What Your Child Learning Style?

00:29 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Not everyone processes information the same way. That's why we need to know how the brain works style translated into different learning styles also vary. Parents can find out the potential and learning styles of children in detail by testing the potential and talent of children.

By knowing the differences are fundamental forces of this, parents and teachers will be easier to find references to the most effective learning style for children or students to students. According to experts, there are several models of learning styles:

1. Type VISUAL
This is the tendency of learning styles by using the sense of vision. In this model of learning styles, visual data information is divided into data in the form of text (writings, letters, numbers, symbols) and the form of images (photos, diagrams).

Visual types of child characteristics:
More easily remembered by looking, more like reading, when he was given instructions to do something, usually will see other people do first and then he himself is acting. Children in this group also can sit quietly while studying in the middle of a noisy and crowded situations without being disturbed.

Constraints of the visual type, among others, do not like speaking in front of the group and do not like to listen to others, know what to say but can not express with words, and messy handwriting so illegible. Children from the visual group was also typically less able to remember information presented orally.

How to stimulate:
Use a variety of graphics to convey information or subject matter. The device can be graphic films, slides, illustrations, graffiti, or radiant picture cards that can be used to explain the information in sequence. Ask the children to memorize by imagining an object or material that is being studied.

2. Type Auditory
Type Auditory learning style is the tendency to use the sense of hearing. In this learning style model information divided into data in the form of language and tone.

Auditory characteristics of children types:
Easy to remember from what he heard and didiskusikannya. Glad to read or listen, preferring to write back something, like reading aloud, could repeat what he heard, like the discussion, talk or explain at length. Children with auditory type generally enjoys the art of music and easy to learn a foreign language.

Constraints children with auditory type, among others, tend to be much talk, unable to learn in an atmosphere of noise or fuss, especially if the child has a weak concentration. Children are also more attention to information he had heard, so less interested in considering new things in their environment.

How to stimulate:
Provide children with a tape recorder to record all the material taught in school. Involve children in discussions, try to read out the information, then summarize it with the form of oral and recorded for later played and understood.

3. Type kinesthetic
The tendency of learning styles by using the senses of the body. In the kinesthetic learning style model, information is divided into data in the form of movement and touch.

Characteristics of children Kinesthetic type:
Likes to touch everything he encountered, like doing everything possible in such hands on, lots of physical movement and have a good body coordination, like the activities that occupy a physical game, preferring to demonstrate something than to explain.

Obstruction: difficult child learn things in the abstract, can not learn in schools that conventional style where the teacher explains and the children sat silently. Energy capacity of children is quite high, so if not distributed will affect the concentration of study.

How to stimulate:
Schooling at the school that embraces active learning system where students are heavily involved in the learning process. That way, the ability to develop optimally. For students who have excess energy capacity, should be given physical activity, such as sports or arts activities. Energize by giving freedom of activity prior to learning, so that children can sit still during the study.
source website female.kompas.com

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Practical Tips to Overcome Ovarian Cysts2

02:58 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
6. Lutein cysts
Cysts are often occurs during pregnancy. Some types of lutein cysts include:

a. Granulosa lutein cysts
Cysts that occur in the corpus luteum ovarian functional. Cysts that arise at the beginning of pregnancy can be enlarged by the excessive accumulation of blood during menstruation and not a result of the tumor. That reached 5-6 cm in diameter cause discomfort in the pelvic area. If broken, there will be bleeding in the abdominal cavity.
In non-pregnant women, these cysts cause delayed menstruation, followed by irregular bleeding.

b. Theca lutein cysts
Cysts are fluid-filled clear and straw-colored. The emergence of this cyst associated with ovarian tumors and hormone therapy.

7. Polycystic ovarian cysts
Cysts that occur because the cysts can not be broken and continuous release an egg. Normally occurs every month. The ovary will swell due to accumulation of these cysts. For polycystic ovarian cysts that persist (persistent), the operation must be done to remove the cyst in order not to cause disruption and pain.
Ovarian cyst is a benign and malignant (cancerous). Usually small cysts are benign. Ovarian cysts are often discovered accidentally on routine examination.

Clinical Manifestation
Clinical manifestations of ovarian cysts include:
1. Often without symptoms.
2. Pain during menstruation.
3. Pain in the lower abdomen.
4. Pain during intercourse.
5. Back pain sometimes radiating to the legs.
6. Sometimes accompanied by pain during urination and / or defecate.
7. Irregular menstrual cycles; could also amount of blood that came out a lot.

The clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer include:
1. Changes in menstruation.
2. Sensation of pain or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
3. Digestive disorders that persist, such as: bloating, nausea.
4. Changes in bowel habits, eg, difficult defecation (= constipation, constipation, obstipasi)
5. Changes in urination, such as: frequent urination.
6. Enlarged abdomen, one character is felt tight pants.
7. Loss of appetite or a feeling of early satiety (the stomach feel full).
8. Taste easily tired or feeling is always less energy.
9. Pain in the (bone), lower back (Low back pain).

Enforcement Diagnosis
Diagnosis of ovarian cysts enforced through inspection with ultrasonography or ultrasound (abdominal or transvaginal), screening colposcopy, and blood tests (tumor markers or tumor markers).

Laboratory examination
In practice, if necessary obstetricians will recommend to conduct discharge (which includes: Trichomonas, Candida / Fungal, bacterial rod, coccus bacteria, epithelial, leukocyte, erythrocyte, epithelial, and pH) and hematology, for example: Hb (Hemoglobin) .

1. Observation
If the cyst does not cause symptoms, it is monitored (monitored) for 1-2 months, because functional cysts will disappear on its own after one or two menstrual cycles. This action is taken if not suspicious malignant (cancerous).

2. Operation
If the cyst enlarges, then performed surgery, which is done by taking cyst laparoscopy or laparotomy. Usually for laparoscopic You are allowed to go home on the day of the 3rd or the 4th, while for laparotomy You are allowed to go home on the day of the 8th or 9th.

3. Herbal Therapy
Here are some sample recipes / herbs medicinal plants to overcome according to Prof. ovarian cysts. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma:

a. 60 grams fresh white temu 15 grams or 30 grams of dried bitter fresh, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 150 cc.

b. 30 grams 50 grams of fresh leaves of god Intersection 5 grams mango pulp gods crown dried, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 200 cc.

c. 60 grams of parasites that live in grass 30 grams of tea tree or grass snake tongue pearl white flowers, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 200 cc.

Note: grass snake tongue dry white flowers can be purchased at Chinese drug store with the name of bai hua she she cao. To use the boiling pot soil, pot enamel, or glass pan. Choose one of the above recipe, drink regularly, and still consult a doctor to monitor / evaluate results of therapy.

source: website netsains.com/2009/08/tips-praktis-mengatasi-kista-ovarium /

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Practical Tips to Overcome Ovarian Cysts

02:26 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Author:Dr Dito Anurogo

What is ovarian cysts? Well, this article will discuss about the ovarian cysts that include: definition, etiology (cause), the type of normal cysts, abnormal type of cyst, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, laboratory tests, and management. Congratulations to read and understand ....

Cysts are fluid-filled sac means. Ovarian cysts (or ovarian cysts) means a fluid-filled sac, normally small, which is located in the ovaries (ovaries).

Ovarian cysts can form at any time, at the time of puberty until menopause, also during pregnancy.

Etiology (Cause)
Ovarian cysts caused by a disturbance (formation) of hormones in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries.

Cyst Type Normal
Functional cysts
This is the type of ovarian cysts are most commonly found. These cysts are derived from egg cells and the corpus luteum, coincided with the normal menstrual cycle.

Functional cysts will grow every month and will be broken in the fertile period, to release the eggs in time ready to be fertilized by sperm. After rupture, the cyst will be functional follicular cyst and will be lost during menstruation.

Functional cysts consist of: follicle cyst and corpus luteum cyst. Both of them do not bother, do not cause symptoms and may disappear itself within 6-8 weeks.

Abnormal cysts Type
I mean the word "abnormal" here is not normal, unusual, or not usually (there are, arise, arise, or occurred). Any type or form other than functional cysts cyst-cyst-is abnormal, for example:
1. Cystadenoma
Cysts are derived from the outer ovary cells. Usually benign, but can be enlarged and can cause pain.

2. Chocolate cyst (endometrioma)
Is the endometrium that is not in place. Called chocolate cysts because it contains a pile of brown-black blood.

3. Dermoid cysts
Is a cyst that contains various kinds of body parts such as skin, nails, hair, teeth and fat. These cysts can be found in both the ovary. Usually small and do not cause symptoms.

4. Endometriosis cyst
Cysts that occur because part of the endometrium that are beyond the uterus. These cysts grow along with the growth of endometrial lining every month, giving rise to severe pain, especially during menstruation and infertility.

5. Cyst hemorrhage
Is a functional cyst accompanied by bleeding that caused pain on one side of the lower abdomen.

continue Practical Tips to Overcome Ovarian Cysts2

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Treat heartburn at home!

23:07 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Andri (28), a private sector employee to go home in a state of pale. His right hand gripped the upper left abdomen. His face showed that he was holding his pain. When asked why, Andri replied, "It hurts maagku relapse."

Generally, those who feel heartburn symptoms such as pain, heartburn, heartburn, especially when wrapped around an empty stomach. Usually the pain will get better soon after eating and drinking, but several hours later reappeared. Not uncommon symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, loss of appetite and body weak.

Actually heartburn occurs because inflammation of the mucous membrane disorder or gastric wall because of excessive stomach acid production. Also known as heartburn gastritis. Heartburn can be short-lived, recurrent or chronic recurrent (chronic).

Heartburn can be caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, stimulation of gastric acid production by various causes and drugs that can cause sores in the stomach.

The use of various drugs such as pain relief and inflammation of salicylates like aspirin group / acetosal it can irritate the stomach wall so the stomach feels sore. Therefore, this drug should be taken after meals.

Lifestyle contribute in causing a person consuming habits of gastritis like spicy foods, chocolate, alcohol and coffee. This is due to the food & beverage can stimulate the production of stomach acid. Irregular eating habits and smoking also increase the risk of stomach ulcers.

Psychological factors have a significant role in increasing the production of stomach acid. Alert if you often feel anxious, emotions or stress. Can-can, increased production of stomach acid and esophageal ulcer.

Yuk, heartburn Treat!

Handling gastritis is divided into two, namely, without drugs and using drugs. First of all, do without the drug treatment of heartburn that is felt when there are new and light, among others:

1. Avoid an empty stomach
2. Arrange schedule with the pattern of eating small portions more often and the frequency
3. Soft foods / easy to digest
4. Avoid foods / mnuman containing alcohol, carbon dioxide gas (soft drinks), coffee, chocolate
5. Solve problems encountered quickly to avoid stress.

Treatment with new drugs without the drugs do if treatment is not successful. The main options for heartburn are antacids. Antacids work by neutralizing excess stomach acid, thus protecting the gastric mucous membrane from damage.

You can buy antacids at the shop, drug store to the pharmacy because including OTC drugs. Antacids are circulating in the market usually consist of a mixture of aluminum salts, magnesium salts and simethicone.

Aluminum and magnesium salts will bind keasamn reducing gastric acid in the stomach, while the simethicone is useful to help the expenditure of excessive gas in the digestive tract.

But keep in mind that the first chewable antacid tablets until a new tender can be swallowed because it has been digested by enzymes in our saliva. Usual dose of 1-2 tablets with a maximum of four times a day. For liquid antacids can directly be taken with a maximum dose of 1-2 teaspoons four times daily.

Antacids best taken on an empty stomach (at bedtime, two hours after or before eating). As much as possible avoid the use of antacids in conjunction with other drugs because it can interfere with absorption of other medications.

You must remember that the use of antacids is not recommended for more than two weeks because of the long-term use of antacids can actually increase the production of stomach acid.

Equipment Need Medical Help

Not forever heartburn can be treated at home. Consult your doctor regarding the use of antacids if needed: medium such as low-salt diet on hypertension, pregnant and lactating women, children under 6 years old, elderly, or after one week of treatment with antacids symptoms of gastritis are not reduced.

It is also necessary to distinguish a stomach ache because it was not all that sick stomach ulcer. Beware if heartburn symptoms. Heartburn is also many kinds, among others:

* Heartburn accompanied by diarrhea,
* Heartburn accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, cold sweat,
* Heartburn is not improving or getting sick with feeding,
* Heartburn accompanied by vomiting of blood,
* Heartburn accompanied by nausea and vomiting more than three times a day.

If symptoms occur as above, you should immediately go to the doctor
Scientific Medicastore
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