Tips For Child Like Fruit Vegetable and Fruit

19:52 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Usually, little did not like vegetables and fruits that it tastes bland and not as sweet as milk / formula. Though mother must have known very well about the benefits of vegetables and fruit and very little to be buff like vegetables and fruit.

Here are tips tips that is worth trying at home:

Never force children to eat vegetables and fruit.

Introduce the first taste of new vegetables and fruits at the stage of solids.
As an introduction, select vegetables and fruit that tastes good, not sharp, a sweet taste similar to taste breast milk / infant formula such as Japanese cucumber / zukini, buncisbaby, etc..

For solid foods should be presented in the form of puree / puree, with blended and then filtered, extracted the juice alone. Texture is watery / juicy make babies not surprised in the eating.

For children, select vegetables and fruits with fiber that is easy to chew, either to be eaten immediately or cooked briefly for enzymes and vitamins are not damaged.

Always serve vegetables and fruit menu at home.

Give examples of how parents like vegetables and fruit.

Each time you offer food menu, include sayr and fruits as options in addition to side dishes.

Let the kids eat their own vegetables and fruit in small pieces.

Praise if kids want to try the menu of vegetables or fruit served.

In building a love of the baby on vegetables and fruits are required patience, patience, and creativity mother.

source: Nakita no 571/TH IX

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Finger Sucking Habit baby

22:46 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Every baby is definitely going to suck his fingers. Especially in newborns until the age of three months, sucking fingers were often performed. This shows the baby was in good health and normal, because it was sucking reflex should have a baby since birth. That's why, when the baby wanted to nurse, do not need mother's nipple is inserted into the baby's mouth forced. Simply slide the removable cheek with the nipple, the baby will be looking toward the nipple.
But no means all babies have a sucking reflex that good, lo. As said Prof. Dr. dr. Nartono Kadri, Sp.A (K), there are some low suction reflexes babies, namely babies born premature and sick babies. "In premature babies, finger sucking reflex more slowly than healthy infants, because growth is not too perfect." While the sick babies, for example, suffered severe respiratory problems. "This means the baby is in weak condition, so that suction is not good reflexes. Such babies require tube because she could not suck, "continued the professor of this faculty of medicine.

Needs Sucking

Psychologically, according to Dra. Betty DK. Zakianto. Msi, baby sucking fingers because of hunger. In addition to baby's sucking needs, from birth to age three months. "Needs to get a baby to suck when breastfeeding but these needs are individual. This means that each baby has a need to suck different, "the light of this educational psychologist. That is why, the duration of breastfeeding would not be the same on every baby. For example, there is a baby who was content to suck as long as 20 minutes of breastfeeding, but there's a new feeling satisfied after 40 minutes.
In addition, the distance of time can also affect breastfeeding. Babies who are given once every three hours to drink, for example, sucking needs will be less than babies who were given a drink 4 hours. "So the more often your baby is given the opportunity to nurse the baby more often able to meet the needs of sucked," he continued.
Some experts also said that breastfed babies are more rare than the breast sucking from a bottle. "If there was breastfed babies but still sucking fingers, could be due to a lack of nursing time. For example, the need menyusunya 40 minutes, but he was only given 20 minutes, so he was not satisfied suck. "Ideal feeding time, the light of Betty, about 30 to 40 minutes. "In the 20th minute the mother's milk actually empty, but the baby still sucking nipples sucked on her mother to meet the needs."

Or a pacifier Glove

The problem, parents like uncomfortable seeing a baby sucking fingers. Fear, sucking fingers will become a habit until after infancy. If it were so, it would be very difficult to eliminate them. Besides, if this habit persists, it will inhibit the growth of the gums and teeth. That is why, not infrequently gives parents an alternative solution by putting on gloves. In fact, according Nartono, it has not solved the problem, instead be inviting danger. "Could be, not you, baby mittens instead insert it into your mouth? Well, if gloves were sucked-sucking continues, of course, got wet. In wet conditions, germs and dirt will be more easily attached. So, instead of gloves have a bad impact for the baby, "he explained.
In addition to gloves, sometimes parents also like to give a dummy / pacifier. At first, anyway, as the baby is still fussy but had been given breast milk. They worry that if the drinking added, even so the baby vomited because of overfeeding or overload (too many feeds). Well, so that the baby was fussy and threw up, diberilah dummy / pacifier. In contrast to the finger, according Nartono, dummy / pacifier was not so influential to the development of the gums and teeth, because the dummy was not as hard fingers. In addition, the dummy / pacifier is the object outside the infant's body, so how to let go of habits mengempeng relatively easier than that sucked when the finger.
But with mengempeng, which means more air into the baby's stomach so the baby will be easily congested. In addition, in terms of hygienic, dummy / pacifier could have fallen and are keeping the baby wash lazily back. "Usually, when the pacifier falls wiped enough clothes for a while in the caregivers, directly inserted back into the baby's mouth. Well, this, right, could be problematic for babies. "
In other words, good gloves and a dummy / pacifier, it will create new problems when used as a substitute for the fingers. So, how, dong, better?

Stop Self

According to Betty, parents need not actually too worried, because the habit of finger sucking will stop by itself. But with the record, provided the baby grows in a fun environment. "So babies do not need to be forced to stop sucking his fingers, let alone until his finger is pulled from his mouth. Precisely when forced, he will be more frustrated and end up sucking harder to overcome his frustration. "Better, suggestions, Betty, let the first. "Parents need to give tolerance to meet the needs of the baby can suck it." Anyway, eventually it will stop their own habits. Besides, as has been described above, sucking fingers is a sign the baby was healthy and normal. Also, is one of the needs of infants from birth to age 3 months. So it was natural. In fact, Betty says, until the age of 7 months too, the habit of finger sucking in infants is still considered normal.
Another case when after the age of 7 months babies still continue the habit of sucking fingers. "Parents should find out the cause," suggested Betty. Maybe baby, including the type that require a longer time to feed. So, try to lengthen the time to feed. After all, he will not satiate. Did not actually have an empty breast?
But if this method does not also solve the problem, sucking frequency even in fact be more frequent, then the parents returned to find the cause. "It could be baby looking for a replacement something, then he gets a thumbs-up as an object penghiburnya. Is not the finger is the object closest to him? "
If the baby gain a sense of comfort from his thumb, continued Betty, she could be experiencing boredom, frustration, or even exhausted. "His case is similar to babies who seek security from the surrounding objects, such as blankets, pillows or dolls."
Even so, remember Betty, still, parents should not force the baby to immediately stop the habit. "Try to divert his attention to other activities that attract him. For example, create a game with the hand or fingers, such as playing applause. Obviously, this game should be memorable for him. "It could also give or replace the fun toys with a special toy to bite. But do not forget, make sure toys are safe and clean.
When all these ways it still did not work out, according to Betty, parents need not actually too worried over the growth of normal. So, even though babies have a habit of sucking fingers, but she's still playful and cheerful, yes, it's okay. But if he starts daydreaming and activities throughout the day just sucking fingers, then parents should not worry. Consultation with experts is that the best alternative if the parents can not even find the cause and deal with it.

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Drinking Water Can be Harmful For Baby

22:56 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
dr. Tri Rejeki Herdiana, Jakarta: Baby under six months old should never be given water to drink. So who are reminded by scientists from Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, United States, to their parents. Consuming too much water can increase the dangerous condition in babies, or so-called water intoxication.

According to dr. Jennifer Anders, an expert on emergency child of John Hopkins Children's Center, although very small babies, they have a thirst reflex or a stimulant to drink. When they feel thirsty and want a drink, the liquid is required to drink breast milk or formula.

According to Anders, baby's immature kidneys. Give them plenty of water will cause the baby's body out of sodium caused by excess fluid. Losing sodium can affect brain activity. Early symptoms of water intoxication is irritability (and whining), drowsiness, and other mental changes. Other symptoms that can arise is the decrease in body temperature, edema, or swelling around the face, and seizures.

Initial symptoms appear is sometimes less obvious, so the new parents aware of when their baby seizures. However, with handling a fast, spastic symptoms may not appear.

Parents also should avoid giving formula milk with excessive dilution, or a child drinks containing electrolytes.

For some cases, it may be appropriate to give small amounts of water, for example in a state of constipation and during hot weather. However, parents should consult with a healthcare provider that child. Watering is only allowed in the baby as much as one to two ounces of water on each gift.

If parents find their babies suffered water intoxication, or when their baby seizures, they should provide immediate medical attention. (LUC)

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Really My baby Late to Talk? (How to Talk Over Mother Specify)

20:59 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

According to William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN, the results of their research proved that the babies are heard when spoken to his mother. In their book The Baby Book, Everything You Need to Know about Your Baby from Birth to Age Two, they wrote that the way mothers talk to their infants were more decisive in the communication. "Therefore, the mother actually did not have to worry about not be able to communicate with his son.
Usually, the way she speaks naturally obtained. Mother's instinct is to say how he should talk with their children, whether to slow, and then turned hard, and the like, "they said.
Of course, there are also some tips on talking to the baby given these two scientists, namely:

* Seeing your baby.
Look at the baby's eyes before a conversation, and you will get baby's attention and the response has been appreciated.

* Call your child by name.
Babies are not able to associate themselves with a name for the first few months. But, if he is often called by that name, he will feel special because that name has ever heard. Thus, when the mother called him, he'll get carried away glad to hear something familiar.

* Make it simple.
Use sentences with two or three words and pronunciation vowels clarified and amplified, such as: "Raafiii anaak baaaaik". To call yourself, use the word vocation as "Mama" and "Dad", or "Mother" and "Dad", or "Mum" and "Dad".

* Turn the atmosphere.
If there is a cat through, waving his hands, saying, "Bye Mpus", so that your baby understands that the activities are being carried out on cat greeting. Usually, it will be easier to remember words associated with the posture described. You could also do with a clapped her hands when you say something to do with applause, or snapping fingers, or thumbs up, or anything that makes the atmosphere with the baby still alive. Have a baby is likely to sue you more talkative.

* Ask questions.
"Rafi take a shower?" Or "Want Daddy bye-bye?" Is a question which naturally will make the sound at the end of the sentence when the mother expects a response from the fruit of his heart.

* Provide feedback to your baby.
If the baby responds, or when he opened the conversation with 'smile' or body language that captivates dekutan, vokalisasinya imitate and repeat again. By imitating the language, the value of this baby will grow, and the baby will be encouraged to continue to the point.

Well, you're ready to make a pleasant conversation with the baby. Do not doubt and worry, believe that the way you speak will determine the success or failure is more mother-child communication. (Hannie)
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23:42 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Age 6 months upwards
CHAPTER normal frequency:
Usually 3-4 times a day or 2 days. Once children hit 4-year, its frequency CHAPTER been like parents, ie one to two times a day.
The frequency of abnormal CHAPTER:
* More than 4 times a day accompanied by other symptoms. For example, babies until Chapter 6 times a day. This could be an alarm for the parents that the condition of the child was unwell. Consider whether the baby is fussy or anxious? If so, there may be something wrong with his digestion. To trace the cause, to remember what the food menu that day until 2 days before; if too much fiber? Too much is given fruit / vegetables as possible. Infants who consume too much fiber has the potential for more frequent bowel and eventually became thin. For what is consumed issued more than absorbed.
Two times within a period of seven days or less. Possible baby constipation / faecal constipation or compression in the large intestine. Be careful, if the stool is hard to make her anus and little wounds suffered trauma so reluctant to defecate next.
Causes of constipation:
* Could be a baby too much to drink and not getting enough milk solids and less drinking water.
* Lack of fiber / less consumption of vegetables or fruits.
The fix, the first cause can be overcome by reducing the intake of infant formula milk and reproduce menggantikannnya with solid food intake according to age. While the second, of course the baby should be eating more fruits, vegetables, and do not forget to drink plenty of water. If these conditions are not improved, very wise when the child seen by a doctor.

Within a day, normally the baby urinate about 3-4 times. However, the frequency of bladder actually need not worry. If more than that is okay. Except when pipisnya very often (more than 10 times / day) or rarely at all. In a sense as long as no signs of dehydration or the baby becomes lethargic and fussy, do not need too make an. Let alone worry about the baby because militus diabetes DM in children, especially infants are very rare.
But beware if the frequency of rare baby BAK / become rare. For example, one day only once even though usually 4 times. Or, since your baby was born rarely pee when fluid intake is adequate. Some causes of a rare bladder frequency is:
3 Infants experiencing dehydration. This could be due to a breastfeeding mother drink a lot less or a baby is experiencing vomiting or excessive sweating. Such conditions can be overcome by giving a lot of fluid intake in infants. Breastfeeding mothers, for example, have much to drink. However, for cases of vomiting, the baby should be immediately taken to the doctor to find the cause and prevent it from dehydration.
3 The baby boy, try to see the end kulupnya whether small or not visible. If so, he could be experiencing phymosis (end of small foreskin) that cause rare bladder. As the solution is usually the doctor will perform zooming by circumcision. These conditions need to be addressed immediately because if left unchecked can cause urinary tract infections in infants.
3 It is hard to pee on the baby girl could be caused by infection in the organs could be intimate even though his bladder just so more often. As pecegahan, after urinating, urinary hole and the surrounding area should be cleaned immediately. Remaining urine can settle in the folds around the genitals and cause infection. Attention is also sure clean technique. Do not clean from the rear to the front but from the front backward. This meant that excrement from the anus does not carry over to the vagina.


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23:36 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This

If too often or too rarely means there is something wrong.
Bowel frequency (BAB) and small (BAK) infants is closely related to the incoming intake. The proof, among infants who are breastfed and do not have different frequencies and pee & pup. How could such a thing? Then, how normal frequency? Consider the explanation of dr. Eva J. Soelaeman, SpA.

Breastfed babies:
Age 0-6 Months:
CHAPTER normal frequency:
1-7 times a day or even just 1-2 days. With a record baby's weight continued to increase according to the normal graphics card listed on the Go Healthy / KMS. If that happens on the other hand, the little doctor must undergo examination.
The frequency of abnormal CHAPTER:
* After 2 days, or not Chapter 1 Chapter three days time. This condition needs to be consulted on the doctor. Usually the doctor will look at the condition of the baby's stomach, bloated or not, state feces, weight, and infant growth. Some possible causes babies are rarely SECTION:
* Factor mother's diet. For example, nursing mothers are taking meducine/ jamu. As a result babies get breast milk intake of mother come to "feel" the impact of the drug. Just so you know, some drugs / herbs can make a motion / work intestine becomes slow. This condition, which in turn make babies suffer from constipation.
* Problems with the baby's digestive system. For example, blocked or twisted intestines.
* More than 7 times a day. CHAPTER frequency more often than usual may be caused by maternal diet factors. Example, mothers who breastfeed mengonsumi or eating spicy foods that contain high fiber can make a baby so more often pup.

BABIES ARE NOT breastfed
Age 0-6 months of age
CHAPTER normal frequency:
About 3-4 times a day until 1-2 days only once. Why it CHAPTER frequency less frequently than breastfed babies? ASI
as known very easily digested by babies. But not so with formula that is more difficult to digest and be absorbed by the baby's digestive system. This is what causes why
breastfed babies are rarely overweight, while the "infant formula" is often overweight.
The frequency of abnormal CHAPTER:
When baby watery feces and frequency more than 10 times per day along with weight loss.


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