Is Temper Tantrum?2

21:48 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
There is no definite answer. However, there are important things that need to be considered by the parent / teacher:

1. Before the rampage in children:

* Parents / teachers should recognize emotions in him their first. The more we are adept at recognizing these emotions, the more calm the child's emotions.
* Give a good example, because we will serve as an example of a child.
* If we're angry salurkanlah our anger appropriately. Because children will easily record every event in the vicinity, both positive and negative.
* Children will adjust our behavior to the behavior. If we take the bait tantrum, tantrums will be more powerful.
* Provide adequate attention. Children need parents / teachers to express what he felt and thought. More and more attention is obtained, the more understanding of him. The more he understands himself, the child will be the happier.
* Find a baby sitter, when we will face that does not allow busy paying attention as usual
* Take a picture story book, and attract, dolls, nutritious snacks, etc.., If you will travel with him
* Negotiate and compromise. Discuss what to do with parents / teachers, involve or invite him to help, to discuss a solution that fun for children and parents / teachers.

2. By the time the child tantrum:

* Do not give attention
* Silence (quiet, walk away, not paying attention, looked at him without emotion) until the child is ready to talk
* Holding it firmly, without damaging that he felt safe
* Be firm but gentle, mature, caring, and positive
* Divert attention of children, for example by creating an atmosphere of humor, or involving children in other activities
* Beat tantrums in a firm voice that can surprise
* Do not beat or scold

3. After the storm passed:

* After the storm passed, the need to do is hug her.
* Explain what has happened
* Provide an understanding why it happened
* Tell me what behavior we want next time
* Unconscious child that tantrums are a way of communication that can not be accepted. There is another way to tell what he wanted to parents / teachers. We must be sure that in time he will learn other ways such.
* Teach children to practice to master and control his emotions, that is by way of him playing music, painting, playing ball, or other games. Through games, children will learn to accept defeat, to learn to not arrogant if you win, good sportsmanship, healthy competition. Never was taught to play dirty.
* Teach the difference between needs with desires. Children are entitled to all the needs (affection, warmth, etc.) but not all desires can be obtained.
* Set limits clearly and firmly. What extent can and should do, and what does not. Children need parents / teachers to limit their behavior.
* Teach your child choose within limits (You want to eat eggs or sausage? You want to play water or shower?).
* Try to be consistent. Consistent means always be the same. Once we apply certain rules in children, they will continue to apply the rules the same every time, in all places, and for anyone.
* Train children to not get our full attention, little by little. For example by initiating a short way and then gradually increase the time


* Children will learn that tantrums can make him get what he wants.
* Tantrums intensified
* Following the parents / teachers from one room to another
* Only tantrum when there are other people around
* Stop and start depending on whether the parents / teachers see it or not

Source Library:
* Hames, P. (2003). Facing and Overcoming Child Like mad. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
* (2003). Overcoming the Child Temper Tantrum. Betawi.Net
source web

Is Temper Tantrum?

21:39 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Temper tantrums IS THAT?
Temper Tantrum is a burst of anger at the child when the child shows independence with negative attitudes.

WHO HAVE A Temper Tantrum?
Commonly experienced by children aged under five, primarily occurs between the ages of 2 to 4 years.

The toddler was out of control, he was upset, confused, and cluttered. There are unmet desires. Desire must be fulfilled immediately.
Toddlers do not know the concept of "later", so that can not delay or wait for the fulfillment of his desires. Because desire is not fulfilled, he felt dissatisfied and frustrated.

To cope with these frustrations, he raged. Frustration led to many tensions. He expressed this frustration by screaming, crying out loud, dropped to the floor, or moving wildly, rolling on the floor, throwing things, hitting, kicking, etc.. They will be very powerful way to get out of this tension.

WHAT THINGS THAT MAKE toddler frustration?

* Not getting what you want (eg the attention of teachers / parents, candy, toys, etc.)
* Not able to do themselves (eg in dress, bringing her toys at once, crossed the street without holding on to parents, etc.)
* Wanting parents / teachers to do something that parents / teachers can not or do not want to do (for example, accompany the child to sleep, take a favorite food that is not allowed, etc.)
* Not knowing what he wants (for example, whether he should eat at the table or sit on the couch or not eating)
* Not able to explain what he wants (for example, want to swing higher, but the tool does not allow the swing)
* Not able to control everything (for example, he wanted his mother did not go to the office, but she still went, he wanted to wear a blue plate, but had bought the red color, etc.)
* Misunderstood (laugh, but he did not mean to be funny)
* Bored
* Fatigue
* Hungry
* Pain
* Modeled actions upset the wrong distribution of adult (father, mother)

When children feel neglected. Parents / teachers busy with other activities, do not have time to give attention to the child. They need not just a presence, but the involvement of parents / teachers in the activities.

Source Library:
* Hames, P. (2003). Facing and Overcoming Child Like mad. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
* (2003). Overcoming the Child Temper Tantrum. Betawi.Net
source web


22:55 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Other symptoms are:
- Frequently changing eye glass
- Double vision in one eye.

Sometimes causes swelling of cataract lenses and the increased pressure inside the eye (glaucoma), which Bosa leading to pain.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of eye examination.

# Diagnostic tests are usually performed: a standard eye examination, including slit lamp examination with
# Scan the eye in preparation for cataract surgery.

The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Surgery is performed if the patient can not see well with the help of glasses to perform everyday kegitannya.
Some patients may feel better eyesight simply by replacing the glass eyes, bifokus glasses stronger or use a magnifying lens. If cataracts do not disturb do not usually necessary surgery. Cataract surgery consists of lifting the lens and replacing them with artificial lenses.

1. Appointment lens
There are 2 kinds of surgery that can be used to lift the lens:
- Surgery ekstrakapsuler: by leaving the lens capsule removed.
To soften the lens thus making it easier lens through a small incision, use high-frequency sound waves (fakoemulsifikasi).
- Surgery intrakapsuler: lens capsule and removed. At this intrakapsuler surgery is rarely performed.

2. Replacement lenses
Patients who had undergone cataract surgery typically will have artificial lenses to replace lenses that have been raised.
This artificial lens is a plastic sheet called intraokuler lenses, lens intraokuler usually inserted into the lens capsule inside the eye.

Cataract surgery is often performed and generally safe. After the surgery are rare infection or bleeding in the eye that can cause serious vision problems.
To prevent infection, reduce inflammation and speed healing, for several weeks after surgery are given eye drops or ointment.
To protect the eyes from injury, sufferers should use glasses or protective goggles made of metal until the surgical wound completely healed.

Primary prevention is to control diseases associated with cataracts and avoiding the factors that accelerate the formation of cataracts. Using sunglasses when outside the room during the day can reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that enter the eye. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cataracts.
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22:43 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Cataract is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment.


In many cases, the cause is unknown. Cataracts usually occur in old age and could be lowered. Cataract formation accelerated by environmental factors, such as smoking or other toxic materials.

# Cataracts may be caused by eye injury
# Metabolic disease (eg diabetes)
# Certain medications (eg corticosteroids).

Cataracts cataract kongenitalis is found in babies at birth (or some time later). Kongenitalis Cataracts can be a hereditary disease (inherited in an autosomal dominant) or can be caused by:
- Congenital infections, such as German measles
- Dealing with metabolic diseases, such as galaktosemia.
Risk factors of cataract kongenitalis are:
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- History of cataract in the family
- Viral infection of the mother when the baby is still in the womb.

Cataracts in adults is usually associated with aging.
Cataracts in adults are grouped into:

1. Immatur cataracts: lens still has a clear section
2. Mature cataracts: lens is completely opaque
3. Cataracts hipermatur: there are parts of the lens surface that has seeped through the lens capsule and can cause inflammation of other eye structures.

Most of the lens a bit murky after the age of 60 year. Half patients who experienced similar changes in both eyes, although changes in one eye may be worse than other.A lot of eye cataract patients who experienced only a mild visual impairment and did not realize that they suffering from cataracts.

Factors that influence the occurrence of cataracts are:
- Levels of low blood calcium
- Diabetes
- Long-term use of corticosteroids
- Various inflammatory diseases and metabolic diseases.
- Environmental factors (trauma, radiation, ultraviolet light).

All rays entering the eye must first pass through the lens. Therefore, every part lenses that block, deflect or scatter the light can cause vision problems penglihatan.Beratnya depends on the location and maturity of the cataract.

Cataracts develop slowly and do not cause pain accompanied by vision problems that arise in stages. Visual impairment can be:
- Difficulty seeing at night
- See the circle around the light or the light was blinding my eyes
- Decrease in sharpness of vision (even during the day).
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01:28 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
If Spiral Can not revoked
Do not worry, Mom, pregnancy can still be passed on, really. "Often, doctors find it difficult indeed interesting spiral because the spiral thread invisible," said Bawono. Well, if the current spiral is still attached, to avoid the occurrence of miscarriage, the pregnancy must be monitored very closely, for example with ultrasound. "Monitoring is to know the developing fetus in the womb. So if there are abnormalities can be anticipated at an early stage."

Occurred in Tuba Channels
Explained Bawono, nearly 15 percent of pregnancies with the IUD was inserted occur in the fallopian tube or the fallopian tubes, so it was not in the uterus. "This situation is usually called a pregnancy outside the womb. Usually when this happens, it becomes very difficult to detect, so that often require surgery." Therefore, the fallopian tubes are too narrow and thin to accommodate the baby growing bigger. As a result, pregnancy outside the womb are often brought in the heavy bleeding and usually occurs in the second and third month after the last menstruation. "I will feel tremendous pain in the lower abdomen and the only action that can be done is through a surgical tube removal." Thus, pregnancy can not be forwarded automatically.

Various causes
According to Bawono, the factors causing the "penetration" is itself quite diverse. Pemasangnya started, people who posted, and contraceptive itself. "To subject or the person who put contraceptives, for example, doctors or officers who installed, one in selecting cases or tools suitable for a mother." Because after all, not all suitable contraceptive used all mothers.
"Doctors or health workers who install or review must be seen again, how the condition of the mother. For example, not all women can be fitted spiral. If he has a lump in the womb, so can often spiral out of himself. If forced into a spiral stay, the agency would be refused, so the remains will be out again by itself. "
When the installation is not right can lead to spiral out of place. For example, the installation of a spiral when the new mother 3-4 weeks after birth, would be likely to spiral out again. When a suitable installation spiral is when the uterus begins to shrink or return to normal, approximately 40 days after birth. If the uterus is still large, will spiral off by itself.
The problem, which often occur in the field, the doctor or the staff did not always have enough time to serve patients more thoroughly. "This could happen because many patients who have or pursue the target installation. Especially common in the hospital or
A busy health center. So the ministry is not the maximum occasionally or installation of contraception become careless, inaccurate, or not choosing a case. "
The second factor is often the case, experience or hours of flying the advertiser is still minimal or less. For example, workers who install new or learning.
While from the patient, often do not obey the control of the control schedules established doctors. "Not only that, but should control the time set, she had to see her doctor if there is a problem with him. For example, if your period suddenly mom a lot, then the mother should immediately see a doctor control. It could be posted contraception be down or not being in place. Therefore, the installation of an IUD or a spiral, due to be installed in the womb, so when menstruation many women, who installed the equipment could fall. It's what is recommended, the mother of an IUD fitted should be diligent to do the control to the doctor. "
The doctors or health workers should also be told, the things what need to know by the mother about contraception installed. "But, again, sometimes barriers between medical staff and patients did not have enough time to consult each other or exchange ideas. Thus, the information received less patient deeply."

In order not "conceded"
To anticipate that pregnancy does not occur or spiral installed to function properly, the following suggestions Bawono.
1. She also had to frequently spiral anticipation control for shifting from place. For the early installation of a spiral spiral examination usually conducted once a month. If you have been judged suitable, the longer can control, depending on your doctor's instructions or officers who installed.

2. So no problems occur, patients should also be selecting the mounting location. Choose the mounting location of the well, where clerks installer and patients have sufficient time to consult.

3. In order to obtain maximum results or expectations, the selection of contraceptive devices that determine the best doctors. "All during this often happens, the patient or the mother alone to decide. In fact, contraception that want to use is not necessarily compatible with him."

4. Elections spiral must also good. "Basically, all marketed spiral proven ability. But there are times when the condition is broken or defective packaging, which may result in these contraceptives work less maximal."

Rodin Daulat G.T. Illustration: Pugoeh / Nakita
Source web Tabloid Nakita Nomor 492 Tahun X

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