Special Massage for Mother Candidate

15:22 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
TEMPO Interactive, perfumery herbs, traditional music, ethnic style interior, and lighting the room a warm greeting when Nuri Toba foot in Mom n Jo, a provider of spa services for pregnant women in Dharmawangsa Square, South Jakarta. Nuri, who was pregnant 20 weeks, for a first try spa services for these pregnant women.

At first this worried housewives go to a spa while pregnant. The reason, "I am afraid that the usual massage effect to the womb," said the expectant mother for the first child of this. Though Nuri practically addicted to massage. Each time the body was not fresh, Nuri always pamper yourself to a spa for massage or facial.

So knowing there are spa services pregnant women, Nuri enthusiastically try. "I am easily tired and sore often during pregnancy," said the woman was 28 years.

In the relaxation room, Nuri sit and enjoy a cup of warm ginger foot massage while feeling. He then went into a massage room. Spa therapist asked him to lay down the right side, then gently massage therapist from the back, waist, to the foot of Nuri. He then lying to the left, and massage therapist with the same step.

Nuri then lying on his back. The entire front body massage, including face and head. Meanwhile, for his stomach began to bulge, the therapist simply wipe it without pressure. Unlike the usual spa, pregnancy massage position and supine lateral only.

Spa pregnant now becoming popular in big cities. Pregnant women who feel the physical complaints, such as back pain, cramps, nausea, and even her feet were swollen, can feel a special massage to reduce complaints in the future mother of this particular spa. Especially now that more and more pregnant women who work, auto physical complaints during pregnancy will increase.

Nurmaya Febriyani, 35 years, for example, even have tried the spa since the first pregnancy at two years ago. Nurmaya often feel tired coming home from work. Moreover, until the second trimester she is still actively driving his own car. "If the body is aching, leg cramps, I had a spa pregnant," said Nurmaya, now select the service spa in the B-Spa in Menteng.

Create Nurmaya, spa pregnant quite effective in eliminating physical complaints during pregnancy. "For me, this is very helpful," said Nurmaya, who was carrying her second child. Just like the first pregnancy, Nurmaya not reduce its activity in work and routine follow pregnant spa over the weekend.

According to Mary Jane Minchin, MD, Professor Obsgin at Yale University School of Medicine, United States, the spa was pregnant effective in reducing back pain, blood circulation, correct body position pregnant women, reduce swelling and cramps in the legs, as well as reduce stress.

Noteworthy is to avoid the sauna or spa treatments that increase the body temperature of pregnant women. "The temperature of the heat may harm the fetus," Minchin wrote in his book, A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health.
In addition, oils and lotions used in massage should use chemical-free ingredients. "Massage oil contains chemicals that can enter the bloodstream and dangerous to the fetus," said Minchin.

Endah Wulansari, Manager Mom n Jo, says his spa services using grape seed oil based that, "It contains chemicals and safe for pregnant women with sensitive skin." With the price range USD 90-500 thousand, the number of subscribers has now reached a Mom n Jo 600-1000 people each month.

In addition to pregnant spa, Mom n Jo provide spa services to normal postpartum or cesarean and spa baby. For those customers who did not bother to go to a spa, Mom n Jo also provides services on call service. "All of our therapists learn the techniques of expert massage spa pregnant woman who was imported from Singapore," said Wulansari.

Meanwhile, B-Spa, which is under the auspices of the International Mother Clinic, began providing a spa for pregnant women since two years ago. There, the tariff is USD 250-300 thousand during the 200 minutes. In addition, this service provides gymnastic and yoga classes three times a week pregnant.

According Asti Kurniawati, Manager B-Spa, B-Spa therapists have been trained by a specialist obstetrics and gynecology Mother Hospital. "They knew where the body parts from pregnant women should and should not be massaged," she said. Spa pregnant best done after reaching the age of three months of pregnancy.


1. Avoid the spa treatments that can improve the mother's body temperature, such as sauna, steam, hot tubs, or body wraps.
2. Some aromatherapy, essential oils, and lotions dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses. Consult with a therapist where the product is safe to use. In general, Lemon and Rosewood tends to be safely used.
3. Use a pillow under your head while enjoying facials and a few pillows buffer when massaged.
4. Do not color your hair during pregnancy. Chemicals from hair dye could enter the maternal and fetal blood circulation through the scalp.
5. Avoid coloring when manicure and pedicure nail. Nail coloring contain chemicals.
6. Waxing can be very painful and increases blood pressure if done when pregnant.

AMANDRA MM | Source: Marjorie Greenfield, MD in his book The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book

sources web tempointeraktif.com/hg/kesehatan/2009/12/03/brk 0.20091203 to 211,590, id.html

Pijat Istimewa buat Calon Ibu

14:53 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

TEMPO Interaktif, Wewangian rempah, alunan musik tradisional, corak interior etnik, dan pencahayaan ruangan yang hangat menyapa Nuri Toba saat menginjakkan kakinya di Mom n Jo, penyedia layanan spa untuk ibu hamil di Dharmawangsa Square, Jakarta Selatan. Nuri, yang tengah hamil 20 minggu, untuk pertama kalinya mencoba layanan spa buat ibu hamil ini.

Mulanya ibu rumah tangga ini khawatir pergi ke spa selama hamil. Alasannya, "Saya takut kalau pijat seperti biasa berpengaruh ke kandungan," kata calon ibu untuk anak pertama ini. Padahal Nuri bisa dibilang kecanduan pijat. Tiap kali badan tak segar, Nuri selalu memanjakan diri ke spa untuk massage atau facial.

Begitu mengetahui ada layanan spa ibu hamil, Nuri dengan antusias mencobanya. "Saya mudah capek dan sering pegal-pegal selama hamil," kata perempuan 28 tahun ini.

Di ruangan relaksasi, Nuri duduk dan menikmati secangkir jahe hangat sambil merasakan pijat kaki. Dia lalu masuk ke ruang pijat. Terapis spa memintanya untuk merebahkan diri ke samping kanan, lalu perlahan terapis memijat dari punggung, pinggang, hingga kaki Nuri. Ia kemudian berbaring ke kiri, dan terapis melakukan pijat dengan langkah yang sama.

Nuri lantas berbaring telentang. Seluruh tubuh bagian depannya dipijat, termasuk wajah dan kepalanya. Sementara untuk perutnya yang mulai membuncit, terapis hanya mengusapnya tanpa tekanan. Berbeda dengan spa biasa, posisi pijat ibu hamil hanya menyamping dan telentang.

Spa hamil kini mulai populer di kota-kota besar. Wanita hamil yang merasakan keluhan fisik, seperti sakit punggung, kram, mual, dan bahkan kakinya bengkak, dapat merasakan pijat istimewa untuk mengurangi keluhan itu di spa khusus calon ibu ini. Apalagi kini semakin banyak wanita hamil yang bekerja, otomatis keluhan fisik selama kehamilan akan bertambah.

Nurmaya Febriyani, 35 tahun, misalnya, bahkan sudah pernah mencoba spa itu sejak kehamilan pertamanya pada dua tahun lalu. Nurmaya sering merasa letih sepulang dari kantor. Apalagi hingga trimester kedua dia masih aktif menyetir mobilnya sendiri. "Kalau badan sudah pegal, kaki kram, saya ikut spa hamil," kata Nurmaya, yang kini memilih pelayanan spa di B-Spa di Menteng.

Buat Nurmaya, spa hamil cukup efektif menghilangkan keluhan fisik selama kehamilan. "Buat saya, ini sangat membantu," kata Nurmaya, yang tengah mengandung anak keduanya. Sama seperti kehamilan pertamanya, Nurmaya tak mengurangi aktivitasnya dalam bekerja dan rutin mengikuti spa hamil selama akhir pekan.

Menurut Mary Jane Minchin, MD, Professor Obsgin di Yale University School of Medicine, Amerika Serikat, spa hamil efektif mengurangi sakit punggung, melancarkan peredaran darah, membetulkan posisi tubuh ibu hamil, mengurangi bengkak dan kram pada kaki, serta mengurangi stres.

Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah menghindari sauna atau jenis perawatan spa yang meningkatkan temperatur tubuh ibu hamil. "Suhu panas dapat membahayakan janin," Minchin menuliskan dalam bukunya, A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health.
Selain itu, minyak dan lotion yang digunakan dalam massage harus menggunakan bahan bebas kimia. "Minyak pijat yang mengandung bahan kimia dapat masuk ke aliran darah dan berbahaya bagi janin," kata Minchin.

Endah Wulansari, Manajer Mom n Jo, mengatakan layanan spa miliknya menggunakan minyak berbahan dasar biji anggur yang, "Tak mengandung bahan kimia dan aman bagi ibu hamil dengan kulit sensitif." Dengan kisaran harga Rp 90-500 ribu, jumlah pelanggan Mom n Jo kini mencapai 600-1.000 orang setiap bulan.

Selain spa hamil, Mom n Jo menyediakan layanan spa pasca-melahirkan normal ataupun caesar dan spa bayi. Bagi pelanggan yang tak mau repot pergi ke spa, Mom n Jo menyediakan pula jasa on call service. "Semua terapis kami mempelajari teknik pijat wanita hamil dari ahli spa yang didatangkan dari Singapura," kata Wulansari.

Sementara itu, B-Spa, yang berada di bawah naungan Bunda International Clinic, mulai menyediakan spa untuk wanita hamil sejak dua tahun lalu. Di sana, tarifnya Rp 250-300 ribu selama 200 menit. Selain itu, layanan ini menyediakan kelas senam dan yoga hamil tiga kali dalam sepekan.

Menurut Asti Kurniawati, Manager B-Spa, terapis B-Spa telah dilatih oleh dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi Rumah Sakit Bunda. "Mereka tahu bagian-bagian tubuh mana dari ibu hamil yang boleh dan tidak boleh dipijat," katanya. Spa hamil baik dilakukan setelah kehamilan mencapai usia tiga bulan.


1. Hindari perawatan spa yang dapat meningkatkan suhu tubuh ibu, seperti sauna, steam, hot tubs, ataupun body wraps.
2. Beberapa aroma terapi, minyak essential, dan lotion berbahaya bagi ibu hamil serta janin. Konsultasikan dengan terapis mana produk yang aman digunakan. Secara umum, Lemon dan Rosewood cenderung aman digunakan.
3. Gunakan bantal di bawah kepala ketika menikmati facial dan beberapa bantal penyangga ketika dipijat.
4. Jangan mewarnai rambut saat kehamilan. Bahan kimia dari pewarna rambut bisa masuk ke sirkulasi darah ibu dan janin melalui kulit kepala.
5. Hindari mewarnai kuku ketika manicure dan pedicure. Pewarna kuku mengandung bahan kimia.
6. Waxing bisa sangat menyakitkan dan meningkatkan tekanan darah bila dilakukan ketika hamil.

AMANDRA MM | Sumber : Marjorie Greenfield, M.D dalam bukunya The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book

sumber web tempointeraktif.com/hg/kesehatan/2009/12/03/brk,20091203-211590,id.html

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Make up carefully while Pregnancy

23:56 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Stay beautiful during pregnancy, why not? You can still dress up to beautify themselves, but do in a safe and careful.

* Choose a safe cosmetics. To the extent possible that does not contain chemicals harmful to the developing fetus grows you. For example, multimerkuri, lead, or aluminum, which is widely used for cosmetic basic materials. Because, when cosmetics are used, either in face or in the form of hair dye, chemical compounds can be absorbed through the pores and then into the bloodstream, reaching the fetus.
* Be aware of allergies. Pregnancy sometimes makes kulitberubah conditions. Cosmetics which during your regular use, not necessarily the matches you wear when pregnant. They could, suddenly appeared an allergic reaction.
* Pause Hair care. For example, straightening or perming hair. Raw materials used for both processes is quite hard and not good for fetal growth.
* Forget the whitening cream. The skin will darken due to pregnancy hormones, so it's useless to use it.

source: website ayahbunda.co.id/Artikel/Kehamilan/Tips/cermat.berdandan.saat.hamil/001/005/366/2


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Cermat Berdandan Saat Hamil

23:33 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Tetap tampil cantik saat hamil, kenapa tidak? Anda masih bisa berdandan untuk mempercantik diri, namun lakukan dengan cara yang aman dan cermat.
  • Pilih kosmetik aman. Sedapat mungkin yang tidak mengandung senyawa kimia berbahaya bagi tumbuh-kembang janin Anda. Contohnya, multimerkuri, timah hitam, atau aluminium, yang banyak digunakan untuk bahan dasar kosmetik. Sebab, ketika kosmetika digunakan, baik di wajah maupun dalam bentuk cat rambut, senyawa-senyawa kimia tersebut dapat terserap melalui pori-pori lalu ke aliran darah, hingga mencapai janin.
  • Waspada alergi. Kehamilan adakalanya membuat kondisi kulitberubah. Kosmetika yang selama ini biasa Anda pakai, belum tentu cocok Anda pakai saat hamil. Bisa saja, tiba-tiba muncul reaksi alergi.
  • Tunda perawatan rambut. Misalnya, meluruskan atau mengeriting rambut. Bahan dasar yang digunakan untuk kedua proses ini cukup keras dan kurang baik bagi pertumbuhan janin.
  • Lupakan krim pemutih. Kulit akan menggelap karena hormone kehamilan, jadi percuma saja menggunakannya.
source :website ayahbunda.co.id/Artikel/Kehamilan/Tips/cermat.berdandan.saat.hamil/001/005/366/2


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Cosmetics Safely During Pregnancy

22:58 Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This
Despite being pregnant and no longer a curvy silhouette, pregnant women are encouraged to maintain their appearance, to make it look interesting and fresh.

Dress up or bermake-ups are one way that is recommended. However, given that most cosmetics on the market are made from chemicals, pregnant women are obliged to be careful. Because the chemicals contained in cosmetics can be a trigger problems fetal growth process.

Many health experts believe that babies who suffer from allergies, skin cancer, autism, and cerebral palsy is caused by exposure to chemicals that one of them sourced from cosmetics, such as lead, aluminum, metilmerkuri, and alcohol. Although this belief was based on allegations and has not come to the conclusion. But what if the mother aware of the use of cosmetics during pregnancy. It is important to understand, although the cosmetics are only used on the outside of the body, but more or less there will be absorbed into the body.

How is the process of chemical interference occurs?

When mothers use cosmetics, chemicals contained in them and then absorbed into the skin through the pores until it reaches the bloodstream. Maternal blood has been contaminated with chemicals that eventually reached the fetus because the blood that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The most common disorders is a disorder of nerve cells growing fetus. Nerve cells is the most sensitive and most easily disrupted by exposure to chemicals.

What happens when the fetus is exposed to these chemicals cosmetics?

1. Disrupted nerve cell growth, resulting in congenital defects, such as fingers attached, conjoined twins, cleft lip, and others.
2. When cells are exposed to the lungs, it could eventually lungs do not grow the perfect child.
3. When exposed to the skin cells that will form, just maybe the child will suffer from allergies.

The following types of cosmetics that need to be observed

Besides not excessive when using it, pregnant women should also carefully choose which cosmetics for pregnant women.

1. Lipstick. Origin dyes contained in the lipstick is not ingested it will not be harmful to the fetus. Even though he chose a lipstick-based chemicals that are safe, pregnant women should still avoid the habit of licking his lips, so coating is smeared lipstick on the lips does not come swallowed.
2. Bleach cream. Characteristic of mercury-containing bleaching cream is a process that works very quickly. Three days are used, the results are already visible. Without mercury, bleaching creams are generally only seen the results after use for weeks.
3. Cat Hair. Long-lasting hair dye usually contains hazardous substances. If you want to color your hair, you should use hair dye is made from herbs and natural fruits.
4. Acne drug. Pregnant women who will treat infections of the skin, like acne that causes redness of the skin, requiring the supervision of an expert obstetrician or cosmetics. Typically, pregnant women are asked to postpone treatment until its content reaches 4 months of age, if enforced feared to interfere with early fetal growth.

web sources conectique.com / tips_solution / pregnancy / during_pregnancy / article.php? article_id = 4616 & _page = 0

Kosmetik Aman Selama Hamil

22:19 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This

Meski sedang hamil dan siluet tubuh tidak lagi curvy, ibu hamil dianjurkan untuk tetap menjaga penampilan, agar terlihat menarik dan segar.

Berdandan atau bermake-up adalah satu cara yang dianjurkan. Namun, mengingat sebagian besar kosmetika di pasaran terbuat dari bahan kimia, ibu hamil wajib untuk berhati-hati. Sebab bahan kimia yang terkandung di dalam kosmetika bisa menjadi memicu masalah proses pertumbuhan janin.

Banyak ahli kesehatan meyakini bahwa bayi yang menderita alergi, kanker kulit, autisme, dan cerebral palsy antara lain disebabkan oleh paparan zat-zat kimia yang salah satunya bersumber dari kosmetika, seperti timah hitam, alumunium, metilmerkuri, dan alkohol. Meski keyakinan ini masih berdasarkan dugaan dan belum sampai pada kesimpulan. Namun apa salahnya jika ibu mewaspadai penggunaan kosmetika selama hamil. Penting untuk dipahami, meski kosmetika tersebut hanya digunakan di bagian luar tubuh, tapi sedikit banyak akan ada yang diserap ke dalam tubuh.

Bagimana proses gangguan zat kimia tersebut terjadi?

Saat ibu menggunakan kosmetik, bahan kimia yang terkandung di dalamnya kemudian terserap ke dalam kulit melalui pori-pori hingga mencapai aliran darah. Darah ibu yang sudah tercemar bahan kimia akhirnya sampai ke janin karena darah itulah yang menyuplai oksigen dan nutrisi pada janin. Gangguan yang paling sering terjadi adalah gangguan pertumbuhan sel-sel saraf janin. Sel saraf merupakan bagian yang paling sensitif dan paling mudah terganggu oleh paparan zat kimia.

Apa yang terjadi saat janin terpapar oleh zat kimia kosmetik tersebut?

  1. Pertumbuhan sel saraf terganggu, mengakibatkan cacat bawaan, seperti jari dempet, kembar siam, bibir sumbing, dan lain-lain.

  2. Bila yang terpapar adalah sel untuk paru-paru, bisa saja nantinya paru-paru anak tidak tumbuh sempurna.

  3. Bila yang terpapar adalah sel yang akan membentuk kulit, mungkin saja nantinya anak menderita alergi.

Berikut jenis kosmetik yang perlu dicermati

Selain tidak berlebihan saat menggunakannya, ibu hamil juga harus cermat memilih kosmetika yang mana untuk ibu hamil.

  1. Lipstik. Asal zat pewarna yang terkandung di dalam lipstik tidak tertelan maka tidak akan berbahaya bagi janin. Meskipun sudah memilih lipstik yang berbahan dasar kimia yang aman, ibu hamil harus tetap menghindari kebiasaan menjilati bibir, agar lapisan lipstik yang dioleskan di bibir tidak ikut tertelan.

  2. Krem pemutih. Ciri krem pemutih yang mengandung merkuri adalah proses kerjanya yang sangat cepat. Tiga hari dipakai, hasilnya sudah terlihat. Tanpa merkuri, umumnya krem pemutih baru terlihat hasilnya setelah digunakan berminggu-minggu.

  3. Cat rambut. Cat rambut yang awet biasanya mengandung zat berbahaya. Jika ingin mewarnai rambut, sebaiknya gunakan cat rambut yang berbahan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan buah-buahan alami.

  4. Obat jerawat. Ibu hamil yang akan mengobati infeksi pada kulit wajah, seperti jerawat yang menimbulkan kemerahan pada kulit, memerlukan pengawasan dari dokter kandungan ataupun ahli kosmetik. Biasanya, ibu hamil diminta untuk menunda pengobatan sampai usia kandungannya mencapai 4 bulan, kalau dipaksakan dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu pertumbuhan awal janin.

sumber web conectique.com/tips_solution/pregnancy/during_pregnancy/article.php?article_id=4616&_page=0

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Good Fasting, Open With Sweet and Avoid Sour &Spicy

22:04 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This
* The sugar is easily absorbed, the energy generated also has a relatively short time. At night, it helps children to eat again before bed or in moments of leisure at night.

* For a meal, food perbanyaklah of proteins and fats such as meat, rice, eggs, fish, and others. The greater the fat and protein consumed during dawn, automatic energy reserves owned by the liver is also greater fruit. Also must be remembered though, little can not eat until satiation, because its impact was less good. Full stomach and the stomach feels uncomfortable.

* Nature of fat and protein energy burning process longer than sugar, making hunger that emerged also a longer time.

* Type of food supplements such as vitamins or milk also still need to be given. Especially when fasting, the child would require a greater energy than during ordinary days. Only, be careful in choosing vitamins. Do not let us give vitamin supplement appetite, because even makes it so fast hungry.

* Do not give food or drink that stimulates during Ramadan, because it would interfere with work such as gastric acid foods, bersantan, or spicy.

* Expand fiber consumption also because it will help launch a bowel movement (BAB). CHAPTER bucket, usually so lazy child into the bathroom and this is dangerous because more and accumulate dirt in the stomach.

Proper feeding patterns will certainly help the baby quickly to fast without feeling hungry. So for him, fasting is an exciting worship.

Educating fasting EMOTION

WITH fasting, added Eva, the child learns discipline. "Are not we should not be indiscriminate eating and drinking until it was time breaking fast?"

Through explanation of the parents, she adds, children can also be taught self-control. "Temperament boy, is it, sometimes is difficult to control. Now, through fasting, children are trained to be able to contain her emotions and can not easily mengumbar his tantrums."

However, because fasting is not mandatory for children under five, Eva suggested that parents could not relate it to reward and sin. "Children do not understand the things that are abstract, like what is a sin, reward, heaven and others. We recommend the introduction of fasting should not be seen from the side, but rather to develop the moral ethics. Parents can give examples and explain reality outside the environment of other children, that there is a shortage of people and can not get to eat. Now, children are invited to empathize with the suffering people. "
In addition, the fasting month is also the month for many sharing / charity. "Well, during the month of fasting, the child may be invited to charity to the poor.

source web tabloid-nakita.com/artikel.php3?edisi=06290&rubrik=sehat

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