Really My baby Late to Talk? (How to Talk Over Mother Specify)

20:59 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

According to William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN, the results of their research proved that the babies are heard when spoken to his mother. In their book The Baby Book, Everything You Need to Know about Your Baby from Birth to Age Two, they wrote that the way mothers talk to their infants were more decisive in the communication. "Therefore, the mother actually did not have to worry about not be able to communicate with his son.
Usually, the way she speaks naturally obtained. Mother's instinct is to say how he should talk with their children, whether to slow, and then turned hard, and the like, "they said.
Of course, there are also some tips on talking to the baby given these two scientists, namely:

* Seeing your baby.
Look at the baby's eyes before a conversation, and you will get baby's attention and the response has been appreciated.

* Call your child by name.
Babies are not able to associate themselves with a name for the first few months. But, if he is often called by that name, he will feel special because that name has ever heard. Thus, when the mother called him, he'll get carried away glad to hear something familiar.

* Make it simple.
Use sentences with two or three words and pronunciation vowels clarified and amplified, such as: "Raafiii anaak baaaaik". To call yourself, use the word vocation as "Mama" and "Dad", or "Mother" and "Dad", or "Mum" and "Dad".

* Turn the atmosphere.
If there is a cat through, waving his hands, saying, "Bye Mpus", so that your baby understands that the activities are being carried out on cat greeting. Usually, it will be easier to remember words associated with the posture described. You could also do with a clapped her hands when you say something to do with applause, or snapping fingers, or thumbs up, or anything that makes the atmosphere with the baby still alive. Have a baby is likely to sue you more talkative.

* Ask questions.
"Rafi take a shower?" Or "Want Daddy bye-bye?" Is a question which naturally will make the sound at the end of the sentence when the mother expects a response from the fruit of his heart.

* Provide feedback to your baby.
If the baby responds, or when he opened the conversation with 'smile' or body language that captivates dekutan, vokalisasinya imitate and repeat again. By imitating the language, the value of this baby will grow, and the baby will be encouraged to continue to the point.

Well, you're ready to make a pleasant conversation with the baby. Do not doubt and worry, believe that the way you speak will determine the success or failure is more mother-child communication. (Hannie)
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Benarkah Bayiku Terlambat Bicara? (Cara Bunda Bicara Lebih Menentukan )

19:57 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Menurut William Sears, MD, dan Martha Sears, RN, hasil-hasil penelitian mereka membuktikan bahwa bayi memang mendengar ketika diajak bicara ibunya. Dalam buku mereka The Baby Book, Everything You Need to Know about Your Baby from Birth to Age Two, keduanya menulis bahwa cara ibu berbicara pada bayinya memang lebih menentukan dalam berkomunikasi. “Karena itu, sebenarnya bunda tak perlu cemas tidak akan bisa berkomunikasi dengan anaknya.Biasanya, cara ibu berbicara diperoleh secara alami. Naluri bunda yang akan mengatakan bagaimana seharusnya ia berbicara dengan anaknya, apakah dengan lambat, lalu kemudian berubah menjadi keras, dan semacamnya,” kata mereka.
Tentu saja, ada juga beberapa kiat berbicara dengan bayi yang diberikan kedua ilmuwan ini, yaitu:

* Melihat kepada bayi Anda.
Pandanglah mata bayi sebelum bercakap-cakap, dan Anda akan memperoleh perhatian bayi serta mendapat tanggapan yang menghargai.

* Panggil si kecil dengan namanya.
Bayi memang belum bisa mengasosiasikan dirinya dengan sebuah nama selama beberapa bulan pertama. Tapi, kalau dia sering dipanggil dengan nama itu, ia akan merasa nama itu istimewa karena telah pernah didengarnya. Jadi, bila bunda memanggilnya, ia akan terbawa perasaan gembira karena mendengar sesuatu yang tidak asing lagi.

* Lakukan dengan sederhana.
Pakailah kalimat dengan dua atau tiga kata dan huruf vokal yang pengucapannya diperjelas dan dikeraskan, seperti : “Raafiii anaak baaaaik”. Untuk menyebut diri Anda, gunakan juga kata panggilannya seperti “Mama” dan “Papa”, atau “Bunda” dan “Ayah”, atau “Mum” dan “Dad”.

* Hidupkan suasana.
Kalau ada kucing lewat, lambaikan tangan sambil mengatakan, “Dadah Mpus”, supaya bayi Anda mengerti bahwa kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan adalah memberi salam pada kucing. Biasanya, ia akan lebih mudah mengingat kata-kata yang berasosiasi dengan sikap tubuh yang menggambarkannya. Bisa juga Anda lakukan dengan bertepuk tangan bila mengatakan sesuatu yang ada hubungannya dengan tepuk tangan, atau menjentikkan jari, atau mengacungkan jempol, atau apa saja yang membuat suasana bersama bayi tetap hidup. Punya bayi memang cenderung menuntut Anda lebih cerewet.

* Ajukan pertanyaan.
“Rafi mau mandi?” atau “Mau dadah sama Ayah?” adalah bentuk pertanyaan yang secara alami akan memperjelas suara pada akhir kalimat ketika bunda mengharapkan tanggapan dari buah hatinya.

* Berikan umpan balik kepada bayi Anda.
Bila bayi merespons, atau ketika ia membuka percakapan dengan ‘senyuman’ bahasa tubuh atau dekutan yang menawan hati, tirulah vokalisasinya dan ulangi kembali. Dengan meniru bahasanya, nilai bayi terhadap hal itu akan bertambah, dan bayi akan terdorong untuk terus menyampaikan maksudnya.

Nah, Anda siap untuk melakukan pembicaraan yang menyenangkan dengan sang buah hati. Tak usah ragu dan cemas, percayalah bahwa cara bicara Anda akan lebih menentukan berhasil tidaknya komunikasi ibu-anak. (hannie)
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How to Menangkal Santet By Laws of Physics

20:08 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Witchcraft, teluh, magic or whatever his name is the negative energy that can damage a person's life: the form of disease, destruction of the household until the death.
Various investigations have also done a lot of scientists on the phenomenon of witchcraft and the like. Research methods course somewhat different scientists with the clergy.
If the clergy wear dalil2 scripture reference (paragraph kitabiyah), the scientists use kauniyah paragraph (the universe) to investigate these wizards. Investigations using paragraph kauniyah course must have a method of scientific tnya ifa s, ranging from seeking kasus2 witchcraft, witchcraft tipe2, symptoms, etc. result. Then later conducted various experiments to cure. One of the conclusions / opinions that surfaced was the fact that witchcraft is energy. Why in the case of witchcraft could get nails, scorpions, pans, etc. can be explained through a process of materialization of energy.
Well, witchcraft and spirits were found energy charged (-). The earth turned out to have charge (-). In C Coulomb law says that the charge namesake will repel each other and do not charge it will namesake attraction. The formula is:

F = K * ((Q1 * Q2) / R ^ 2)
F = force attraction
K = Constant
Q1, Q2 = charge
R = distance

Well because demit aka spirits and the earth were both charged (-) ate the demit was not touching the earth. Parents are often times used to be reminded when talking with do-not recognized in the evening and see if his foot to touch the earth or not. If not then it means the spirits group.
Likewise with the wizards who were charged (-) is physically able to overcome or resisted by Coulomb C of this law. I do not discuss the methods against witchcraft with remembrance because it was much discussed but my reply offer any other alternative could be "standalone" (for non-Muslims) and combined with the remembrance (for Muslims).
Some methods:
Ways 1
Sleep on the floor that directly touch the earth. May use the original bedding is no more than 15 cm. Sleeping on the floor with the wizards in trouble because of blocked charge (-) from the earth.

Ways 2
Creating electronic device capable of transmitting waves of charge (-). Spirits, jinn, witchcraft, etc. will move away if exposed to vibration of this instrument. But the weakness of the tool is not able to detect good and evil creatures. Thus, this tool will "beat" any creature. If there are good jinn and bad jinn then they will be "expelled" as well.

Ways 3
Conducting special gymnastics movement which should foot touched the earth. This exercise movement has only one core movement just so easy to do by anak2 to parents. In addition to healing for a variety of medical illnesses cured-de-sac, this exercise quite a lot of resolve cases of witchcraft as well. This pure exercise, with no spells or special breathing.

ways 4
Planting trees or plants that have a charge (-). Sensitive to the spiritual, the aura of this plant are felt "cold". Tree that has a charge (-) including: dadap, boyfriend of water, kelor, yellow bamboo, etc.. This kind of plants most disliked spirits. Plants usually charged (-) is not gripping too strong on the ground (earth) compared with plants charged (+)
Another case with a tree that has a charge (+) such as tamarind tree, banyan, star fruit, yellow, etc. so mat cottonwoods phohon this kind will certainly attract spirits and are often used as a place to live. This is because there are attraction force between the trees (+) and spirits (-) according to C Coulomb law.
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Cara Menangkal Santet Dengan Hukum Fisika

19:56 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Santet, teluh, sihir atau apapun namanya adalah energi negatif yang mampu merusak kehidupan seseorang : berupa terkena penyakit, kehancuran rumah tangga hingga sampai dengan kematian.
Berbagai penyelidikan pun telah banyak dilakukan ilmuwan terhadap fenomena santet dan sejenisnya. Tentu metode penelitian para ilmuwan agak berbeda dengan agamawan.
Jika para agamawan memakai rujukan dalil2 kitab suci (ayat kitabiyah), maka para ilmuwan menggunakan ayat kauniyah (alam semesta) untuk menyelidiki santet ini. Penyelidikan menggunakan ayat kauniyah tentunya harus memiliki metode yang s ifa tnya ilmiah, mulai dari mencari kasus2 santet, tipe2 santet, gejala, akibat dlsb. Lalu kemudian dilakukan berbagai eksperimen untuk penyembuhannya. Salah satu kesimpulan/pendapat yang mengemuka adalah santet itu sebenarnya adalah energi. Kenapa dalam kasus santet bisa masuk paku, kalajengking, penggorengan dll bisa dijelaskan melalui proses materialisasi energi.
Nah, santet dan mahluk halus itu ternyata energi yang bermuatan (-). Bumipun ternyata memiliki muatan (-). Dalam hukum C Coulomb dikatakan bahwa muatan yang senama akan saling tolak menolak dan muatan yang tidak senama justru akan tarik menarik. Rumusnya :

F = K * ((Q1*Q2)/R^2)
F = gaya tarik menarik
K = Konstanta
Q1, Q2 = muatan
R = jarak

Nah karena demit alias mahluk halus dan bumi itu sama-sama bermuatan (-) makannya para demit itu tidaklah menyentuh bumi. Orang tua jaman dulu juga sering mengingatkan jika bicara dgn orang yg tidak dikenal pd malam hari maka lihatlah apakah kakinya menapak ke bumi atau tidak. Jika tidak maka ia berarti golongan mahluk halus.
Begitu juga dengan santet yang ternyata bermuatan (-) maka secara fisika bisa ditanggulangi atau ditangkal dengan hukum C Coulomb ini. Saya tidak membahas metode melawan santet dengan zikir karena sudah banyak dibahas tapi saya menawarkan alternatif lainnya yg bisa bersifat “standalone” (utk non muslim) maupun digabungkan dgn zikir (utk muslim).
Beberapa Metodenya :
Cara 1
Tidurlah dilantai yang langsung menyentuh bumi. Boleh gunakan alas tidur asal tidak lebih dari 15 Cm. Dengan tidur dilantai maka santet kesulitan masuk karena terhalang muatan (-) dari bumi.

Cara 2
Membuat alat elektronik yang mampu memancarkan gelombang bermuatan (-). Mahluk halus, jin, santet dll akan menjauh jika terkena getaran alat ini. Tapi Kelemahan alat ini tidak mampu mendeteksi mahluk baik dan jahat. Jadi, alat ini akan “menghajar” mahluk apa saja. Jika ada jin baik dan jin jahat maka keduanya akan “diusir” juga.

Cara 3
Melakukan gerakan senam khusus dimana tapak kaki harus menyentuh bumi. Gerakan senam ini hanya punya satu gerakan inti saja jadi mudah sekali dilakukan oleh anak2 hingga orang tua. Selain utk penyembuhan berbagai penyakit medis yg sulit sembuh, senam ini cukup banyak menyelesaikan kasus santet juga. Ini murni senam, tanpa mantra atau pernafasan khusus.

Cara 4
Menanam pohon atau tanaman yang memiliki muatan (-). Bagi yang peka spiritual, aura tanaman ini adalah terasa “dingin”. Pohon yang memiliki muatan (-) diantaranya : dadap, pacar air, kelor, bambu kuning dll. Tanaman sejenis ini paling tidak disukai mahluk halus. Biasanya tanaman bermuatan (-) ini tidaklah mencengkram terlalu kuat di tanah (bumi) dibandingkan dengan tanaman bermuatan (+)
Lain halnya dengan pohon yang memiliki muatan (+) seperti pohon asem, beringin, belimbing, kemuning, alas randu dll maka phohon sejenis ini tentu akan menarik mahluk halus dan seringkali dijadikan tempat tinggal. Hal ini dikarenakan ada gaya tarik menarik antara pohon (+) dan mahluk halus (-) sesuai hukum C Coulomb.
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Mother Wise? Anger Manage ...

18:20 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
You want to be a wise mother to child? One of them you have to smart manage anger. No need explosive, enough to make five steps effective.

This step ..

Accept your anger

When you are angry, say to yourself, 'I am angry' or say to your child, 'Mom angry'. It helps you focus your emotions to yourself, not on your child, let alone anyone else. They do not deserve to be the object of your anger.

What, not who

Understand what is and not who makes you angry. Take, for example, as little fuss, obviously that makes you angry that his action was not himself. Given all that time lasted only.

Pour the contents of the liver

Put all your heart. Say it firmly and luga in the form of anger. 'She was angry, we do not want to eat. What's with you dear? " course, expressions like this makes your child the opportunity to express feelings without feeling judged. Remember, do not need anger exploded.

Finish the source of anger

Quickly accomplish and conditions benahai a source of anger. Berkompromilah with anah. For instance, he refused to eat, ask the reason why not to eat. Well, when your child is ready, he can ask for food back to you. Give 30-minute intervals, to ask him again.


If there were anger energy, soon calm down. Any energy must be channeled. do relaxation, worship, or activities that make you calm. May be more positive if you clean house, cook, or even exercising.

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Ibu Bijaksana? Atur Amarah...

17:51 Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This
Anda ingin menjadi ibu bijaksana bagi anak? Salah satunya Anda harus pintar mengatur kemarahan. Tak perlu meledak-ledak, cukup melakukan lima langkah efektif.

Inilah langkahnya..

Terima rasa marah Anda

Ketika Anda marah, katakanlah kepada diri sendiri, 'saya marah' atau katakanlah kepada anak Anda, 'mama marah'. Hal itu membantu Anda memusatkan emosi terhadap diri Anda sendiri, bukan pada anak Anda, apalagi orang lain. Mereka tak pantas menjadi obyek kemarahan Anda.

Apa, bukan siapa

Pahami apa yang dan bukan siapa yang membuat Anda marah. Ambil contoh, saat si kecil rewel, jelas yang membuat Anda marah itu tindakannya bukan dirinya. Mengingat semuanya hanya berlangsung saat itu saja.

Curahkan isi hati

Curahkan semua isi hati Anda. Katakan dengan tegas dan luga dalam bentuk kemarahan. 'Mama marah, kami nggak mau makan. Ada apa sama kamu sayang?' pastinya, ungkapan seperti ini membuat anak Anda berpeluang mengungkapkan perasaannya tanpa merasa dihakimi. Ingat, amarah tak perlu meledak-ledak.

Tuntaskan sumber kemarahan

Segeralah tuntaskan dan benahai kondisi yang menjadi sumber kemarahan. Berkompromilah dengan anah. Semisal, ia menolak makan, tanyakanlah alasannya kenapa tak ingin makan. Nah, ketika anak Anda siap, dia bisa meminta makanan kembali kepada Anda. Beri jeda waktu 30 menit, untuk bertanya kepadanya lagi.

Tenangkan diri

Bila masih ada energi kemarahan, segera tenangkan diri. Energi apapun harus disalurkan. lakukan relaksasi, ibadah, atau kegiatan yang membuat diri Anda tenang. Mungkin lebih positif jika Anda membereskan rumah, memasak, atau pun berolahraga.

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22:55 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Other symptoms are:
- Frequently changing eye glass
- Double vision in one eye.

Sometimes causes swelling of cataract lenses and the increased pressure inside the eye (glaucoma), which Bosa leading to pain.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of eye examination.

# Diagnostic tests are usually performed: a standard eye examination, including slit lamp examination with
# Scan the eye in preparation for cataract surgery.

The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Surgery is performed if the patient can not see well with the help of glasses to perform everyday kegitannya.
Some patients may feel better eyesight simply by replacing the glass eyes, bifokus glasses stronger or use a magnifying lens. If cataracts do not disturb do not usually necessary surgery. Cataract surgery consists of lifting the lens and replacing them with artificial lenses.

1. Appointment lens
There are 2 kinds of surgery that can be used to lift the lens:
- Surgery ekstrakapsuler: by leaving the lens capsule removed.
To soften the lens thus making it easier lens through a small incision, use high-frequency sound waves (fakoemulsifikasi).
- Surgery intrakapsuler: lens capsule and removed. At this intrakapsuler surgery is rarely performed.

2. Replacement lenses
Patients who had undergone cataract surgery typically will have artificial lenses to replace lenses that have been raised.
This artificial lens is a plastic sheet called intraokuler lenses, lens intraokuler usually inserted into the lens capsule inside the eye.

Cataract surgery is often performed and generally safe. After the surgery are rare infection or bleeding in the eye that can cause serious vision problems.
To prevent infection, reduce inflammation and speed healing, for several weeks after surgery are given eye drops or ointment.
To protect the eyes from injury, sufferers should use glasses or protective goggles made of metal until the surgical wound completely healed.

Primary prevention is to control diseases associated with cataracts and avoiding the factors that accelerate the formation of cataracts. Using sunglasses when outside the room during the day can reduce the amount of ultraviolet rays that enter the eye. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cataracts.
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22:43 Posted In , , , , , , Edit This
Cataract is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment.


In many cases, the cause is unknown. Cataracts usually occur in old age and could be lowered. Cataract formation accelerated by environmental factors, such as smoking or other toxic materials.

# Cataracts may be caused by eye injury
# Metabolic disease (eg diabetes)
# Certain medications (eg corticosteroids).

Cataracts cataract kongenitalis is found in babies at birth (or some time later). Kongenitalis Cataracts can be a hereditary disease (inherited in an autosomal dominant) or can be caused by:
- Congenital infections, such as German measles
- Dealing with metabolic diseases, such as galaktosemia.
Risk factors of cataract kongenitalis are:
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- History of cataract in the family
- Viral infection of the mother when the baby is still in the womb.

Cataracts in adults is usually associated with aging.
Cataracts in adults are grouped into:

1. Immatur cataracts: lens still has a clear section
2. Mature cataracts: lens is completely opaque
3. Cataracts hipermatur: there are parts of the lens surface that has seeped through the lens capsule and can cause inflammation of other eye structures.

Most of the lens a bit murky after the age of 60 year. Half patients who experienced similar changes in both eyes, although changes in one eye may be worse than other.A lot of eye cataract patients who experienced only a mild visual impairment and did not realize that they suffering from cataracts.

Factors that influence the occurrence of cataracts are:
- Levels of low blood calcium
- Diabetes
- Long-term use of corticosteroids
- Various inflammatory diseases and metabolic diseases.
- Environmental factors (trauma, radiation, ultraviolet light).

All rays entering the eye must first pass through the lens. Therefore, every part lenses that block, deflect or scatter the light can cause vision problems penglihatan.Beratnya depends on the location and maturity of the cataract.

Cataracts develop slowly and do not cause pain accompanied by vision problems that arise in stages. Visual impairment can be:
- Difficulty seeing at night
- See the circle around the light or the light was blinding my eyes
- Decrease in sharpness of vision (even during the day).
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