kata yang mengandung aksi

Strategi untuk mempermudah proses belajar anak’kinestetik:
a. Jangan paksakan anak untuk belajar sampai berjam-jam.
b. Ajak anak untuk belajar sambil mengeksplorasi lingkungannya (contohnya: ajak dia baca sambil
bersepeda, gunakan objek sesungguhnya untuk belajar konsep baru).
c. Izinkan anak untuk mengunyah permen karet pada saat belajar.
d. Gunakan warna terang untuk meng-high high hal-hal penting dalam bacaan.
e. Izinkan anak untuk belajar sambil mendengarkan musik.
Gaya belajar dapat menentukan prestasi belajar anak. Jika diberikan strategi yang sesuai dengan gaya belajarnya, anak dapat berkembang dengan lebih baik. Gaya belajar otomatis tergantung dari orang yang belajar. Ada beberapa gaya belajar yang biasa dilakukan orang antara lain :
1. Belajar dengan Kata-Kata
Gaya ini bisa kita mulai dengan mengajak seorang teman yang senang bermain dengan bahasa, seperti bercerita dan membaca serta menulis. Gaya belajar ini sangat menyenangkan karena bisa membantu kita mengingat nama, tempat, tanggal, dan hal-hal lainya dengan cara mendengar kemudian menyebutkannya.
2. Belajar dengan Pertanyaan
Bagi sebagian orang, belajar makin efektif dan bermanfaat jika itu diiakukan dengan cara bermain dengan pertanyaan. Misalnya, kita memancing ke’inginan tahuan dengan berbagai pertanyaan. Setiap kali muncul jawaban, kejar dengan pertanyaan, hingga didapatkan hasil akhir atau kesimpulan.
3. Belajar dengan Gambar
Ada sebagian orang yang lebih suka belajar dengan membuat gambar, merancang, melihat gambar, slide, video atau film. Orang yang memiliki kegemaran ini biasa memiliki kepekaan tertentu dalam menangkap gambar atau warna, peka dalam membuat perubahan, merangkai dan membaca kartu.
4. Belajar dengan Musik
Detak irama, nyanyian, dan mungkin memainkan salah satu instrumen musik, atau selalu mendengarkan musik. Ada banyak orang yang suka mengingat beragam informasi dengan cara mengingat notasi atau melodi musik. Ini yang disebut sebagai ritme hidup. Mereka berusaha mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai beragam hal dengan cara mengingat musik atau notasinya yang kemudian bisa membuatnya mencari informasi yang berkaitan dengan itu. Misalnya men^egarkan musik jazz, ialu tergeliik bagaimana lagu itu dibuat, siapa yang membuat, di mana, dan pada saat seperti apa lagu itu muncul. Informasi yang mengiringi lagu itu, bisa saja tak sebatas cerita tentang musik, tapi juga manusia, teknologi, dan situasi sosial politik pada kurun waktu tertentu.
5. Belajar dengan Bergerak
Gerak manusia, menyentuh sambil berbicara dan menggunakan tubuh untnk mengekspresikan gagasan adalah salah satu cara belajar yang menyenangkan. Mereka yang biasanya mudah memahami atau menyerap informasi dengan cara ini adalah kalangan penari, olahragawan. Jadi jika kamu termasuk kelompok yang aktif, tak salah mencoba belajar sambil tetap melakukan beragam aktivitas menyenangkan seperti menari atau berolahraga.
6. Belajar dengan Bersosialisasi
Bergabung dan membaur dengan orang lain adalah cara terbaik mendapat informasi dan belajar secara cepat. Dengan berkumpul, kita bisa menyerap berbagai informasi terbaru secara cepat dan mudah memahaminya. Dan biasanya, informasi yang didapat dengan cara ini, akan lebih lama terekam dalam ingatan.
7. Belajar dengan Kesendirian
Ada sebagian orang yang gemar melakukan segala sesuatunya, termasuk belajar dengan menyepi. Untuk mereka yang seperti ini, biasanya suka tempatyang tenang dan ruang yang terjaga privasinya. Jika kamu termasuk yang seperti ini, maka memiliki kamar pribadi akan sangat membantumu bisa belajar secara mandiri.

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In order for Little Avoided Of Harassment

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Teach about sex education and train him to say "no" to people trying to touch certain parts of his body.
Neither he nor Buyung Upik certainly do not know what sexual harassment is, until he did not understand what the consequences for himself. In fact, he thinks, the om or aunt groping parts of her body for affection and attention on it. Moreover, the perpetrator is usually first to be seduced, either by the lure of food, toys, and even invited the streets. Of course he would be happy, until he were happy when treated so, because he did not understand. Parents will not know if her son had been sexually abused because there was no complaint from him.
Another thing, if the child until raped. Because there is penetration, she automatically felt pain until it becomes something unpleasant for him. Although he had lured a gift. Henceforth, we can be sure he will rebel and will no longer be treated as such when the perpetrator back to persuade him. In fact, it is also possible to easily detectable also by the parents because the baby will definitely show the behavior of "strange" such as frequently complained of pain in the sex organs.
Ignorance of the child that she experienced sexual harassment, but because of limitations in cognitive abilities, according to Alma Nadhira, Psi., Also because there is no input in his mind that it should not be until he experienced. "In Indonesia, right, there are still many who think sex is a taboo to talk about, let alone a toddler. In fact, often parents do not consider such a thing is important to teach preschool children," said psychologist at Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta .
That is why, he continued, frequent sexual harassment and rape of children under five who performed both adults and teenagers. Often, right, we hear or read the news? In fact, the culprit is often the parents of the victim himself, which should protect it and not even harm a child. It is tragic indeed!

Of course we do not want that to happen to your child, right? Especially in the Upik generally often become easy targets of the perpetrators. Well, in order to avoid child sexual abuse, the first thing we should do would have been removing old-fashioned notion that talking about sex to children under five is taboo. Otherwise, how can we educate the child to be able to take care of myself?
You see, to prevent your child from sex abuse, willy-nilly, we must teach sex education. As Nadhira said, "We must give the child, input or knowledge about sex early on." Certainly not the intimate knowledge of the sex of the husband-wife relationship, but rather to introduce the parts of her body as sensitive as the thighs, chest, buttocks, penis, and lips.
"Tell the children that these parts should not be seen and touched someone else, besides her parents and medical personnel. In fact, for medical personnel and must also be accompanied by a parent's permission," explained Nadhira. For example, "Son, parts of your body that is baseball may be held by someone else, yes. If there are others who try, say, Mother said, that baseball may be good for baseball. If people were forced or to hurt you just shout and immediately said to the mother or father, yes. "
In addition, explain to your child what sex abuse. Course delivery should always be using simple language and easy to understand his age. For example, "Son, if there are other people who like touching your body organs that baseball should hold the same of others, that his name had been sexually abused you. Likewise, if there is a peek at you in the shower."
Then, point out to him that in addition to a stranger, it could be someone close to him would do such sexual harassment, "Son, who could perform the sexual harassment was not only foreigners but also the people who are near you, whether teachers, friends, or sisters. Thus, even though you know them, still should not do that to you. If anyone is doing that, say, yes, the same mother or father. " At the end of the explanation has always stressed that he told the parents if you have it.

Next, teach to say "no" if anyone abusing it. "For that he must be trained reflexes to refuse if there is going to abuse him sexually." For example, "If anyone give us candy to you on condition of held-hold, ye how? Say, like baseball, so, yes?" Or, "If anyone touching you, you how? Shouts, huh?"
Of course, not just words, but must be accompanied by practice. "Parents hold the thigh or other sensitive body parts, and then told him, 'You should be doing if dibeginikan at someone other than mother and father?" If the child says, 'I'll tell her that the word Mother was not good and if forced I'd cried and said to the Mother and Daddy. ", Meaning his training work."
Once the child is fluent with practice, we can do it but suddenly without any known child to see his reaction. If he shows such rejection reaction during the first practice, a sign that he was quite ready and would refuse if he wanted to be abused.
Of course, this exercise should be done consistently, continuously, and in a pleasant atmosphere like a child at play. "If not, can-can of what we taught him to be useless. Children will feel bored or switch to something else," says Nadhira.

Parents also must be an example for children, by not doing so on a niece or a childhood friend. Even if we do not intend to conduct sexual harassment, but only joking, for example. If we ignore this, your child will bombard us with criticisms and questions, "Pa, he says it's good baseball. Kok, touching thighs Papa's brother. Kan., he was not the son of Papa," for example. Finally, it is quite possible the child will be considered if there are valid so it is normal and usual because his parents were rather do it on his brother or his friends. Alas, right?
Remember, lo, the impact of sexual abuse experienced by children is great. Although usually the child will feel it when she grows up, either when sitting in junior high or high school. Is not the time usually he would know from a variety of information that it is not good? If he knew then, obviously Nadhira, could be the child will feel shock or even trauma, because he realized that what was once experienced as a child is something that should not he experienced. "Carried to its extreme, he may feel that he has been tainted, vile, dirty, and so on. In fact, he could blame the stupidity of himself and eventually spread to other things. For example, baseball wanted to marry, a grudge against the opposite sex, frigid, or even develop into a mental illness. "



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