The procedure for baby massage & benefits massage

00:04 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Source Republika, Sunday, September 22, 2002
''Ah, ancient. It's a habit of the villagers.''So maybe some parents assessment of infant massage. Such assessment is unfortunate. Because in fact, infant massage is very beneficial for the new little creature was born into that world.

Many studies have proven that. One was conducted by experts from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Miami in 1986. Led by Tiffany M. Field PhD, the researchers studied premature babies who were given a massage (therapeutic touch). Apparently, premature babies are massaged regularly every day shows the physical and emotional development are better than babies who were not massaged.

Benefits of infant massage expert also expressed by Dr. Utami Roesli SpA neonatology. He said that premature babies are massaged for ten days will experience weight gain 20 to 40 percent greater than premature babies who are not massaged. In addition, he said, babies are massaged for five days, the body resistance will increase by 40 percent compared to babies who were not massaged.
Massage the baby was not only affect the physical and emotional growth of infants. If done by a father for example, then that baby massage can increase milk production (BMS) on the mother's body. This is the empowerment''father,''he said. But what about an explanation?

Utami said, when a father took the initiative to massage the baby, it would generate positive feelings on the wife. Initiatives husband makes the wife feel loved, comfortable, and other positive feelings. And feeling like this will stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin. To note, this hormone is very useful to facilitate milk production. Research shows that 80 percent of the production of the hormone oxytocin is influenced by maternal psychological condition.

In addition, infant massage will make your baby hungry faster. It is said Utami, the more milk sucked by the baby (breastfeeding), then the milk production increased. This is because in the process of milk production apply the law of supply and demand. That is, the more milk removed, the more milk is produced. And vice versa.

Massage ordinance
Given the benefits that are not small, it is appropriate that the parents apply this touch therapy to their baby. How, follow these tips.

Before you begin to massage, do some preparatory steps, namely:
* Wash hands.
* Avoid nails and jewelry that can scratch baby's skin.
* Room to try massaging warm and not stuffy.
* The baby finished eating or not in a state of hunger.
* Try not to be disturbed in fifteen minutes to do the massage.
* Lay the baby on a soft cloth and clean flat.
* Mother / father sitting in a comfortable position.
* Before the massage, ask for permission to babies by stroking her face while talking.

After preparation, the massage can begin. Here's an example of how to massage the baby's body parts:

* Massage feet
Begin by holding the baby's feet at the groin like how to hold a softball bat. Move your hand down alternately like milking and the round.

Hold the groin with his hands together to squeeze and play with the baby's feet gently from the groin to the ankle. Then, foot sorted with two thumbs alternately starting from the heel to the sole of the foot. Massage your toes one by one by turning away from the palm, ending tug gently on each finger. Then, squeeze and roll the ankle with your thumb and other fingers. Wipe baby's feet with gentle pressure from the groin to the end.

* Baby's stomach
Massage the baby's stomach from top to bottom like a bicycle pedaling motion. Massage from the upper left side stomach down with your fingers to form the letters I and L reversed.

* Massage the chest
Create a movement upward through the neck and then to the right and left side above the clavicle to form the image of heart and returned to the pit of the stomach. Diagonal movement in the chest (the letter X) from left to right.

* Massage the baby's arms
Squeeze and turn with both hands gently from shoulder to wrist. Massage the palm of the hand with the thumb from the palm to the fingers. Wipe the back of his hand from the wrist to the fingers gently. Squeeze around the wrist with the thumb and forefinger.

* Massage the face
Put your thumb between the baby's eyebrows. Massage gently with your thumb on the brow and upper eyelid. Massage from the mid-brow drops down through the side of the fold nose.

* Massage your back
Tengkurapkan crosswise. Back massage with movement back and forth along his back from buttocks to neck. Make a circular motion with the fingers begin to limit back up to the buttocks.

Benefits of Infant Massage (source Pontianak Post Sunday, August 15, 2004).
SINCE the child was born, biasakanlan for massage. The touch is gentle and reassuring to make your child feel comfortable. But that's not all, here is another advantage to be gained little from massage, such as the following.

* Help her to be able to sleep soundly.
* Develop intelligence and psychomotor skills.
* Helps baby learn to relax.
* Improving the bonding and communication with parents.
* Improve the function of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems, nervous and immune systems.
* Helps relieve or alleviate the inconvenience caused. abdominal pain (colic), shortness of breath, and teething.
* Reduce stress hormone production.
* Reducing the fussy baby.
* Increase confidence because they feel loved, accepted and responded.
* Helps improve ability to speak.

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Special Massage for Mother Candidate

15:22 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
TEMPO Interactive, perfumery herbs, traditional music, ethnic style interior, and lighting the room a warm greeting when Nuri Toba foot in Mom n Jo, a provider of spa services for pregnant women in Dharmawangsa Square, South Jakarta. Nuri, who was pregnant 20 weeks, for a first try spa services for these pregnant women.

At first this worried housewives go to a spa while pregnant. The reason, "I am afraid that the usual massage effect to the womb," said the expectant mother for the first child of this. Though Nuri practically addicted to massage. Each time the body was not fresh, Nuri always pamper yourself to a spa for massage or facial.

So knowing there are spa services pregnant women, Nuri enthusiastically try. "I am easily tired and sore often during pregnancy," said the woman was 28 years.

In the relaxation room, Nuri sit and enjoy a cup of warm ginger foot massage while feeling. He then went into a massage room. Spa therapist asked him to lay down the right side, then gently massage therapist from the back, waist, to the foot of Nuri. He then lying to the left, and massage therapist with the same step.

Nuri then lying on his back. The entire front body massage, including face and head. Meanwhile, for his stomach began to bulge, the therapist simply wipe it without pressure. Unlike the usual spa, pregnancy massage position and supine lateral only.

Spa pregnant now becoming popular in big cities. Pregnant women who feel the physical complaints, such as back pain, cramps, nausea, and even her feet were swollen, can feel a special massage to reduce complaints in the future mother of this particular spa. Especially now that more and more pregnant women who work, auto physical complaints during pregnancy will increase.

Nurmaya Febriyani, 35 years, for example, even have tried the spa since the first pregnancy at two years ago. Nurmaya often feel tired coming home from work. Moreover, until the second trimester she is still actively driving his own car. "If the body is aching, leg cramps, I had a spa pregnant," said Nurmaya, now select the service spa in the B-Spa in Menteng.

Create Nurmaya, spa pregnant quite effective in eliminating physical complaints during pregnancy. "For me, this is very helpful," said Nurmaya, who was carrying her second child. Just like the first pregnancy, Nurmaya not reduce its activity in work and routine follow pregnant spa over the weekend.

According to Mary Jane Minchin, MD, Professor Obsgin at Yale University School of Medicine, United States, the spa was pregnant effective in reducing back pain, blood circulation, correct body position pregnant women, reduce swelling and cramps in the legs, as well as reduce stress.

Noteworthy is to avoid the sauna or spa treatments that increase the body temperature of pregnant women. "The temperature of the heat may harm the fetus," Minchin wrote in his book, A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health.
In addition, oils and lotions used in massage should use chemical-free ingredients. "Massage oil contains chemicals that can enter the bloodstream and dangerous to the fetus," said Minchin.

Endah Wulansari, Manager Mom n Jo, says his spa services using grape seed oil based that, "It contains chemicals and safe for pregnant women with sensitive skin." With the price range USD 90-500 thousand, the number of subscribers has now reached a Mom n Jo 600-1000 people each month.

In addition to pregnant spa, Mom n Jo provide spa services to normal postpartum or cesarean and spa baby. For those customers who did not bother to go to a spa, Mom n Jo also provides services on call service. "All of our therapists learn the techniques of expert massage spa pregnant woman who was imported from Singapore," said Wulansari.

Meanwhile, B-Spa, which is under the auspices of the International Mother Clinic, began providing a spa for pregnant women since two years ago. There, the tariff is USD 250-300 thousand during the 200 minutes. In addition, this service provides gymnastic and yoga classes three times a week pregnant.

According Asti Kurniawati, Manager B-Spa, B-Spa therapists have been trained by a specialist obstetrics and gynecology Mother Hospital. "They knew where the body parts from pregnant women should and should not be massaged," she said. Spa pregnant best done after reaching the age of three months of pregnancy.


1. Avoid the spa treatments that can improve the mother's body temperature, such as sauna, steam, hot tubs, or body wraps.
2. Some aromatherapy, essential oils, and lotions dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses. Consult with a therapist where the product is safe to use. In general, Lemon and Rosewood tends to be safely used.
3. Use a pillow under your head while enjoying facials and a few pillows buffer when massaged.
4. Do not color your hair during pregnancy. Chemicals from hair dye could enter the maternal and fetal blood circulation through the scalp.
5. Avoid coloring when manicure and pedicure nail. Nail coloring contain chemicals.
6. Waxing can be very painful and increases blood pressure if done when pregnant.

AMANDRA MM | Source: Marjorie Greenfield, MD in his book The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book

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