Good Fasting, Open With Sweet and Avoid Sour &Spicy

22:04 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
* The sugar is easily absorbed, the energy generated also has a relatively short time. At night, it helps children to eat again before bed or in moments of leisure at night.

* For a meal, food perbanyaklah of proteins and fats such as meat, rice, eggs, fish, and others. The greater the fat and protein consumed during dawn, automatic energy reserves owned by the liver is also greater fruit. Also must be remembered though, little can not eat until satiation, because its impact was less good. Full stomach and the stomach feels uncomfortable.

* Nature of fat and protein energy burning process longer than sugar, making hunger that emerged also a longer time.

* Type of food supplements such as vitamins or milk also still need to be given. Especially when fasting, the child would require a greater energy than during ordinary days. Only, be careful in choosing vitamins. Do not let us give vitamin supplement appetite, because even makes it so fast hungry.

* Do not give food or drink that stimulates during Ramadan, because it would interfere with work such as gastric acid foods, bersantan, or spicy.

* Expand fiber consumption also because it will help launch a bowel movement (BAB). CHAPTER bucket, usually so lazy child into the bathroom and this is dangerous because more and accumulate dirt in the stomach.

Proper feeding patterns will certainly help the baby quickly to fast without feeling hungry. So for him, fasting is an exciting worship.

Educating fasting EMOTION

WITH fasting, added Eva, the child learns discipline. "Are not we should not be indiscriminate eating and drinking until it was time breaking fast?"

Through explanation of the parents, she adds, children can also be taught self-control. "Temperament boy, is it, sometimes is difficult to control. Now, through fasting, children are trained to be able to contain her emotions and can not easily mengumbar his tantrums."

However, because fasting is not mandatory for children under five, Eva suggested that parents could not relate it to reward and sin. "Children do not understand the things that are abstract, like what is a sin, reward, heaven and others. We recommend the introduction of fasting should not be seen from the side, but rather to develop the moral ethics. Parents can give examples and explain reality outside the environment of other children, that there is a shortage of people and can not get to eat. Now, children are invited to empathize with the suffering people. "
In addition, the fasting month is also the month for many sharing / charity. "Well, during the month of fasting, the child may be invited to charity to the poor.

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Good Fasting, Open With Sweet and Avoid Sour &Spicy

21:57 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Since the age of 4 years, children can be taught to fast. Begin fasting after breakfast till noon. At school age, then gradually extended berpuasanya time until sunset. However, immediately stop it if he looks sick or weak.

Undergo fasting in Ramadan is an obligation as a form of worship to Allah SWT. In terms of health, when people fasted, healthy body process occurs. Because, fasting dispose of toxins (detoxification) that has accumulated in the body longer. In the end, fasting is a total and holistic (comprehensive). That means not just happen because of enlightened soul and mind obey the command of religion, but also occurred involving physical cleansing.

After days of age, every Muslim should fast from dawn to sunset during the month. However, no case in infants and children. According to dr. Eva J. Soelaeman Sp.A, from RSAB Harapan Kita, since the age of 4 years children should be taught to fast, but fast for this exercise should not be long. "Medically speaking, the safest for children under five is half a day of fasting." Because toddlers are in the middle phase of growth. "Many organs are not yet fully developed. They still need a more complete nutritional intake and more than adults."

In addition, the workings of intestinal enzymes in children also differ from adults. "In adults, fasting is useful for cleaning the stomach and bowel rest. Whereas in children, the intestines actually have to work and hold to activate enzymes that help growth." That is why, in children, the important thing is to eat little but often, as well as drinking fluids must often because a lot of needs.

CAN dehydration

Therefore, infants and children should not impose a full day's fasting. "This could be dangerous!" said Eva. "Especially if the child is already weak and vomiting but still impose fasting. It could indicate the child was already dehydrated," he continued.

Another danger, children may lose weight (BW). Yet precisely at this age children should not lose weight. "If his body weight decreased, fasting not proceed.'ll Actually be causing the health of children affected."

Toddlers too fat, fasting should not be like an adult. Because obese children are very much needed fluids. "So, he must often drink." This is due the child's activity is still high. "I do not might, right, kids told to shut up. I bet he'll keep playing. Now, the sweat that comes out it could provoke dehydration."

So, if the child is hungry whimper, let alone in a cold sweat and looked weak, "Ladies do not hesitate to hail a little fast. If allowed, the child may even shock and dehydration."

Principally, it is important to teach children to fast. But it must also note the very least a healthy baby in running fast. For that purpose, provide proper food and beverages for bersahur and break the fast.


To let the child remain excellent body condition during fasting, then the food should get extra attention. Here's a tip from Eva comes to baby food that was fast:

* Menu and meal breaking the fast food to children just the same as the adult menu.

* Usually, when hunger is triggered by a decline in fasting glucose levels in the body. Now, when children need to be fast food consumption

containing sugar, such as hot tea, sweets, and a variety of other sweet foods. Hot drink is preferred considering the previously empty stomach condition. But that does not mean cold beverages are prohibited.

* Sugar easily absorbed in the body into an energy source, so the child can fit back soon after taking them. Playground activities and worship with their parents can still be done.

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Fasting for Pregnant Women With Chronic heartburn

01:18 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Wednesday, 05/08/2009 10:44 AM
Klinik Sehat
with dr. Agus Rahmadi

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Doctor, I'm four months pregnant. I suffer from chronic illnesses who have chronic gastritis. Since pregnancy month two, the frequency began to frequent recurrence of heartburn. Just eat a little late, very painful heartburn, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. I do not get used to taking antacids if stomach ulcers recur.

Soon the month of Ramadan, although pregnant I also still want to run fast. On the other hand, I am concerned with the fetus and I suffered ulcer disease. Before pregnancy, I was still running fast as usual. In addition, I currently live in a country that interval of time between dawn and maghrib approximately 16 hours (to enter the summer).

What is the solution that I can fast with a safe and healthy? Please enlightenment from the doctor. Thank you in advance.

wassalamualaikum wr.wb


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Nuri Mother of mercy of Allah SWT, I hope my mother and family in a healthy condition wal afiat.
Case heartburn (dyspepsia) that mother nature is complex, because besides gastritis, the mother was pregnant and would soon face the fasting for Ramadan, which surely every Muslim wants to run this fast without a hitch.
Chronic dyspepsia is often a barrier for someone to run fast, so that appropriate care is needed so that the pain did not appear when we fast.
Mom still has time more than 15 days before entering the month of ramadan, hopefully by the time the mother can control there is a way of heartburn:
1. Industrious honey at least three times a day (starting with one tablespoon of honey diluted with one glass of plain water, then measure the honey stomach increased gradually until a strong mother received a honey without diluted with water).
2. Get used to eat little but often.
3. Avoid foods that stimulate, are like spicy foods, sour, too sweet, bersantan and soft drinks and foods that the ingredients are too oppressive.
4. Consult your doctor to get anti-H2, which serves to reduce gastric acid secretion.

Then when entering the month of fasting and fasting mothers running, then there are some things to watch for, among others:
1. Fixed make general recommendations in patients with dyspepsia (dyspepsia).
2. Strengthening the fasted with the intention of blessing from Allah SWT to expect.
3. Avoid breaking the fast with food that is too sweet, the mother should drink water or honey is diluted with water to break their fast.
4. Fast food portions divide into several parts, with due regard to the needs of mother and fetus.
5. If the ulcer disease gain weight because the mother was fasting, so disturb the intake of calories and is feared to affect the fetus, then she should cancel the fast.
Actually there are some herbal remedies and therapies that can be used to help heal chronic ulcer disorder, but because the mother was pregnant then we do not recommend.
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Tips select beef & chicken3

23:46 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
disorders include:
* Animal Sick-
Sick animals, especially those suffering from acute inflammation of internal organs, will produce meat that smells like rancid butter

* Animals in the treatment
- Animals in the treatment of antibiotics, especially with, will produce meat that smelled of the drug - drugs.

* The color of meat is not normal
Color of meat that is not normal does not necessarily harm consumers' health, but reduce taste
* Consistency is not normal meat

Unhealthy meat has low resilience (when pressed with a finger will feel soft) let alone followed

with color changes that are not normal. Then the meat is not feasible consumption

* Meat rot
Rotten meat can damage the health consumer, because it causes gastrointestinal tract disorders.
Decay can be caused by poor handling at the time of cooling, so that the activity , increased bacterial decay, or because it was left in the open in a relatively long time at room temperature,
resulting in the process of protein breakdown by enzymes in the meat.

Recognizing Deviations Meat
Chicken Berformalin

Have characteristics as follows:
- Colorful, shiny white
- Consistency is tough
- The surface of the skin taut
- Distinctive smell of formaldehyde
- Usually not a fly infestation

Chicken meat carcass (TIREN)
Have characteristics as follows:
- Carcass skin color there are blood spots on the head, neck, back, wings and chest.
- The smell of slightly rancid
- Consistency of chest and thigh muscles flabby
- State of reddish muscle fibers
- State of the blood vessels in the neck and wings covered with blood
- Color blackish red hearts
- The interior of the carcass reddish

Beef Gelonggongan
Have characteristics as follows:
- Color pale red meat
- Consistency of meat mushy
- The surface of the meat moist
- Usually the seller does not hang meat because when hanging a lot of water dripping from the meat

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Tips select beef & chicken2

23:23 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Pig meat
* The flesh is generally white to pink
* Muscles that contain fat backs generally appear gray and white
* Fibers smooth consistency and smell specific dense

Buffalo Meat
* In general, clay, due to be slaughtered at the old age
* Coarse muscle fibers and white fat
* It was almost the same as beef

Chicken Meat
* Color pale white meat
* The chest muscles and thigh muscles rubbery
* Smells a little fishy to not smell

Meat Quality Criteria
Quality of meat is influenced by several factors, both at the time the animal was alive or after the cut. At the time live animals, meat quality factor is the way of maintenance, which includes feeding, maintenance and administration of health care. Meat quality is also influenced by the expenditure of blood at the time the animal was cut and cut contamination after the animals.

Good quality meat
* Tenderness or kelunakan
Tenderness of meat is determined by the content of connective tissue. The older age of animals, the composition of the connective tissue
many, so the meat produced by the clay. When pressed with a finger, healthy meat will have a rubbery consistency (solid).
* Fat content or marbling
Marbling is contained lenak between muscle fibers (Intramuscular). Fats serve as a wrapping muscles and maintain the integrity of the meat at the time of heating. Marbling effect on the image of meat taste.

* Color
Flesh color varies, depending on the type of genetically and age, such as beef cattle darker
than dairy beef, veal paler than mature beef

* Taste and Aroma
Taste and aroma are influenced by the type of feed. Good quality meat tastes relatively tasty and a delicious aroma.

* Humidity
Meat normally has a relatively dry surface so that it can keep growing
microorganisms from the outside. Dengan demikian mempengaruhi daya simpan daging tersebut. Thus affecting the meat store.

Meat quality is not good
* The smell and taste that is not normal
Abnormal odor normally would be detected after the animal was cut. It can be caused by the

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Tips select beef & chicken

23:20 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Tips to buy meat to make rendang Lebaran

By the Lebaran usually the mother was busy getting funds to buy and make rendang beef, although the current price of meat has reached 70 rb / kg. The supply of meat in Batam was still flooded with imported meat. Foreign origin of meat that have been outstanding, reaching 70 percent. However, the meat is guaranteed to be free from the fear of disease, good and mouth disease (FMD) and other diseases, like mad cow.

For these imported meat revenues, tight enough because starting from quarantine, because there is a special inspection in quarantine. Starting from the document until the conditions specified in regulations made minister of animal husbandry. In accordance with the rules, countries can supply the meat to Batam, only three countries, namely Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. While Singapore is only a transit (transit) only.

According to Regulation of Minister of Agriculture No. 27 of 2007, meat imports are allowed into the liver and heart only for offal, and for meat variations allowed only the tail and the tongue.

Batam demand for meat for Lebaran until the end of the year as much as 286 tons. consumption of meat was in batam enough. Tradition makes rendang during Lebaranmeat cause prices to soar.

However, after circulating in the market how do we choose these meats because even though the government had to ensure that the meat is not illegal in circulation, of course, we still need to be alert.

Tips Distinguishing Various Meat Tips

There are a variety of meat market that can be consumed by a consumer society, these tips can help consumers to choose meat with a variety and quality.

Son Meat Beef / Cattle Young
* In general, a little pale, gray-white, red to white and grow old
* Consists of fine fibers
* Consistency bit flabby
* The smell and taste different from adult beef

Adult Beef

* Red meat pale
* Fibrous fine with a little fat
* Consistency clay
* The smell and taste aromatic
Sheep meat
* The flesh consists of fine fibers
* The color pink, high consistency
* A lot of fat in muscle
* The smell is very distinctive
* White fats

Daging Kambing Meat Goat

* The flesh was paler than lamb
* Fat Lemba like sheep
* Meat typical goat smell

Be careful not to choose pork!

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Fasting For The Pregnant or Breastfeeding Woman

01:57 Posted In , , , Edit This
Fasting For The Pregnant or Breastfeeding Woman

Regarding the pregnant woman and the breastfeeding woman; if they fear for themselves or upon the child during the month of Ramadhaan – such that they eat, what then is due upon them? Should they eat and feed others (i.e. to the poor) and make up the fasts or should they eat and make up the fasts and not feed others or should they eat and feed others not make up for them? What is correct from these three?

If the pregnant woman fears for herself or for her baby for the reason of fasting during Ramadhaan; then she should eat and upon her is to make up for them only. Her state in that is similar to the state of the one who is sick and is unable to find strength to fast – or that he fears some harm upon himself.

Allaah The Most High says:

((And whosoever is sick or is upon a journey; then the period is made up from other days…)) [Soorah Al-Baqarah: 185]

Likewise is the case for the breastfeeding woman if she fears for herself when she breastfeeds her child during Ramadhaan. Or that she fears upon her child if she were to fast and not breastfeed him – then she is to eat and upon her is to make up for them only.

Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Shaykh `Abdullah bin Ghudayaan
Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee
Fataawaa Al-Lajnah ad-daa'imah vol. 10 page 220 question two of fatwa number 1453
Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq

Fasting during pregnancy

22:20 Posted In , , , , , Edit This

Written for BabyCenter India

* Is it safe to fast in pregnancy?
* Are there any risks to my baby's health if I choose to fast?
* What are the things I should keep in mind if I’m fasting?
* I would hate to miss fasting, are there any other options that I could consider?

Fasting is an important part of our customs and religious beliefs. Some religions have special days earmarked for fasting, which may depend on the season, solar and lunar movement or dates announced by their religious leaders or holy calendar.

In addition, some religions have specific weekdays set aside for fasting in honour of a particular deity or a festival. There are also specific days when women choose to fast for the well-being of their husbands and children.

Is it safe to fast in pregnancy?

Many women choose to fast in pregnancy due to their personal beliefs or religious commitments. Theirs is a personal choice, which may have the support of their spouse and family members.

If you plan to fast for even a day or more than three days at a stretch, like the Navratras or Ramadan and during Lent, it is wise to check with your doctor first. She will review your physical health, obstetric history, and other complications, such as gestational diabetes, anaemia or multiple pregnancies before giving you the go-ahead. It is important to ensure you are healthy enough before you opt to fast.

Are there any risks to my baby's health if I choose to fast?

Ideally, you should not stay hungry for long periods during pregnancy. It may make you feel unwell.

Some people suffer from headaches, fatigue, fainting, dizzy spells or severe acidity if they stay hungry for long periods. If you choose to fast and experience, any of these symptoms talk to your doctor right away.

What are the things I should keep in mind if I’m fasting?

• Some religions do not permit any food or even water during the fast; it is wise to speak to your doctor and religious leaders how best you can handle this.
• Some religions allow specific "fasting" foods such as non-cereals foods, fruits, vegetables, milk and juices. Choosing a "fresh fruit and vegetable fast" is the best option, as it will ensure you don’t miss essential nutrients. Avoid deep fried fasting foods that are popular in our country as it only adds unnecessary calories.
• Avoid high sugar foods and caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea during your fast.
• If the weather is hot and humid, ensure you stay indoors during the peak heat hours
• If fluids are permitted ensure you keep sipping water, milk or fruit juices at regular intervals.
• Avoid strenuous work and exercise; try to get some rest during the day.
• Fasting slows down your digestive system, so remember to break your fast slowly. Drink a small glass of juice or water first and then follow it up with a light meal.
• If you suffer from extreme exhaustion, fatigue, palpitations, abdominal cramps or severe nausea and acidity speak to your doctor right away.

I would hate to miss fasting, are there any other options that I could consider?

For many women fasting is an integral part of their lives. They may have strong religious beliefs and customs and may be extremely disappointed at the thought of giving up something they value deeply.

You may want to consider the following options:
• Instead of a daily fast, can you fast on the first and last day of the fasting period?
• Is it possible to fast weekly or on alternate days instead of a daily fast?
• Could you choose a fruit fast instead of giving up all food and drink?
• Are there any exemptions or allowances for pregnant women, such as breaking the fast early or making up by fasting later?
• Is it possible to share the fast with another family member? Some husbands offer to keep the fast for half a day while their wives fast for the other half.
• Could you substitute the fast with other forms of sacrifice such as abstaining from certain foods like non-vegetarian fare, sweets, or salt?
• Some women choose to offer penance by giving up things they enjoy most such as watching movies, shopping or other forms of entertainment. Some also choose a fast of silence or a "Maun Vrat" on certain days. Some choose to donate money they would normally splurge on themselves as an offering.
Remember that you are the best person to take the right decision for both you and your baby.

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