Practical Tips to Overcome Ovarian Cysts2

02:58 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
6. Lutein cysts
Cysts are often occurs during pregnancy. Some types of lutein cysts include:

a. Granulosa lutein cysts
Cysts that occur in the corpus luteum ovarian functional. Cysts that arise at the beginning of pregnancy can be enlarged by the excessive accumulation of blood during menstruation and not a result of the tumor. That reached 5-6 cm in diameter cause discomfort in the pelvic area. If broken, there will be bleeding in the abdominal cavity.
In non-pregnant women, these cysts cause delayed menstruation, followed by irregular bleeding.

b. Theca lutein cysts
Cysts are fluid-filled clear and straw-colored. The emergence of this cyst associated with ovarian tumors and hormone therapy.

7. Polycystic ovarian cysts
Cysts that occur because the cysts can not be broken and continuous release an egg. Normally occurs every month. The ovary will swell due to accumulation of these cysts. For polycystic ovarian cysts that persist (persistent), the operation must be done to remove the cyst in order not to cause disruption and pain.
Ovarian cyst is a benign and malignant (cancerous). Usually small cysts are benign. Ovarian cysts are often discovered accidentally on routine examination.

Clinical Manifestation
Clinical manifestations of ovarian cysts include:
1. Often without symptoms.
2. Pain during menstruation.
3. Pain in the lower abdomen.
4. Pain during intercourse.
5. Back pain sometimes radiating to the legs.
6. Sometimes accompanied by pain during urination and / or defecate.
7. Irregular menstrual cycles; could also amount of blood that came out a lot.

The clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer include:
1. Changes in menstruation.
2. Sensation of pain or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
3. Digestive disorders that persist, such as: bloating, nausea.
4. Changes in bowel habits, eg, difficult defecation (= constipation, constipation, obstipasi)
5. Changes in urination, such as: frequent urination.
6. Enlarged abdomen, one character is felt tight pants.
7. Loss of appetite or a feeling of early satiety (the stomach feel full).
8. Taste easily tired or feeling is always less energy.
9. Pain in the (bone), lower back (Low back pain).

Enforcement Diagnosis
Diagnosis of ovarian cysts enforced through inspection with ultrasonography or ultrasound (abdominal or transvaginal), screening colposcopy, and blood tests (tumor markers or tumor markers).

Laboratory examination
In practice, if necessary obstetricians will recommend to conduct discharge (which includes: Trichomonas, Candida / Fungal, bacterial rod, coccus bacteria, epithelial, leukocyte, erythrocyte, epithelial, and pH) and hematology, for example: Hb (Hemoglobin) .

1. Observation
If the cyst does not cause symptoms, it is monitored (monitored) for 1-2 months, because functional cysts will disappear on its own after one or two menstrual cycles. This action is taken if not suspicious malignant (cancerous).

2. Operation
If the cyst enlarges, then performed surgery, which is done by taking cyst laparoscopy or laparotomy. Usually for laparoscopic You are allowed to go home on the day of the 3rd or the 4th, while for laparotomy You are allowed to go home on the day of the 8th or 9th.

3. Herbal Therapy
Here are some sample recipes / herbs medicinal plants to overcome according to Prof. ovarian cysts. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma:

a. 60 grams fresh white temu 15 grams or 30 grams of dried bitter fresh, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 150 cc.

b. 30 grams 50 grams of fresh leaves of god Intersection 5 grams mango pulp gods crown dried, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 200 cc.

c. 60 grams of parasites that live in grass 30 grams of tea tree or grass snake tongue pearl white flowers, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 200 cc.

Note: grass snake tongue dry white flowers can be purchased at Chinese drug store with the name of bai hua she she cao. To use the boiling pot soil, pot enamel, or glass pan. Choose one of the above recipe, drink regularly, and still consult a doctor to monitor / evaluate results of therapy.

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Practical Tips to Overcome Ovarian Cysts

02:26 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Author:Dr Dito Anurogo

What is ovarian cysts? Well, this article will discuss about the ovarian cysts that include: definition, etiology (cause), the type of normal cysts, abnormal type of cyst, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, laboratory tests, and management. Congratulations to read and understand ....

Cysts are fluid-filled sac means. Ovarian cysts (or ovarian cysts) means a fluid-filled sac, normally small, which is located in the ovaries (ovaries).

Ovarian cysts can form at any time, at the time of puberty until menopause, also during pregnancy.

Etiology (Cause)
Ovarian cysts caused by a disturbance (formation) of hormones in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries.

Cyst Type Normal
Functional cysts
This is the type of ovarian cysts are most commonly found. These cysts are derived from egg cells and the corpus luteum, coincided with the normal menstrual cycle.

Functional cysts will grow every month and will be broken in the fertile period, to release the eggs in time ready to be fertilized by sperm. After rupture, the cyst will be functional follicular cyst and will be lost during menstruation.

Functional cysts consist of: follicle cyst and corpus luteum cyst. Both of them do not bother, do not cause symptoms and may disappear itself within 6-8 weeks.

Abnormal cysts Type
I mean the word "abnormal" here is not normal, unusual, or not usually (there are, arise, arise, or occurred). Any type or form other than functional cysts cyst-cyst-is abnormal, for example:
1. Cystadenoma
Cysts are derived from the outer ovary cells. Usually benign, but can be enlarged and can cause pain.

2. Chocolate cyst (endometrioma)
Is the endometrium that is not in place. Called chocolate cysts because it contains a pile of brown-black blood.

3. Dermoid cysts
Is a cyst that contains various kinds of body parts such as skin, nails, hair, teeth and fat. These cysts can be found in both the ovary. Usually small and do not cause symptoms.

4. Endometriosis cyst
Cysts that occur because part of the endometrium that are beyond the uterus. These cysts grow along with the growth of endometrial lining every month, giving rise to severe pain, especially during menstruation and infertility.

5. Cyst hemorrhage
Is a functional cyst accompanied by bleeding that caused pain on one side of the lower abdomen.

continue Practical Tips to Overcome Ovarian Cysts2

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Recognize the symptoms of heartburn

23:37 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Authors: Arie Yulianto, dr.

Maybe you've heard the term "Gastritis" and even the majority may have suffered from the disease. Lay people know him heartburn. Do you know how prevention and treatment?

What is it heartburn?

Gastritis derived from the word meaning gastric ulcers. Gastritis is an inflammation (swelling) of the gastric mucosa, which can be caused by irritation and infection. As we know, the stomach is a digestive organ in the human body that serves to store food, digest and then drain into the small intestine. Inside the hull there are digestive enzymes like pepsin, gastric acid and mucus to protect the stomach wall itself. If there is an imbalance among these factors eg excessive acid or mucus is reduced, it can irritate the stomach wall causing inflammation process (Gastritis). Also irritation can also be caused by drugs (aspirin, NSAIDs), alcohol, chronic vomiting and poisons. Infection can be caused by bacteria, most Helicobacter pylori. H.pylori colonize the deepest layer is the protective mucosa lining of the gastric mucosa and impairs their function as protectors. In some cases it can cause ulcers (ulcers) that may increase the risk of gastric cancer.

What are the symptoms of heartburn?

In acute cases, symptoms that often appear usually is a pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, no appetite, bloating, weight loss, sore or burning pain in the upper abdomen that can become better or worse when eating. While usually asymptomatic chronic if there is only a mild pain in the upper abdomen and feels full or loss of appetite.

How treatment of heartburn?

Gastritis Treatment depends on the cause. In many cases, reduction of gastric acid with the aid of medication is quite helpful. Antibiotics are only used when there are indications of bacterial infection. The use of drugs that irritate the stomach also had to be stopped. Other treatments are also necessary when complications arise or result other than gastritis.

Drug categories in gastritis

* Antacids: neutralize stomach acid and relieve the pain
* Acid blockers: helping reduce the amount of stomach acid produced, eg, ranitidine
* Proton pump inhibitors: stop production of stomach acid, such as omeprazole
* Cytoprotective agent: protecting the gastric mucosal tissue and small intestine, for example Sucralfate
* Antibiotics: destroy bacteria, such as Amoxicillin, Metronidazole

How to prevent heartburn?

Until now there is no easy way to healthy life free of heartburn in addition to improving lifestyles and eating habits.
Here are some suggestions:

* Set a good diet and regular (Avoid fatty and greasy foods, eat plenty of fibrous food)
* Avoid beverages containing alcohol
* Exercise regularly
* Stop smoking
* Avoid the use of drugs, especially that irritate the stomach (aspirin)
* Reduce stress because stress can trigger stomach acid expenditure


  • Kapita selekta kedokteran. Mansjoer, Arif et al, editor. Ed 3. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius, 2000.
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Prevent infection with HPV causes Cervical Cancer

18:15 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
d:2010-03-11 11:02:29 Cancer is a type of the most feared diseases, especially for the women of cervical cancer, or better known as cervical cancer. Cervical cancer begins with an infection HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and develop into precancerous and then become cancerous. For its development may take 3 to 20 years. No wonder people do not feel any symptoms before but suddenly the doctor convicted of cancer. WHO noted no less than 3000 people worldwide die from cervical cancer and Indonesia as the country recorded the second highest after China. Thus the Mother needs to be aware of this deadly disease by preventing HPV infection. Various kinds of prevention efforts can be done, such as:

• Vaccines
Cervical cancer is the only known cancer causes, and one can be prevented with vaccines. Do not forget the Mother of the vaccine should also continue to do other routine tests.

• Pap Smear
A Pap smear is a test of cervical mucus to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells in the cervix. Most patients come to the doctor after suffering from advanced-stage cervical cancer, therefore do a pap smear test regularly once a year.

• Change underwear or pads that have been felt damp, do not procrastinate because the fungus can grow and eventually cause infection.

• Avoid smoking due to the risk of cervical cancer is higher in active smokers

• Not having sex bergonta-free with partners. Risk of contracting the infection certainly far greater than those who only stay in touch with the couple.

• Enough nutritional needs of the everyday in an effort to banish the virus to grow in the body. Vitamins A, CE and folic acid, and green vegetables is highly recommended.

Look for lots of info about cervical cancer vaccine. Injecting the vaccine price was around Rp. 800 thousand - 1 million. For additional information could be given this vaccine at age 9-55 years, so Mother of the late princess teenagers can get it.

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Preventing Diaper Rash

21:37 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Diaper rash (diaper rash) is a common disorder in infants. This interference was a lot of babies less than 15 months, especially in the age range from 8 to 10 months. Symptoms include reddish rash or blisters on the skin in the diaper area covered. Also, babies often look fussy, especially during diaper changing. Babies may also cry when the skin in the diaper area covered washed or touched.

To prevent diaper rash, the following measures may help:

1. Frequently changing diapers. Do not let the diaper which was wet because it holds a lot of urine for long used infants. Old contacts between the urine or stool with your baby's skin can cause diaper rash.
2. When cleaning the baby, who used to pat the area covered by a diaper (buttock, thigh, groin, and genital area baby) gently with a clean towel. Try to avoid rubbing the area hard.
3. Occasionally let your baby's bottom open (do not put diapers) for some time. This may be useful to keep the diaper area dry and clean.
4. Be careful in choosing a diaper, because some types of materials can stimulate diapers diaper rash. If that happens, replace another brand diapers more suitable.
5. If your baby's cloth diapers are used repeatedly, wash cloth diapers with detergent formula is not too hard. Avoid using fabric softener, because the fragrance in fabric softener can irritate baby's skin. Be sure to rinse the diaper with a good detergent that is not left in the diaper.
6. Avoid installing the diaper is too strong. Keep a space between the diaper with the baby's skin.

Hopefully by doing these steps, your baby's diaper rash is not affected (again).


1. MayoClinic (2007): Diaper Rash. [Jan. 8 07].
2. FamilyDoctor (2005): Diaper Rash: Tips on Prevention and Treatment. American Academy of Family Physicians. [Jan. 8 07].

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