How to Expand Breast Strategies

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Actually, only two percent of mothers who are less biologically her milk production. The rest, 95-98 per cent can produce enough milk for her baby. What should be taken by nursing mothers to stay current milk production and quality?

As a baby, feed the baby immediately after birth, by no later than 30-60 minutes after birth or referred to latch on early processes (process the entry of the areola into the mouth of the baby's mother with the proper locking position until the baby can suckle well). Based on the latest research, babies who received breast milk shortly after birth and have not been cleaned will have the ability (the reflex) good nursing at his mother, according to L Luluk Soraya, the seminar Healthy Parent Education Package (PESAT) 6 hosted by Concerned Parents Foundation (YOP ), some time ago in Jakarta.

Luluk further explained for mothers to work rather than barriers to exclusive breastfeeding mother to her baby. Recently many working mothers who successfully give exclusive breastfeeding. Which differ only tricks and techniques of breastfeeding for working mothers.

Luluk re-emphasized the important role of fathers as fathers breastfeeding. "More than 90% success of exclusive breastfeeding due to the role of the father. And indeed, generally, the failure of exclusive breastfeeding is an avoidable condition. In general, exclusive breastfeeding failure due to lack of support from the environment and lack of mastery of science ASI & Breastfeeding," Mother said Luluk.

Mother should prepare ourselves to the basic science of breast milk & then transfer to the nearest neighborhood mother, the husband & family so with much support, breast feeding will be successful.

In preparation for a hospital birth is important. This is due to only get a guaranteed babies only breast milk and baby's mother can meyusui baby whenever asked. "Remember that there is no reason to separate mothers from their babies, unless there are medical problems," said Luluk.

In addition, it is not really if one thinks a mother can not breastfeed her baby because of the lack of milk. Factors inhibited or reduced milk is the psyche of maternal factors. Psychological problems that affect the hypothalamus to send commands to the gland under the brain. State of anxiety, fear, and confusion caused milk does not descend into the mammary gland.

To get peace of psychic when breastfeeding, it is very dependent on her self-control. Because of that, try Mother and baby in a relaxed state. Rbahkan yourself for a moment before you begin breast-feeding mothers. When mothers breastfeed babies is okay to relax while listening to music or reading a story book. Look for seating that can give comfort the mother during breastfeeding. Remember, peace of environmental factors also play a role in the process of breastfeeding.

For mothers who are breastfeeding, in addition to mental tranquility, there caracara to increase the amount of milk. These moments are breastfeeding, a mother must have needed calories, protein, minerals and vitamins that quite a lot. mother who fed from the research, producing an average of 800 ml of milk a day, with more or less content of 600 calories. That's why breast-feeding mother needs to obtain additional food as much as 750-1000 calories per day.

Then in order to remove breast milk kelejar, then an additional longer needed as many as 75 calories. By the Nutrition Directorate of the Ministry of Health, the amount required kaiori rounded up to 800 / day. For the requirement of protein, although milk itself already contains 12% protein, Mother still need to add another with 25 g protein / day. In addition, because breast milk also contains calcium or calcium) taken from the mother's body, then the food Mother also requires additional calcium as much as 0.5 g / day. Mom can get it through food sources like milk, vegetables and fish. Do not forget to add an additional intake of 5 mg of iron.

Because the value of vitamins contained in milk is very dependent on the value of vitamins in the mother's diet everyday, so nursing mothers also need extra vitamins as many as 2500 extra! U vitamin A, 0.4 mg Thiamin (Vitamin B1) and 30 mg of Vitamin C. In addition to the above food needs, nursing mothers also need to drink enough, because the body's need for liquids increases in breastfeeding mothers. Before feeding it would be good to drink a glass of water or juice. Also multiply berkuah also eat vegetables or soups.

Breastfeeding patterns True

* Breastfeed your baby a good start from birth until the age of 4-6 months.
* Wash your hands clean.
* If necessary, wash with warm water before she began breastfeeding.
* Compress the breast to facilitate the circulation of blood, then clean the breasts before feeding.
* Embed a belief in self-mother that she could breastfeed her baby well.
* Place the baby's head on a baby's bottom bend the elbow and supported with the palm of the hand. If necessary, the baby can be supported with pillows.
* Try to time the baby sucks up to aerola breast.
* We're breast-feeding mothers should be in a sitting position with his feet not hanging.
* Breastfeeding babies should not only remain alternately on one breast.
* My mother had to breastfeed as often as possible whenever the baby wants it. This means, at least every two to three hours and every four to five hours at night from 8 to 12 times of breastfeeding, as long as 24 hours.

Source : Tabloid Ibu Anak, website

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