Keeping Children in Full Attention and Learning

01:56 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Today the parents realize that education and learning is an important part in child development. Psychologists argue that in the first 6 years of our lives, young children have tremendous potential to absorb and process information, and most parents spend time with their children in learning activities, such as reading, writing, singing and drawing.

Many parents I meet tell me that they have difficulty in teaching their children something in accordance with the limitations of their attention. For example, one mother told how her 5-year-old lost his interest in reading and writing after 10 minutes elapsed. Other mothers mark how her daughter was 4 years old can not sit still listening to a story even if only in 5 minutes, but usually he could spend hours watching cartoons on television quietly.

I want to say from the outset is this something normal for young children, aged 2-6 years to have a limited time in focusing attention. Most children, by nature, extremely energetic and active, always interested in new experiences exciting and fun. This high level of energy is a good thing, considering this is a part of their learning, but this also means that they will get bored quickly if they do learning activities which are not interactive and interesting.

Here are some things we can do as parents to help keep the attention of our children as they learn:

The Right Time
First choose a time where your child was in the mood to concentrate and ready to absorb information. Most children give full attention in the morning around 9 am to 11 noon, in the evening around 5 and at night. Of course, every child has a rhythm that is unique and parents should mengamatu when children are attentive and active.

The key is to try to teach you something new and challenging when they are tired and sleepy.

Short and Sweet
Second, create learning activities short and sweet. For children under 5 years, each session should be no more than 30 minutes and for children aged 5-6 years should be no more than 40 minutes.

Parents should be more attention in determining the time to learn when working on a difficult task. For example, when children learn to write the first time, or when children learn to read the alphabet the first time, we must appreciate that it takes a lot of mental effort to absorb new information. Like, when a shorter and more intense will be more effective than a long session and the length that makes the children become tired and bored.

Some parents argue that children should be trained to focus their attention to preparing for the school that will confiscate their attention for 4 to 5 hours. We must think also, that the time to learn in school is also divided in 40 minutes / session; which means the children do not learn the same subject not more than 40 minutes.

However, I agree that we can and must train our children to gradually extend the time their attention. We can begin by learning sessions very short (less than 20 minutes) for our children aged 2-3 years and slowly add the time as they grow.

Invite, invite, and invite

Third, make the learning process becomes interactive. The key is to ensure the child's attention to engage them and make what they do to be interesting. The best way to get children's attention is to make them as active rather than passive learners.

Children usually learn by doing (active learning), rather than just listening (passive learning). Good learning process will involve speaking, listening, drawing, making things and activities that require a lot of moves.

Most bookstores have a learning activity books are wonderful parents who can apply to study at home. The books are divided into individual sessions and each session compacted with a lot of learning activities from writing to coloring until told to acting.

When the process of learning to be active and fun, we no longer need to try to get and keep children's attention.

Limit Watching Television
Many psychologists have broken the spirit of the construction permit parents with children under 3 years of watching television. The debate is still rolling, and some teachers said that television helps introduce children to the wealth of information and language in a short time and other educators argue that television actually encourage children to become passive and lazy thinking. I would recommend to parents is to limit television time under 6 years, not more than 90 minutes a day. Excess television viewing time will create a passive learning style and will make parents and teachers to compete for attention with television.


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Children Under 12 Years May Not Use Mobile?

21:46 Posted In , , , , Edit This
Effect of cell phone signals to health has been much debated. This time, emerging research on effects of cellphone use in pregnant women on his future behavior.

According to new research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, babies in the womb may be at risk to develop behavior problems if you treat your cell phone in a way that is not appropriate. For example, keep the phone in your pocket or close to your belly bulge. Because the baby in the womb who are exposed to cell phone signal 30 percent more likely to have difficulty behaving up to the age of 7 years.

One of the researchers at the UCLA School of Public Health, United States, Dr. Leeka Kheifets, said that studies involving 29,000 young people found that more than 10 percent of children who are exposed to mobile phone signals while still in the belly of a mother who did the phone conversation at least four times a day . Nearly half of the mothers to enable cell phone all the time, and about one third of children using mobile phones before the age of 7 years.

"We are concerned because of earlier exposure to the mobile phone can also take the risk," said Dr Kheifets.

Behavior problems in children are generally classified in psychosocial disorders, habit disorders, anxiety disorders, and disruptive behavior. Psychosocial disorders, among others, relating to emotion, aggressiveness, which could interfere with her relationship with her friends at school. Abnormalities habits such as nail biting, hair pulling, thumb sucking, stuttering, and so forth. Anxiety disorders quite disturbing because children may develop obsessive compulsive disorder, social phobia, depression, or other disorders caused by specific situations. The disruptive behavior such as tantrums behavior due to anger or frustration and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

One government adviser in Britain to the field of mobile phone radiation effects, Professor Lawrie Challis, said that children should not use the phone at least until the age of 12 years. But in reality, more than half of children under 10 years proved to have a cell phone.

These findings support previous research, which examined the data of 13,000 children and found to produce similar findings. Nevertheless, David Coggon, professor of occupational and environmental medicine at the University of Southampton, said that the need to blame is not his cell phone.

"The pattern of the results of this study indicate that the increase in behavioral problems that may be caused by other factors, rather than the use of cell phones," he said.
Source: Marie Claire, website

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Tips For Child Like Fruit Vegetable and Fruit

19:52 Posted In , , , , , Edit This
Usually, little did not like vegetables and fruits that it tastes bland and not as sweet as milk / formula. Though mother must have known very well about the benefits of vegetables and fruit and very little to be buff like vegetables and fruit.

Here are tips tips that is worth trying at home:

Never force children to eat vegetables and fruit.

Introduce the first taste of new vegetables and fruits at the stage of solids.
As an introduction, select vegetables and fruit that tastes good, not sharp, a sweet taste similar to taste breast milk / infant formula such as Japanese cucumber / zukini, buncisbaby, etc..

For solid foods should be presented in the form of puree / puree, with blended and then filtered, extracted the juice alone. Texture is watery / juicy make babies not surprised in the eating.

For children, select vegetables and fruits with fiber that is easy to chew, either to be eaten immediately or cooked briefly for enzymes and vitamins are not damaged.

Always serve vegetables and fruit menu at home.

Give examples of how parents like vegetables and fruit.

Each time you offer food menu, include sayr and fruits as options in addition to side dishes.

Let the kids eat their own vegetables and fruit in small pieces.

Praise if kids want to try the menu of vegetables or fruit served.

In building a love of the baby on vegetables and fruits are required patience, patience, and creativity mother.

source: Nakita no 571/TH IX

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Choosing Pre-school Institutions

02:20 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Some education experts still do not agree to business school for toddlers. Pro assume that under-fives are golden times, where parents need to provide good education to their children with a variety of ways, including by menyekolahkannya at an early age. However, those who counter argued that include toddlers in preschool institutions feared to make the kids quickly get bored in school. The danger is, kids school strike precisely at the age where he should have entered school with an orderly and complete basic education.

Apart from these two opinions, if you are determined to enter a child into the preschool institution, consider the following points in choosing a school a safe and comfortable for you and baby, namely:

1. Distance from home to school. Should select schools that are not far from home so that your baby is not too tired on his way.

2. Curricula that incorporate elements of play more. Aged under five is a golden age that approaches should play more. Learning can be done while playing.

3. The number of school hours and frequency. Because it is still small, should the number of school hours for a toddler is not too much. For example, when he entered at 7:30, preferably at school was over at 10:00 so he was not too tired. Similarly, the frequency, not necessarily every day, but could only 2-3 times a week.

4. Ratio of students and teachers in one classroom. When the number of students is too many, we can be sure a teacher would be overwhelmed. Ideally, the number of teachers to pupils at least two people to 20 people in one class so that every child can be considered good, especially since young children generally require thorough attention.

5. Application of discipline committed. Look for schools that flexible application of discipline for toddlers age need time to understand the rules and routines.

6. Physically healthy. In a sense, not narrow the class room, good lighting where sunlight can enter from the left (because children generally use the right hand), ventilation maintained, and desks are protected from the material or form that can make children under five injured. (Hannie Kusuma)

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Memilih Lembaga Pra Sekolah

01:54 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Sebagian ahli pendidikan masih belum sepakat untuk urusan sekolah bagi batita. Yang pro menganggap bahwa usia balita adalah masa-masa keemasan, di mana orangtua perlu memberikan pendidikan yang baik pada anaknya dengan berbagai cara, termasuk dengan menyekolahkannya pada usia dini. Namun, mereka yang kontra berpendapat bahwa memasukkan batita pada lembaga prasekolah dikhawatirkan membuat anak lekas bosan bersekolah. Bahayanya ialah, anak mogok sekolah justru pada usia di mana ia harus sudah masuk sekolah dengan tertib dan menuntaskan pendidikan dasarnya.

Terlepas dari dua pendapat tersebut, bila Anda bertekad untuk memasukkan anak ke lembaga prasekolah, pertimbangkan hal-hal berikut dalam memilih sekolah yang aman dan nyaman untuk Anda dan buah hati, yaitu:

1. Jarak dari rumah ke sekolah. Sebaiknya pilih sekolah yang tidak jauh dari rumah supaya si kecil tidak terlalu letih dalam perjalanan.

2. Kurikulum yang memasukkan unsur bermain lebih banyak. Usia balita merupakan usia emas yang pendekatan bermainnya harus lebih banyak. Belajar dapat dilakukan sambil bermain.

3. Jumlah jam sekolah dan frekuensinya. Karena masih kecil, sebaiknya jumlah jam sekolah buat anak batita tidak terlalu banyak. Misalnya, bila ia masuk pada pukul 7.30, sebaiknya jam sekolah sudah berakhir pada pukul 10.00 supaya ia tidak terlalu lelah. Demikian pula dengan frekuensinya, tidak perlu harus setiap hari, tapi bisa hanya 2-3 kali seminggu.

4. Rasio murid dan guru dalam satu kelas. Bila jumlah murid terlalu banyak, bisa dipastikan seorang guru akan kewalahan. Idealnya, jumlah guru minimal dua orang untuk murid sampai 20 orang dalam satu kelas supaya setiap anak dapat diperhatikan dengan baik, terutama karena anak-anak kecil umumnya membutuhkan perhatian yang menyeluruh.

5. Penerapan disiplin yang dilakukan. Carilah sekolah yang fleksibel penerapan disiplinnya karena usia balita membutuhkan waktu untuk memahami peraturan dan rutinitas.

6. Sehat secara fisik. Dalam arti, ruang kelas tidak sempit, pencahayaan baik di mana sinar matahari dapat masuk dari sebelah kiri (karena anak umumnya menggunakan tangan kanan), ventilasi terawat, dan meja belajar terlindungi dari bahan atau bentuk yang bisa membuat anak balita cedera. (Hannie Kusuma)

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Good Fasting, Open With Sweet and Avoid Sour &Spicy

22:04 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
* The sugar is easily absorbed, the energy generated also has a relatively short time. At night, it helps children to eat again before bed or in moments of leisure at night.

* For a meal, food perbanyaklah of proteins and fats such as meat, rice, eggs, fish, and others. The greater the fat and protein consumed during dawn, automatic energy reserves owned by the liver is also greater fruit. Also must be remembered though, little can not eat until satiation, because its impact was less good. Full stomach and the stomach feels uncomfortable.

* Nature of fat and protein energy burning process longer than sugar, making hunger that emerged also a longer time.

* Type of food supplements such as vitamins or milk also still need to be given. Especially when fasting, the child would require a greater energy than during ordinary days. Only, be careful in choosing vitamins. Do not let us give vitamin supplement appetite, because even makes it so fast hungry.

* Do not give food or drink that stimulates during Ramadan, because it would interfere with work such as gastric acid foods, bersantan, or spicy.

* Expand fiber consumption also because it will help launch a bowel movement (BAB). CHAPTER bucket, usually so lazy child into the bathroom and this is dangerous because more and accumulate dirt in the stomach.

Proper feeding patterns will certainly help the baby quickly to fast without feeling hungry. So for him, fasting is an exciting worship.

Educating fasting EMOTION

WITH fasting, added Eva, the child learns discipline. "Are not we should not be indiscriminate eating and drinking until it was time breaking fast?"

Through explanation of the parents, she adds, children can also be taught self-control. "Temperament boy, is it, sometimes is difficult to control. Now, through fasting, children are trained to be able to contain her emotions and can not easily mengumbar his tantrums."

However, because fasting is not mandatory for children under five, Eva suggested that parents could not relate it to reward and sin. "Children do not understand the things that are abstract, like what is a sin, reward, heaven and others. We recommend the introduction of fasting should not be seen from the side, but rather to develop the moral ethics. Parents can give examples and explain reality outside the environment of other children, that there is a shortage of people and can not get to eat. Now, children are invited to empathize with the suffering people. "
In addition, the fasting month is also the month for many sharing / charity. "Well, during the month of fasting, the child may be invited to charity to the poor.

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Good Fasting, Open With Sweet and Avoid Sour &Spicy

21:57 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Since the age of 4 years, children can be taught to fast. Begin fasting after breakfast till noon. At school age, then gradually extended berpuasanya time until sunset. However, immediately stop it if he looks sick or weak.

Undergo fasting in Ramadan is an obligation as a form of worship to Allah SWT. In terms of health, when people fasted, healthy body process occurs. Because, fasting dispose of toxins (detoxification) that has accumulated in the body longer. In the end, fasting is a total and holistic (comprehensive). That means not just happen because of enlightened soul and mind obey the command of religion, but also occurred involving physical cleansing.

After days of age, every Muslim should fast from dawn to sunset during the month. However, no case in infants and children. According to dr. Eva J. Soelaeman Sp.A, from RSAB Harapan Kita, since the age of 4 years children should be taught to fast, but fast for this exercise should not be long. "Medically speaking, the safest for children under five is half a day of fasting." Because toddlers are in the middle phase of growth. "Many organs are not yet fully developed. They still need a more complete nutritional intake and more than adults."

In addition, the workings of intestinal enzymes in children also differ from adults. "In adults, fasting is useful for cleaning the stomach and bowel rest. Whereas in children, the intestines actually have to work and hold to activate enzymes that help growth." That is why, in children, the important thing is to eat little but often, as well as drinking fluids must often because a lot of needs.

CAN dehydration

Therefore, infants and children should not impose a full day's fasting. "This could be dangerous!" said Eva. "Especially if the child is already weak and vomiting but still impose fasting. It could indicate the child was already dehydrated," he continued.

Another danger, children may lose weight (BW). Yet precisely at this age children should not lose weight. "If his body weight decreased, fasting not proceed.'ll Actually be causing the health of children affected."

Toddlers too fat, fasting should not be like an adult. Because obese children are very much needed fluids. "So, he must often drink." This is due the child's activity is still high. "I do not might, right, kids told to shut up. I bet he'll keep playing. Now, the sweat that comes out it could provoke dehydration."

So, if the child is hungry whimper, let alone in a cold sweat and looked weak, "Ladies do not hesitate to hail a little fast. If allowed, the child may even shock and dehydration."

Principally, it is important to teach children to fast. But it must also note the very least a healthy baby in running fast. For that purpose, provide proper food and beverages for bersahur and break the fast.


To let the child remain excellent body condition during fasting, then the food should get extra attention. Here's a tip from Eva comes to baby food that was fast:

* Menu and meal breaking the fast food to children just the same as the adult menu.

* Usually, when hunger is triggered by a decline in fasting glucose levels in the body. Now, when children need to be fast food consumption

containing sugar, such as hot tea, sweets, and a variety of other sweet foods. Hot drink is preferred considering the previously empty stomach condition. But that does not mean cold beverages are prohibited.

* Sugar easily absorbed in the body into an energy source, so the child can fit back soon after taking them. Playground activities and worship with their parents can still be done.

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Recognize the Child Temper Tantrum3

03:44 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
1. Tantrum prevent
2. Tackling child who is experiencing Tantrum
3. Tackling the post Tantrum

The first step to prevent the Tantrum is to recognize the child's habits, and
know exactly the conditions of what appears Tantrum on the child. For example, if parents know that children are active children and easy stress if too long silent in the car on long trips. So that he does not Tantrum, parents need to arrange for the journey often endeavored to rest on the road, to allow time for the kids run around outside the car.

Tantrum also be triggered because the stress of school work to do son. In this case accompany children when he was working on the tasks of the school (not making tasks lho!) And teaching things that are considered difficult, will help reduce stress on the child because the school burden. Accompanying children are not even confined to school assignments, but also in the games, the child should be accompanied by a parent too, so when he had difficulty parents can help by giving instructions.

The second step in preventing Tantrum is to see how the parents care for their children.
Is the child too pampered? Do parents act too protect (over protective), and too much like the ban? Are both parents are always unanimous, one word in parenting? Do parents showed consistency in word and deed?

If you feel too much and spoil the child, too protect and often forbid children to do activities that children really are needed, do not be surprised if your child will easily tantrums if his will is not obeyed. Consistency and common perceptions of parenting is also a very important role. If there is disagreement, parents should not be debated and argued with each other in front of the children, so as not to cause confusion and insecurity in children. Parents should keep children always saw that her parents always agree and get along.

When Tantrum Happen
If Tantrum can not be prevented and continue to occur, then some action should be done by parents is:

1. Make sure everything is safe. If Tantrum occurs in public, and move the child to a safe place to vent her emotions. During Tantrum (at home or outside the home), keep children from things, good things that endanger themselves or even if he is endangering the existence of these objects. Or if during Tantrum child so hurt friends and her own parents, keep the child from her friend and remove yourself from the child.

2. Parents should stay calm, trying to keep his own emotions to remain calm. Keep your emotions do not get hit and shouted angrily at the child.

3. Tantrum ignoring children (ignore). During Tantrum progress, should not be persuaded, cajoled, do not argue, do not give moral advice to stop Tantrumnya children, because children did not respond / listen. Tantrum stop business as usual even as it poured gasoline on the fire, the longer the child will Tantrumnya and increased intensity. It is best to let it. Tantrum ended even more quickly if the parents do not try to menghentikannnya by persuasion or coercion.

4. If Tantrum behavior from minute to minute even get worse and not over-done, as long as the child
do not beat you, hug a child with love. But if it can not hug a child with love (as you yourself feel embarrassed and annoyed with the child's behavior), at least you are sitting or standing close to him. During the program do not need her advice or complaint (by saying: "you are so hell kok nak, make mama-papa sad"; "it's great you do not like a kid again dong"), if you want to say something, just for example by saying "mommy / daddy love you", "mama is here until you're finished". The important thing here is to ensure that children feel safe and know that parents have and do not refuse (abandon) him.

When Tantrum BANTARA

Tantrum When children have stopped, no matter how severe the emotional explosion that has happened is, not followed by punishment, advice, rebuke, or innuendo. Also, do not give any reward, and the child still can not get what you want (if it happens because Tantrum wants something). With still not giving what they want the child, parents will look consistent and the child will learn that he could not manipulate his parents.

Give my love and security of your child. Invite a child, reading a book or play a bike together. Show the child, though he had done wrong, as your parents still love them.

After Tantrum end, parents need to evaluate why it happened Tantrum. Is it really wrong child or parent who either respond to acts / desires a child? Or because the child was tired, frustrated, hungry, or sick? Need to rethink this, so that parents can prevent the next Tantrum.

If the child is considered wrong, parents need to think to teach children values or new ways that children do not repeat mistakes. If it wants to teach and give advice, do not do after Tantrum over, but do it when things are calm and comfortable for parents and children. When a quiet and comfortable is when Tantrum has not yet begun, even when there is no sign of going Tantrum. When parents and children are happy, do not feel frustrated, tired and hungry is an ideal time.

From the description above can be seen that if parents have children who "difficult" and easy to Tantrum, of course not entirely fair to say that parents' fault. But it must be admitted that the parent who has a role to guide the child to regulate their emotions and facilitate the child's life to Tantrum not constantly pop. Some of the suggestions above may be useful for you especially for the
mother / young fathers who have not had experience of parenting. Happy reading, may be useful. (Jp)

Oleh Martina Rini S. Tasmin, SPsi.
Jakarta, 29 April 2002

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