What Your Child Learning Style?

00:29 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Not everyone processes information the same way. That's why we need to know how the brain works style translated into different learning styles also vary. Parents can find out the potential and learning styles of children in detail by testing the potential and talent of children.

By knowing the differences are fundamental forces of this, parents and teachers will be easier to find references to the most effective learning style for children or students to students. According to experts, there are several models of learning styles:

1. Type VISUAL
This is the tendency of learning styles by using the sense of vision. In this model of learning styles, visual data information is divided into data in the form of text (writings, letters, numbers, symbols) and the form of images (photos, diagrams).

Visual types of child characteristics:
More easily remembered by looking, more like reading, when he was given instructions to do something, usually will see other people do first and then he himself is acting. Children in this group also can sit quietly while studying in the middle of a noisy and crowded situations without being disturbed.

Constraints of the visual type, among others, do not like speaking in front of the group and do not like to listen to others, know what to say but can not express with words, and messy handwriting so illegible. Children from the visual group was also typically less able to remember information presented orally.

How to stimulate:
Use a variety of graphics to convey information or subject matter. The device can be graphic films, slides, illustrations, graffiti, or radiant picture cards that can be used to explain the information in sequence. Ask the children to memorize by imagining an object or material that is being studied.

2. Type Auditory
Type Auditory learning style is the tendency to use the sense of hearing. In this learning style model information divided into data in the form of language and tone.

Auditory characteristics of children types:
Easy to remember from what he heard and didiskusikannya. Glad to read or listen, preferring to write back something, like reading aloud, could repeat what he heard, like the discussion, talk or explain at length. Children with auditory type generally enjoys the art of music and easy to learn a foreign language.

Constraints children with auditory type, among others, tend to be much talk, unable to learn in an atmosphere of noise or fuss, especially if the child has a weak concentration. Children are also more attention to information he had heard, so less interested in considering new things in their environment.

How to stimulate:
Provide children with a tape recorder to record all the material taught in school. Involve children in discussions, try to read out the information, then summarize it with the form of oral and recorded for later played and understood.

3. Type kinesthetic
The tendency of learning styles by using the senses of the body. In the kinesthetic learning style model, information is divided into data in the form of movement and touch.

Characteristics of children Kinesthetic type:
Likes to touch everything he encountered, like doing everything possible in such hands on, lots of physical movement and have a good body coordination, like the activities that occupy a physical game, preferring to demonstrate something than to explain.

Obstruction: difficult child learn things in the abstract, can not learn in schools that conventional style where the teacher explains and the children sat silently. Energy capacity of children is quite high, so if not distributed will affect the concentration of study.

How to stimulate:
Schooling at the school that embraces active learning system where students are heavily involved in the learning process. That way, the ability to develop optimally. For students who have excess energy capacity, should be given physical activity, such as sports or arts activities. Energize by giving freedom of activity prior to learning, so that children can sit still during the study.
source website female.kompas.com

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Fasting for Pregnant Women With Chronic heartburn

01:18 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Wednesday, 05/08/2009 10:44 AM
Klinik Sehat
with dr. Agus Rahmadi

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Doctor, I'm four months pregnant. I suffer from chronic illnesses who have chronic gastritis. Since pregnancy month two, the frequency began to frequent recurrence of heartburn. Just eat a little late, very painful heartburn, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. I do not get used to taking antacids if stomach ulcers recur.

Soon the month of Ramadan, although pregnant I also still want to run fast. On the other hand, I am concerned with the fetus and I suffered ulcer disease. Before pregnancy, I was still running fast as usual. In addition, I currently live in a country that interval of time between dawn and maghrib approximately 16 hours (to enter the summer).

What is the solution that I can fast with a safe and healthy? Please enlightenment from the doctor. Thank you in advance.

wassalamualaikum wr.wb


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Nuri Mother of mercy of Allah SWT, I hope my mother and family in a healthy condition wal afiat.
Case heartburn (dyspepsia) that mother nature is complex, because besides gastritis, the mother was pregnant and would soon face the fasting for Ramadan, which surely every Muslim wants to run this fast without a hitch.
Chronic dyspepsia is often a barrier for someone to run fast, so that appropriate care is needed so that the pain did not appear when we fast.
Mom still has time more than 15 days before entering the month of ramadan, hopefully by the time the mother can control there is a way of heartburn:
1. Industrious honey at least three times a day (starting with one tablespoon of honey diluted with one glass of plain water, then measure the honey stomach increased gradually until a strong mother received a honey without diluted with water).
2. Get used to eat little but often.
3. Avoid foods that stimulate, are like spicy foods, sour, too sweet, bersantan and soft drinks and foods that the ingredients are too oppressive.
4. Consult your doctor to get anti-H2, which serves to reduce gastric acid secretion.

Then when entering the month of fasting and fasting mothers running, then there are some things to watch for, among others:
1. Fixed make general recommendations in patients with dyspepsia (dyspepsia).
2. Strengthening the fasted with the intention of blessing from Allah SWT to expect.
3. Avoid breaking the fast with food that is too sweet, the mother should drink water or honey is diluted with water to break their fast.
4. Fast food portions divide into several parts, with due regard to the needs of mother and fetus.
5. If the ulcer disease gain weight because the mother was fasting, so disturb the intake of calories and is feared to affect the fetus, then she should cancel the fast.
Actually there are some herbal remedies and therapies that can be used to help heal chronic ulcer disorder, but because the mother was pregnant then we do not recommend.
source : www.eramuslim.com/konsultasi/sehat/puasa-untuk-ibu-hamil-dengan-sakit-maag-kronis.htm

Preventing Diaper Rash

21:37 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Diaper rash (diaper rash) is a common disorder in infants. This interference was a lot of babies less than 15 months, especially in the age range from 8 to 10 months. Symptoms include reddish rash or blisters on the skin in the diaper area covered. Also, babies often look fussy, especially during diaper changing. Babies may also cry when the skin in the diaper area covered washed or touched.

To prevent diaper rash, the following measures may help:

1. Frequently changing diapers. Do not let the diaper which was wet because it holds a lot of urine for long used infants. Old contacts between the urine or stool with your baby's skin can cause diaper rash.
2. When cleaning the baby, who used to pat the area covered by a diaper (buttock, thigh, groin, and genital area baby) gently with a clean towel. Try to avoid rubbing the area hard.
3. Occasionally let your baby's bottom open (do not put diapers) for some time. This may be useful to keep the diaper area dry and clean.
4. Be careful in choosing a diaper, because some types of materials can stimulate diapers diaper rash. If that happens, replace another brand diapers more suitable.
5. If your baby's cloth diapers are used repeatedly, wash cloth diapers with detergent formula is not too hard. Avoid using fabric softener, because the fragrance in fabric softener can irritate baby's skin. Be sure to rinse the diaper with a good detergent that is not left in the diaper.
6. Avoid installing the diaper is too strong. Keep a space between the diaper with the baby's skin.

Hopefully by doing these steps, your baby's diaper rash is not affected (again).


1. MayoClinic (2007): Diaper Rash. [Jan. 8 07].
2. FamilyDoctor (2005): Diaper Rash: Tips on Prevention and Treatment. American Academy of Family Physicians. [Jan. 8 07].

source wartamedika.com

Handle Toddler Fear2

00:04 Posted In , , Edit This

5. FEAR Clown

For some children instead funny clown figure but it frightening. Never happened, which act as a clown school party made some kindergarten children fear.They ran and hid under the table. Once traced, the child was indeed the child home. They only knew 'creatures' in the house. "To him, a clown's face is not funny anymore, but it turned into strange faces. Great posture and his movements were stiff, too often create fear. However, with introduction and habituation child will not be afraid again.

How do I usual? Many clowns "wandering" in the mall or a party, birthday party, so every now and then invite the child came to see the attractions. Explain in the clown costume that was a human being like him. To convince him, it would not hurt if the parent shows the pack of clowns are dressed up to do its job.


Avoid scaring kids with a clown figure. For example, "If you want to eat later kidnapped as a clown." How to solve it but not difficult to eat, also makes the child makes a clown a scary figure. To overcome this fear had taken a long time.


Here are the fears that have emerged in the toddler age but still occurred in preschool age. : Or, there are fears that an innate factor, as well as environmental influences, including:


Usually due to trauma or had been drowned he had an innate fear of water.Features resistance to water is very powerful object. Never mind the touching, seeing the water made her cry and scream. This fear usually appear in the toddler age is generally hard to break in a relatively short time. However, with proper handling, with an explanation and children in contact with air conditioned, this fear will be overcome.


Tell us about the water and its properties. For starters, let him learn to touch the water. After a "friendly" take your child to play up to dare enter into the water. Teaching children to swim is also very useful because in addition can be made more familiar with the water, your child can slide in the swimming skills without worrying about drowning.


If the other kids liked climbing or climb something, well this kid just did not dare to climb a ladder too. They generally experience in sensory sensitivity and balance.Therefore, there is a possibility other than the child afraid of heights is also experiencing difficulties in fine motor skills, for example, can not write well.


Anak tidak hanya perlu penjelasan dan pembiasaan, tapi juga terapi yang tepat agar rasa takutnya bisa berkurang bahkan menghilang. Children not only need an explanation and habituation, but also the appropriate therapy in order to decrease fear and even disappear.


There's a kid who is afraid of small animals like ants in the house, lizard, cat, cockroach, and others. Generally, the fear of this child revealed the closest, either caregivers or parents. So, parents are afraid of cockroaches would give birth to a child who is afraid of the same insect. Want proof? Look at the baby, whether the fear at the sight of cockroaches for the first time, would not you?


a. If you fear a child because "me-too" parent, then the first parent to be able to control her fears. After that just can overcome the fear of children. If not possible, find another figure that is more courageous. Teach the little animal was not dangerous, but also not eligible to be a toy.

Ipoel, Uttiek. Ipoel, Uttiek. Ilustrator Pugoeh Illustrator Pugoeh

Konsultan ahli: Consultant expert:

Fitriani F. Fitriani F. Syahrul, Psi., M.Si Syahrul, Psi., M. Si

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