Right way fattening Thin Child

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Nutritional problems in children is not only limited to being overweight or obese, there are some children who look skinny. So how healthy way to fatten the skinny kid?

Children who have a thin or below normal body weight can be a sign of nutrition problems, even to komlikasi emotional health. This is usually known by measuring the body mass index (BMI) through height and weight ratio.

"Keep in mind that the child's weight is dynamic and change according to its growth. To know whether the child is categorized as underweight or can not use growth charts or BMI," said Stephen R Daniels, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics from the Children's Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati , as quoted by Babycenter, Tuesday (01/11/2011).

There are some healthy ways you can do to help your child gain weight who were thin, namely:

1. Eating heart-healthy fats
Adding heart healthy fats in the diet of children can add a small amount of calories needed to gain weight. Replace butter, margarine and other fat with more healthy fats in avocados, nuts and vegetable oil (olive, canola and safflower). For example, by adding a slice of avocado in the sandwich.

2. Creating a diet plan
Invite your child to participate in planning a diet to make it more fun and can promote healthy eating. Teach children to prepare meals can add gairan during mealtime and creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Try not to let children eat not rushed or relaxed so that it can cause it to eat in small amounts. Some foods that have high calorie nutritious checkers such as milk, whole cheese, yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, peanut soup, bread, macaroni, pasta, mashed kentak and cereals.

3. Giving the child shakes and smoothies
Drink shakes and smoothies can provide high calories and rich in nutrients. Combine a variety of fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, bananas and other fruits as well as it could also add the yogurt so that children can enjoy it more.

Also vegetables can also be added to the smoothie by adding honey as a natural sweetener. Give about 2 hours before meals to ensure children do not pass their time eating.

4. Do not give children junk food
Fast food contains high levels of salt, sugar and high in saturated fats. If you want to plump and healthy children should eat healthy foods, and junk foods tend to have empty calories. So even if weight gain, but his body is not healthy and tend to excess weight.

Besides that of saturated fatty junk food only just obtained, while the body needs three types of fats are saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and unsaturated fats Quote
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