
22:55 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Other symptoms are:
- Frequently changing eye glass
- Double vision in one eye.

Sometimes causes swelling of cataract lenses and the increased pressure inside the eye (glaucoma), which Bosa leading to pain.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of eye examination.

# Diagnostic tests are usually performed: a standard eye examination, including slit lamp examination with
# Scan the eye in preparation for cataract surgery.

The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Surgery is performed if the patient can not see well with the help of glasses to perform everyday kegitannya.
Some patients may feel better eyesight simply by replacing the glass eyes, bifokus glasses stronger or use a magnifying lens. If cataracts do not disturb do not usually necessary surgery. Cataract surgery consists of lifting the lens and replacing them with artificial lenses.

1. Appointment lens
There are 2 kinds of surgery that can be used to lift the lens:
- Surgery ekstrakapsuler: by leaving the lens capsule removed.
To soften the lens thus making it easier lens through a small incision, use high-frequency sound waves (fakoemulsifikasi).
- Surgery intrakapsuler: lens capsule and removed. At this intrakapsuler surgery is rarely performed.

2. Replacement lenses
Patients who had undergone cataract surgery typically will have artificial lenses to replace lenses that have been raised.
This artificial lens is a plastic sheet called intraokuler lenses, lens intraokuler usually inserted into the lens capsule inside the eye.

Cataract surgery is often performed and generally safe. After the surgery are rare infection or bleeding in the eye that can cause serious vision problems.
To prevent infection, reduce inflammation and speed healing, for several weeks after surgery are given eye drops or ointment.
To protect the eyes from injury, sufferers should use glasses or protective goggles made of metal until the surgical wound completely healed.

Primary prevention is to control diseases associated with cataracts and avoiding the factors that accelerate the formation of cataracts. Using sunglasses when outside the room during the day can reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that enter the eye. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cataracts.
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22:43 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Cataract is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment.


In many cases, the cause is unknown. Cataracts usually occur in old age and could be lowered. Cataract formation accelerated by environmental factors, such as smoking or other toxic materials.

# Cataracts may be caused by eye injury
# Metabolic disease (eg diabetes)
# Certain medications (eg corticosteroids).

Cataracts cataract kongenitalis is found in babies at birth (or some time later). Kongenitalis Cataracts can be a hereditary disease (inherited in an autosomal dominant) or can be caused by:
- Congenital infections, such as German measles
- Dealing with metabolic diseases, such as galaktosemia.
Risk factors of cataract kongenitalis are:
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- History of cataract in the family
- Viral infection of the mother when the baby is still in the womb.

Cataracts in adults is usually associated with aging.
Cataracts in adults are grouped into:

1. Immatur cataracts: lens still has a clear section
2. Mature cataracts: lens is completely opaque
3. Cataracts hipermatur: there are parts of the lens surface that has seeped through the lens capsule and can cause inflammation of other eye structures.

Most of the lens a bit murky after the age of 60 year. Half patients who experienced similar changes in both eyes, although changes in one eye may be worse than other.A lot of eye cataract patients who experienced only a mild visual impairment and did not realize that they suffering from cataracts.

Factors that influence the occurrence of cataracts are:
- Levels of low blood calcium
- Diabetes
- Long-term use of corticosteroids
- Various inflammatory diseases and metabolic diseases.
- Environmental factors (trauma, radiation, ultraviolet light).

All rays entering the eye must first pass through the lens. Therefore, every part lenses that block, deflect or scatter the light can cause vision problems penglihatan.Beratnya depends on the location and maturity of the cataract.

Cataracts develop slowly and do not cause pain accompanied by vision problems that arise in stages. Visual impairment can be:
- Difficulty seeing at night
- See the circle around the light or the light was blinding my eyes
- Decrease in sharpness of vision (even during the day).
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