Perhaps Kid Martial Sports Participate2

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Of course, by learning martial arts, children also develop a sense of awareness. He would have a cautious attitude toward the environment that could threaten. Referring to the literature of child behavioral psychology Jerry Wykoff, Barbara C. Dorothy Law Nolte and Unell, children ages 4 years and above need to be taught to know and have their own skills to face the danger of so-called knowledge of sense of awareness. Although we do not expect your child to face danger, but growing wariness could help him feel things to watch out or invite danger.

Well, in sport martial arts, especially taekwondo, says Andre, a sense of awareness is taught through a method Crocodile Attack earlier. There is a "crocodile" is threatening and should be resisted. "Since the concept of an unknown enemy in the preschool years, then the danger is illustrated by the parable of alligator as a bad guy who must be resisted," he explained.

However, Monty warned, do not let one teach hazard analysis in children. "If it is wrong, be careful, children can develop into a paranoid, looking at everyone with suspicion." So, strictly speaking, the pattern of teaching sense of awareness must be careful not to over-correct and make the child paranoid. "The threat of life is great, but kids do not fear fear. Cautious attitude should be developed wisely. Martial arts can be a part for the challenges in life, but when science should be issued, must be wisely taught. Remember, at the age of the children, Child safety is fully dependent parents. " It means being alert can be taught, but the safety of children remains the responsibility of parents.


Well ma'am, sir, how? Now do not worry anymore, right, if your child join martial arts? Monty's advice, find a club that direction over the medical establishment and benefit the psychomotor development of children. "Find a club whose writing Toddler Sports Clubs Martial Arts, Martial Arts Club Toddler not. It shows the club is putting pressure on the sport, not beladirinya." In addition, the coach should also know the physical and psychological development of children, and child growth sturuktur.

However, we should not just focus solely on the martial sport. "It's OK to put the child into the club but do not need every day. Punctuated selinglah with other sports such as swimming or walking," said Monty. The goal is that your child is also familiar with various types of sports.

What to Look For

* Select the type of martial sports that do not use the tool but rely more on movement such as jumps and kicks. For example, modern taekwondo or other martial sports.

* Children with body posture can follow any martial sport. But if your child has a specific disease such as asthma or heart, tell the instructor that portion of the exercise or movements do not harm your baby.

* Sports clubs are a good martial toddlers, namely:

- Allow the child participate in class for some time without joining as a member first. Having children really interested, then registered to the club. So, if your child is not interested, we should not force it.

- The instructor has a certificate and have special knowledge about the psychological and physical growth of children. Especially knowledge of the physical growth of children is very important, so the instructor can know the intensity and power of kicks and jumps on the child, to not injure the leg and foot muscles growing child.

- Equipped P3K and instructors have the knowledge of an emergency like a fall.

- Not using a system of penalties. Children had to be disciplined and obedient to follow instructions, but when children make mistakes no matter what the punishment is applied.

- I know the rate increase to avoid jealousy that often occurs in children under five.

* To avoid possible injury to your child while practicing techniques kick / jump in the home, parents should be present during the child's training. That way, parents can see the correct technique is taught and fix it when the kids practice at home.

Very Helpful Create Si Upik

Do not be afraid of the Upik going to be a tomboy or a female ass hero. In fact, when the Upik very interested in this sport, could be continued up to school age. Moreover, with the Upik have martial skills, "the future is very useful to avoid interference from the world harashment men often want to dominate women," says Paul Mc. Callum in his book, The Parent's Guide to Teaching Self-Defense.

Source: website / Nova / Family / Child / The-Little-May-Kok-Come-Sports-Martial


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Perhaps Kid Martial Sports Participate

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Do not worry he will be injured or become quasi-hero. It is precisely from here he learned the discipline and obedience. Motor development was better.

Hearing the word "martial", which might be imagined in our minds is violence involving physical fights. No wonder so many parents are "allergic" to the sport this one. Let alone for the little toddlers, children who grow up can be prevented even if not to get into martial arts club.

But what's going on outside? Lately, even flare up a special martial arts club toddler. In fact, a playground and preschool too much to include martial arts as one of the extracurricular activities. Well, if the "school" there is little activity, it is quite possible he will insist on coming. While we worry about the little guy will be injured or even later became builders fight.

Highlighting SPORTS

Indeed, including the type of exercise combattive martial sport. That is, the combat sport involving full body contact. These sports involve physical contact with another person who is deemed a threat, then attack. Martial sports of many kinds, mostly from East Asia, namely Japan and Korea. There is also derived from native Indonesia as martial arts.

But behind the punch and kick, martial arts contain discipline, obedience, and highlight the priority nature of moral kependekaran. "So, martial arts self-defense rather than attack, but instead deliberately showing off cleverness kicks and punches," said Drs. Andre Tuwaidan, taekwondo martial arts trainer for toddlers. Besides, he adds, self-defense for children is emphasized more on the elements of the exercise, not beladirinya.

"Techniques kick, jump, and punch taught in infants is also very different from adults." Among children under five, kick and punch no attention to the intensity and strength, but rather to see whether his position is correct or not. "It can help children to have good posture, which in turn will make the child has high self-confidence."

In addition, at each dozjang (taekwondo martial arts sports association), in terms of moral and discipline are also taught. Of waiting to kick in, for example, children learn to be patient and disciplined. In short, Andre said, as he taught martial arts movements, children are also trained to obey and follow all patient instructions.


Psychologists Monty P. Satiadarma, MS / AT, MCP / MFCC, PSI agreed that if the martial arts in young children is directed to health, rather than combatting the elements you'll enjoy it.

Moreover, exercise is very beneficial for the child's motor development. Exercise kick, for example, could strengthen the leg muscles. Is not the very small in this age love to kick and jump as did his hero characters in the movies? "Well, come exercise with martial arts, children learn kicking and jumping techniques that correct, until he was injured due to the possibility of imitating the movements of the characters can be minimized," says Andre.

But in teaching it, Monty suggested that self-defense trainer also reproduce aspects of the element of play and develop a child's socialization. "The world is the world's children play. Activities whatever we give him, should not abandon the pattern of play. Children gather with their peers and should be having fun with activities," said the dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Tarumanagara it when encountered on different occasions.

Monty also suggested that given the first instruction is a health and fitness. "Children are given exercises that can help support healthy growth and psychomotor." Afterwards, a little moral taught by the planting of discipline. "The nature kependekaran grown slowly as not to attack first, to recognize the weaknesses, and other properties kependekaran that uphold moral and discipline."


Only, Monty did not agree when it is in teaching, children are introduced to the concept of the enemy. "Who was the enemy and his form like anything, it is still too early to introduce children under five." Moreover, in the preschool years, the main aspect is to grow, grow. "Well, he has not grown, really, was told to survive, defending yourself. Meanwhile, to make him grow up, right, there should be a stimulus from the outside." That's because, psychologist athletes at the National Sports Commission of Indonesia (KONI) is further agreed that if the self-defense only for the sport and the formation of the discipline, rather than emphasizing on her self-defense.

Fortunately, the martial arts coach for toddlers is also aware of it. "In the toddler classroom, it has not been taught the concept of the enemy. There's just kicking a large stuffed crocodile which we call the Crocodile Attack," said Andre. With the understanding that the concentrations and combinations will produce a great leap of the success of "saving" themselves from an "attack" the harm. "The clubs are good, the child will not be faced with a friend as a rival, even if only for practice."

Monty agreed. "If you're using a friend as a rival, then it leads to combatting the elements rather than sports," he said, anyway, when the child is taught to fight against a friend at an early age, it is not aware of the established concept of predator on her, which is being who like to conquer his own. "Children, do not you, not the predator, but the human being. So, if we want children to have the attitude of human being, manusiakanlah children in terms of moral, rather than taught against fellow human being."

Andre agreed. "His name alone sport martial arts, self defense, not attacking others. Nature of martial arts warrior, did not he fight if attacked, instead of attacking first to show kejagoannya. Even as much as possible to avoid a fight."

Source: website / Nova / Family / Child / The-Little-May-Kok-Come-Sports-Martial


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