Make up carefully while Pregnancy

23:56 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Stay beautiful during pregnancy, why not? You can still dress up to beautify themselves, but do in a safe and careful.

* Choose a safe cosmetics. To the extent possible that does not contain chemicals harmful to the developing fetus grows you. For example, multimerkuri, lead, or aluminum, which is widely used for cosmetic basic materials. Because, when cosmetics are used, either in face or in the form of hair dye, chemical compounds can be absorbed through the pores and then into the bloodstream, reaching the fetus.
* Be aware of allergies. Pregnancy sometimes makes kulitberubah conditions. Cosmetics which during your regular use, not necessarily the matches you wear when pregnant. They could, suddenly appeared an allergic reaction.
* Pause Hair care. For example, straightening or perming hair. Raw materials used for both processes is quite hard and not good for fetal growth.
* Forget the whitening cream. The skin will darken due to pregnancy hormones, so it's useless to use it.

source: website


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Cosmetics Safely During Pregnancy

22:58 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Despite being pregnant and no longer a curvy silhouette, pregnant women are encouraged to maintain their appearance, to make it look interesting and fresh.

Dress up or bermake-ups are one way that is recommended. However, given that most cosmetics on the market are made from chemicals, pregnant women are obliged to be careful. Because the chemicals contained in cosmetics can be a trigger problems fetal growth process.

Many health experts believe that babies who suffer from allergies, skin cancer, autism, and cerebral palsy is caused by exposure to chemicals that one of them sourced from cosmetics, such as lead, aluminum, metilmerkuri, and alcohol. Although this belief was based on allegations and has not come to the conclusion. But what if the mother aware of the use of cosmetics during pregnancy. It is important to understand, although the cosmetics are only used on the outside of the body, but more or less there will be absorbed into the body.

How is the process of chemical interference occurs?

When mothers use cosmetics, chemicals contained in them and then absorbed into the skin through the pores until it reaches the bloodstream. Maternal blood has been contaminated with chemicals that eventually reached the fetus because the blood that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The most common disorders is a disorder of nerve cells growing fetus. Nerve cells is the most sensitive and most easily disrupted by exposure to chemicals.

What happens when the fetus is exposed to these chemicals cosmetics?

1. Disrupted nerve cell growth, resulting in congenital defects, such as fingers attached, conjoined twins, cleft lip, and others.
2. When cells are exposed to the lungs, it could eventually lungs do not grow the perfect child.
3. When exposed to the skin cells that will form, just maybe the child will suffer from allergies.

The following types of cosmetics that need to be observed

Besides not excessive when using it, pregnant women should also carefully choose which cosmetics for pregnant women.

1. Lipstick. Origin dyes contained in the lipstick is not ingested it will not be harmful to the fetus. Even though he chose a lipstick-based chemicals that are safe, pregnant women should still avoid the habit of licking his lips, so coating is smeared lipstick on the lips does not come swallowed.
2. Bleach cream. Characteristic of mercury-containing bleaching cream is a process that works very quickly. Three days are used, the results are already visible. Without mercury, bleaching creams are generally only seen the results after use for weeks.
3. Cat Hair. Long-lasting hair dye usually contains hazardous substances. If you want to color your hair, you should use hair dye is made from herbs and natural fruits.
4. Acne drug. Pregnant women who will treat infections of the skin, like acne that causes redness of the skin, requiring the supervision of an expert obstetrician or cosmetics. Typically, pregnant women are asked to postpone treatment until its content reaches 4 months of age, if enforced feared to interfere with early fetal growth.

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Familiarize the Little Teeth brushing

20:41 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Some Mother's son complained his daughter often refuses to brush his teeth. Especially in the morning and evening before bed. Of course, this rejection was the cause. One of them is a significant factor of habit. If your child does not get used to clean his mouth early on, do not be surprised if one day he did not feel uncomfortable if not brushed his teeth.

To become familiar with the Mother should be diligent in cleaning the oral cavity been eating babies. That way she will feel uncomfortable if his mouth was not clean. It's easy once, the following stages:

• take a little gauze pads and wrap the fingers
• dip gauze pads into the water lukewarm
• rubbed into all parts of the oral cavity

Because he is used to clean the oral cavity itself then he will diligently cleaned his teeth later. After 3 years of age to enter the Mother can start introducing tools for cleaning teeth. Choose a brush with soft bristles to the teeth and gums are not injured. May also buy a toothbrush with a unique and funny. This can add excitement brushing your teeth.

Should Toothpaste?
Indeed there are several types of toothpaste for children, but dentists recommend the child should not use toothpaste used. The reason, of course, because the chemical ingredients contained in it which concern the child can swallow.
With increasing age the ability to swallow the rinse and little better too. While this may try to give Mother toothpaste (select which marked safe for toddlers) to him. Do not worry too much just enough to give a little at the end of the brush.

• Create a pleasant atmosphere while brushing your teeth, such as singing. So the baby does not have forced that could probably traumatizing for him.
• Can also perform the ritual brushing your teeth with the Mother, father and her sister.

source: web

Fasting during pregnancy

22:20 Posted In , , , , , Edit This

Written for BabyCenter India

* Is it safe to fast in pregnancy?
* Are there any risks to my baby's health if I choose to fast?
* What are the things I should keep in mind if I’m fasting?
* I would hate to miss fasting, are there any other options that I could consider?

Fasting is an important part of our customs and religious beliefs. Some religions have special days earmarked for fasting, which may depend on the season, solar and lunar movement or dates announced by their religious leaders or holy calendar.

In addition, some religions have specific weekdays set aside for fasting in honour of a particular deity or a festival. There are also specific days when women choose to fast for the well-being of their husbands and children.

Is it safe to fast in pregnancy?

Many women choose to fast in pregnancy due to their personal beliefs or religious commitments. Theirs is a personal choice, which may have the support of their spouse and family members.

If you plan to fast for even a day or more than three days at a stretch, like the Navratras or Ramadan and during Lent, it is wise to check with your doctor first. She will review your physical health, obstetric history, and other complications, such as gestational diabetes, anaemia or multiple pregnancies before giving you the go-ahead. It is important to ensure you are healthy enough before you opt to fast.

Are there any risks to my baby's health if I choose to fast?

Ideally, you should not stay hungry for long periods during pregnancy. It may make you feel unwell.

Some people suffer from headaches, fatigue, fainting, dizzy spells or severe acidity if they stay hungry for long periods. If you choose to fast and experience, any of these symptoms talk to your doctor right away.

What are the things I should keep in mind if I’m fasting?

• Some religions do not permit any food or even water during the fast; it is wise to speak to your doctor and religious leaders how best you can handle this.
• Some religions allow specific "fasting" foods such as non-cereals foods, fruits, vegetables, milk and juices. Choosing a "fresh fruit and vegetable fast" is the best option, as it will ensure you don’t miss essential nutrients. Avoid deep fried fasting foods that are popular in our country as it only adds unnecessary calories.
• Avoid high sugar foods and caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea during your fast.
• If the weather is hot and humid, ensure you stay indoors during the peak heat hours
• If fluids are permitted ensure you keep sipping water, milk or fruit juices at regular intervals.
• Avoid strenuous work and exercise; try to get some rest during the day.
• Fasting slows down your digestive system, so remember to break your fast slowly. Drink a small glass of juice or water first and then follow it up with a light meal.
• If you suffer from extreme exhaustion, fatigue, palpitations, abdominal cramps or severe nausea and acidity speak to your doctor right away.

I would hate to miss fasting, are there any other options that I could consider?

For many women fasting is an integral part of their lives. They may have strong religious beliefs and customs and may be extremely disappointed at the thought of giving up something they value deeply.

You may want to consider the following options:
• Instead of a daily fast, can you fast on the first and last day of the fasting period?
• Is it possible to fast weekly or on alternate days instead of a daily fast?
• Could you choose a fruit fast instead of giving up all food and drink?
• Are there any exemptions or allowances for pregnant women, such as breaking the fast early or making up by fasting later?
• Is it possible to share the fast with another family member? Some husbands offer to keep the fast for half a day while their wives fast for the other half.
• Could you substitute the fast with other forms of sacrifice such as abstaining from certain foods like non-vegetarian fare, sweets, or salt?
• Some women choose to offer penance by giving up things they enjoy most such as watching movies, shopping or other forms of entertainment. Some also choose a fast of silence or a "Maun Vrat" on certain days. Some choose to donate money they would normally splurge on themselves as an offering.
Remember that you are the best person to take the right decision for both you and your baby.

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