01:28 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
If Spiral Can not revoked
Do not worry, Mom, pregnancy can still be passed on, really. "Often, doctors find it difficult indeed interesting spiral because the spiral thread invisible," said Bawono. Well, if the current spiral is still attached, to avoid the occurrence of miscarriage, the pregnancy must be monitored very closely, for example with ultrasound. "Monitoring is to know the developing fetus in the womb. So if there are abnormalities can be anticipated at an early stage."

Occurred in Tuba Channels
Explained Bawono, nearly 15 percent of pregnancies with the IUD was inserted occur in the fallopian tube or the fallopian tubes, so it was not in the uterus. "This situation is usually called a pregnancy outside the womb. Usually when this happens, it becomes very difficult to detect, so that often require surgery." Therefore, the fallopian tubes are too narrow and thin to accommodate the baby growing bigger. As a result, pregnancy outside the womb are often brought in the heavy bleeding and usually occurs in the second and third month after the last menstruation. "I will feel tremendous pain in the lower abdomen and the only action that can be done is through a surgical tube removal." Thus, pregnancy can not be forwarded automatically.

Various causes
According to Bawono, the factors causing the "penetration" is itself quite diverse. Pemasangnya started, people who posted, and contraceptive itself. "To subject or the person who put contraceptives, for example, doctors or officers who installed, one in selecting cases or tools suitable for a mother." Because after all, not all suitable contraceptive used all mothers.
"Doctors or health workers who install or review must be seen again, how the condition of the mother. For example, not all women can be fitted spiral. If he has a lump in the womb, so can often spiral out of himself. If forced into a spiral stay, the agency would be refused, so the remains will be out again by itself. "
When the installation is not right can lead to spiral out of place. For example, the installation of a spiral when the new mother 3-4 weeks after birth, would be likely to spiral out again. When a suitable installation spiral is when the uterus begins to shrink or return to normal, approximately 40 days after birth. If the uterus is still large, will spiral off by itself.
The problem, which often occur in the field, the doctor or the staff did not always have enough time to serve patients more thoroughly. "This could happen because many patients who have or pursue the target installation. Especially common in the hospital or
A busy health center. So the ministry is not the maximum occasionally or installation of contraception become careless, inaccurate, or not choosing a case. "
The second factor is often the case, experience or hours of flying the advertiser is still minimal or less. For example, workers who install new or learning.
While from the patient, often do not obey the control of the control schedules established doctors. "Not only that, but should control the time set, she had to see her doctor if there is a problem with him. For example, if your period suddenly mom a lot, then the mother should immediately see a doctor control. It could be posted contraception be down or not being in place. Therefore, the installation of an IUD or a spiral, due to be installed in the womb, so when menstruation many women, who installed the equipment could fall. It's what is recommended, the mother of an IUD fitted should be diligent to do the control to the doctor. "
The doctors or health workers should also be told, the things what need to know by the mother about contraception installed. "But, again, sometimes barriers between medical staff and patients did not have enough time to consult each other or exchange ideas. Thus, the information received less patient deeply."

In order not "conceded"
To anticipate that pregnancy does not occur or spiral installed to function properly, the following suggestions Bawono.
1. She also had to frequently spiral anticipation control for shifting from place. For the early installation of a spiral spiral examination usually conducted once a month. If you have been judged suitable, the longer can control, depending on your doctor's instructions or officers who installed.

2. So no problems occur, patients should also be selecting the mounting location. Choose the mounting location of the well, where clerks installer and patients have sufficient time to consult.

3. In order to obtain maximum results or expectations, the selection of contraceptive devices that determine the best doctors. "All during this often happens, the patient or the mother alone to decide. In fact, contraception that want to use is not necessarily compatible with him."

4. Elections spiral must also good. "Basically, all marketed spiral proven ability. But there are times when the condition is broken or defective packaging, which may result in these contraceptives work less maximal."

Rodin Daulat G.T. Illustration: Pugoeh / Nakita
Source web Tabloid Nakita Nomor 492 Tahun X


01:09 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

If we overdo pregnant when contraception is still attached, immediately consult a doctor to take further steps.

Although it can be said quite rare or only about 3 percent, an unexpected pregnancy at any time can occur when the mother was using contraception. Thus, means the program or attempt to delay a pregnancy that was undertaken to fall apart. Not only that, the mother who undergo this pregnancy will always be filled with anxiety. Does this contraception cause fetal happens "nothing"?

Generally pregnancy with intrauterine device was inserted occur in spiral instrument or an IUD. "While other contraception, such as condoms, birth control pills, and the implant had occurred resulting risk of unintended pregnancy as well. But the many highlighted the use of a spiral, because many cases occur during pregnancy the mother followed the program with a spiral," said dr. Hasan Bawono SpOG. from Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.

In fact, he said, deliberately contraceptive spiral made of copper, with the aim of sperm into the uterus, its capacity decreases and therefore can not move to an egg. "The ions released by the copper, making sperm into the uterus becomes less capacity to be fertilized."

As far as possible withdrawn

If pregnancy occurs even overdo the spiral is still attached, then the spiral can be withdrawn, especially if the pregnancy in the first 3 months of pregnancy or expected not too large. "By issuing an IUD in early pregnancy, doubling the chances of getting a successful pregnancy." Plucking too easy, doctor quite interesting threads in a spiral. "Because the spiral is not touching the fetus at all. Spirals lies outside the womb, a doctor living interesting thread in a spiral."

The need for spiral embedded in the cervix are removed, because the spiral contains the active ingredient of copper. Ions released copper can interfere with fetal growth, which can result in miscarriage or failure of pregnancy, preterm birth, or rupture due to infection in the uterus. "But if the spiral is not active anymore or old, that no longer functions, then it does not affect the pregnancy."

However, there are also pregnancy when the spiral was inserted not cause a problem at all. "Usually this occurs when the spiral is embedded in the womb of the mother was nearing the end of their working lives." Spiral, said Bawono, has the end of the work. "There's a spiral that 5-year tenure, there is also 8 years old. Now, if the spiral already installed beyond the end of the work, the mother might as well not put a spiral. If anything was pregnant, there is usually no impact."

Well, so do not delay in treatment occurred, Bawono suggested, if the mother was too late or just menstrual blood out little uncharacteristically when using the spiral, immediately consult the medical officer or doctor on the spot. Because, if the pregnancy is more than 3 months, the removal of the spiral must be more careful and should be done by experts.

Rodin Daulat G.T. Illustration: Pugoeh / Nakita
Source web Tabloid Nakita Nomor 492 Tahun X

Special Pregnancy Nutrition Needs

00:23 Posted In , , , , Edit This

It is commonly known that nutrition is a critical part of everyday life. However, during pregnancy nutrition becomes even more critical for the health of you and your baby. Not only is nutrition critical during pregnancy, the nutritional needs of your body are different during this period of your life. Different nutritional needs develop because of changes in your body as well as the needs of a developing fetus. Your body is under a lot of physical stress during pregnancy which increases the need for special nutrition and added vitamins.

As soon as you find out that you are pregnant you need to consult your physician. The two of you should develop a pregnancy nutrition and fitness plan, that should be implemented as soon as possible. The first three months of your pregnancy are the most important because this is when most of your baby's organs and brain are being developed. Proper nutrition during pregnancy can minimize the risk of birth defects, malformations and miscarriage. The first three months are when most miscarriages occur.

You should immediately begin taking special prenatal vitamins to ensure the health of you and your baby. This will help to ensure that your developing baby receives all the right vitamins that are needed. Folic acid is one of the most needed vitamins during pregnancy and women rarely obtain a sufficient amount through their diet. prenatal vitamins need to replace the vitamins that you are currently taking. Your regular vitamins although sufficient when you are not pregnant, may be detrimental to your developing baby during pregnancy. A pregnancy specific nutrition and fitness plan will help ensure a happy and healthy baby and will also make you feel better during your nine month journey.

Turn on the Water Works

Although drinking 6-8 glasses of water is highly recommended for everyone, water becomes more important when you are pregnant. In fact, during pregnancy many experts recommend that you drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. Water does not include juice, soda, coffee of other types of beverages, it only includes water. You need to keep in mind that everything that you consume during pregnancy passes through to your unborn baby. Not only is water extremely important for a multitude of reasons, you should probably avoid or severely limit your intake of soda and coffee. These beverages, provide numerous chemicals that may not be healthy for your developing baby.

Drinking a lot of water may be difficult and many women find it easier to keep a water bottle with them at all times so they can continuously sip water throughout the day. If you do not like the taste of plain water, you can always add a small amount of juice or a twist of lemon to add some flavor. Extra water is needed to aide in your baby's development, to remove waste from your system and to help ensure adequate flow of nutrients to your baby.

Drinking alot of water may also minimize or prevent some of the ailments you commonly experience during pregnancy, such as nausea, constipation, and swelling. Severe constipation is a common symptom during pregnancy because your developing baby depletes the water in your system.

Pregnancy Nutrition - Foods to Avoid

Your body and developing baby are much more vulnerable to bacteria and other contaminants during pregnancy. As a result, there are certain foods that you will be advised to either avoid completely or limit during your pregnancy. Here is a partial list of items that you need to avoid or limit:

1) raw eggs, this may include certain dressings or sauces;
2) unpasteurized milk and cheese, this may include certain soft cheeses;
3) raw or rare fish and meats;
4) fish that tend to have high mercury levels;
5) caffeine and alcohol;
6) unwashed vegetables; etc.

Unwashed vegetables are very bad because of the pesticides and bacteria that they may carry. Caffeine in moderation may be acceptable but make sure you obtain specific details regarding the quantity that is advised. Your doctor and a pregnancy nutritional guide should be consulted to develop a complete list for you to follow.

Summary and Additional Resources

Pregnancy nutrition and fitness are extremely important for the health of you and your developing baby. Your baby has special nutritional requirements that begin at the moment of conception. The first three months of pregnancy are the most important because that is when your baby's organs and brain are being developed. It is also the time that most miscarriages occur.

Proper specialized nutrition can also make you feel better and provide additional energy during pregnancy which is critical because of the added stress that is being placed on your body. You will need to make sacrifices but it will pay off in the long run for you and your baby. When you see your healthy beautiful baby for the first time, you will know that it was all worth it!

There is a lot of information that you need to know about pregnancy and pregnancy nutrition. Although your doctor and loved ones can help, there is too much to learn for this method to be sufficient. We provide comprehensive pregnancy information and recommended pregnancy guides. We review the most popular guides to find the ones that are best for your needs.

Donna maintains My pregnancystages.com which is dedicated to providing the best pregnancy information and resources for pregnant women. She also helps pregnant and uninsured women reduce their medical maternity costs. Full details are available at My pregnancystages.com .

Reference :Website articlesbase.com

5 Pedoman Makan Sehat Saat Hamil

00:15 Posted In , , , , , Edit This

(Posted:2007-01-02 00:00:00)
5 Pedoman Makan Sehat Saat Hamil

Oleh karena itu, berikut ini kami berikan tips ringan berisi 5 langkah mudah yang dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman menentukan pola makan yang tepat saat hamil: (diadaptasi dari March of Dimes) 1. Rajin mengkonsumsi suplemen khusus ibu hamil Biasanya suplemen ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai vitamin dan mineral dengan jumlah yang telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan seorang ibu hamil. Berbagai vitamin dan mineral yang dimaksud antara lain terdiri dari asam folat, besi, seng, iodin, vitamin D, kalsium, dan vitamin A. 2. Jaga berat badan Seorang wanita hamil hanya membutuhkan ekstra 300 kalori tiap harinya untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bayinya. Dimana jumlah tersebut setara dengan kandungan dari satu penyajian yoghurt atau sepotong buah. Jadi tidak perlu makan berlebihan yang hanya akan mengakibatkan pertambahan berat di luar kendali. 3. Konsumsi variasi makanan yang bernutrisi Agar lebih mudah, gunakan piramida makanan sebagai panduan menentukan variasi menu harian. Pastikan menu yang dikonsumsi bisa mencukupi semua kebutuhan nutrisi yang meliputi karbohidrat, serat, protein, vitamin, mineral, dan kalsium. 4. Batasi asupan lemak Jumlah asupan lemak seharusnya tidak melebihi 30% dari total asupan harian. Jadi, sebaiknya gunakanlah selalu mempergunakan produk dengan kadar lemak rendah. 5. Perbanyak minum Usahakan untuk selalu mengikuti anjuran minum, terutama air putih, sebanyak 6 hingga 8 gelas per hari. Hal tersebut bisa membantu kelancaran pembuangan residu yang tidak diperlukan tubuh, melalui kulit, ginjal, dan feses. Apalagi selama hamil, ibu melakukan pembersihan ganda, yaitu untuk diri sendiri dan si kecil. Selain itu, sebaiknya batasi konsumsi produk minuman atau makanan yang mengandung kafein. Mudah-mudahan apa yang disampaikan di atas dapat membantu mengurangi kekhawatiran ibu dan calon ibu yang sedang menanti kelahiran buah hatinya. Selamat makan, Bunda.!

Reference : website infobunda.com




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