
22:55 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Other symptoms are:
- Frequently changing eye glass
- Double vision in one eye.

Sometimes causes swelling of cataract lenses and the increased pressure inside the eye (glaucoma), which Bosa leading to pain.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of eye examination.

# Diagnostic tests are usually performed: a standard eye examination, including slit lamp examination with
# Scan the eye in preparation for cataract surgery.

The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Surgery is performed if the patient can not see well with the help of glasses to perform everyday kegitannya.
Some patients may feel better eyesight simply by replacing the glass eyes, bifokus glasses stronger or use a magnifying lens. If cataracts do not disturb do not usually necessary surgery. Cataract surgery consists of lifting the lens and replacing them with artificial lenses.

1. Appointment lens
There are 2 kinds of surgery that can be used to lift the lens:
- Surgery ekstrakapsuler: by leaving the lens capsule removed.
To soften the lens thus making it easier lens through a small incision, use high-frequency sound waves (fakoemulsifikasi).
- Surgery intrakapsuler: lens capsule and removed. At this intrakapsuler surgery is rarely performed.

2. Replacement lenses
Patients who had undergone cataract surgery typically will have artificial lenses to replace lenses that have been raised.
This artificial lens is a plastic sheet called intraokuler lenses, lens intraokuler usually inserted into the lens capsule inside the eye.

Cataract surgery is often performed and generally safe. After the surgery are rare infection or bleeding in the eye that can cause serious vision problems.
To prevent infection, reduce inflammation and speed healing, for several weeks after surgery are given eye drops or ointment.
To protect the eyes from injury, sufferers should use glasses or protective goggles made of metal until the surgical wound completely healed.

Primary prevention is to control diseases associated with cataracts and avoiding the factors that accelerate the formation of cataracts. Using sunglasses when outside the room during the day can reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that enter the eye. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cataracts.
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22:43 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Cataract is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment.


In many cases, the cause is unknown. Cataracts usually occur in old age and could be lowered. Cataract formation accelerated by environmental factors, such as smoking or other toxic materials.

# Cataracts may be caused by eye injury
# Metabolic disease (eg diabetes)
# Certain medications (eg corticosteroids).

Cataracts cataract kongenitalis is found in babies at birth (or some time later). Kongenitalis Cataracts can be a hereditary disease (inherited in an autosomal dominant) or can be caused by:
- Congenital infections, such as German measles
- Dealing with metabolic diseases, such as galaktosemia.
Risk factors of cataract kongenitalis are:
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- History of cataract in the family
- Viral infection of the mother when the baby is still in the womb.

Cataracts in adults is usually associated with aging.
Cataracts in adults are grouped into:

1. Immatur cataracts: lens still has a clear section
2. Mature cataracts: lens is completely opaque
3. Cataracts hipermatur: there are parts of the lens surface that has seeped through the lens capsule and can cause inflammation of other eye structures.

Most of the lens a bit murky after the age of 60 year. Half patients who experienced similar changes in both eyes, although changes in one eye may be worse than other.A lot of eye cataract patients who experienced only a mild visual impairment and did not realize that they suffering from cataracts.

Factors that influence the occurrence of cataracts are:
- Levels of low blood calcium
- Diabetes
- Long-term use of corticosteroids
- Various inflammatory diseases and metabolic diseases.
- Environmental factors (trauma, radiation, ultraviolet light).

All rays entering the eye must first pass through the lens. Therefore, every part lenses that block, deflect or scatter the light can cause vision problems penglihatan.Beratnya depends on the location and maturity of the cataract.

Cataracts develop slowly and do not cause pain accompanied by vision problems that arise in stages. Visual impairment can be:
- Difficulty seeing at night
- See the circle around the light or the light was blinding my eyes
- Decrease in sharpness of vision (even during the day).
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Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) 5

19:46 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Tip's How to Cope Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Early diagnosis
* Home-like other diseases, it is necessary to alert
* Please support tools (laboratory)
* Note the sign of the gravity
* Need to monitor regularly: symptoms and laboratory

* Early disease: fever problem, resulting in anti-fever drugs
* Expect plenty of fluids
* Replacement of fluid (drinking & IV)
* Other drugs depending on complications arising

Special Attention
* Fever 3 days or more without cause
* Drugs down the heat: paracetamol, not asetosal
* Drink a lot, kind of taste
* Do not check blood without doctor's approval
* Blood tests should be at fever day 3 or more
* No need to panic if the child still wants to drink a lot
* If there are cases of DHF in the same house, each child with fever was treated immediately

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Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)4

19:41 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Need to be reminded, at the time led the patient to be treated; shortly after arriving at the hospital immediately inform the nurse that the child is likely suffering from dengue fever. This notification should be submitted to the nurse or doctor who received the first time to get help faster. Patients in a state of crisis, need immediate help and be helped sooner more likely to recover.
When one family member suffering from dengue fever, would be easily transmitted through mosquito bites (remember the nature of mosquitoes that can bite a few people respectively. So, if there are other family members with fever soon to determine whether treatment of contracting dengue fever or not .

DISEASE PREVENTION Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Prevention of dengue fever include

· Against mosquitoes intermediaries ie
o mosquito Aedes aegypti eradication of carriers and their eggs

Against ourselves ·
o strengthen the immune system
o protect from bites yamuk

· Against environment with the aim of changing the behavior of healthy living, especially environmental health

Guidance For Communities
As described above that until now there has been no drug that can kill dengue virus or dengue fever vaccines, the efforts to prevent dengue fever is aimed at the eradication of mosquitoes and their place perindukannya. Therefore, primary prevention of dengue fever is to give health education to the community memberantasan how adult mosquitoes and mosquito-breeding marshes known as the eradication of mosquitoes nest or PSN. For the successful prevention of dengue fever, PSN should be done jointly by all layers of society, both at home, in schools, hospitals, and public places such as places of worship, cemeteries, and others. Thus people should be able to change the behavior of healthy life, especially improving environmental hygiene.

How to Eradicate larvae

How to eradicate larvae is done by 3 M of drains, closed, and bury, that is:
* Kuras bath once a week (exhaust),
* Close the water storage meetings (closed),
* Bury cans, old tires, etc.. (buried).
Habits such as changing and cleaning the birds drink every day or replace and clean the vase, is often forgotten. Hygiene outside the home such as cleaning plants from bin berpelepah regular rain or growing fish in ponds that are difficult drained, can reduce mosquito-breeding marshes.
At the pool or a reservoir which can be difficult diraburkan drained abate powder that can be sown abate powder that can kill the larvae. This abate powder can be purchased at pharmacies.
Guidelines for Use of Powder Abate (Abatisasi)
* Peres one tablespoon (10 grams) to 100 liters of water
* Walls do not brushed after abate powder dusted
* Powder will stick on the wall of the tub / jar / Pool
* Abate powder remains effective up to 3 months

How to Combat Adult Mosquitoes
To eradicate adult mosquitoes, try cleaning the places favored by mosquitoes to rest.
Reduce Resting Place For Mosquitoes
* Do not hang clothes second-hand (mosquitoes love the smell of humans)
* Put mosquito netting on the vents and windows
* Protect your baby while sleeping in the morning and afternoon with a mosquito net
* Spray the house mosquito morning & afternoon (8:00 and 18:00 hours)
* Note the cleanliness of the school, when class was dark and damp, spray with insect repellent before classes begin
* Smoking (called fogging) is only done when the treated patients met or menginggal. Fumigation is required for the report from the treating hospital.

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Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)3

19:38 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Further symptoms occurred on 3rd hospital day-5, is a moment of danger in the disease dengue hemorrhagic fever. Body temperature will fall, so as if the child was not recovered because of a fever again. That need to be considered today, is the child's behavior. When the fever disappears, the child looked fresh and willing to play and want to eat / drink usually includes mild dengue fever, but if the fever disappears, but as children grow weak, like sleep, and do not want to eat / drink anything especially with abdominal pain, this is an early sign of shock. A state of shock is a very dangerous situation because of all the organs of the body will be starved of oxygen and this can cause death within a short time.

Signs of shock should be properly identified if we take care of children suspected of suffering from dengue fever, or children who have a high fever for 3 days or more. Children looked nervous shock or when the child becomes unconscious, breathing rapidly as if shortness of breath. The whole body felt cold and damp, cold feeling of the most easily recognized when we touched the feet and hands of patients. Lips and nails looked bluish blood vessels described in the end of contract as compensation to pump more blood to the heart. Children will feel thirsty, and urinating less or no urine at all. Shock will easily occur if the child prior to the shock, less or not drink.

If the shock has been described previously not treated properly it will follow next symptom is bleeding from the GI tract. Gastrointestinal bleeding may be mild or severe depending on how long the shock occur until treated appropriately. Decreased levels of oxygen in the blood will trigger the occurrence of bleeding, shock occurs gradually lower the oxygen levels in the blood of the more powerful bleeding occurred. At first gastrointestinal bleeding is not visible from the outside, because going on in the stomach. Which will appear only belly growing bulge and pain when touched. Next will be vomiting blood and blood defecate / poop black. In the event of bleeding the patient will be very painful, but when the shock has long been suffering in general are not aware anymore. Other bleeding that can occur is bleeding in the lungs. Children will be more crowded again, maikn nervous, and very pale. Further accelerated by the death of bleeding in the brain.

On the sixth day of illness and so on, is a time of healing. Current fever had disappeared and the temperature became normal again, no longer met the new bleeding, and appetite comes back. In general, after someone recovered from an illness the child is still looking weak, face slightly swollen belly with a little tense, but a few days later the body condition of the child will recover to normal without any symptoms remaining. As a sign of healing sometimes occur red spots overall in both feet and hands with white spots in between, the child complained of itching in these spots. So, if the rash has come a very broad at the foot and the boy's hand sign the child has recovered and no longer need to be treated.

First Aid on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients

A person who is suffering from dengue fever in the beginning will suffer a high fever. In this feverish state of the body more dehydrated due to evaporation occurs more than usual. More body fluid decreases when children are vomiting constantly or do not want to drink. So the most important first aid is to drink as much as possible.

Give kirakira drinking 2 liters (8 cups) in a day or 3 tablespoons every 15 minutes. Beverages provided such child according to the taste of white water, sweet tea, syrup, fruit juice, milk, oralit, softdrink, can also be given a lot of diet nutricious currently available. By providing drinking lots of fluids in the body is expected to remain stable. To monitor that the fluid is not less, note the amount of urine of children. If the child urinate a lot, at least 6 times in one day means the amount of fluid the child drinks enough.

High fever that will also reduce the body fluids and can cause seizures in children who have a history of seizures when high fever, therefore, must be given febrifuge. To reduce fever, give febrifuge. For type-lowering drugs should be selected this summer from drug groups or asetaminophen paracetamol, do not be kind of aspirin asetosal or because it may stimulate the stomach so that it will aggravate if there is bleeding of the stomach. Compresses can help when a child has a fever is too high should be given a warm compress and not a cold compress, since cold compresses can cause the child to shiver. In addition to children who have a history of febrile seizures in addition to fever-lowering drugs can be given anti-seizure medication.

At the beginning of the fever hospital 1-3 days, the symptoms often resemble other illnesses such as strep throat, measles, or typhoid fever (typhus), therefore, necessary control over the doctor if the fever remained high 3 days continuously especially as children grow weak and listless. To distinguish from other diseases as mentioned above, the current required blood tests can be done. Blood tests required to determine whether the blood tends to be thick or more. If things are still good kids, it means there is no sign of the gravity and blood laboratory results were normal, then the child can be treated roads. Gravity can still occur during the child was still feverish, so that the blood tests often need to be repeated again.

When do patients have to be taken to the hospital?

A person who is suspected of having dengue fever will experience a shock hazard if and heavy bleeding. To prevent these things, it is recommended that patients being treated in hospital. Someone must be treated if the suffering is recommended hospitalization. Someone must be treated if suffering from symptoms below:
1. Fever too high (more than 390C or more)
2. Continuous vomiting
3. Can not or do not want to drink the recommended
4. Seizures
5. Heavy bleeding, vomiting or dysentery
6. Great abdominal pain
7. Symptoms of shock, anxiety or unconscious, breathing quickly, the whole body palpable and moist, bluish lips and nails, the child feels thirsty, urinating less or not at all
8. Laboratory results showed increased blood viscosity and or decrease in the number of platelets.
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