Bathroom Together as Sex Education

20:05 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
CHAPTER sexual problems in children is not easy. However, sex education taught to children should be given to children not one step in his life.

According to Dra Clara Istiwidarum Kriswanto, MA, CPBC, psychologists from Jagadnita Consulting, sex of the child's parents must be given as early as possible.

"Sex education must be given to the child's parents as early as possible. Precisely begins at zero years old. But the main requirement is the children feelcomfortable as they are not necessarily friends sex lessons from her parents," explained coach talk show "A Session with Coach Clara "when found in Citywalk Sudirman Legal, Friday (11/4/2008).

According to him, sex education is defined as education about the anatomy of body organs can continue to sexual reproduction. By teaching children sex education can prevent children from negative risk sexual behavior. Because, naturally he will know the ins and outs of sexuality and its consequences if the rules do not comply with the law, religion and customs. Including the mental and material readiness of a person.

"The benefits of sex education to children is to know the sex organs of men and women. In this way, the child will have a positive image of the concept that feels valued, loved and grace. And naturally he will be able to fortify themselves from the negative things, "he said.

Introduction to child sex can be started from the introduction of the anatomy of the body. Then increase the education about how to multiply the living creatures to humans and animals. Well, one of how to deliver sex education to the children can begin to take them bathing together.

"A bath together with the children is how to teach natural sexuality education. Through these activities, children will feel loved with a hug, a touch of loving. However, a bath together can only be done until the toddler age because at this age child can understand about organ their bodies, "explained the mother of four children who always look this beautiful.

Added to Clara, I submit that any sexual education should not be too vulgar, because it will negatively affect the child. When will teach sex education, see the intended target. Because, when children are taught about sex, he would critically and want to know about everything.

"The main requirements for teaching children sex education is to be honest and open in accordance with capacity. Therefore, parents need not know everything. If a child asks about sex, but parents do not know the answer then just answer honestly. Or it could be asked to the expert," advises UI almamater to continue his S2 program at Goldsmiths College University of London, United Kingdom it.

Not only that, continued Clara, in the expression of sex education should also be honest. "In this sex education should avoid the use of fictitious names of the vital tools of male and female. And the pass was not to be teased. Therefore, to personal things in a private environment will make your child know that it does become a part of life, "he added.

Once children learn sex education, the child will also know how to maintain health. Naturally, he would know that there are body parts that should not be vulgar.

"In part of sex education, we can teach children to dress in the bathroom or in her bedroom. So, should not run while naked and indulgence in the body," he concluded. (nsa)
Chaerunnisa - Okezone, Photo: Corbis

Mandi Bareng sebagai Pendidikan Seks

19:18 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

MEMBAHAS masalah seks pada anak memang tidak mudah. Namun, mengajarkan pendidikan seks kepada anak harus diberikan agar anak tidak salah melangkah dalam hidupnya.

Menurut Dra Clara Istiwidarum Kriswanto, MA, CPBC, psikolog dari Jagadnita Consulting, seks bagi anak wajib diberikan orangtua sedini mungkin.

"Pendidikan seks wajib diberikan orangtua kepada anaknya sedini mungkin. Tepatnya dimulai saat anak berusia nol tahun. Tapi, syarat utama adalah anak-anak merasa nyaman karena belum tentu teman-temannya dapat pelajaran seks dari orangtuanya," papar coach acara talkshow "A Session with Coach Clara" saat ditemui okezone di Citywalk Sudirman, Jumat (11/4/2008).

Menurutnya, pendidikan seks didefinisikan sebagai pendidikan mengenai anatomi organ tubuh yang dapat dilanjutkan pada reproduksi seksual. Dengan mengajarkan pendidikan seks pada anak dapat menghindarkan anak dari risiko negatif perilaku seksual. Sebab, dengan sendirinya dia akan tahu seluk beluk seksualitas dan akibat-akibatnya bila dilakukan tanpa mematuhi aturan hukum, agama dan adat istiadat. Termasuk kesiapan mental dan material seseorang.

"Manfaat sex education kepada anak yaitu untuk mengetahui organ-organ kelamin pria dan wanita. Dengan cara seperti ini, anak akan mendapat konsep citra positif sehingga merasa dihargai, dicintai dan anugerah. Dan dengan sendirinya dia akan bisa membentengi diri dari hal-hal negatif," ungkapnya.

Pengenalan seks kepada anak dapat dimulai dari pengenalan mengenai anatomi tubuh. Kemudian meningkat pada pendidikan mengenai cara berkembangbiak makhluk hidup yakni kepada manusia dan binatang. Nah, salah satu cara menyampaikan pendidikan seksual kepada anak dapat dimulai dengan mengajak mereka mandi bersama.

"Mandi bareng bersama anak adalah cara mengajarkan pendidikan seksualitas yang alamiah. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, anak akan merasa disayang dengan pelukan, sentuhan yang penuh kasih sayang. Namun, mandi bareng hanya dapat dilakukan sampai usia balita karena pada usia ini anak sudah dapat mengerti mengenai organ tubuh mereka," terang ibunda empat orang anak yang selalu tampil cantik ini.

Ditambahkan Clara, cara menyampaikan pendidikan seksual itu pun tidak boleh terlalu vulgar, karena justru akan berdampak negatif kepada anak. Ketika akan mengajarkan pendidikan seks, lihat sasaran yang dituju. Sebab, ketika anak sudah diajarkan mengenai seks, dia akan kristis dan ingin tahu tentang segala hal.

"Syarat utama mengajarkan anak pendidikan seks ialah harus jujur dan terbuka sesuai dengan kapasitas. Karena itu, orangtua tidak perlu tahu segalanya. Kalau memang anak bertanya tentang seks, tapi orangtua tidak mengetahui jawabannya maka jawab saja sejujurnya. Atau bisa tanya ke ahlinya," saran almamater UI yang melanjutkan program S2-nya di Goldsmiths College University of London-United Kingdom itu.

Tak hanya itu saja, lanjut Clara, dalam mengungkapkan pendidikan seks juga harus dengan jujur. "Dalam pembelajaran seks ini sebaiknya hindari pemakaian nama-nama samaran dari alat-alat vital yang dimiliki pria dan wanita. Dan dalam menyampaikannya pun jangan dengan diolok-olok. Sebab, untuk hal yang pribadi dalam lingkungan pribadi akan membuat anak tahu bahwa hal itu memang menjadi bagian dalam hidup," imbuhnya.

Setelah anak mengetahui sex education, anak juga akan mengetahui bagaimana cara untuk menjaga kesehatan. Dengan sendirinya, dia akan tahu bahwa terdapat bagian-bagian tubuh yang tidak boleh diumbar.

"Dalam bagian dari sex education, kita bisa mengajarkan anak untuk berpakaian dalam kamar mandi atau di ruang tidurnya. Jadi, tidak boleh lari-lari sambil telanjang dan mengumbar bagian tubuhnya," pungkasnya. (nsa)

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01:28 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
If Spiral Can not revoked
Do not worry, Mom, pregnancy can still be passed on, really. "Often, doctors find it difficult indeed interesting spiral because the spiral thread invisible," said Bawono. Well, if the current spiral is still attached, to avoid the occurrence of miscarriage, the pregnancy must be monitored very closely, for example with ultrasound. "Monitoring is to know the developing fetus in the womb. So if there are abnormalities can be anticipated at an early stage."

Occurred in Tuba Channels
Explained Bawono, nearly 15 percent of pregnancies with the IUD was inserted occur in the fallopian tube or the fallopian tubes, so it was not in the uterus. "This situation is usually called a pregnancy outside the womb. Usually when this happens, it becomes very difficult to detect, so that often require surgery." Therefore, the fallopian tubes are too narrow and thin to accommodate the baby growing bigger. As a result, pregnancy outside the womb are often brought in the heavy bleeding and usually occurs in the second and third month after the last menstruation. "I will feel tremendous pain in the lower abdomen and the only action that can be done is through a surgical tube removal." Thus, pregnancy can not be forwarded automatically.

Various causes
According to Bawono, the factors causing the "penetration" is itself quite diverse. Pemasangnya started, people who posted, and contraceptive itself. "To subject or the person who put contraceptives, for example, doctors or officers who installed, one in selecting cases or tools suitable for a mother." Because after all, not all suitable contraceptive used all mothers.
"Doctors or health workers who install or review must be seen again, how the condition of the mother. For example, not all women can be fitted spiral. If he has a lump in the womb, so can often spiral out of himself. If forced into a spiral stay, the agency would be refused, so the remains will be out again by itself. "
When the installation is not right can lead to spiral out of place. For example, the installation of a spiral when the new mother 3-4 weeks after birth, would be likely to spiral out again. When a suitable installation spiral is when the uterus begins to shrink or return to normal, approximately 40 days after birth. If the uterus is still large, will spiral off by itself.
The problem, which often occur in the field, the doctor or the staff did not always have enough time to serve patients more thoroughly. "This could happen because many patients who have or pursue the target installation. Especially common in the hospital or
A busy health center. So the ministry is not the maximum occasionally or installation of contraception become careless, inaccurate, or not choosing a case. "
The second factor is often the case, experience or hours of flying the advertiser is still minimal or less. For example, workers who install new or learning.
While from the patient, often do not obey the control of the control schedules established doctors. "Not only that, but should control the time set, she had to see her doctor if there is a problem with him. For example, if your period suddenly mom a lot, then the mother should immediately see a doctor control. It could be posted contraception be down or not being in place. Therefore, the installation of an IUD or a spiral, due to be installed in the womb, so when menstruation many women, who installed the equipment could fall. It's what is recommended, the mother of an IUD fitted should be diligent to do the control to the doctor. "
The doctors or health workers should also be told, the things what need to know by the mother about contraception installed. "But, again, sometimes barriers between medical staff and patients did not have enough time to consult each other or exchange ideas. Thus, the information received less patient deeply."

In order not "conceded"
To anticipate that pregnancy does not occur or spiral installed to function properly, the following suggestions Bawono.
1. She also had to frequently spiral anticipation control for shifting from place. For the early installation of a spiral spiral examination usually conducted once a month. If you have been judged suitable, the longer can control, depending on your doctor's instructions or officers who installed.

2. So no problems occur, patients should also be selecting the mounting location. Choose the mounting location of the well, where clerks installer and patients have sufficient time to consult.

3. In order to obtain maximum results or expectations, the selection of contraceptive devices that determine the best doctors. "All during this often happens, the patient or the mother alone to decide. In fact, contraception that want to use is not necessarily compatible with him."

4. Elections spiral must also good. "Basically, all marketed spiral proven ability. But there are times when the condition is broken or defective packaging, which may result in these contraceptives work less maximal."

Rodin Daulat G.T. Illustration: Pugoeh / Nakita
Source web Tabloid Nakita Nomor 492 Tahun X


01:09 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

If we overdo pregnant when contraception is still attached, immediately consult a doctor to take further steps.

Although it can be said quite rare or only about 3 percent, an unexpected pregnancy at any time can occur when the mother was using contraception. Thus, means the program or attempt to delay a pregnancy that was undertaken to fall apart. Not only that, the mother who undergo this pregnancy will always be filled with anxiety. Does this contraception cause fetal happens "nothing"?

Generally pregnancy with intrauterine device was inserted occur in spiral instrument or an IUD. "While other contraception, such as condoms, birth control pills, and the implant had occurred resulting risk of unintended pregnancy as well. But the many highlighted the use of a spiral, because many cases occur during pregnancy the mother followed the program with a spiral," said dr. Hasan Bawono SpOG. from Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.

In fact, he said, deliberately contraceptive spiral made of copper, with the aim of sperm into the uterus, its capacity decreases and therefore can not move to an egg. "The ions released by the copper, making sperm into the uterus becomes less capacity to be fertilized."

As far as possible withdrawn

If pregnancy occurs even overdo the spiral is still attached, then the spiral can be withdrawn, especially if the pregnancy in the first 3 months of pregnancy or expected not too large. "By issuing an IUD in early pregnancy, doubling the chances of getting a successful pregnancy." Plucking too easy, doctor quite interesting threads in a spiral. "Because the spiral is not touching the fetus at all. Spirals lies outside the womb, a doctor living interesting thread in a spiral."

The need for spiral embedded in the cervix are removed, because the spiral contains the active ingredient of copper. Ions released copper can interfere with fetal growth, which can result in miscarriage or failure of pregnancy, preterm birth, or rupture due to infection in the uterus. "But if the spiral is not active anymore or old, that no longer functions, then it does not affect the pregnancy."

However, there are also pregnancy when the spiral was inserted not cause a problem at all. "Usually this occurs when the spiral is embedded in the womb of the mother was nearing the end of their working lives." Spiral, said Bawono, has the end of the work. "There's a spiral that 5-year tenure, there is also 8 years old. Now, if the spiral already installed beyond the end of the work, the mother might as well not put a spiral. If anything was pregnant, there is usually no impact."

Well, so do not delay in treatment occurred, Bawono suggested, if the mother was too late or just menstrual blood out little uncharacteristically when using the spiral, immediately consult the medical officer or doctor on the spot. Because, if the pregnancy is more than 3 months, the removal of the spiral must be more careful and should be done by experts.

Rodin Daulat G.T. Illustration: Pugoeh / Nakita
Source web Tabloid Nakita Nomor 492 Tahun X


00:45 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Bila kita kadung hamil padahal kontrasepsi masih terpasang, segera konsultasikan ke dokter untuk diambil langkah-langkah lanjutan.

Walau dapat dikatakan cukup jarang atau hanya sekitar 3 persen, kehamilan yang tak diharapkan sewaktu-waktu dapat terjadi kala ibu sedang memakai kontrasepsi. Dengan demikian, berarti program KB atau usaha untuk menunda kehamilan yang sedang dijalani menjadi berantakan. Bukan itu saja, si ibu yang menjalani kehamilan ini pun akan selalu diliputi kecemasan. Apakah alat kontrasepsi ini mengakibatkan janin terjadi "apa-apa"?

Umumnya kehamilan dengan alat kontrasepsi masih terpasang terjadi pada alat spiral atau IUD. "Walaupun alat kontrasepsi lainnya, seperti kondom, pil KB, dan susuk pun berisiko mengakibatkan terjadi kehamilan yang tak diharapkan pula. Namun yang banyak disorot adalah pemakaian spiral, karena banyak kasus kehamilan terjadi saat ibu mengikuti program KB dengan spiral," ungkap dr. Bawono Hasan SpOG. dari RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Jakarta ini.

Padahal, paparnya, kontrasepsi spiral sengaja dibuat dari tembaga, dengan tujuan agar sperma yang masuk ke rahim, kapasitasnya berkurang sehingga tak dapat bergerak untuk membuahi sel telur. "Ion-ion yang dikeluarkan oleh tembaga, membuat sperma yang masuk ke rahim menjadi kurang kapasitasnya untuk dapat membuahi."


Bila pun kadung terjadi kehamilan saat spiral masih terpasang, maka spiral bisa dicabut, terutama bila usia kehamilan di 3 bulan pertama atau diperkirakan kehamilan belum terlalu besar. "Dengan mengeluarkan IUD pada awal-awal kehamilan, semakin melipatgandakan kemungkinan terjadinya kehamilan yang berhasil." Mencabutnya pun mudah, dokter cukup menarik benang yang ada di spiral. "Karena sebenarnya spiral tak menyentuh janin sama sekali. Spiral terletak di luar kandungan, jadi dokter tinggal menarik benang yang ada di spiral."

Perlunya spiral yang tertanam di mulut rahim tersebut dicabut, karena spiral tersebut mengandung bahan aktif dari tembaga. Ion-ion yang dikeluarkan tembaga itu dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan janin, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan keguguran atau kegagalan kehamilan, kelahiran secara prematur, atau ketuban pecah karena terjadi infeksi di rahim. "Namun kalau spiral tersebut sudah tak aktif lagi atau tua, sehingga tak berfungsi lagi, maka tak mempengaruhi kehamilan."

Walaupun demikian, ada juga kehamilan saat spiral masih terpasang tak menimbulkan masalah sama sekali. "Biasanya hal ini terjadi bila spiral yang tertanam di rahim ibu sudah mendekati akhir masa kerjanya." Spiral, ungkap Bawono, memiliki akhir masa kerja. "Ada spiral yang masa kerjanya 5 tahun, ada juga yang 8 tahun. Nah, kalau spiral yang terpasang sudah melampaui akhir masa kerja, si ibu sama saja dengan tak memasang spiral. Kalau pun ternyata hamil, biasanya tak ada dampaknya."

Nah, agar tak terjadi keterlambatan penanganan, Bawono menyarankan, bila ibu merasa haidnya terlambat atau hanya keluar darah sedikit sekali tak seperti biasanya ketika sedang menggunakan spiral, segera konsultasikan ke petugas kesehatan atau dokter pada saat itu juga. Sebab, jika usia kehamilan lebih dari 3 bulan, pencabutan spiral harus lebih hati-hati dan harus dilakukan oleh ahlinya.

Rodin Daulat G.T. Ilustrasi : Pugoeh/nakita

Jika Spiral Tak Bisa Dicabut

Tak usah cemas, Bu, kehamilan tetap dapat diteruskan, kok. "Seringkali memang dokter menemui kesulitan menarik spiral karena benang spiral tak kelihatan," kata Bawono. Nah, bila spiral aktif masih terpasang, untuk menghindari terjadinya keguguran, maka kehamilan tersebut harus dipantau secara sangat teliti, misal dengan USG. "Pemantauan tersebut untuk mengetahui perkembangan janin di rahim. Sehingga bila ada kelainan dapat segera diantisipasi secara dini."


Terjadi Di Saluran Tuba

Papar Bawono, hampir 15 persen kehamilan dengan IUD masih terpasang terjadi dalam tuba fallopi atau saluran tuba, jadi bukan di rahim. "Keadaan ini biasa disebut kehamilan di luar kandungan. Biasanya bila hal ini terjadi, justru jadi sangat sulit untuk dideteksi, sehingga kerap membutuhkan pembedahan." Sebab, saluran tuba terlalu sempit dan tipis untuk menampung janin yang tumbuh makin besar. Akibatnya, kehamilan di luar kandungan kerap mendatangkan perdarahan berat di dalam dan biasanya terjadi pada bulan kedua dan ketiga setelah haid terakhir. "Ibu akan merasakan nyeri yang luar biasa di perut bagian bawah dan satu-satunya tindakan yang dapat dilakukan adalah pengangkatan tuba melalui pembedahan." Jadi, kehamilan otomatis tak bisa diteruskan.


Aneka Penyebab

Menurut Bawono, faktor penyebab terjadinya "kebobolan" itu sendiri cukup beragam. Mulai pemasangnya, orang yang dipasang, dan alat kontrasepsi itu sendiri. "Untuk subjek atau orang yang memasang alat kontrasepsi, misal, dokter atau petugas yang memasang, salah dalam memilih kasus atau alat yang cocok untuk seorang ibu." Karena bagaimanapun, tak semua alat kontrasepsi cocok dipergunakan semua ibu.

"Dokter atau petugas kesehatan yang memasang harus melihat atau mengkaji lagi, bagaimana kondisi si ibu. Misal, tak semua wanita dapat dipasangi spiral. Bila ia mempunyai benjolan di rahim, maka seringkali spiral bisa lepas sendiri. Bila spiral tetap dipaksakan masuk, badan pun akan menolak, sehingga tetap akan keluar lagi dengan sendirinya."

Waktu pemasangan yang tak tepat juga bisa mengakibatkan spiral lepas dari tempatnya. Misal, pemasangan spiral saat si ibu baru 3-4 minggu usai melahirkan, tentu besar kemungkinan spiral akan lepas kembali. Waktu pemasangan spiral yang cocok adalah saat rahim mulai kembali mengecil atau normal, sekitar 40 hari seusai melahirkan. Kalau rahim masih besar, spiral akan lepas dengan sendirinya.

Masalahnya, yang kerap terjadi di lapangan, dokter atau si petugas tak selamanya memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melayani pasien secara lebih teliti. "Ini bisa terjadi karena banyaknya pasien yang ada atau dikejar target pemasangan. Terutama sekali sering terjadi di RS atau

Puskesmas yang ramai. Sehingga pelayanannya kadang tidak secara maksimal atau pemasangan alat kontrasepsi menjadi sembarangan, kurang teliti, atau tidak memilih kasus."

Faktor kedua yang sering terjadi, pengalaman atau jam terbang para pemasang yang masih minim/kurang. Misal, petugas yang memasang masih baru atau belajar.

Sementara dari sisi pasiennya, sering tidak taat kontrol pada jadwal-jadwal kontrol yang telah ditetapkan dokter. "Bukan itu saja, harusnya selain kontrol pada waktu-waktu yang telah ditetapkan, ibu pun harus memeriksakan diri ke dokter bila terjadi masalah dengan dirinya. Misal, bila tiba-tiba haid ibu banyak, maka si ibu harus segera kontrol ke dokter. Bisa saja alat kontrasepsi yang dipasang jadi turun atau tak berada pada tempatnya. Sebab, pada pemasangan IUD atau spiral, karena dipasang di rahim, maka kalau haid ibu banyak, alat yang dipasang tersebut bisa turun. Untuk itulah disarankan, ibu yang dipasang IUD harus rajin melakukan kontrol ke dokter."

Para dokter atau petugas kesehatan juga harus memberitahu, hal-hal apa saja yang perlu diketahui oleh si ibu seputar alat kontrasepsi yang terpasang. "Namun, lagi-lagi, kendalanya kadang antara petugas medis dan pasien tak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk saling berkonsultasi atau tukar pikiran. Dengan demikian, informasi yang didapat pasien kurang mendalam."


Agar Tak "Kebobolan"

Untuk mengantisipasi agar tak terjadi kehamilan atau spiral yang dipasang dapat berfungsi dengan baik, berikut ini saran Bawono.

1. Ibu juga harus sering melakukan kontrol untuk mengatisipasi spiral bergeser dari tempatnya. Untuk awal-awal pemasangan spiral biasanya pemeriksaan spiral dilakukan sebulan sekali. Bila telah dinilai cocok, masa kontrolnya boleh lebih lama, tergantung petunjuk dokter atau petugas yang memasang.

2. Agar tak terjadi masalah, pasien juga harus memilih-milih tempat pemasangan. Pilihlah tempat pemasangan yang baik, di mana petugas pemasang dan pasien memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk berkonsultasi.

3. Agar hasil yang didapat maksimal atau sesuai harapan, pemilihan alat kontrasepsi sebaiknya dokter yang menentukan. "Yang selama ini sering terjadi, pasien atau ibu sendiri yang menentukan. Padahal, alat kontrasepsi yang ingin digunakan itu belum tentu cocok dengan dirinya."

4. Pemilihan spiral juga harus yang baik. "Pada dasarnya semua spiral yang dipasarkan sudah teruji kemampuannya. Namun ada kalanya kondisi kemasannya rusak atau cacat, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kontrasepsi tersebut bekerja kurang maksimal."


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The Mystery Behind Beneath2

22:24 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Myth Sleep paralysis in Various Countries
- In the African-American culture, this sleep disorder called the devil riding your back a ghost or ghosts who were up someone's shoulder.
- In the culture of China, called shen gui ya aka ghost disorders that suppress the body of a person.
- In Mexican culture, called a subio el muerto me and believed to be the scene of dead spirits attached to someone.
- In the culture of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, called pee umm, referring to the incident where someone sleeping and dreaming spirits holding or holding the body of the person to stay in their nature.
- The culture of Iceland, called mara. This is an ancient language word Island. Means ghost occupying a man's chest at night, trying to make people's shortness of breath and suffocation.
- At Tuki culture, called karabasan, believed to be the creature that attacks people at times sleep, pressing chest and took a breath.
- In Japanese culture, called kanashibari, which translated literally means a person binds so bound by spirits.
- In Vietnamese culture, called ma de, which means controlled by the devil. Many Vietnamese people believe these problems occurred because the spirits entered the body of a person.
- In the culture of Hungary, called lidercnyomas and associated with the supernatural boszorkany (witch). The word itself means pressing boszorkany so this translates into a pressure that is being refined to someone in their sleep.
- The culture of Malta, sleep disturbance is considered as an attack by Haddiela (Hares wife), gods who haunt the nation of Malta by way of possession of that person. And to avoid Haddiela attack, one must put the objects of silver or a knife under her pillow while sleeping.
- In the culture of New Guinea, this phenomenon is called Suk Ninmyo. This is the sacred tree of life of the human spirit. This sacred tree will take the human spirit in the night so as not to disturb people in the daytime. However, often the spirit of this tree was eaten up and there was sleep paralysis.

The Mystery Behind Beneath

22:11 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Ever wake up from sleep, but it is difficult to move or scream? Relax you're not being harassed creature smooth. This scientific explanation!

EVENT I often experienced since high school days, even up to now (although their frequency was greatly reduced). We want to wake up from sleep or had just fallen asleep, I felt like pressed something. This makes it hard up or shout for help.
Then, there was a little cold spread from the foot to the entire body. To get up, the only way is to move the toes, tip of the hand or head at full speed until the whole body can be moved back.
After that, I usually do not dare to sleep. Afraid I lost consciousness or the incident is repeated again. Especially when the incident, I like seeing a shadow in the darkness.
I had my talk about this to my mother. He said I had the weight. D according to the trust of parents, who pinned the spirits. Ih, creepy yes! However, I am trying to find the logic of scientific explanation. This result
Sleep paralysis
According to the medical situation when people would sleep or waking up feeling like a strangled breath, tight chest, hard body moving and difficult shouted alias called sleep paralysis sleep paralysis (because the body can not move and seemed paralyzed). Almost everyone has experienced it. At least once or twice in his life.
Sleep paralysis can happen to anyone, male or female. And the average age of first person having this sleep disorder is 14-17 years. Sleep paralysis is the alias of this overlap may be over in a matter of seconds to minutes. Interestingly, when squeezing occurs we often experience hallucinations, like seeing a black shadow figure or around the bed. Not surprisingly, this phenomenon was often associated with mystical thing.

In the Western world, a phenomenon often referred to the weight of bad dreams or old hag inkubus based on shadow form that appears. There is also a feeling to see a foreign secret agents or aliens. While in some medieval paintings, the figure represented by the weight of evil spirits occupy a woman's breasts until she was frightened and difficult to breathe.

Sleep Deprivation
According to Al Cheyne, researchers from the University of Waterloo, Canada, sleep paralysis, is a kind of hallucination due to a malfunction in the stage of sleep rapid eye movement (REM).

As knowledge, based on brain waves, sleep is divided into 4 stages. Stage it is the lightest stage of sleep (we were still half asleep), sleep stage of a deeper, deepest sleep and REM stages. At this stage the dream happen.

When the condition of the body is too tired or lack of sleep, brain wave sleep stages did not follow that it should be. So, from a conscious state (while going to sleep) to the lightest sleep stage, then immediately jumped into the dream (REM).

When the brain suddenly awakened from REM stage, but the body has not, here is sleep paralysis occurs. We feel very conscious, but the body could not move. Plus the hallucinations appeared another figure which is actually characteristic of the dream.

In addition, sleep paralysis can also be caused by something that can not be controlled. As a result, appeared stressed and carried into the dream. Work environment, too influential. For example, you work in shifts so that the lack of sleep or having sleep patterns are irregular.

Do not underestimate
Although common, this sleep disorder should be wary of. The reason is, sleep paralysis can also be a sign Narcolepsy (sudden sleep attacks without warning drowsy), sleep apnea (snoring), anxiety, or depression.

If you are experiencing this sleep disorder, you should make a note of the pattern of sleep for several weeks. This will help you find out the cause. Then, overcome by avoiding triggers. When the weight caused too tired, try to rest more.

Lack of sleep should not be underestimated. If you have cause sleep paralysis, the condition is already severe. Immediately cukupi self-evaluation and the need to sleep. Try to sleep 8-10 hours at the same hour every night.

Keep in mind also, generally seep paralysis occurs in people who sleep in the supine position (face up, and almost in a state of sleep or waking from sleep almost). That is why, we need to frequently change position to sleep to reduce the risk of this sleep disorder.
Well, if the overlap with other symptoms, it's good to see a doctor immediately or sleep specialist sleep laboratory to be examined further. Usually the doctor will ask when the weight started and been going on for how long. Note that you have created earlier will be helpful when went to the doctor.

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