Special Massage for Mother Candidate

15:22 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
TEMPO Interactive, perfumery herbs, traditional music, ethnic style interior, and lighting the room a warm greeting when Nuri Toba foot in Mom n Jo, a provider of spa services for pregnant women in Dharmawangsa Square, South Jakarta. Nuri, who was pregnant 20 weeks, for a first try spa services for these pregnant women.

At first this worried housewives go to a spa while pregnant. The reason, "I am afraid that the usual massage effect to the womb," said the expectant mother for the first child of this. Though Nuri practically addicted to massage. Each time the body was not fresh, Nuri always pamper yourself to a spa for massage or facial.

So knowing there are spa services pregnant women, Nuri enthusiastically try. "I am easily tired and sore often during pregnancy," said the woman was 28 years.

In the relaxation room, Nuri sit and enjoy a cup of warm ginger foot massage while feeling. He then went into a massage room. Spa therapist asked him to lay down the right side, then gently massage therapist from the back, waist, to the foot of Nuri. He then lying to the left, and massage therapist with the same step.

Nuri then lying on his back. The entire front body massage, including face and head. Meanwhile, for his stomach began to bulge, the therapist simply wipe it without pressure. Unlike the usual spa, pregnancy massage position and supine lateral only.

Spa pregnant now becoming popular in big cities. Pregnant women who feel the physical complaints, such as back pain, cramps, nausea, and even her feet were swollen, can feel a special massage to reduce complaints in the future mother of this particular spa. Especially now that more and more pregnant women who work, auto physical complaints during pregnancy will increase.

Nurmaya Febriyani, 35 years, for example, even have tried the spa since the first pregnancy at two years ago. Nurmaya often feel tired coming home from work. Moreover, until the second trimester she is still actively driving his own car. "If the body is aching, leg cramps, I had a spa pregnant," said Nurmaya, now select the service spa in the B-Spa in Menteng.

Create Nurmaya, spa pregnant quite effective in eliminating physical complaints during pregnancy. "For me, this is very helpful," said Nurmaya, who was carrying her second child. Just like the first pregnancy, Nurmaya not reduce its activity in work and routine follow pregnant spa over the weekend.

According to Mary Jane Minchin, MD, Professor Obsgin at Yale University School of Medicine, United States, the spa was pregnant effective in reducing back pain, blood circulation, correct body position pregnant women, reduce swelling and cramps in the legs, as well as reduce stress.

Noteworthy is to avoid the sauna or spa treatments that increase the body temperature of pregnant women. "The temperature of the heat may harm the fetus," Minchin wrote in his book, A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health.
In addition, oils and lotions used in massage should use chemical-free ingredients. "Massage oil contains chemicals that can enter the bloodstream and dangerous to the fetus," said Minchin.

Endah Wulansari, Manager Mom n Jo, says his spa services using grape seed oil based that, "It contains chemicals and safe for pregnant women with sensitive skin." With the price range USD 90-500 thousand, the number of subscribers has now reached a Mom n Jo 600-1000 people each month.

In addition to pregnant spa, Mom n Jo provide spa services to normal postpartum or cesarean and spa baby. For those customers who did not bother to go to a spa, Mom n Jo also provides services on call service. "All of our therapists learn the techniques of expert massage spa pregnant woman who was imported from Singapore," said Wulansari.

Meanwhile, B-Spa, which is under the auspices of the International Mother Clinic, began providing a spa for pregnant women since two years ago. There, the tariff is USD 250-300 thousand during the 200 minutes. In addition, this service provides gymnastic and yoga classes three times a week pregnant.

According Asti Kurniawati, Manager B-Spa, B-Spa therapists have been trained by a specialist obstetrics and gynecology Mother Hospital. "They knew where the body parts from pregnant women should and should not be massaged," she said. Spa pregnant best done after reaching the age of three months of pregnancy.


1. Avoid the spa treatments that can improve the mother's body temperature, such as sauna, steam, hot tubs, or body wraps.
2. Some aromatherapy, essential oils, and lotions dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses. Consult with a therapist where the product is safe to use. In general, Lemon and Rosewood tends to be safely used.
3. Use a pillow under your head while enjoying facials and a few pillows buffer when massaged.
4. Do not color your hair during pregnancy. Chemicals from hair dye could enter the maternal and fetal blood circulation through the scalp.
5. Avoid coloring when manicure and pedicure nail. Nail coloring contain chemicals.
6. Waxing can be very painful and increases blood pressure if done when pregnant.

AMANDRA MM | Source: Marjorie Greenfield, MD in his book The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book

sources web tempointeraktif.com/hg/kesehatan/2009/12/03/brk 0.20091203 to 211,590, id.html

If Fetal Growth Difficult 2

03:08 Posted In , , , , Edit This
BMI = weight (kg) divided by height (m) dikuadratkan.
For example, if weight 60 kg, and height 1.65 m, 60kg divided by 1.65 x1, 65, the result 22kg/m2.

Benchmark, when:
BMI 20-24 = normal
Obesity = BMI 25-29 (overweight)
BMI more than 30 = obese
BMI less than 18 = too skinny

Thus, if your BMI 20-24, the increase in body weight during pregnancy between 12.5 kg-18kg, and so on. Generally, the increase in the early trimester of 1kg/bulan. While, in the final trimester, weight gain can be approximately 2kg/bulan.

Faster Birth Until Death
PJT conditions can not be ignored, because according to dr. Uf, if not immediately taken action, it is not impossible can cause death in babies. ''If stunted growth, means that there are conditions of nutrition and oxygenation that are not current,''he said. Further, the doctors will assess the causes of these obstacles. ''If, assessed could still be corrected, then by monitoring, pregnancy can still proceed. Conversely, if it is considered can not be corrected, then the action taken, the baby is born, though not in time,''the light of dr. Uf. Such actions are taken if believed, if the baby is born, his condition will be better, from the left in the womb.

But dr. Uf, underscore, as far PJT factor is that placental factors, or the condition of the mother, then at birth, the baby can still grow as it should, even this condition will not affect the intelligence of babies, and do not cause birth defects.

Routine Inspection
When pregnancy is very important to conduct routine inspections to maternal and fetal conditions can always be observed. Including, if any PJT conditions can be detected as early as possible.

Examination, advanced dr. Uf, it is recommended be done every four weeks until 28 weeks gestation. Then, from week to 28-36, the inspection done at least once every two weeks. Next, do an inspection every week until birth or 40 weeks of age. ''It should be noted is, the greater the age of her pregnancy, may also occur the more obstacles / distractions. Thus, the examination should be conducted more frequently,''he explained.

Well, so how busy you are, still take the time to seek prenatal care ya! PG

Tips For Optimal Fetal Growth
Of course you do not want any conditions hampered the growth of the fetus during pregnancy. Well, here is dr. Uf Bagazi, SPOG, specialist obstetric and gynecology, UB Women and Children Hospital, offers tips for avoiding these conditions.
* Try to live healthy. Eat balanced nutritious meals as needed during pregnancy. For quantity, eat as usual plus an extra 300 calories / day.
* Avoid stress during pregnancy. This could be one trigger factors of hypertension.
* Avoid food / medicine is not recommended during pregnancy. Therefore, each will take the drug, make sure the knowledge / recipes obstetrician.
* Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
* Exercise regularly. Sports (gymnastics for pregnant women) can make the body fit, and able to give balance oxygenation, and weight.
* Check regularly pregnancy.
* Source: web parentsguide.co.id / dsp_content.php? Kat = 1 & emonth = 11 & eyear = 2007 & pg = # HNS

If Fetal Growth Difficult

03:00 Posted In , , , Edit This
Though in many cases, the difficult conditions of the developing fetus can be overcome with good, on a small number of other cases, it could cause death in infants. Dear all, I married a little late (age of marriage 35 years). Fortunately, it turns out I was quite fertile for two months after marriage I became pregnant. At first, my pregnancy was fine, until the sixth month of pregnancy the doctor began to explain that my womb was rather small. The next month the doctor said that my baby is small. The reason, I stunted fetal growth. Does anyone have experience like me? Please, if indeed there ever had similar experiences, to share with me. Yes .. I look forward jawabannnya Thanks, Agustina, Bintaro

Agustina anxiety that appeared on an Internet mailing list that, it makes sense. Moreover, this is his first experience of becoming a future mother. But, what really is the growth stunted fetus or small baby? David Peleg, M.D., Collen M. Kennedy, M.D., and Stephen K. Hunter, M.D., PH.D. in American Family Physician August 1, 1998, states that the condition known as intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR), ie a condition when infants are smaller than I should, at the time in the womb. ''As if the baby does not develop in the average size of normal. Generally, babies who have IUGR will be weighted lower, at birth,''he said in familydoctor.org.

Meanwhile, according to Dr. Uf Bagazi, SPOG, obstetric and gynecology specialists, UB Women and Children Hospital, also known as IUGR or fetal growth stunted term (PJT), in broad outline can be caused by several factors, namely:

* Fetus. If IUGR is caused by fetal factors, generally caused by the condition of genetic disorders, there are mild in nature allowing the baby to be alive, or not.

* Placenta. This is the organ that connects the mother with the fetus, including in providing nutrients and oxygen supply. ''If there is interference with the placenta, then the food and oxygen penghantaran be not optimal, then the baby becomes difficult to develop,''said dr. Uf-familiar calls.

* Mother. For example, the factor of age (35 years and over), unhealthy lifestyles, say, a prospective mother is a pecando cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. Other cause is that if pregnant women suffering from certain diseases, including hypertension, anemia, or have infectious diseases during pregnancy.

Weight Must Rise
Generally, pregnant women, will experience increasing body weight, according to gestational age, and weight before pregnancy. Well, is there any easy way to suspect the possibility PJT is if there is no increase in weight of pregnant women after the age of 20 weeks or five months of pregnancy. ''If within one month of a pregnant woman does not gain weight as they should, then you should do a search,''said dr. Uf. Search is viewed, is there a proper factors suspected as trigger factors do not increase body weight. For example, pregnant women lifestyle, and medical history. In addition, we also performed a number of examination will include:

* High fundus examination (womb). Usually, doctors can determine the size of the extra PJT mother's womb (uterus height measured from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone boundary). ''In the two times of the inspection if not an increase, may suspect the existence of barriers,''he said.

* Ultrasound (ultrasonography) to estimate fetal weight, including the measuring head circumference, the length of the femur (thigh bone), and fetal abdominal circumference. This is done serially, in any investigation. Also, calculate alirah umbilical cord blood to determine whether there is growth or vice versa, inhibition.

dr. Uf mention that a pregnant woman really is no standard weight gain. For example, for those who had normal weight, an increase of up to nine months of pregnancy is between 12.5 kg-18kg, while for a relatively thin, should increase between 16kg-20kg. Meanwhile, if you are overweight, then weight gain during pregnancy between 6kg-11, 5kg. Well, for pregnant women belonging to obesity, the increase should weigh less than 6kg.
According to Prof. DR. Ir. Made Astawan, MS, an expert in food technology from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), to monitor weight loss, there is a parameter called the body mass index (BMI), with the following formula:

* Source: web parentsguide.co.id / dsp_content.php? Kat = 1 & emonth = 11 & eyear = 2007 & pg = # HNS


01:59 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Disturbances in the first trimester fetus is not a monopoly. Could happen in the second trimester or above 6 months (approximately 24 weeks). The case was referred to disturbed fetal development (PJT).

* Unlike the fetus because the fetus does not develop the existing body organs. Just kind of stunted growth. That is, this fetus had a small but growing baby is not in accordance with his age, "explained Anita. PJT will not only affect the baby's body size alone. So what causes it?

* Intake or intake of food and oxygen are less qualified. In fact, food is needed for the process of perfecting the organ.

Set pattern * Lack of life, rest and food, will surely disturb the absorption and oxygen flow process. Alcohol and cigarettes can affect adversely.

* A mother who has problems with her organs, eg lung. This resulted in the fetus can not absorb 100% oxygen properly. Disease in the mother would interfere with oxygen supply or metabolism so that food intake is not absorbed. This resulted in the mother's weight did not increase.

* Schizophrenia and disorders hallucinations.
PJT usually should be monitored both by doctors, midwives can not just be monitored. Therefore, doctors must find and eliminate factors that cause PJT.

Besides needing a serial ultrasound was also performed, in a sense made within a specified time and at a certain place to compare fetal development.

Blood pressure in the fetus and umbilical cord also needs to be seen. This is to see whether the blood pressure in the area are too large so that supplies the baby as "rejected". In a sense, the food supply should be tight, even slowly.

The fetus does not develop and disturbed fetal development can be prevented, kok. Here's how.

- Check the prenuptial
Also do pregnancy checks (check for infection, and ACA). If there is an infection or another, can be treated. Therapy before pregnancy is the best and ideal, so that conditions quite prepared mothers and unseen.

- Perform therapy
If a mother has been known to suffer miscarriages and certain infections, try to postpone the next pregnancy and get therapy. Prevention of pregnancy can be avoided with condoms or fertility.

- Serial ultrasound
If already pregnant, and apparently there is a problem, do the therapy. It's never too late for therapy rather than later result in bad on the baby. Monitoring should be better, especially with serial ultrasound.

- Do not stress
Keep trying and do not despair. Despair will automatically create a high stressor factors and affect fertility.

If the fetus does not develop otherwise, must be done penguretan. "The fetus does not develop to be removed because it was obvious-certainly not growing. How was a mother trying to defend, there is no point. Because the body, the fetus was considered foreign or inanimate, automatic psiologis, reflexes of the body will try it out .. usually Sehingga the mother will issue a fab-fab and indeed must dikuret, "explained Anita.

If the fetus is not developed due to infection after dikuret must be treated to remove the infection so it is not reduced. If the examination has been done over and over and declared clear of infection, were not to be pregnant.

The situation remains the mother should be monitored again. Once pregnant, usually re-examination will be conducted to see the titer of antibody, there tends to rise or not. Because of the possibility of this infection appears again, still exists.
Source Web Tabloid Nova
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