Little Kid had heartburn!

23:59 Posted In , , , , Edit This
MANY parents think ulcer disease can only be sustained by an adult. In fact, little else can be affected by an ulcer. So, what causes it? Does the same symptoms like ulcers in adults?

Basically, according to Dr. Budi Purnomo SpA, stomach ulcers in children are not too different from the ulcer that occurs in most adults. He said that, if seen through a microscope, the intestine is shaped like a weed (flakes). Well, in that there are flakes of enzymes, where if there's food will be accommodated and absorbed. "In particular children also increases stomach acid production. Now, this is called a kind of gastritis (gastritis), gas production increases. The second could be called bloating. This, too, its gas production is also high," beber physicians who practice in this RSAB Harapan Kita.

Germs Cause ulcer

Apparently, not only in adults, little else can suffer from stomach ulcers. It's just that the process can vary. Not all heartburn caused by irregular eating habits or stress. In particular, in developing countries, stomach ulcers are also caused by bacterial infection helicobactererpylori.

This bacterium is usually transmitted through food and beverages. But the density of residential development can also affect the bacteria. According to Dr. Kadim Muzal SpA (K), from Cipto Mangunkusumo, the infected bacteria are classified as long. So it does not mean it will be directly exposed to bacterial symptoms. These bacteria could also have entered into the body of the child's symptoms but never completely. Depending on the child's immune system itself.

On a separate occasion, Dr. Budi who also practice in RSIA Hermina Daan says, "In addition to bacteria, in children who do not like to eat vegetables, jonjotnya growth is also not good. As a result, can not digest food properly."

Incidence Symptoms

Heartburn symptoms in children is almost the same as general heartburn. For example sick about heartburn, bloating. Only children who are above five years who could express his pain. "Usually if children under five years old, which is felt or symptoms, stomach bloating, CHAPTER noncurrent, eat less, often fart," explained Dr. Budi.

But make no mistake, said dr Muzal, although a child is suffering from stomach pains, but when checked will not find anything abnormal. This is called stomach ulcer pain caused by psychological problems. Such symptoms are often found in children whose age was greater or adulthood (5-15 years). Meanwhile, for children whose age was smaller, typically doctors perform endoscopy to confirm whether or not the bacteria.

If it was little affected by the bacteria, advanced dr Muzal, there will be a clinic symptoms such as abdominal pain. Usually, abdominal pain is also found in the solar plexus. Sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Abdominal pain did not arise suddenly, but repeated or chronic abdominal pain that had lasted for three months or more. Even at night the child was often awakened by abdominal pain. So if any child had abdominal pain for more than three months, usually associated with the occurrence of infection in the stomach. In addition, other symptoms supporting the presence of bacteria in the body of the child is fever and weight they do not rise or fail to grow in the medical language.

But again the parents do not worry too much. Because the germs of heartburn can be treated. According to dr Muzal, if there is an infection, doctors usually give antibiotics and medicines that must be taken twice a day for 1-2 weeks. After drug administration during the period of time, just one month later the child must be controlled again by the doctor.

Whereas if you have heartburn suffered very great and there are quite a lot of bleeding in the digestive tract, usually be treated at the hospital. Way of handling must diendoskopi first. After that will be given drugs that reduce stomach acid.

Meanwhile, to stop the bleeding that occurred, the patient will be fasting until the bleeding stops. Usually one to two days. And as a substitute for the entry of food, the child will diimfus as a substitute for food. Dr. Budi adds, "Also, notice their habits, set, do not forget to eat vegetables and do not drink too much milk."

He continued, if the high gas production, it will be given medicine to remove the gas. Whereas if a high acid, would be given anti-acid drugs. While antibiotics are rarely done, unless there is infection.

Once treated, it does not mean your child can not ulcer recurrence. Surely all this there is prohibition. "Like food, the child should not eat spicy, sour, eating lots of vegetables and fruit. Instant noodles do not get too much, because it's not good for children. Starchy snacks that many had to be reduced," warned Dr. Budi.

One more thing to remember, added Dr. Muzal, when caring for children who get ulcers in the home, preventing delivery of drugs that can stimulate the bacteria. Like, painkillers, because it would interfere.

"Besides giving the acidic foods like oranges and pineapples. Carbonated beverages are also not allowed," the late Dr. Muzal.
(Mom & Kiddie / / tty)
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Urinary infections in children

22:07 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a disease that is often found in children, in addition to gastrointestinal infection. UTI is an important disease in children, because it causes unpleasant symptoms in children.

If not tackled seriously, UTI can cause complications such as urinary tract stones, hypertension, or kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant actions kidney. Therefore, we should recognize UTI can be arranged as early as possible in order to avoid inadequate governance with a worse result.

UTI can be about all people, starting a newborn to adults, both male and female. UTI is more common in infants or children dtemukan small compared with adults. In infants up to age three months, UTI is more often in men than women, but then more often on women than men.

UTI occurs as a result of the entry of bacteria into the urinary tract. Usually the bacteria come from feces or rectum, into the lower urinary tract, or urethra, then up into the bladder and can be up to the kidney. Germs can also enter the urinary tract through the bloodstream from other places who widened, there is a urinary tract obstruction, enlarged bladder and others. Just like any other infectious disease, UTI will more readily occur in children with malnutrition or a child's immune system is low. Children who experience frequent constipation or restrain restrain urine (pee) can also be at risk of UTI.

- Sometimes no symptoms, and diagnosed with kidney failure after complications occur. In newborns, the symptoms are not typical, so it is often not thought of, for example, unstable temperature (fever or a temperature lower than normal), look sick, inflammable or Irritable, not drinking, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, urine color appear reddish or yellow.

In infants over one month, can include fever, reddish urine, easily aroused, seemed ill, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence or appear yellow. At preschool age children or school, UTI symptoms may include fever with or without chills, pain in the waist area, bermih time pain, urinary leak a little but often, feeling like urinating, urine, cloudy or reddish color.

If there is suspicion of UTI, it is necessary laboratory examination, ie examination of the urine, urine routine and culture. Urinalysis examination results may be known, whereas the urine culture results may take one week.

There are three important things are wont to do if a patient already diagnosed with UTI sebagaii: first, to eradicate infection: second, detect, prevent, and treat recurrent infections and the third detecting anatomical and functional abnormalities of urinary tract and overcome if there

To combat infection, the drug is given disinfectant (antimicrobial or antibiotic) for 7-10 days. To the extent possible germ killer drug is given in accordance with the results of sensitivity tests of germs that are known from the results of urine cultures. To detect recurrent infection, need to do a urine culture examination on a regular basis, and if there is infection, the infection is treated with appropriate antibiotics.

To detect the anatomical and functional abnormalities of urinary tract, typically doctors perform a more thorough physical examination and imaging examination was performed if necessary / radiological examinations such as ultrasound or x-ray of the kidneys and urinary tract. If there are abnormalities in the urinary tract, then the administration of then adjusted with abnormalities found in whether or not to require surgical intervention.
source dr, dr. Maharani Blog

Mother Wise? Anger Manage ...

18:20 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
You want to be a wise mother to child? One of them you have to smart manage anger. No need explosive, enough to make five steps effective.

This step ..

Accept your anger

When you are angry, say to yourself, 'I am angry' or say to your child, 'Mom angry'. It helps you focus your emotions to yourself, not on your child, let alone anyone else. They do not deserve to be the object of your anger.

What, not who

Understand what is and not who makes you angry. Take, for example, as little fuss, obviously that makes you angry that his action was not himself. Given all that time lasted only.

Pour the contents of the liver

Put all your heart. Say it firmly and luga in the form of anger. 'She was angry, we do not want to eat. What's with you dear? " course, expressions like this makes your child the opportunity to express feelings without feeling judged. Remember, do not need anger exploded.

Finish the source of anger

Quickly accomplish and conditions benahai a source of anger. Berkompromilah with anah. For instance, he refused to eat, ask the reason why not to eat. Well, when your child is ready, he can ask for food back to you. Give 30-minute intervals, to ask him again.


If there were anger energy, soon calm down. Any energy must be channeled. do relaxation, worship, or activities that make you calm. May be more positive if you clean house, cook, or even exercising.

Source: web


22:55 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Other symptoms are:
- Frequently changing eye glass
- Double vision in one eye.

Sometimes causes swelling of cataract lenses and the increased pressure inside the eye (glaucoma), which Bosa leading to pain.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of eye examination.

# Diagnostic tests are usually performed: a standard eye examination, including slit lamp examination with
# Scan the eye in preparation for cataract surgery.

The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Surgery is performed if the patient can not see well with the help of glasses to perform everyday kegitannya.
Some patients may feel better eyesight simply by replacing the glass eyes, bifokus glasses stronger or use a magnifying lens. If cataracts do not disturb do not usually necessary surgery. Cataract surgery consists of lifting the lens and replacing them with artificial lenses.

1. Appointment lens
There are 2 kinds of surgery that can be used to lift the lens:
- Surgery ekstrakapsuler: by leaving the lens capsule removed.
To soften the lens thus making it easier lens through a small incision, use high-frequency sound waves (fakoemulsifikasi).
- Surgery intrakapsuler: lens capsule and removed. At this intrakapsuler surgery is rarely performed.

2. Replacement lenses
Patients who had undergone cataract surgery typically will have artificial lenses to replace lenses that have been raised.
This artificial lens is a plastic sheet called intraokuler lenses, lens intraokuler usually inserted into the lens capsule inside the eye.

Cataract surgery is often performed and generally safe. After the surgery are rare infection or bleeding in the eye that can cause serious vision problems.
To prevent infection, reduce inflammation and speed healing, for several weeks after surgery are given eye drops or ointment.
To protect the eyes from injury, sufferers should use glasses or protective goggles made of metal until the surgical wound completely healed.

Primary prevention is to control diseases associated with cataracts and avoiding the factors that accelerate the formation of cataracts. Using sunglasses when outside the room during the day can reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that enter the eye. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cataracts.
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22:43 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Cataract is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment.


In many cases, the cause is unknown. Cataracts usually occur in old age and could be lowered. Cataract formation accelerated by environmental factors, such as smoking or other toxic materials.

# Cataracts may be caused by eye injury
# Metabolic disease (eg diabetes)
# Certain medications (eg corticosteroids).

Cataracts cataract kongenitalis is found in babies at birth (or some time later). Kongenitalis Cataracts can be a hereditary disease (inherited in an autosomal dominant) or can be caused by:
- Congenital infections, such as German measles
- Dealing with metabolic diseases, such as galaktosemia.
Risk factors of cataract kongenitalis are:
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- History of cataract in the family
- Viral infection of the mother when the baby is still in the womb.

Cataracts in adults is usually associated with aging.
Cataracts in adults are grouped into:

1. Immatur cataracts: lens still has a clear section
2. Mature cataracts: lens is completely opaque
3. Cataracts hipermatur: there are parts of the lens surface that has seeped through the lens capsule and can cause inflammation of other eye structures.

Most of the lens a bit murky after the age of 60 year. Half patients who experienced similar changes in both eyes, although changes in one eye may be worse than other.A lot of eye cataract patients who experienced only a mild visual impairment and did not realize that they suffering from cataracts.

Factors that influence the occurrence of cataracts are:
- Levels of low blood calcium
- Diabetes
- Long-term use of corticosteroids
- Various inflammatory diseases and metabolic diseases.
- Environmental factors (trauma, radiation, ultraviolet light).

All rays entering the eye must first pass through the lens. Therefore, every part lenses that block, deflect or scatter the light can cause vision problems penglihatan.Beratnya depends on the location and maturity of the cataract.

Cataracts develop slowly and do not cause pain accompanied by vision problems that arise in stages. Visual impairment can be:
- Difficulty seeing at night
- See the circle around the light or the light was blinding my eyes
- Decrease in sharpness of vision (even during the day).
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