6 Habits that Create a sick

22:32 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Do not think all healthful activities really make you healthy. For some habits, it can actually make you sick. What are the customs?

According to Dr. Erika Schwartz, Medical Director of Cinergy Health, quoted from the Huffington Post, on Wednesday (30/09/2009), there are six common habits that are considered healthy people but it is not, even habits that will make you sick.

1. Excessive exercise
Body and mind does not need 30-45 minutes for 3-4 days a week to do activities that healthy. Or aerobic exercise should not be excessive, simply done when the holidays if you want to really exercise.

Excessive exercise will only make you weary and easily hurt. But if you want berolahrga every day, should be enough walking or yoga. Sports swimming, tennis, golf and team sports can be done once a month.

2. Avoiding sunlight
Preventing sun exposure is likely to prevent the entry of vitamin D into the body. Though vitamin D is essential for the body and can boost the immune system.

From the sun's ultraviolet rays can damage skin, but should not be afraid of excessive as well as to not want exposed to sunlight.

Use moisturizing lotion also should not be too excessive because it would block sunlight to the skin. The only body part that needs protection is just the face.

3. Always use a gel or a special antibacterial soap
Antibacterial products are able to prevent someone from germs, bacteria or viruses. But use it too often will weaken the body's antibodies.

Antibacterial agents will not only kill the bad bacteria but also good bacteria that actually allows you to balance the flora of bacteria in the body. Use these products properly and stop being someone who wants to always clean every time.

4th. Excess or lack of sleep
The average person takes approximately eight hours per day for sleep. If you have less or too much sleep from the hours should be, the body will not be able to think and function optimally proceed. In fact, several studies mention that the hours of sleep less or more is not good for the skin, causing dizziness, depression and appetite increases.

5. Being in the room air conditioner continuously
Although the air conditioner to prevent someone from symptoms of dizziness or fainting due to heat, but you should not inhale too much AC. Cold air content contained in the AC may contain many bacteria and other dirt particles.

Each hour should turn off air conditioning, open windows, the road out of the room and Smell the fresh air. Do not forget to clean AC filters with warm water and soap every month. If you are in a full-conditioned office space, bring a jacket to maintain body temperature if the air is too cold, get out of the office at least for lunch or afternoon snack.

6. Organic food diet
Not all foods labeled organic was organic really, because many are still using pesticides. Not only must spend more money, but you also risk fooled by that label. Organic foods do not need to be called as a healthy food. With proper handling and processing, the risk of food contamination by foreign substances were solved.
Source: juandry.blogspot. com, web duniapustaka. org

6 healthy habits that make pain

22:32 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Do not think all healthful activities really make you healthy. For some habits, it can actually make you sick. What are the customs?

According to Dr. Erika Schwartz, Medical Director of Cinergy Health, quoted from the Huffington Post, on Wednesday (30/09/2009), there are six common habits that are considered healthy people but it is not, even habits that will make you sick.

1. Excessive exercise
Body and mind does not need 30-45 minutes for 3-4 days a week to do activities that healthy. Or aerobic exercise should not be excessive, simply done when the holidays if you want to really exercise.

Excessive exercise will only make you weary and easily hurt. But if you want berolahrga every day, should be enough walking or yoga. Sports swimming, tennis, golf and team sports can be done once a month.

2. Avoiding sunlight
Preventing sun exposure is likely to prevent the entry of vitamin D into the body. Though vitamin D is essential for the body and can boost the immune system.

From the sun's ultraviolet rays can damage skin, but should not be afraid of excessive as well as to not want exposed to sunlight.

Use moisturizing lotion also should not be too excessive because it would block sunlight to the skin. The only body part that needs protection is just the face.

3. Always use a gel or a special antibacterial soap
Antibacterial products are able to prevent someone from germs, bacteria or viruses. But use it too often will weaken the body's antibodies.

Antibacterial agents will not only kill the bad bacteria but also good bacteria that actually allows you to balance the flora of bacteria in the body. Use these products properly and stop being someone who wants to always clean every time.

4th. Excess or lack of sleep
The average person takes approximately eight hours per day for sleep. If you have less or too much sleep from the hours should be, the body will not be able to think and function optimally proceed. In fact, several studies mention that the hours of sleep less or more is not good for the skin, causing dizziness, depression and appetite increases.

5. Being in the room air conditioner continuously
Although the air conditioner to prevent someone from symptoms of dizziness or fainting due to heat, but you should not inhale too much AC. Cold air content contained in the AC may contain many bacteria and other dirt particles.

Each hour should turn off air conditioning, open windows, the road out of the room and Smell the fresh air. Do not forget to clean AC filters with warm water and soap every month. If you are in a full-conditioned office space, bring a jacket to maintain body temperature if the air is too cold, get out of the office at least for lunch or afternoon snack.

6. Organic food diet
Not all foods labeled organic was organic really, because many are still using pesticides. Not only must spend more money, but you also risk fooled by that label. Organic foods do not need to be called as a healthy food. With proper handling and processing, the risk of food contamination by foreign substances were solved.
Source: juandry.blogspot. com, web duniapustaka. org

Finger Sucking Habit baby

22:46 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Every baby is definitely going to suck his fingers. Especially in newborns until the age of three months, sucking fingers were often performed. This shows the baby was in good health and normal, because it was sucking reflex should have a baby since birth. That's why, when the baby wanted to nurse, do not need mother's nipple is inserted into the baby's mouth forced. Simply slide the removable cheek with the nipple, the baby will be looking toward the nipple.
But no means all babies have a sucking reflex that good, lo. As said Prof. Dr. dr. Nartono Kadri, Sp.A (K), there are some low suction reflexes babies, namely babies born premature and sick babies. "In premature babies, finger sucking reflex more slowly than healthy infants, because growth is not too perfect." While the sick babies, for example, suffered severe respiratory problems. "This means the baby is in weak condition, so that suction is not good reflexes. Such babies require tube because she could not suck, "continued the professor of this faculty of medicine.

Needs Sucking

Psychologically, according to Dra. Betty DK. Zakianto. Msi, baby sucking fingers because of hunger. In addition to baby's sucking needs, from birth to age three months. "Needs to get a baby to suck when breastfeeding but these needs are individual. This means that each baby has a need to suck different, "the light of this educational psychologist. That is why, the duration of breastfeeding would not be the same on every baby. For example, there is a baby who was content to suck as long as 20 minutes of breastfeeding, but there's a new feeling satisfied after 40 minutes.
In addition, the distance of time can also affect breastfeeding. Babies who are given once every three hours to drink, for example, sucking needs will be less than babies who were given a drink 4 hours. "So the more often your baby is given the opportunity to nurse the baby more often able to meet the needs of sucked," he continued.
Some experts also said that breastfed babies are more rare than the breast sucking from a bottle. "If there was breastfed babies but still sucking fingers, could be due to a lack of nursing time. For example, the need menyusunya 40 minutes, but he was only given 20 minutes, so he was not satisfied suck. "Ideal feeding time, the light of Betty, about 30 to 40 minutes. "In the 20th minute the mother's milk actually empty, but the baby still sucking nipples sucked on her mother to meet the needs."

Or a pacifier Glove

The problem, parents like uncomfortable seeing a baby sucking fingers. Fear, sucking fingers will become a habit until after infancy. If it were so, it would be very difficult to eliminate them. Besides, if this habit persists, it will inhibit the growth of the gums and teeth. That is why, not infrequently gives parents an alternative solution by putting on gloves. In fact, according Nartono, it has not solved the problem, instead be inviting danger. "Could be, not you, baby mittens instead insert it into your mouth? Well, if gloves were sucked-sucking continues, of course, got wet. In wet conditions, germs and dirt will be more easily attached. So, instead of gloves have a bad impact for the baby, "he explained.
In addition to gloves, sometimes parents also like to give a dummy / pacifier. At first, anyway, as the baby is still fussy but had been given breast milk. They worry that if the drinking added, even so the baby vomited because of overfeeding or overload (too many feeds). Well, so that the baby was fussy and threw up, diberilah dummy / pacifier. In contrast to the finger, according Nartono, dummy / pacifier was not so influential to the development of the gums and teeth, because the dummy was not as hard fingers. In addition, the dummy / pacifier is the object outside the infant's body, so how to let go of habits mengempeng relatively easier than that sucked when the finger.
But with mengempeng, which means more air into the baby's stomach so the baby will be easily congested. In addition, in terms of hygienic, dummy / pacifier could have fallen and are keeping the baby wash lazily back. "Usually, when the pacifier falls wiped enough clothes for a while in the caregivers, directly inserted back into the baby's mouth. Well, this, right, could be problematic for babies. "
In other words, good gloves and a dummy / pacifier, it will create new problems when used as a substitute for the fingers. So, how, dong, better?

Stop Self

According to Betty, parents need not actually too worried, because the habit of finger sucking will stop by itself. But with the record, provided the baby grows in a fun environment. "So babies do not need to be forced to stop sucking his fingers, let alone until his finger is pulled from his mouth. Precisely when forced, he will be more frustrated and end up sucking harder to overcome his frustration. "Better, suggestions, Betty, let the first. "Parents need to give tolerance to meet the needs of the baby can suck it." Anyway, eventually it will stop their own habits. Besides, as has been described above, sucking fingers is a sign the baby was healthy and normal. Also, is one of the needs of infants from birth to age 3 months. So it was natural. In fact, Betty says, until the age of 7 months too, the habit of finger sucking in infants is still considered normal.
Another case when after the age of 7 months babies still continue the habit of sucking fingers. "Parents should find out the cause," suggested Betty. Maybe baby, including the type that require a longer time to feed. So, try to lengthen the time to feed. After all, he will not satiate. Did not actually have an empty breast?
But if this method does not also solve the problem, sucking frequency even in fact be more frequent, then the parents returned to find the cause. "It could be baby looking for a replacement something, then he gets a thumbs-up as an object penghiburnya. Is not the finger is the object closest to him? "
If the baby gain a sense of comfort from his thumb, continued Betty, she could be experiencing boredom, frustration, or even exhausted. "His case is similar to babies who seek security from the surrounding objects, such as blankets, pillows or dolls."
Even so, remember Betty, still, parents should not force the baby to immediately stop the habit. "Try to divert his attention to other activities that attract him. For example, create a game with the hand or fingers, such as playing applause. Obviously, this game should be memorable for him. "It could also give or replace the fun toys with a special toy to bite. But do not forget, make sure toys are safe and clean.
When all these ways it still did not work out, according to Betty, parents need not actually too worried over the growth of normal. So, even though babies have a habit of sucking fingers, but she's still playful and cheerful, yes, it's okay. But if he starts daydreaming and activities throughout the day just sucking fingers, then parents should not worry. Consultation with experts is that the best alternative if the parents can not even find the cause and deal with it.

on cp from http://perwira-kuwait.blogspot.com/2007/05/kebiasaan-menghisap-jari.html

Source website bayidananak.com/2008/11/20/kebiasaan-bayi-menghisap-jari

Healthy Food Efficacious medicine

21:22 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
KOMPAS.com - According to a health magazine a site on the internet, the food we enjoy everyday can serve as a drug to reduce or prevent disease. Include:

* Headache? Eat fish. Fish oil helps prevent headaches. Similarly, ginger can reduce inflammation and pain.
* Insomnia (I can not sleep?) Honey! Use honey as a tranquilizer.
* Asthma? Eat onions. Onion relief channel interference in the throat.
* Gout? Also eat fish! Salmon, tuna, mackerel and Sardine can prevent arthritis.
* Stomach disorders? Banana, ginger! Bananas make a good stomach. Ginger will prevent morning sickness.
* Infection of the bladder? Drinking cranberry juice. High acid in cranberry juice can control destructive bacteria.
* Complaints of bone? Eat pineapple! Bone fracture and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese contained in the pineapple.
* Disturbance of memory? Oysters. Oysters help improve mental functioning by supplying much needed zinc appropriate.
* Fever? Eat garlic. Garlic is able to alleviate the heavy head due to fever.
* Cough-cough?The same sort of content as found in cough syrup is also found in red peppers. Use red chili with caution because it can make stomach pain.
* Breast cancer? Wheat, bran, and help maintain kobis estrogen to levels sufficient for health.
* Lung cancer? Eat vegetables dark green and orange and red beans. Beta-carotene is found in many vegetables berwana dark green and orange is a powerful antidote to cancer.
* Diarrhea? Eat an apple. Grate an apple with its skin, let the color turns brown, and eat it to cure diarrhea.
* High blood pressure? Minyal eat celery and olives. Olive oil has been proven to reduce blood pressure. Celery contains a substance which also menurukan blood pressure.
* Blood sugar imbalance? Eating brikoli and nuts. Chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. @ jjw

Editor: acandra

Source: web gayahidupsehatonline.com,, http://kesehatan.kompas.com
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